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I try, but with work and school and everything else going on it is really hard to find the time. More often than not I just put the game back on my shelf when I am done.

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I have too much going on to be going through the game again and again and again, with a strategy guide, getting every little thing. This dates back to games like Donkey Kong Country; instead of saying "wow, I need to get the real ending!", I'm saying "fuck you! I beat King K. Rool, and I want the ending now! I don't want to go back for fucking coins!"

The first DK Country was pretty illogical for coin locations but the second one actually made some sense and had some subtle clues to some of the more obscure ones.

Since me completing a game is such an incredibly rare occurance I usually don't the chance to go for 100% unless I really love the game and have not had my fill once the credits roll.

Also save losses, its annoying if it happens during the game (screw you game I nearly beat you) but if it happens on the quest to 100%...oh boy :(

Edited by Starwolf_UK
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it depends, on some games, i don't ever really bother to or feel like it, some games i've actually done all the way through.

In donkey kong 64 i actually ended up getting 101%, oh yay special ending just cause i got everything. XD

I actually beat that without 100% before and came back later and finished it. (i was never able to find chunky kong's 5th golden banana in world 4 for whatever reason before that...)

A lot of my first video games i got i did all the way to 100%, but once i started getting more i didn't tend to always do that.

Edited by SmartRutter7
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Oftentimes, I'll think "I'm definitely going to go for maximum completion". That thought usually ends up turning into "I don't feel like it, but it'll give me something to do later", which turns into "Forget it. It isn't worth the effort".

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Oftentimes, I'll think "I'm definitely going to go for maximum completion". That thought usually ends up turning into "I don't feel like it, but it'll give me something to do later", which turns into "Forget it. It isn't worth the effort".

I did that with the Lego Star Wars series.

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the only games i ever bother doing this is with the Super Mario ones as in the main ones, not the spin-off games

otherwise, i just play them without considering.

but maybe i'll do a 100% Baten Kaitos Origins playthrough.

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In donkey kong 64 i actually ended up getting 101%, oh yay special ending just cause i got everything. XD

I actually beat that without 100% before and came back later and finished it. (i was never able to find chunky kong's 5th golden banana in world 4 for whatever reason before that...)

Oh yes that game. I had collected every banana, every coin, every fairy*, had 199 Golden bananas** and yeah...no ending! Why? Becuase the sadists down at rareware thought it would be real cool to get players to one credit challenge the original arcade version of Donkey Kong with it taking about a minute to start each time (pull the lever, watch the cutscene, start game, watch arcade opening, control is yours) and usually dying on 75m just made me said "screw you rareware and your silly collect-a-thons I blew 48 hours on". Had they given us 2 or 3 credits (which they do once you've unlocked in the main menu), I might have been more interested in doing it but when half of your time is watching startup cutscenes wihch are unskipable...

*-Yes you can snap the final two behind the door by taking pictures through the glass...

**-I was missing. Beat DK Arcade plythrough #1 with 1 credit (the Nintendo coin required to open the room which triggers the final boss appearance being playthrough #2 which has different timings), Some beetle race with Lanky in the Ice area...

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Oh yeah... I had 105% on Crash Bash for the PS1. (That Crash Bandicoot game with all the different games on, it was pretty damn awesome.)

Edited by Raven
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I have a problem with finishing games anyway, so I haven't had 100% on many of them. I like to play a lot of games at the same time, as in today this tomorrow that etc, so I take a long time finishing any game. It also depends on my mood and I enjoy them more this way (I recently completed a game that took me ...three years hahaha)

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Depending on the game in question, I might try to get as close to perfect as possible. For instance, in any of the Legend of Zelda games, I'll generally try to get 100% completion, unless I just can't be troubled to hunt anywhere and everywhere for the one hidden thing that I'm missing (etc.).

In most "retro" games with optional things, I'll try to get all of the optional stuff if I have it in my head before I start playing. If I'm just running through a game to run through it (see: games along the lines of Sonic 2), then I don't pay attention to optional stuff, etc. On newer games, I generally don't care as much, just because the developers hide too many things in too many places, and I just don't have time to hunt everything down.

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Oh yes that game. I had collected every banana, every coin, every fairy*, had 199 Golden bananas** and yeah...no ending! Why? Becuase the sadists down at rareware thought it would be real cool to get players to one credit challenge the original arcade version of Donkey Kong with it taking about a minute to start each time (pull the lever, watch the cutscene, start game, watch arcade opening, control is yours) and usually dying on 75m just made me said "screw you rareware and your silly collect-a-thons I blew 48 hours on". Had they given us 2 or 3 credits (which they do once you've unlocked in the main menu), I might have been more interested in doing it but when half of your time is watching startup cutscenes wihch are unskipable...

*-Yes you can snap the final two behind the door by taking pictures through the glass...

**-I was missing. Beat DK Arcade plythrough #1 with 1 credit (the Nintendo coin required to open the room which triggers the final boss appearance being playthrough #2 which has different timings), Some beetle race with Lanky in the Ice area...

Oh yeah, that stupid beetle. I swear it was laughing at me every time i lost against him. >.< I played that over and over until i finally beat him. HAHA TAKE THAT YOU LITTLE BUGGER!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ehh.. Depends on the game. Like say I'm going through a Mario Kart game I'll try to get the highest grade possible. Or an old Sonic game I'll only focus on beating it.

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