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Alastor plays and ranks the whole series! Mission Complete! ...For now.


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35 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

And that’s kinda the point. I mean like the story does acknowledge that she’s somewhat wrong for being so pacifistic. I mean she does die as a result of being so selfless after all. Sure her death ultimately leads to good things but the overall point being made here is that her inaction is what causes a lot of these problems and it’s only after she does take action(I.e. killing herself to save someone she cares about) that good things finally come of her ideals. Hell just before she jumps she says “No reaction, was I wrong then?” This is further compounded when Chrom kills Gangrel. He doesn’t kill Gangrel out of revenge or bitterness but rather as a prince in service to his nation. In the end he’s able to do what Emmeryn could not and that is fight on behalf of his people. Fight not out of bitterness or hate but because it is the right thing to do.

Eh, I feel like Chrom was already fighting because it was the right thing to do from the start, being emotional or not about it really doesn't change much IMO. 

Also I kinda aren't too big a fan of the "someone does a wrong thing but then they sacrificed themselves so they're suddenly redeemed" thing, it works sometimes but in the case of Emmeryn...ehh it just rubs me the wrong in way, (Also no way she kept her praying pose the entire time before she hit the ground.) it still feels like it's validating her pacifistic ways rather than saying it's terrible in a sorta "Tragic hero" sense.

Not to mention enemy troops start surrendering afterwards, so it really feels like the game actually still tries to say she's in the right afterwards and then they talk about Chrom "Not living up to her ideals" later, despite her ideals literally being why we're in this situation to begin with.

Also means that the whole "sacrifice Emmeryn or not" choice is completely invalidated and I really hate games where all/most of your story choices literally mean nothing.

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23 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Is THAT what that line was supposed to mean?

"Was I wrong then, for not reacting?"

Because I have never been able to make heads or tails of the purpose of that line for the last 6 years.

You’re close but not quite there. Remember just before that cutscene plays she gives a small speech about how hatred and war will do nothing but cause the plegians more suffering and get them no where. The “No reaction” part of that is in reference to how her speech failed to reach anyone. No one reacted to it. No one did anything in response to her words least of all the plegian soldiers whom she was trying to reach out to. After realizing her words prompted no reaction, she thinks she was wrong this whole time which is kind of true because her words weren’t backed up by meaningful action. It’s only after she takes that action and backs up her words that her words actually reach people and prompt the reaction she was looking for. The story rewards her for finally taking action. Chapter 10 of awakening is pretty much a showcase of what Emmeryn was trying to say except in reverse. It’s the plegians who no longer want to fight while it is chrom and the shepards who fight blinded by bitterness and emotion. 


36 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

Not to mention enemy troops start surrendering afterwards, so it really feels like the game actually still tries to say she's in the right afterwards.

Because she is. The fact of the matter is, Emmeryn’s ideals were correct that much the story emphasizes. It was her inaction that made her wrong. Ideals alone get you no where. You have to back those ideals up with meaningful action and sacrifice. Which is why Chrom is wrong as well before that point. He only wanted to fight Gangrel because Gangrel kept goading him. Chrom is very much so an action first think second kind of person. He just kind of rushed into attack without thinking of the consequences first. He also does not understand the ideals his sister up holds. He’s correct in that they need to act but wrong in how or why they should act. Cause he doesn’t understand his sister’s ideals so how can he fight for them if he doesn’t understand them?

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12 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

You’re close but not quite there. Remember just before that cutscene plays she gives a small speech about how hatred and war will do nothing but cause the plegians more suffering and get them no where. The “No reaction” part of that is in reference to how her speech failed to reach anyone. No one reacted to it. No one did anything in response to her words least of all the plegian soldiers whom she was trying to reach out to. After realizing her words prompted no reaction, she thinks she was wrong this whole time which is kind of true because her words weren’t backed up by meaningful action. It’s only after she takes that action and backs up her words that her words actually reach people and prompt the reaction she was looking for. The story rewards her for finally taking action. Chapter 10 of awakening is pretty much a showcase of what Emmeryn was trying to say except in reverse. It’s the plegians who no longer want to fight while it is chrom and the shepards who fight blinded by bitterness and emotion. 


Because she is. The fact of the matter is, Emmeryn’s ideals were correct that much the story emphasizes. It was her inaction that made her wrong. Ideals alone get you no where. You have to back those ideals up with meaningful action and sacrifice. Which is why Chrom is wrong as well before that point. He only wanted to fight Gangrel because Gangrel kept goading him. Chrom is very much so an action first think second kind of person. He just kind of rushed into attack without thinking of the consequences first. He also does not understand the ideals his sister up holds. He’s correct in that they need to act but wrong in how or why they should act. Cause he doesn’t understand his sister’s ideals so how can he fight for them if he doesn’t understand them?

....but the Plegians still are willing to fight though, they aren't letting the Shepards just run past them and frankly only a fool throws down their weapon and expects to be escorted out of an enemy country, it's very much a "We want this vibe but our gameplay still requires the player to be butchering people down" section, if they were truely super-peaceful, they'd just let the Shepards run by while standing to the side, I really don't consider the Shepards in the wrong here as the Pelgians still stand and fight instead of running away to let the Shepards run away, if anything the Plegians should have thrown down their weapons and it'd have just been a quick cut-scene where the Shepards keep runining and it would have A: actually made sense and B: probably made me actually feel emotion.

It's not "bitterness and emotion" quite frankly in that situation surrendering would almost certainly be a trick that would lead to your death, if it wasn't for the dialogue with the boss in the middle of the chapter it'd just seem like an obvious trap.

So yeah I still blame the Plegians here, they still fight instead of just standing off to the side and letting the Shepards run by, they're willing to fight to the death still so they're still frankly not the good guys here,yes FE is a game series where you have to fight to the death effectively and maybe you really shouldn't try to advocate for pacifism in it, you're not rewarded for just taking the boss down and avoiding anyone else, infact the thieves with loot means you're actually, in a gameplay sense, encouraged to run through cutting everyone down so you can get to the thieves in-time so I feel there's a massive disconnect between the vibe the story wants to give and the actual gameplay, so yeah I really don't see how the Shepards are fighting in the wrong here, they're in enemy territory and they only have the word of dude's they never met before they won't be harmed, it's logical to just keep fighting and push through instead of believing what would 9.9/10 times be a trap.

Also I think you're kinda underplaying Chrom's obvious hero-complex, he doesn't want to fight Gangrel because Gangrel called his sister a dumbass on a COD match over microphone, he wants to fight Gangrel because he's sending bandits to murder and pillage in his country, Chrom always seems like he's in it to protect the peasentfolk, (Hence why he literally runs essentially a special forces squad dedicated to that purpose.) yes he takes offense about his sister but I have a feeling the whole murdering, raping and pillaging of his citizens bothers him more considering how he takes that into his own hands.

I think it's safe to say we get very different readings out of Awakening.




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3 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

Also I think you're kinda underplaying Chrom's obvious hero-complex, he doesn't want to fight Gangrel because Gangrel called his sister a dumbass on a COD match over microphone, he wants to fight Gangrel because he's sending bandits to murder and pillage in his country, Chrom always seems like he's in it to protect the peasentfolk, (Hence why he literally runs essentially a special forces squad dedicated to that purpose.) yes he takes offense about his sister but I have a feeling the whole murdering, raping and pillaging of his citizens bothers him more considering how he takes that into his own hands.

And that’s the precise reason as to why he’s wrong. He’s bitter and hateful towards Gangrel for that reason which is wrong. When he does eventually kill Gangrel. He doesn’t do it out of bitterness. He does it because he has to. There’s a difference between doing something out of duty and doing it because you want to. With Chrom at first it was the ladder after chapter 10 it’s the former. The thing that lens the most credence to this is in Gangrel’s paralogue where you can recruit him. Chrom directly states it would do him no greater pleasure than to stick another sword in his gut but he doesn’t do that. He doesn’t allow emotions to cloud his judgement like he used to. Instead, he offers Gangrel to join him because he could be of use and Grima is seen as the bigger threat. Again, it’s not all that dissimilar to Dimitri with Edelgard.


9 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

but the Plegians still are willing to fight though, they aren't letting the Shepards just run past them and frankly on a fool throws down their weapon and expects to be escorted out of an enemy country, it's very much a "We want this vibe but our gameplay still requires the player to be butchering people down" section, if they were truely super-peaceful, they'd just let the Shepards run by while standing to the side, I really don't consider the Shepards in the wrong here as the Pelgians still stand and fight instead of running away to let the Shepards run away, if anything the Plegians should have thrown down their weapons and it'd have just been a quick cut-scene where the Shepards keep runining and it would have A: actually made sense and B: probably made me actually feel emotion.

It's not "bitterness and emotion" quite frankly in that situation surrendering would almost certainly be a trick that would lead to your death, if it wasn't for the dialogue with the boss in the middle of the chapter it'd just seem like an obvious trap.

So yeah I still blame the Plegians here, they still fight instead of just standing off to the side and letting the Shepards run by, they're willing to fight to the death still so they're still frankly not the good guys here,yes FE is a game series where you have to fight to the death effectively and maybe you really shouldn't try to advocate for pacifism in it, you're not rewarded for just taking the boss down and avoiding anyone else, infact the thieves with loot means you're actually, in a gameplay sense, encouraged to run through cutting everyone down so you can get to the thieves in-time so I feel there's a massive disconnect between the vibe the story wants to give and the actual gameplay, so yeah I really don't see how the Shepards are fighting in the wrong here, they're in enemy territory and they only have the word of dude's they never met before they won't be harmed, it's logical to just keep fighting and push through instead of believing what would 9.9/10 times be a trap.

Yeah and you’re right the plegians aren’t completely in the right. Neither are Chrom and the Shepards. That’s the very definition of moral ambiguity. This chapter is very much supposed to showcase Emmeryn’s words in that in war everyone is victim no matter which side you’re on. Everyone suffers because this is war. Hate and vengeance don’t get you anywhere. This is what war leads to. The plegians don’t want to fight but it’s far too late to back out now. They’re actions are what lead to this moment. No side truly wants to fight the other but in this tangle of hate, violence, and loyalty they have to because that is what war is. This is the reality. Nobody wins and everybody is a victim.

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19 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

And that’s the precise reason as to why he’s wrong. He’s bitter and hateful towards Gangrel for that reason which is wrong. When he does eventually kill Gangrel. He doesn’t do it out of bitterness. He does it because he has to. There’s a difference between doing something out of duty and doing it because you want to. With Chrom at first it was the ladder after chapter 10 it’s the former. The thing that lens the most credence to this is in Gangrel’s paralogue where you can recruit him. Chrom directly states it would do him no greater pleasure than to stick another sword in his gut but he doesn’t do that. He doesn’t allow emotions to cloud his judgement like he used to. Instead, he offers Gangrel to join him because he could be of use and Grima is seen as the bigger threat. Again, it’s not all that dissimilar to Dimitri with Edelgard.


Yeah and you’re right the plegians aren’t completely in the right. Neither are Chrom and the Shepards. That’s the very definition of moral ambiguity. This chapter is very much supposed to showcase Emmeryn’s words in that in war everyone is victim no matter which side you’re on. Everyone suffers because this is war. Hate and vengeance don’t get you anywhere. This is what war leads to. The plegians don’t want to fight but it’s far too late to back out now. They’re actions are what lead to this moment. No side truly wants to fight the other but in this tangle of hate, violence, and loyalty they have to because that is what war is. This is the reality. Nobody wins and everybody is a victim.

To me, generally the reason doesn't matter, if it's not an outright evil person doing it to look good as part of a scheme, generally intentions don't matter, especially when it comes to taking someone's life frankly, if it's an evil enough person, well it doesn't matter if it's anger or not.


Not really, I don't see how Chrom and the Shepards aren't entirely in the right for essentially offering themselves up to be potentially executed by random troops from the enemy army they no nothing about, I really don't see any ambiguity in this chapter myself.

They can back out though, if they're actually willing to not fight the Shepards, they can just...stand aside, thrown down their own weapons as a show of faith, it's really not a moral thing to me, I see people potentially wanting to do good but not doing so because of a mix of stupidity and "This is a strategy game, we need a fight and we for some reason can't just dump Risen Zombies on the player even though we literally do that already".

I don't really see victims, I see idiots who got themselves killed out of...well frankly I can't call their "thrown down your weapons and we'll let you go but we keep our weapons for some reason" logic anything other than Plot Contrivance, again, just stand aside and let the Shepards run past instead of fighting them, it's not because they'll be executed if they don't fight because frankly, they'd get executed for just letting the shepards go like they want to do, there's no real rhyme or reason to what happens.

It's basically just a terrible "Emotion Bait" moment where the devs pull nonsensical stuff to make you feel a way and pray you're too busy invested to notice how nonsensical it is. (And I really, really hate stuff like that.)

Infact: they'd be more fucked if they did have the Shepards throw down their weapons since now they'd have a pile of weapons as obvious sign the Shepards came through assuming they didn't think to quickly burry them in the sand, (and well, I think the average IQ is low in the Awakening continuity) so now they can't even lie that they never even encountered the Shepards, which is what would keep them out of trouble.

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5 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

They can back out though, if they're actually willing to not fight the Shepards, they can just...stand aside, thrown down their own weapons as a show of faith, it's really not a moral thing to me, I see people potentially wanting to do good but not doing so because of a mix of stupidity and "This is a strategy game, we need a fight and we for some reason can't just dumb Risen Zombies on the player even though we literally do that already".

And what do you suppose would happen if they did? They’d die anyway or even worse their families would because of their madman of a king. Mustafa even states as much which is why he can’t stand down because his family would be in danger. Like that shit is outright explicitly stated. It’s even stated that another reason that they stand and fight is so that their commander doesn’t have to fight alone. 


9 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

Not really, I don't see how Chrom and the Shepards aren't entirely in the right for essentially offering themselves up to be potentially executed by random troops from the enemy army they no nothing about, I really don't see any ambiguity in this chapter myself.

True but as stated in a forging bonds conversation of all places Chrom is still wrong because at this point he’s consumed by revenge and wants to slaughter anything even remotely related to Gangrel that gets in his way. Not all the shepards share this sentiment mind you but still that’s what Chrom and even Lissa is feeling. Like I said, everyone is a victim here. Chrom and the shepards just lost someone close them while the Plegians begin to feel regretful of their actions. No matter the outcome of this fight nobody wins on a moral front and that is the point.

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6 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

And what do you suppose would happen if they did? They’d die anyway or even worse their families would because of their madman of a king. Mustafa even states as much which is why he can’t stand down because his family would be in danger. Like that shit is outright explicitly stated. It’s even stated that another reason that they stand and fight is so that their commander doesn’t have to fight alone. 


True but as stated in a forging bonds conversation of all places Chrom is still wrong because at this point he’s consumed by revenge and wants to slaughter anything even remotely related to Gangrel that gets in his way. Not all the shepards share this sentiment mind you but still that’s what Chrom and even Lissa is feeling. Like I said, everyone is a victim here. Chrom and the shepards just lost someone close them while the Plegians begin to feel regretful of their actions. No matter the outcome of this fight nobody wins on a moral front and that is the point.

Except they're willing to let the Shepards go if they throw down their weapons, they'd die anyway in that situation since well, they let the Shepards go and I seriously doubt Gangrel would just accept that, Again, they could have just let the Shepards keep their weapons and run on and just think of a lie in how they never encountered the Shepards at all, it's contrived frankly.

Considering how Gangrel is a genocidal maniac dictator who wants to genocide Chrom's country (and we are shown how Aversia is one)....yeah actually anyone related to him that gets in the Shepards way is also probably a genocidal maniac. (Or are only the Shepards expected to actually have the option of surrendering?)

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3 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

Except they're willing to let the Shepards go if they throw down their weapons, they'd die anyway in that situation since well, they let the Shepards go and I seriously doubt Gangrel would just accept that, Again, they could have just let the Shepards keep their weapons and run on and just think of a lie in how they never encountered the Shepards at all, it's contrived frankly.

But it’s as you yourself said earlier what reasons do the shepards have to trust them. For all they know it could just be a trap. Even then it’s a relatively intense situation. Everyone is feeling a wide range of emotions from anger, sadness, bitterness, etc like they aren’t thinking straight. In moments like this your body just kind of moves because of the adrenaline. There’s no time to think about your actions. You just do. This is a battlefield after all. The she pards would rather take their chances with weapons in hand as Frederick himself states.


7 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

Considering how Gangrel is a genocidal maniac dictator who wants to genocide Chrom's country (and we are shown how Aversia is one)....yeah actually anyone related to him that gets in the Shepards way is also probably a genocidal maniac. (Or are only the Shepards expected to actually have the option of surrendering?)

Not what I meant by anything related to Gangrel. Chrom at this point to kill any plegian(well obviously not every plegian just those that are in his way) regardless of who they are or what they’re feeling because in his eyes they’re the ones responsible for his sister’s death. If they get in his way then so be it he will cut them down. That’s how hateful he feels right now and that is what the story deems as wrong.

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Just now, Ottservia said:

But it’s as you yourself said earlier what reasons do the shepards have to trust them. For all they know it could just be a trap. Even then it’s a relatively intense situation. Everyone is feeling a wide range of emotions from anger, sadness, bitterness, etc like they aren’t thinking straight. In moments like this your body just kind of moves because of the adrenaline. There’s no time to think about your actions. You just do. This is a battlefield after all. The she pards would rather take their chances with weapons in hand as Frederick himself states.


Not what I meant by anything related to Gangrel. Chrom at this point to kill any plegian(well obviously not every plegian just those that are in his way) regardless of who they are or what they’re feeling because in his eyes they’re the ones responsible for his sister’s death. If they get in his way then so be it he will cut them down. That’s how hateful he feels right now and that is what the story deems as wrong.

Even regardless of emotions though, it'd almost always be a trap, the Shepards could be calm and this scene happened much earlier and they'd still fight these guys.

Well yeah, dude's standing in your way with a weapon ready to kill you, kinda doesn't matter in the battlefield like you said, he was willing to recruit Tharja when Emmeryn was just about to die and while that's not after, Chrom doesn't strike me as the guy to kill anyone who isn't a threat to anyone's life, I can't exactly picture Chrom slaughtering unarmed villagers or anything like that

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8 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

Even regardless of emotions though, it'd almost always be a trap, the Shepards could be calm and this scene happened much earlier and they'd still fight these guys.


So then it’s not contrived because the story gives explicit reasons as to why each side are in conflict with one another. The shepards fight because the plegians are in their way while the plegians fight because they have no choice in the matter because their king will kill them and their families if they don’t. 


8 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

Well yeah, dude's standing in your way with a weapon ready to kill you, kinda doesn't matter in the battlefield like you said, he was willing to recruit Tharja when Emmeryn was just about to die and while that's not after, Chrom doesn't strike me as the guy to kill anyone who isn't a threat to anyone's life, I can't exactly picture Chrom slaughtering unarmed villagers or anything like that

You’re missing the point though. He feels so hateful that he will cut down anyone in his way even if they can’t fight back. This is what revenge does to people and that’s the point. That’s what hate and vengeance does to you which is what Emmeryn was trying to say.

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6 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:





Wait, are you sure Awakening has True Hit? The Serenes in formation says it's from FE6-FE12.

5 hours ago, Ottservia said:

It kind of is actually. This trope of “guy walks in on naked girl who’s bathing” is about as old as anime itself. You see it a lot even in shoujo anime/manga. especially older ones. I think this trope is used even in things like Sailor Moon and Inuyasha both stories made by a female mangaka. It might even be in fma but I haven’t seen fma. 

FMA might have been written by a woman, but it's firmly shonen.

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5 minutes ago, Jotari said:

FMA might have been written by a woman, but it's firmly shonen.

As is Inuyasha, according to Wikipedia. That surprises me, it felt like it was on the cusp of being either honestly.


And I'm pretty sure I heard Awakening uses true hit, and it was Fates that changed it.

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4 hours ago, Samz707 said:

To me, generally the reason doesn't matter, if it's not an outright evil person doing it to look good as part of a scheme, generally intentions don't matter, especially when it comes to taking someone's life frankly, if it's an evil enough person, well it doesn't matter if it's anger or not.


Not really, I don't see how Chrom and the Shepards aren't entirely in the right for essentially offering themselves up to be potentially executed by random troops from the enemy army they no nothing about, I really don't see any ambiguity in this chapter myself.

They can back out though, if they're actually willing to not fight the Shepards, they can just...stand aside, thrown down their own weapons as a show of faith, it's really not a moral thing to me, I see people potentially wanting to do good but not doing so because of a mix of stupidity and "This is a strategy game, we need a fight and we for some reason can't just dump Risen Zombies on the player even though we literally do that already".

I don't really see victims, I see idiots who got themselves killed out of...well frankly I can't call their "thrown down your weapons and we'll let you go but we keep our weapons for some reason" logic anything other than Plot Contrivance, again, just stand aside and let the Shepards run past instead of fighting them, it's not because they'll be executed if they don't fight because frankly, they'd get executed for just letting the shepards go like they want to do, there's no real rhyme or reason to what happens.

It's basically just a terrible "Emotion Bait" moment where the devs pull nonsensical stuff to make you feel a way and pray you're too busy invested to notice how nonsensical it is. (And I really, really hate stuff like that.)

Infact: they'd be more fucked if they did have the Shepards throw down their weapons since now they'd have a pile of weapons as obvious sign the Shepards came through assuming they didn't think to quickly burry them in the sand, (and well, I think the average IQ is low in the Awakening continuity) so now they can't even lie that they never even encountered the Shepards, which is what would keep them out of trouble.

Of course let us not forget that right after Emmeryn "dies" Chrom and co travel to Regna Feroxi and help out Anna before going back into Plegia to fight Mustafa...Yeah, how the hell did no one catch how inappropriate the unlocking of that paralogue is? Like every single person who played the game and played Paralogues right away must have noticed the disconnect there.

6 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

As is Inuyasha, according to Wikipedia. That surprises me, it felt like it was on the cusp of being either honestly.


And I'm pretty sure I heard Awakening uses true hit, and it was Fates that changed it.

Ah, I think the issue here is that that article just hasn't been updated since the release of New Mystery, which seems possible with a lot of this Serenes stuff. The wikia article does say it's in Awakening. Which explains to me why low hit critical always seemed to screw me over in Fates. And it's back in Three Houses. Why do these games enjoy lying to me about statistics and warping my very perspective of probability!?

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Which explains to me why low hit critical always seemed to screw me over in Fates.

Pretty sure that Fates and SoV both use a system in which it's almost 2rn about 50% hit (but not quite, so the differences between displayed and true hit aren't as large) and 1rn below.

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17 minutes ago, Benice said:

Pretty sure that Fates and SoV both use a system in which it's almost 2rn about 50% hit (but not quite, so the differences between displayed and true hit aren't as large) and 1rn below.

Also, pretty sure crit rate has never used 2RN.

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8 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Anyway, Donnel sucks now, but if we can get him going, he'll be absolutely ridiculous and totally worth it on any difficulty other than Lunatic+. On that difficult he's sadly almost totally worthless due to the increased difficulty of babying him and also the horrible things counter will do to him and his lack of options for countering other Lunatic+ skills (namely pavise).

I beg to differ; between the exorbitant investment needed, the fact that he needs to fight his way out of bronze lock twice, and other issues, I find it hard to say Donnel is worth it.

8 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

...Aaaand I just remembered this game has ambush spawns, and that they're getting introduced next fucking chapter. Man, my army is screeeeeewed.

And this is where I ask: What in the seven hells were you thinking? Much as I'd like to snark that you weren't, I think I'd rather wait for an explanation this time. But I WILL say that a Lunatic ironman is something that only a masochist would even think of doing.

9 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Yep, and Miriel, with Lon'qu's help for the speed bonus, kills the barbarian with Celica's Gale. Fun fact about brave weapons in this game: dual strikes can proc on either of the two brave attacks. And if your dual strike partner has a brave weapon... they attack twice for their dual strikes.

Meaning that if you have two units paired up with brave weapons... you can attack a total of twelve fucking times in a single round of combat. Four from the main unit, and eight from the rear unit.

It's no coincidence then that both pair up and brave weapons got socked in the gut with the nerf hammer after Awakening. Also, Galeforce.

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3 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

And this is where I ask: What in the seven hells were you thinking? Much as I'd like to snark that you weren't, I think I'd rather wait for an explanation this time. But I WILL say that a Lunatic ironman is something that only a masochist would even think of doing.

Ah, right, guess that line could be read wrong.

I didn't forget this game had ambush spawns while deciding to do this, to be clear. I forgot after a few days of not seeing any.

I'm not scared about getting a game over. I'm scared about it devolving into an Alexandria-and-her-spawn solo despite my best efforts. Lunatic is so much easier than Lunatic+ that I'm fairly confident I can manage.

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7 hours ago, Jotari said:

Of course let us not forget that right after Emmeryn "dies" Chrom and co travel to Regna Feroxi and help out Anna before going back into Plegia to fight Mustafa...Yeah, how the hell did no one catch how inappropriate the unlocking of that paralogue is? Like every single person who played the game and played Paralogues right away must have noticed the disconnect there.

Ah, I think the issue here is that that article just hasn't been updated since the release of New Mystery, which seems possible with a lot of this Serenes stuff. The wikia article does say it's in Awakening. Which explains to me why low hit critical always seemed to screw me over in Fates. And it's back in Three Houses. Why do these games enjoy lying to me about statistics and warping my very perspective of probability!?

The paralogue unlock order is just screwed, I figured the "war" dialogue in my first play through men the situation with Plegia was a kind of cold war situation but it honestly seems like a mistake.

I'd like an FE game where for once none of the stats are hidden. (support in FE7 or classes effecting your level ups in 3H,)

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9 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

support in FE7 or classes effecting your level ups in 3H,)

Or heck, even showing growths, which, as far as I know, the series STILL HASN'T DONE! It makes no sense at all to me...

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