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Tempest Trials+: Mid-fest Digest! (Jan 3rd 2020)

Diovani Bressan

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  A new Tempest Trial+ is coming,titled "Mid-fest Digest"!


  The bonus allies of this TT+ are:

NY/Duo Alfonse, NY Anna, NY Selkie, NY Lethe, NY Eir, Ranulf, Selkie and Lethe.


NY Eir's stats and skills at 5★ Lv 40:

HP: 39  Atk: 31  Spd: 36  Def: 21  Res: 34  -  BST: 161

DuuFAFl.pngTemari+ (Mt 12, Rng 2): At start of turn, if any foe's Res ≤ unit's Res-3 and that foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts Atk/Spd-5 on that foe through its next action. Effect:【Dagger 7】
【Dagger 7】 After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
470hXbT.pngShove: Pushes target ally 1 space away.
DwddZD1.pngBrazen Atk/Res 3: At start of combat, if unit's HP ≤ 80%, grants Atk/Res+7 during combat. (4★)
VL3fqbo.pngSpd tactic 3: At start of turn, grants Spd+6 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if number of that ally's movement type on current team ≤  2. (5★)

And the Sacred Seals are:
* Description for the enchanted version of each sacred seal *

xTe7upj.pngHP/Def 2: Grants HP+4, Def+2.
AWDSRAQ.pngSpd Feint 3: If a Rally Assist Skill is used by unit or target unit, inflicts Spd-7 on foes in cadinal directions of unit through their next actions.
ssHs69P.pngSwift Sparrow 2: If unit initiates comabt, grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat.





Edited by Diovani Bressan
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I have a Lethe that pity broke me some months ago, so I will use her.

The skills are pretty good. Swift Sparrow is amazing, Spd Faint has its niche, and HP/Def is good for units that want to have high HP, and also get some extra stats.

The bonus units, however... only 1 4-5*, and it's the bonus unit. All the others are 5*...

The final map doesn't look hard.

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Elincia has the need....the need. for speed!. Swift Sparrow Seven on her is going to be bonkers

I only upgraded Distant Guard (already heavily used). so i'll be using my coins to upgrade Swift Sparrow

I actually have Lethe. so i can run a beast team of Lethe, Mordecai, Tibarn and Leanne. (tactics etc). 
I usually keep the 4* Copy of all the tempest heroes but this time one of the Eir's will be murdered as well Ylgr *excellent*



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Lethe and Selkie both were pity breakers for me awhile ago, so I will use them.  I will pair them with Velouria and Fae (unless Ranulf shows up before then).

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I tried HARD for the incredible Ranulf when he debuted and I thankfully got him, -Atk though 🙃 he’s still a great unit, and I love his voice / art! I’m excited to use him. It’s interesting that they gave us him as a bonus unit, though... I wonder if he’s getting an alt soon?!

I don’t know what team to run him on. Best emblem with keaton and Kaden? Dragons?! Lol

Also, Fjorm as the TT boss?? Really? Well, I would rather fight her than Selkie or Lethe... 😛 

Seals look great, and I’m excited! 


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No bonus unit until I get Eir unless I get lucky with free summons (I don't really have the orbs for any of the new units nor for the TT banner) since no 3-4* option and no F2P option at the start.

Seeing Eir's Temari dagger makes me wish I have Tethys already.

And of course, those seals.

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Lethe and Ranulf are probably the only ones of my beasts which I'm not using at all. I'll try them out a bit, but won't invest much into them. 

Sadly I don't have Selkie and I don't plan to pull on the NY banner. 


Edited by mampfoid
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50 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

I foddered Ranulf yesterday so no bonus unit for me, LOL~

Haha, I had the same plan, but I was lucky and foddered Summer Gunnthrà and Quan instead for their Rally+ skills. 

Really strange it took them so long to give us seasonal beasts and TTs with beast bonus units. 

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I think I will be using Selkie or Lethe too until I get the Focus units.

4 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Elincia has the need....the need. for speed!. Swift Sparrow Seven on her is going to be bonkers

I cannot wait for Life and Death. Raven's Def will finally be bad enough to be in the teens even at +10+10. It would be so bad that it is impressive.

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I have no bonus units so outside of me getting lucky on the free pull for the NY banner I guess I'll have to carry the 4* Eir around. 

I normally don't do this, but this time I'm gonna rush to get everything ASAP because I need that Spd Tactic to do my Abyssal clear on Celica's map and the orbs to try and get Celica herself

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Waiting for the moment where i encounter a Swift Sparrow 5 L!Alm!! (3 from the A slot and 2 from the B-Slot) for a total of 11 Spd and 10 atk on his playerphase. Fun times! Thats 58 Spd on a +10 Spd boon Alm yummy. Give him Lull Def/Spd from Claude and welp... Armors are usually running Special Fighter now lol.

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1 hour ago, Vince777 said:

Didn't think they'd release Swift Sparrow before Death Blow. 

Death Blow is more likely to cause problems due to the existence of Brave weapons. We already have Sturdy Blow, so players should already be accustomed to dealing with +4 Atk on the Sacred Seal slot.

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Death Blow is more likely to cause problems due to the existence of Brave weapons. We already have Sturdy Blow, so players should already be accustomed to dealing with +4 Atk on the Sacred Seal slot.

Do you think they would release Life and Death before Death Blow for the same reason? It seems like they were testing the waters with Sturdy Blow, since it is just a slight increase in Atk compared to Attack +3.

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

Do you think they would release Life and Death before Death Blow for the same reason? It seems like they were testing the waters with Sturdy Blow, since it is just a slight increase in Atk compared to Attack +3.

I think Death Blow might actually be more likely to come before Life and Death. Though I'd put Fury before both of them.


I want my Fury 10 Eldigan already.

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Got a free Lethe I've practically never used since her debut banner when I wasn't playing the game. I literally logged in, pulled her and quit a few minutes later. Looks like she's about to come in handy. I'd really like a Ranulf though.

Anyway, gimme that SS2 seal. No clue who I'm gonna put that on. Maybe I'll give Elincia her refine.

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