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Alastor plays and ranks the whole series! Mission Complete! ...For now.


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16 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Unfortunately this translation patch, while being the most recommended, glitches the fuck out on the intro cinematic, so I’m gonna have to skip that and just go straight into book 1.

Book 2 explains all the information in the intro, so no worries on that.

16 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

a small kingdom that doesn’t even have knights. What does that mean? They’re independent, aren’t they? Are pirates not a thing that happens to this place? As indeed it does in the first damned chapter? They’re not under the protection of any bigger kingdom, right?

They're considered backwater or more less, a much younger kingdom in the history of the Archanean continent. Given Ogma and his axe trio is stated to be hired by King Talys in the next chapter, I'd guess it could rely on mercenaries more than having a standing army. But why Ogma isn't there in C1, no explanation.

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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Book 2 explains all the information in the intro, so no worries on that.

They're considered backwater or more less, a much younger kingdom in the history of the Archanean continent. Given Ogma and his axe trio is stated to be hired by King Talys in the next chapter, I'd guess it could rely on mercenaries more than having a standing army. But why Ogma isn't there in C1, no explanation.

My most charitable guess is that he's why the king wasn't captured or killed, just the front entrance. Ogma and the axe bros may have been keeping the pirates from fully invading.


Mystery of the Emblem Day 2: Book 1, Chapter 2

Ooh, we get the preparation screen right away! It doesn’t really matter too much since I can bring everyone and still can’t position them, but on the bright side, this means I can trade items around between battles! Scooore! And what’s more, it looks like storage houses aren’t a thing! That might mean I can’t withdraw items mid-battle, but it looks like I can do it before battle! No more ridiculous hoarding nonsense and having to bring useless units for the sole purpose of accessing their inventory!

Still got a long way to go before usability is up to the minimum standards I expect, but after playing through the original, I can really, REALLY appreciate the improvement.

Also, Caeda’s base weapon level is STILL good enough to use Jeigan’s silver lance, so YOINK!

Oh shit! The game tells you what evasion bonuses you get from terrain now! I didn’t notice that last time!

…Still doesn’t tell you where on the map you’ll be spawning though. In fact, I also can’t see…

…Okay, either the pre-battle map scene is a lying whore, or not only is Darros gone, but so is the entire pirate crew he was in. Let’s check before I start shit-talking the game for how dumb a decision that would be…

…Turns out it’s option A!


I start the map, and THEN the game spawns those enemies! Granted, that was the better outcome. Not like there was much I could have done to prepare for them on the map screen when I can’t even position units (at least not until I have to start choosing who to bring). And it would have been way worse to have absolutely no enemies near my starting location AT ALL, making it just a massive pile of nothing to do while I wait for the cavalry to attack.

Ah, but still, fuck you game, there’s literally no reason whatsoever to deny the player that kind of crucial information. If any modern game did that it would be completely unacceptable.

Ogma’s pretty great. Not quite as strong as the cavalry, but a lot faster. But then, that’s barely relevant now, because as long as you have more than 0 AS, you can double almost anything the game throws at you currently. Speaking of which…

Now that Cain procced speed and Abel has a new iron lance, both have an AS of one on horseback and can actually double without dismounting! Awesome, I’ll be making good use of that.

And it looks like Barst is still objectively better than Bord and Cord, so I’ll just be using him. Pity he can’t promote, but hopefully his awesome growth rates will let him keep up longer than he did with my luck with him last time.

…Turns out having one more AS than the opponent isn’t enough to double in this game! Funny that. I assumed it was Thracia that invented the more modern system. Looks like you need THREE more in this game! Good to know. It’ll take a few more levels before Cain or Abel can double on horseback.

Incidentally, investing in Javelins might not have been wise. I just checked their stats. They have a weight of TWENTY. Meaning that unless the stat caps have increased, it’s physically impossible to double with one. Interesting design choice that probably helps keep weapon users from being broken, but still… kind of extreme.

I am getting an alarmingly high number of critical hits. Probably because crit isn’t half your skill minus luck, it’s your skill.

Except I’m lying, this game ACTUALLY HAS A FUCKING CRIT EVADE STAT THANK YOU GOD! The only reason my units are getting so many crits is because the enemy still doesn’t have any luck stat. In fact it’s completely dashed out on their stat screen, along with weapon level.

This makes me happier than you can possibly imagine. This means I won’t constantly have to play in fear of randomly taking triple damage, because there are means to minimize this danger. I don’t mind critical hits as long as there are realistic ways to neutralize them or deal with enemies with high scores in it. But that continuous lingering fear in the first two games was UNBEARABLE. Luckily in Gaiden it stopped happening much so I managed to forget about it, but make no mistake, the fact that it was still there was a major letdown in that game. Finally those days are over.

Due to the “no negative AS” rule, Barst can no longer double cavaliers at base, which is disappointing. But he can still take them with his decent HP and defense, so I’ll have him fight them to earn some exp. He’s only one AS away and his speed growth is 50% after all. I may get lucky.

Abel seems to be faring better this time, which is cool. He got strength and speed at level 3, which he didn’t at level 2, so his average is certainly better right now than it was in FE1. Hopefully I’ll have multiple good paladins by the end of the game and not just one!

So, I recruit Castor and hear this game’s version of “Together We Ride!”. It’s not mind-blowing, but 1: it’s better than some other songs in the game I’ve heard, and 2: it’s obviously the version that wound up inspiring the Melee remix, so basically it’s immune to any criticism at all now and forever.

I’ll use Castor for now, in case he’s actually usable. At least right now the game has made be pretty much need to use everyone for proper player phase tactics. Pity he hasn’t reached doubling thresholds yet.

Making AS not go into the negatives is a really weird choice. It basically means that doubling thresholds are going to be way, way harder to reach at the beginning of the game than they’re going to be for the rest of it, as enemy AS isn’t going to improve from 0 for a long, long time. Seems a weird choice if you want to keep the difficulty curve consistent.

That’s weird. You know how I said that Marth has different animations for his slashing swords and his rapier? Well when an enemy attacks him and he counterattacks and doubles, it seems for some reason the follow-up attack uses the stabbing animation. Not sure why. I mean it’s not that big a deal, not like normal swords can’t also stab.

Seems this game might have nerfed the amount of gold you get. I could have sworn the first two were 10,000 and 5,000, or bare minimum 5,000 and 5,000, but now it’s 5,000 and 3,000. That’s fine by me, but it does increase the degree to which buying all of those javelins might have been a bad idea.

I’m getting no luckier with Barst’s allegedly awesome growth rates this time than I was last time. No strength, no speed, and no defense, all of those with 50% chances.

Oh! Looks like Marth does have the supply wagon following him around! Thanks for helping me notice that, villager with groceries!

Anyway, this was pretty straightforward. Nothing really complicated or annoying so far, so for now, while I’m not exactly having fun or being challenged, I’m not bored either. But then, it’s way too early into the game to tell. And if the actual map design hasn’t been changed at all… I think we might be in trouble.

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Mystery of the Emblem Day 3: Book 1, Chapter 3

Looks like the game’s gonna make a habit out of this, just arbitrarily not telling me where all the enemies will be at the beginning of turn one. The thieves Julian and Lena are going to be running from are as hidden as Julian and Lena are themselves. Apparently it didn’t occur to them that if they want enemies to appear during a dialogue scene for the sake of cinematics, it might be a good idea to still show them already there during battle preparation.

Julian… doesn’t have a lockpick. He has a one-use door key. The fuck?

This is weird… Ogma seems to have objectively all-around better stats than Navarre in everything but weapon level and luck. He’s stronger, faster and more skilled, and has even defense.

…However, his growths are all-around better in everything but weapon level and defense. For now, they’re both useful, so we’ll see how they turn out.

I think it’s safe to say this one is the loser of the best devil axe dialogue competition. The most amusing thing about it is a “What do think?” typo. No hilariously blunt “Never use it!” of the NES version nor the artisanally aged ham of the DS version.

I will say, while the foot soldier animations are kind of lifeless, the mounted animations are a bit better than the ones in FE4. But that’s more a testament to how terrible those were. Seriously, the sheer difference between how swordfighters critted and how mounted units critted in that game was absurd.

…Hmmm… I seem to remember that bandits originally came from the area surrounding the castle towards my army in the original game, but that doesn’t seem to be happening here.

And a village confirms what I had heard: strength improves magic damage and healing in this game. Hopefully this also means they decided to let Lena gain exp from using staves, but since there’s no wrys and thus no free heal staff, I have to wait until I get her mend staff from the boss to find out.

Hmmm… Okay, so it seems like the attack animations are more “all over the place” than generally bad. I like a few of them, and I hate others.

Looks like the “meeting Marth” conversations in the DS games, where some units who join automatically or are otherwise recruited by some way other than talking to Marth… can talk with Marth… looks like those conversations were made by the DS games and didn’t originate here. Because it seems like a lot of the storytelling polish I attributed to the DS remake was actually started here. I recognize a lot of the dialogue and intro narration, it’s just that the DS one had a much better writing team.

So, Castor is on a goddamned roll. Two consecutive level ups of str and speed, along with weapon level and a 3% resistance proc I didn’t even notice was POSSIBLE. He now has an AS of 4, with an iron bow which means he can double a lot of enemies… I might just keep this guy! Though then again, maybe the second I get Merric I’ll change my mind. But who knows? Getting a bow knight might be fun.

That is assuming this game turns out to be fun. We’re still in the calm before the storm of boredom, if it arrives. I’ve been able to get these maps done in less than an hour, which is pretty much all the free time I have to spare each day this week, so that’s a fortunate bit of timing there. We’ll see where we are when chapters 6-10 get played next week, and we see if all that SNES plastic surgery saved them from having ugly heads to rear.

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6 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Julian… doesn’t have a lockpick. He has a one-use door key. The fuck?

He has 5x2 lockpicks- his fingers. Thieves don't need them here, but Lockpicks do return in Thracia, they endure until SS adds its Rogues, and then Path of Radiance banishes the Lockpick for all eternity.

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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He has 5x2 lockpicks- his fingers. Thieves don't need them here, but Lockpicks do return in Thracia, they endure until SS adds its Rogues, and then Path of Radiance banishes the Lockpick for all eternity.

That was my first guess of what was going on, but with Kaga games you never know what crazy shit he'll think makes sense.

4 hours ago, Emperor Hardin said:

You can turn off battle animations and just see the animated map animations if you want; however doing so prevents from seeing stat ups at least in the english translation.

Interesting glitch. I think I'll keep the animations on, I almost never play without them.

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10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He has 5x2 lockpicks- his fingers. Thieves don't need them here, but Lockpicks do return in Thracia, they endure until SS adds its Rogues, and then Path of Radiance banishes the Lockpick for all eternity.

With Marth having the almighty Lockpick the series is named after, we don't even need Julian's 5x2 (though one might still wish to train him in Book 2 for final battle purposes). It's it kind of weird how understated the Fire Emblelm is in the first game? It gets about as much plot significance as Parthia. And why exactly does it open chests rendering an entire support class moot? I'm glad they went with the name, because it's a title, but really it's quite baffling the way they integrated it on the first go around...of course many subsequent games managed to fair much worse, but I find it particularly odd when it comes to the origin of the series.

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11 minutes ago, Jotari said:

With Marth having the almighty Lockpick the series is named after, we don't even need Julian's 5x2 (though one might still wish to train him in Book 2 for final battle purposes). It's it kind of weird how understated the Fire Emblelm is in the first game? It gets about as much plot significance as Parthia. And why exactly does it open chests rendering an entire support class moot? I'm glad they went with the name, because it's a title, but really it's quite baffling the way they integrated it on the first go around...of course many subsequent games managed to fair much worse, but I find it particularly odd when it comes to the origin of the series.

But the Fire Emblem can't unlock doors.

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8 minutes ago, Jotari said:

That's why we have door keys.

If I recall correctly, the shops don't always sell door keys, though they do whenever a locked door is necessary to beat the level (not to open all the treasure rooms though), so you have to plan ahead carefully to use that strategy. Plus, one chest grabber in my experience was never remotely enough to not feel slow, especially not when you need him to seize.

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53 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

If I recall correctly, the shops don't always sell door keys, though they do whenever a locked door is necessary to beat the level (not to open all the treasure rooms though), so you have to plan ahead carefully to use that strategy. Plus, one chest grabber in my experience was never remotely enough to not feel slow, especially not when you need him to seize.

How many doors are there in Book 1? I recall one in Chapter 6 before you get the Fire Emblem, and then another two in Chapter 12, one for the room full of chests, and one for the hostage allies (which you can just leave locked in their cell and still recruit them) (and I guess a third leading out of the room full of chests to the throne room if you don't want to loop around). After that there's one for the throne room in Altea and a few in the Fane of Raman, where the thieves will always open the doors for you, completely ignoring you and never engaging in battle in the process. As for how many door keys you get, 1 from Julian (why is he carrying it if he doesn't need it anyway?), 4 from enemy drops and 1 from a chest. That's six keys for four doors (not counting Chapter 6 as you're fielding Julian anyway), with two remaining if you want to speed up the Fane of Raman (which only has three doors worth opening anyway as the other three just contain enemies) and I don't think you could even open all six doors there even if you tried unless you use warp. And that's looking at it from a perspective where you never buy a single door key when  you have a chance. There's also Medeus's castle which has locked doors after a few turns if you're not warp skipping, but even there a thief isn't going to be all that useful as they can't be in all the groups at once.

In all the incarnations of this game I've played of this game (FE1, FE3 and FE11) I've never once felt the need to field a thief aside from Chapter 6 where Julian is mandatory to recruit Rikard. Door keys are more than plentiful for the amount of doors that are in the game and even if you toss them all out, enemy thieves are still going to appear and unlock them for you. Marth's fine on chest hunting duty. Better off letting the other units train as Marth's probably already hit the level cap.

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2 minutes ago, Jotari said:

How many doors are there in Book 1? I recall one in Chapter 6 before you get the Fire Emblem, and then another two in Chapter 12, one for the room full of chests, and one for the hostage allies (which you can just leave locked in their cell and still recruit them) (and I guess a third leading out of the room full of chests to the throne room if you don't want to loop around). After that there's one for the throne room in Altea and a few in the Fane of Raman, where the thieves will always open the doors for you, completely ignoring you and never engaging in battle in the process. As for how many door keys you get, 1 from Julian (why is he carrying it if he doesn't need it anyway?), 4 from enemy drops and 1 from a chest. That's six keys for four doors (not counting Chapter 6 as you're fielding Julian anyway), with two remaining if you want to speed up the Fane of Raman (which only has three doors worth opening anyway as the other three just contain enemies) and I don't think you could even open all six doors there even if you tried unless you use warp. There's also Medeus's castle which has locked doors after a few turns if you're not warp skipping, but even there a thief isn't going to be all that useful as they can't be in all the groups at once.

In all the incarnations of this game I've played of this game (FE1, FE3 and FE11) I've never once felt the need to field a thief aside from Chapter 6 where Julian is mandatory to recruit Rikard. Door keys are more than plentiful for the amount of doors that are in the game and even if you toss them all out, enemy thieves are still going to appear and unlock them for you. Marth's fine on chest hunting duty. Better off letting the other units train as Marth's probably already hit the level cap.

I know in FE1 there were enough doors that with the inventory management system, prepping and supplying door keys would have been an absolute nightmare. I was much happier having a thief or two help out Marth with chest-nabbing duty because that game was so goddamned slow.

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Mystery of the Emblem Day 4: Book 1, Chapter 4

Looks like chapter 4 was the first skipped chapter of this game, as this seems to go straight to chapter 5. FUUUUCK. No Wendell in this game!? And now I’m wondering where I get Merric, because I KNOW they didn’t skip over him. He’s plot relevant in Book 2 if just a little, I have heard that much.

Anyway, this is the first level where I have to choose who to drop, so Draug, Gordin, Bord, Cord and Julian get the axe for now (for all but Julian, probably forever).

This village here seems… really bizarre in its placement. Its gate leads straight into a river, and I think I would have noticed that last time. I think this is a new one they added, and I think that means… MERRIC!

Also, Wolf and Sedgar are still terrible, even worse now for technically being promoted units. They’re definitely getting the axe. But Wolf at least has 3 AS and can double some enemies, like Castor, so he might have some use temporarily.

Yeah, I DEFINITELY did not get the fire dragonstone in a village opening up into a river. There’s an extra village here, and I’m hoping one of them has Merric.

Yeah, and Matthis has apparently been moved to a much more inconvenient chapter too. Now I have to find a way to recruit him when he’s already started charging to fight the Aurelians. I have to sneak Lena over there and hope he doesn’t get critted to death by my units.

…Well, this bishop has an attack speed of five, which initially scared me shitless until I realized he doesn’t have a weapon.

And yes, you get Merric this chapter! Awesome! Merric starts with enough AS to double most enemies, but just barely. Excalibur weighs him down by 3, and Blizzard by 2, so his 6 speed is just barely enough to double these foes. Luckily, his speed growth is nuts, so...

Speaking of, apparently Blizzard is effective against fire dragons. Veeeeeery interesting. I’ve heard a lot of cool things about dragons in this game actually, and if the other varieties also have magical weaknesses, Merric may wind up keeping a versatile library with him.

Incidentally, that caused me to look at the magic list. Turns out Thoron is no longer quiiiite a perfect copy of Excalibur, and it has 20 less crit (Excalibur has 30, Thoron has 10). That may cause me to be a bit more stingy with Excalibur uses.

Also, Merric now has a 20% attack growth, which is awesome since it’s relevant now. It’s not a fantastic growth, but given that enemies have limited resistance, that’s probably for the best when it comes to balance.

Alas, my hopes that the armory might sell magic in this game has just been dashed. Merric has to make his Blizzard (and technically his Excalibur, but no way I’m dipping too deeply into that) last 2 and a half more maps.

I have no idea why, but this one archer has been running around in circles since the beginning of the map, refusing to go in any specific direction, or indeed move with any clear purpose. Fuck if I know what’s going on there, but that certainly didn’t happen in the original.

I just used a staff for the first time, and I suspect my theory for why Wrys was cut is correct. Cleric sprites are considerably girlier now, and since Wrys is the only male member of the class, it may have been a budget concern that they just didn’t want to make a male cleric sprite.

On the plus side, it also informed me that yes, this game DOES give you exp for healing! SCORE! And it’s pretty good exp too, at least for the mend staff! 20 per pop!

On the downside, looks like the days of rapiers being buyable are over. I just checked the shop lists. None of them sell it. On that note: gotta keep in mind that if javelins wind up more useful than I’m thinking, chapter 13 is my last chance to buy them.

Magic attack animations are pretty cool, gotta say.

And now Kain is fast enough to double 0 speed enemies with lances, and Merric got a 3% resistance level that also got him speed!

Anyway, funny thing: I seem to remember there being reinforcements on this map in the NES one, yet I never triggered them. Holding out hope that they got rid of the ambush spawns here despite them for some reason deciding to bring them back in Shadow Dragon.

As we go into the final map of the week tomorrow… well… fingers crossed that turns out to be the case!

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Mystery of the Emblem Day 5: Book 1, Chapter 5

So this is… an utterly fucking bizarre aesthetic choice. So, in the original game, you could see the outside of the castle. You could see the trees in the place you start and a corner in the top left, and even a little courtyard in the top right. But now everything outside the original castle is stone, and the dark, moody lighting really gives the impression that what was once the entire castle is now inside of a larger castle. Like they built a big stone floor and roof around the entirety of the old one. Which… is an interesting image, to be sure, but really weird too.

And I think the reason they did that is because now “indoor” maps force mounted units to be footsoldiers. And I guess they didn’t want to complicate things by making some maps partly outdoors and partly indoors, like they eventually did with Thracia where mounted units just can’t enter buildings while mounted? I know they fixed this in the DS version at least and the castle’s outdoors and courtyard are back there.

Oh, there you are, Wendell! For some reason Wendell is a bit balliser in the SNES remake, because this time instead of letting himself get conscripted by the enemy, he wound up doing some shit to get himself in prison! Good on ya, old man! Let’s see how useful you are.

Speaking of which, while we’re now at a massive movement disadvantage since all my cavalry and fliers can’t mount, I’ve heard that in this game, you don’t have to beat the thieves to the chests! You can just let them open the chests and kill them for the stuff! Badass.

One annoyance with the item selection menu: it only shows weapons until you click on them. It doesn’t show items.

Weird. Okay, so I restarted after saving my preparations to give the door key to someone else so Julian could get Rickard, and while it did save which units I had selected in the sense that they were now all at the top of the list, it didn’t save that I had actually selected them for some reason.

And now this time I’m getting a prompt asking if I want to… I don’t know what, because it’s not translated. Not even the “yes” or “no” is properly translated and I can only assume that ZB and BBD mean “hai” and “iie” (yes and no in Japanese for anyone who doesn’t know) respectively, since the repeated characters match up.

I can only assume it’s asking if I wanted to watch the cutscene, since it asked me that right before playing it.

(Just tried it again, yes, that appears to be exactly what the prompt is asking)

After several annoying attempts to get the unit placements right in order to get Julian far enough into the room to recruit Rickard without blocking Wendell’s path to Marth, I finally manage it.

I just realized that getting rid of the outdoors of the castle means that there’s no shop anymore either. Oh well. Not like there was anything I needed to buy.

…It just occurred to me that they locked up Rickard and Wendell… WITH THEIR WEAPONS. I mean, I appreciate it gameplaywise, but storywise… I mean Rickard wasn’t armed when I recruited him in FE1, so… this is… astonishingly dumb.

Looks like the remake added in soldiers! They look an awful lot like the ones I saw in my brief attempt at a Thracia playthrough.

Hardin proc’d defense while clearing out the first wave of enemies, catapulting this run of the map into “I’m willing to warp to salvage this” territory. Hardin now has 9 defense, 2 more than the best of my other serious fighters.

Yet another instance of enemies acting weird. For some reason some knights just arbitrarily decided to retreat a little bit. Not even their full movement range. Lucky me, it meant I could attack a loaded thief without putting Ogma in their range. So I don’t get the strategic purpose of this. Every single time it’s happened it’s been to my benefit and a worse idea than just blindly charging.

Okay, Navarre got a defense level up too, I am DEFINITELY not letting this one go.

Looks like warp has a different staff-scene song than healing does. Weird choice, but I do like the song.

…I don’t think the soldiers are wearing pants. There are gaps of flesh-colored pixels at the arms, knees, and toes. …90s Japan aesthetic, I guess? Or maybe Spartan?

Yeah, those armor knights are still just inching one space backward a turn.

I just got a kill with Wendell which seems to confirm that this game STILL doesn’t make high level units gain less exp.

That’s weird. Maybe I was wrong about this game not programming in specific tiles that don’t allow mounts. I just noticed the tile info window says “NoMount” as an attribute of the floor tiles.

Well it doesn’t say it on the throne, so if I can make one of my units mount on the throne, then we’ll have our answer.

Okay, Hardin’s turning out amazing. He just got ANOTHER defense level. We’ve just gone to full-blown paranoia mode. I am locking that 10 defense in if it kills me. I don’t care if I have to assume every critical hit is guaranteed and will do infinite damage, I am FINISHING THIS SAVE.

I still fail to get any concrete evidence the growth rates on Serenes Forest for Barst are in any way real.

Whoever translated the boss’s line here made a mistake. He said “Don’t get too over yourselves”. He clearly meant “full of yourselves”. To get over yourself is to get a reality check about your ego, to become less self-centered or self-obsessed. DEFINITELY not something he thought they were doing too much.

Well, despite not having that as a characteristic, none of the tiles that DON’T say “NoMount” are tiles you can mount on either, so that points to this being more of a per-map thing and the NoMount is purely aesthetic. But anyway, after some awesome level ups from basically everyone but Barst, time to get out of here!

This is the first map I explicitly remember getting really, really boring in FE1. And I have to say… not so here! Nothing fantastic, mind, but the pacing is sooooo much better here, especially since I didn’t have to open all the chests by hand. But just in general this felt faster and less tedious. So yeah, I think that’s pretty encouraging! Until next week!

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19 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

And I guess they didn’t want to complicate things by making some maps partly outdoors and partly indoors, like they eventually did with Thracia where mounted units just can’t enter buildings while mounted?

Correct on Thracia. TearRing Saga went an extra step and declared it that horses can't climb stairs, even in the open air.

And just to clarify something in the future, the Maria-Minerva chapter's citadel I think I remember actually counted as outdoors. It should be indoors, but I don't think it actually counts as that.

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On 9/16/2019 at 10:00 PM, Alastor15243 said:



…Of course.

…It gives you a speed of 40 and boosts your move by 5.

The Speed ring makes armours relevant in Gaiden.

Of course it was nerfed in SoV.

On 9/16/2019 at 10:00 PM, Alastor15243 said:

Silver shield gives 7 defense, with no weight penalty, like all shields in this game. Holy shield heals 5 per turn, and gives 13 defense, but only against terrors.

Honestly, I’m gonna go for the holy shield. I’ll have more of a use for auto-healing than I would for 7 defense, given that most good units that can afford to use a shield already have good defense anyway. Plus, terrors will happen a lot more from now on.

Yeah, that's about the long and short of it really.

On 9/16/2019 at 10:00 PM, Alastor15243 said:


I didn't remember the moving part to be honest.

On 9/17/2019 at 9:55 PM, Alastor15243 said:

So, I looked it up…

…Apparently the exit to the lost woods is hidden to the left of the entrance to the sage’s hamlet, back in the lost woods itself.

That… I don’t know how… I could have sworn I checked there…


Maybe SoV had the better idea for towns after all.

On 9/18/2019 at 10:11 PM, Alastor15243 said:

Alright, so I just found Jedah, and… it seems that in this version… there’s literally no talk of “Duma needs your soul” at all. It’s just going to be “I’ll save Alm if you give me your soul”, which is… all you really needed to do to make this plot point happen. Adding in some idiotic stuff about the gods that she readily trusts Jedah with without ever once asking the fucking former Duma high priest who would know whether or not Jedah is full of shit… it honestly makes her a worse character. Here, she makes a deal with a bad guy because someone she loves is in mortal peril. That doesn’t make her dumb at all, it makes her sympathetically desperate. In SoV, she makes a deal with Jedah that may or may not have gotten Alm out of mortal peril, I can’t remember, but even if it did, she still holds to the deal, and trusts JEDAH to do it, EVEN AFTER ALM IS ALREADY SAFE. That makes her-






…Alright, for real here… these are both incredibly stupid plot developments. Both versions should be embarrassed. But at least SoV has the decency to try and use it to flesh out fundamental philosophical differences between Alm and Celica, even if they don’t do a remotely good job of… making Celica… appear to have any point at all? Like, in the story, she’s wrong about literally everything. The world doesn’t need gods, Alm did have to go to war with Rigel, and you shouldn’t sell your soul to strangers so balls-deep in dark magic that their skin’s been bleached blue. Celica is just… wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. About literally everything. Her story arc is being a naive idiot who has no idea how the world works because she was raised first in a cushy castle and then in a nunnery, nearly ruining the world and killing the man she loves because she refuses to listen to the insight of literally anyone around her, and then having Alm bail her out in the end.

There's a reason I wasn't all mad about Chedda in the remake.

That point about Celica never getting the chance to proven right and Alm never getting successfully called out is a real bummer about the story of SoV. It's like, there's things that could have been improved but they.... didn't.

On 9/19/2019 at 11:07 PM, Alastor15243 said:

Oh boy. Okay. Time for Mycen to explain how Rudolf’s logic worked in the original game. Alright, I’m literally taking notes.

“Valentia became divided because of the gods. They have involved themselves too deeply with mankind’s affairs. As a result, the people have lost balance and head for ruin. After some consideration, Rudolf posed as a destroyer to instigate the advent of the true heroes of Valentia. I was told this when he placed his newborn child into my hands: ‘This child will consign himself to hell’s fire!’ I couldn’t refuse him. And so, I left all to fate. Alm. You mustn’t let Rudolf’s sacrifice be in vain. Go underground and slay the evil god Duma!”







Honestly, the game just doesn't have the chance to make this story hold in Gaiden.

Not with it being told like this.

On 9/19/2019 at 11:07 PM, Alastor15243 said:

And, okay, the eyeball monsters everywhere are pretty annoying, but… Duma's stats seem pretty pathetic. I’m still gonna be a little cautious, but I think warp-skipping is the way to go here, and…

…That sorcerer right by Duma…



…No, it has to be a coincidence.

I think it might have been intentional in the original.

On 9/19/2019 at 11:07 PM, Alastor15243 said:

…Oh. Okay. So that earthquake spell wasn’t a new addition to SoV. It’s just… there. With no warning or buildup or even a fucking place in his nonexistant spell list.

Yeah, you didn't see the Duma priest do it during the Inigo map, did you?

The lack of buildup was always a thing in Gaiden.

On 9/19/2019 at 11:07 PM, Alastor15243 said:

Difficulty: Gaiden wins this one. The period in the game where things were both hard and fun, while still not all that long, was a good deal longer than it was in Dark Dragon. While it too completely went off the goddamned rails by the end into a broken mess, that was a lot less painful to play through than Dark Dragon had been.

1: Gaiden
2: Dark Dragon

Ironmannability: Sorry, Gaiden loses this one. I was torn for a while, due to the combination of things each game does better and worse, but for all of FE1’s ironman-hostile bullshit, it at least throws a healthy, continuous supply of replacements at you and doesn’t make a few losable units absolutely crucial to your survival. The idea of playing this game ironman after losing one of my healers… Jesus Christ I shudder at the fucking thought. Especially since random unavoidable crits mean that keeping everyone alive isn’t a safe and sure thing, no matter your strategy. So with that philosophy in mind, a steady supply of disposable units with none of them having game-pivotal importance is better than having a couple more late-game revival options.

1: Dark Dragon
2: Gaiden

Usability: Gaiden wins, largely because it understood the limits of the hardware way, way, WAY better than Dark Dragon did, as I said. This inventory system was an excellent compromise until they learned how to handle the soon-to-be traditional method better, and it drastically cut down on tedium of calculations. This game knew what it was doing in this regard, or did a really good job of faking it.

1: Gaiden
2: Dark Dragon

Depth: This is a close one in a sense, given how primitive they are, but honestly, Gaiden definitely has way more stuff going on, and as I said one or two parts back, despite the insane balance issues by the end, at least all of the units I found useful had drastically, fundamentally different niches to fill that made them never quite right for the same circumstances. That’s actually quite rare in a Fire Emblem game, to be honest, at least to the degree I had here.

1: Gaiden
2: Dark Dragon

Balance: This… is an extremely difficult decision. Both of these games are absolute messes in different ways. Yes, I had a team composition in Dark Dragon almost entirely made out of mounts and mages, but that was largely because I lacked the patience to put up with fielding anything else, not because they wouldn’t have been useful in combat if I had. Meanwhile in this game, 80% of the roster becomes fucking useless by the end because their shitty growths mean they can’t get any better than the enemies they’re fighting, and by the end get much, much worse. Plus Alm is a terrifying fucking menace who barely even needed the angel ring to become a monster. He was easily more terrifying than even Marth, warping is infinite in this game… and yet... fuck it, I got a hell of a lot more use out of my non-Alm team than I got out of my non-Marth team by the end of the game. Gaiden wins. Barely.

1: Gaiden
2: Dark Dragon


1: Gaiden
2: Dark Dragon

Writing: Both are terribly written, but Dark Dragon at least made sense, as badly told as it was. Gaiden’s went completely off the rails in the third act and crashed straight into the wall of the nearest asylum. Dark Dragon wins.

1: Dark Dragon
2: Gaiden

Music: Gaiden wins. In addition to just having a wider variety of catchy tunes than just… three or so, they also much better accounted for the fact that the player would spend most of the time not hearing one channel of it. I will defend Marth’s player phase music forever from all who wish to do it harm, but the game doesn’t do it justice, and it doesn’t have enough other songs backing it up.

1: Gaiden
2: Dark Dragon

You know, I think I'd agree on this.

On 9/23/2019 at 9:41 PM, Alastor15243 said:


No last-minute “Oh by the way he dun killed yer pa” bullshit!

I saw a typo in the translation, but it’s not like I’m gonna hold that against the game.

Mystery's about to steal No. 1 and Chapter 1 hasn't even started.

On 9/23/2019 at 9:41 PM, Alastor15243 said:

I have to say, I’m liking the music so far, even though as I said before, that abomination they replaced the player phase theme with is just a hollow and pointless imitation that should NEVER HAVE BEEN GIVEN SO MUCH FAVORITISM!

The “trouble!” remix is weak as hell. You can barely hear the baseline that gives that frantic repetition of notes purpose.

I'm not so warm on the music myself.

Except for the track that plays on the file select. I love it, best track in MotE, makes the game feel like a story told round a fire.

On 9/23/2019 at 9:41 PM, Alastor15243 said:

I press X, and a menu fucking appears. And it’s BEAUTIFUL. Everything, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, displayed in a compact and readable way on a single fucking page. IN A CONSOLE FIRE EMBLEM GAME! I can’t press X again to highlight what anything means or read weapon stats (for weapon stats I have to go to equip) but fuck that, that’s a small price to pay! I CAN SEE HOW MUCH DAMAGE ENEMIES WILL DO AT A GLANCE NOW!

So that's D at worst already.

On 9/23/2019 at 9:41 PM, Alastor15243 said:

Caeda’s bases are still as psychotic as ever. As much defense as a cavalier. I ask you!

Caeda's still crazy.

This will not change much.

On 9/23/2019 at 9:41 PM, Alastor15243 said:

On the plus side, this game does something no other game in the series does: it actually tells you how much attack power a unit has against enemies its currently equipped weapon is effective against! I now know that the hunter on this map does 24 damage to fliers, which is super nifty for planning enemy phase.

How does it do that actually? Asking because I don't remember that.

On 9/23/2019 at 9:41 PM, Alastor15243 said:

THEY DON’T SHOW YOU YOUR ATTACK STATS AND THE ENEMY’S ATTACK STATS AT THE SAME TIME. They both take up tiny windows on the screen but they refuse to show both of them at once! You see yours when selecting a weapon, and the enemy’s when selecting a target! WHYYYYYYYYY!?

Because they hadn't fixed everything yet?

On 9/23/2019 at 9:41 PM, Alastor15243 said:

Oh god. Speaking of map sprites… this game lets you clearly see Marth’s lack of pants. The flesh-colored pixels that make up his actual honest-to-goodness zettai ryouiki just light up like a fucking Christmas tree and it’s so jarring and uncomfortable. At least when everything was in blue and white I could pretend those were leggings. No longer.


On 9/23/2019 at 9:41 PM, Alastor15243 said:

Wrys isn’t in this game. Your only healing resources for the first two maps are vulneraries and forts. Which thankfully are decent enough for this point, but… still man. WHY? He’s even in a chapter they didn’t cut, so-

…They wanted to make the healer sprites more girly, didn’t they? They wanted to make them more detailed than the vague gender-neutral ones of the original? And they didn’t want to bother making an extra set of sprites just so they could put in one bald guy?

Calling it now, that’s gonna be why.


Considering they dropped other units, it's not like Wrys is getting shafted specifically because of it, but it would explain at least part of why he was dropped and not Tomth or Raddy or something.

On 9/24/2019 at 9:12 PM, Alastor15243 said:

Incidentally, investing in Javelins might not have been wise. I just checked their stats. They have a weight of TWENTY. Meaning that unless the stat caps have increased, it’s physically impossible to double with one. Interesting design choice that probably helps keep weapon users from being broken, but still… kind of extreme.

I mean, this won't be the last time this happens.

Trying to balance against 1-2 range is something that happens continuously.

On 9/24/2019 at 9:12 PM, Alastor15243 said:

So, I recruit Castor and hear this game’s version of “Together We Ride!”. It’s not mind-blowing, but 1: it’s better than some other songs in the game I’ve heard, and 2: it’s obviously the version that wound up inspiring the Melee remix, so basically it’s immune to any criticism at all now and forever.

Good as that is with all it's slap, With Mila's Divine Protection's the best FE Smash track (Well, barring Edge of Adversity in Ultimate but I know I'm biased there.)

On 9/25/2019 at 11:03 PM, Alastor15243 said:

Julian… doesn’t have a lockpick. He has a one-use door key. The fuck?

@Interdimensional Observer already gave the best answer.

I just want to suggest he had that door key for Rena.

On 9/26/2019 at 10:52 PM, Alastor15243 said:

Yeah, and Matthis has apparently been moved to a much more inconvenient chapter too. Now I have to find a way to recruit him when he’s already started charging to fight the Aurelians. I have to sneak Lena over there and hope he doesn’t get critted to death by my units.

Matthis: Pain in the ass in both books.

On 9/26/2019 at 10:52 PM, Alastor15243 said:

And yes, you get Merric this chapter! Awesome! Merric starts with enough AS to double most enemies, but just barely. Excalibur weighs him down by 3, and Blizzard by 2, so his 6 speed is just barely enough to double these foes. Luckily, his speed growth is nuts, so...

Speaking of, apparently Blizzard is effective against fire dragons. Veeeeeery interesting. I’ve heard a lot of cool things about dragons in this game actually, and if the other varieties also have magical weaknesses, Merric may wind up keeping a versatile library with him.

Oh yes.

It's another thing that will be missed in the remakes.

On 9/27/2019 at 9:55 PM, Alastor15243 said:

And I think the reason they did that is because now “indoor” maps force mounted units to be footsoldiers. And I guess they didn’t want to complicate things by making some maps partly outdoors and partly indoors, like they eventually did with Thracia where mounted units just can’t enter buildings while mounted? I know they fixed this in the DS version at least and the castle’s outdoors and courtyard are back there.

This is probably the explaination.

That or if they did find a way to do it they didn't either have the time to do it elsewhere or considered it something that wasn't that high a concern for them to fix.

On 9/27/2019 at 9:55 PM, Alastor15243 said:

 Oh, there you are, Wendell! For some reason Wendell is a bit balliser in the SNES remake, because this time instead of letting himself get conscripted by the enemy, he wound up doing some shit to get himself in prison! Good on ya, old man! Let’s see how useful you are.

I forgot that happened.

Playing with prepromotes only was a nightmare for this game.

On 9/27/2019 at 9:55 PM, Alastor15243 said:

…I don’t think the soldiers are wearing pants. There are gaps of flesh-colored pixels at the arms, knees, and toes. …90s Japan aesthetic, I guess? Or maybe Spartan?

Considering all the talk of a Greek aesthetic, I'd lean on that for sure.

On 9/27/2019 at 9:55 PM, Alastor15243 said:

I still fail to get any concrete evidence the growth rates on Serenes Forest for Barst are in any way real.

Mystery has an interesting thing about it's RNG for growths.

It's a bit bugged (Not really but it feels that way), wherein essentially half the stats are more likely in one set and the others are in the other set. I'm trying to find the explanation, http://www.serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Level_Up_Patterns_(FE1-3) should do it.

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13 minutes ago, Dayni said:

How does it do that actually? Asking because I don't remember that.

Basically, there's a box to the left of the character sheet that lists things like AS and hit and the like. Calculated stats rather than raw stats. If you have an effective weapon equipped, the last two lines will say what it's effective against and what its modified might will be against those enemies.

13 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Mystery has an interesting thing about it's RNG for growths.

It's a bit bugged (Not really but it feels that way), wherein essentially half the stats are more likely in one set and the others are in the other set. I'm trying to find the explanation, http://www.serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Level_Up_Patterns_(FE1-3) should do it.


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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Well, barring Edge of Adversity in Ultimate but I know I'm biased there.

What are you talking about? The Edge of Adversity remix is lit.


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Just now, Espurrhoodie said:

What are you talking about? The Edge of Adversity remix is lit.

I said that was my favourite.

I'm just also admitting my Genealogy bias.

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Mystery of the Emblem Day 6: Book 1, Chapter 6

So, today we fight Minerva. And actually, Minerva’s suddenly looking a lot better now that she isn’t just a slow version of anyone who promotes from pegasus knight. Given that promotion gains are additions now, not just minimum boosts, her 16 defense is spectacular, and probably better than anything the other four fliers are going to manage.

Hey, that’s kind of cool! They had Minerva and her mount as separate units on the map for a second, having her talk to the boss while dismounted and then walk over to her mount to get on! I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before in a Fire Emblem game!

Moving on, the shop had slim lances for sale, and since this early in the game they’re absolutely crucial for allowing lance users to double, I went and bought a ton. Now Abel can double on horseback too! It’s weird how once again he’s the worst one of my cavalry at the moment.

The fact that “Wait” comes before “Staff” on the menu constantly throws me off. I’m gonna have to get used to it though, because Thracia is so, SOOOOOOOOO much worse in that regard.

And now we get Bantu, so let’s see what he’s like here!

First thing I notice: dragonstones are items, not weapons in this game, which makes sense given what I’ve heard about how they work.

Second thing I notice: Bantu’s sprite has a cane! that’s rather amusing. Are literally all fire dragons old men in this game too?

So, in this game, you use the dragonstone as an item through the “Dragon” command, and then you transform. Which is a really cool idea, one that honestly by the sound of it I wish they used in other games with dragons, since-

…Bantu’s dragonstone. Has limited uses.


…This makes Bantu significantly less useful than he was in FE. Especially since as far as I can tell, you can’t buy dragonstones in this game. Or, likely, find more firestones at all. He’d probably get more use out of the thing than a normal dragonstone with 50 attacks, especially if I use him to tank, but still… alright, I’ll have to be careful about when I use him and if I really need to.

Anyway, I still can’t for the life of me figure out what triggers ambush spawns in these games. I’ve never really been able to put my finger on a consistent trigger, and this is no different. But at the very least I think the conditions changed for the remake because the reinforcements came out way earlier. I think I killed the boss before the reinforcements showed up last time. Also fortunately, whoever designed them decided to be way less of a piece of shit. No more slayer weapons for the cavalry on this map.

Curiously, Bantu’s dragon map sprite isn’t blue. It’s green.

I’m gonna have to get used to this. Apparently changing your equipped weapon isn’t something you can do without starting your unit’s turn in this game. Change their weapon and then back out of the menu, boom, their turn’s over.

Hmmm… did this talk about the Manaketes happen on this chapter in the original game?

…Why, yes it did! Interesting. Funny I never made the connection between learning about them and getting Bantu until now. I was too distracted by the bizarre phrasing of “today I’ll tell you the story of the manakete tribe” like it was Marth’s damned bedtime story that night. Anyway, I heard in that thread on the forums about “most and least moral villains” that Medeus was sympathetic, but this story, if true, really doesn’t remotely make it sound like the dragons’ hardships were remotely humans’ fault. They got punished by the gods and forced to take on human form, and then lived among humans mostly without incident, until Medeus gathered up all the racist dragons and waged war against humans for no clear reason. It’s entirely possible I’m missing a good deal of the story here, but from what I’m told, Medeus just sounds like a total piece of shit.

Honestly though, most of this information was already provided in the intro narration to the story, where it SHOULD HAVE BEEN. The extra info may be interesting, but a lot of this is repetitive.

At any rate, that’s it for today. I looked at the item list on SF, and really it looks like this transformation gimmick is something that Tiki gets to play around with the most. It looks like she’ll probably be fun to use, getting to transform into so many different types of dragons, but the limited uses does worry me. Especially since there’s no question Hammerne doesn’t work on them, since they aren’t even weapons.

Well… we’ll have to see.

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28 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

It looks like she’ll probably be fun to use, getting to transform into so many different types of dragons, but the limited uses does worry me.

The number of turns a transformation lasts with Bantu with base luck is 5. Five turns should cover the most crucial part of any map. And during those five turns, they can attack alllll they want.

Tiki has the same minimum of 5 turns, but with base Luck, she might (an RNG component is involved in transformation duration) last for 11 turns. Max Luck would let her stay shifted for 15 turn.

So, Bantu with his 18 use Firestone has 5x18 = 90 turns of usability. Less than I thought actually, but I wouldn't call them overly precious.

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52 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

At any rate, that’s it for today. I looked at the item list on SF, and really it looks like this transformation gimmick is something that Tiki gets to play around with the most. It looks like she’ll probably be fun to use, getting to transform into so many different types of dragons, but the limited uses does worry me. Especially since there’s no question Hammerne doesn’t work on them, since they aren’t even weapons.



When you get Tiki back in Book 2, you'll need to use the Warp staff to access the secret shop that will allow you to buy other stones. Also, they're rather expensive; better get the Silver Card!


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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The number of turns a transformation lasts with Bantu with base luck is 5. Five turns should cover the most crucial part of any map. And during those five turns, they can attack alllll they want.

Tiki has the same minimum of 5 turns, but with base Luck, she might (an RNG component is involved in transformation duration) last for 11 turns. Max Luck would let her stay shifted for 15 turn.

So, Bantu with his 18 use Firestone has 5x18 = 90 turns of usability. Less than I thought actually, but I wouldn't call them overly precious.

It's actually about six turns. The formula is 

5 + Random number(0~1) x (Luck / 2)

Don't know if the luck division rounds down, but even if it doesn't, 50% chance of getting an extra turn. 90 (or more like 100+) turns is also very different to the 100 uses on a Dragon Stone in different games, as you can tank and return multiple hits on enemy phase. Basically you can use Bantu's dragon stone with impunity. Even if you use it twice per chapter on every single chapter, it'll only run out by the time you get Tiki who will inevitably replace him (you're 9 chapters away from Tiki, and only 14 chapters away from endgame). And even then, you actually can get a second Fire Stone on the penultimate map (for some reason, not all that useful by that point).

Edited by Jotari
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