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I wonder what exactly happened in the 5 year time skip? The lord trio went from teenagers to being in their 30s in a relativity short time feels more like 10 years or so. I bet Edelgard is stuffing her bra to give the impression that she's older. 

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Just now, Jingle Jangle said:

I wonder what exactly happened in the 5 year time skip? The lord trio went from teenagers to being in their 30s in a relativity short time feels more like 10 years or so. I bet Edelgard is stuffing her bra to give the impression that she's older. 

Edelgard's and Claude's predecessors must have passed on for them to succeed their respective positions. I wonder when Dimitri actually loses his eye, considering it looks like the scene with him and Edel dancing is from the end of the school arc, and his eyes are both intact; so maybe it's during the timeskip, but what conflicts would he have participated in since then? Whatever happened must've sent him into a downward spiral.

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2 hours ago, B.Leu said:

Huh ? I read the french trailer after you mentioned that (shame on you, I actually hoped that we'd have french voices 😛), and the subtitles said it was ''L'astre maléfique"... I mean, an astre can be a star, but it can actually refer to any other celestial body.
I mean yeah, the direct google translation say that astre is star but... you know ?

Huh, imagine if it's actually an entire planet or the freaking moon of the setting ! 😛

Sorry, didn't want to get your hopes up. 😜

Yeah...from my nowadays limited knowledge of French, I thought it could mean other celestial bodies too. But in combination with the German "Stern" I just took the star translation.

Well, I guess we will know sooner or later. If this star is an asteroid that is coming to earth it might be stone-like at the end. Case closed - but still open until we solve it.

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37 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

I wonder what exactly happened in the 5 year time skip? The lord trio went from teenagers to being in their 30s in a relativity short time feels more like 10 years or so. I bet Edelgard is stuffing her bra to give the impression that she's older. 

They're actually in their early 20s not 30s.

Edited by Dorothea Joestar Arnold
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29 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

I wonder what exactly happened in the 5 year time skip? The lord trio went from teenagers to being in their 30s in a relativity short time feels more like 10 years or so. I bet Edelgard is stuffing her bra to give the impression that she's older. 

I mean they're probably what, 17-18 during the academy days? The skip is exactly the shift from teen to young adults (definitely still "in time" for breasts to grow). Also consider that they go from school uniform to fancy regal dresses and hairdo, that might make it look like they're older, though I'd say maximum 25, surely not 30.

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I really liked Claude's little "shounen protag" speech towards the end of the trailer and I think Justin Briner, midoriya's eng va, might actually voice him? It reminds me of him at least

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