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[CYOA] Teehee and the quest to Rean's Bod (LoH: Trails x FE3H)

Codename Shrimp

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

It's the crossover everyone needed, but nobody knew they wanted it.
I have faith that you can do it justice! No pressure, though.

Totally 0 pressure...

Tbh though, More fun would be Edelgard and Olivier.

Yes, this is what i am looking forward to writing the most xD

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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Totally 0 pressure...

Tbh though, More fun would be Edelgard and Olivier.

Yes, this is what i am looking forward to writing the most xD


And that ambition is...

Should've voted Black Eagles. F***! XD

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Should've voted Black Eagles. F***! XD

You want Edelgard and Musse in the same Class, while Olivier and Claude wreck chaos in the Deer? xD

Going by current Results: Musse will join the Deers, while Olivier and Tita will each join one of the other classes

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That would be amazing!
But we'll see how the voting goes!

I guess you could say that if it doesn't happen, it could be a MUSSED opportunity?

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20 hours ago, Benice said:

I guess you could say that if it doesn't happen, it could be a MUSSED opportunity?

That is MUSSED up.

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Interlude 1: Newcomer to the Abyss

This Place is definetly a strange one.

In all my time as a deliquent and later on as a Bracer, i never saw a place like quite like this one.

An Underground city full of people from all different kinds of life.

On one hand, this will could be quite the source of Information...

On the other, as a Bracer, seeing a place full of suffering like this is something i can not accept.

But nothing can be done about it now.

The others are doing their best to collect enough information to return home. 

I have to do the same.

I hope that brat is careful though. 

''She should be fine.'' I tell myself. After all, she is a strong girl. Tita won't fall that easily.

And the phony prince should be able to take care of himself. Green hair is no slouch, either, from what i've seen since i set foot on this land.

''Jo, Agate!'' I hear someone calling for me, ''Up for a spar?''

It's one of the Students of Abyss, Balthus. He, along with Hapi, Constance and their leader, Yuri, make up what's knows as the Ashen Wolves.

...I really hope Yuri and the phony prince never meet. 

I agree to the spar and we head to a place where we can do just that.

After all, i am now one of the Ashen Wolves as well. I better get along with them.

Even if me and their leader will probably never get along.

He reminds me too much of the phony prince...

and of Green hair as well.

Unbeknownst to me, after the spar i will find something. Something...

that definetly does not belong to this place.

Interlude 1, End.

Since the poll is still open until tomorrow, i decided to write this small Interlude from Agate's viewpoint instead.

Tell me if you want more Interludes from the PoV of other characters (including 3H), or if i should only stick to teehee girl from now on^^

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20 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Tell me if you want more Interludes from the PoV of other characters (including 3H), or if i should only stick to teehee girl from now on^^

Definitely more interludes. They're like gaiden chapters. You could do without them, but the story wouldn't be as complete or satisfying to read through if they weren't there.

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I will be going forward with the Interludes then from now on. Probably every 2 chapters or so.

I am also trying something different for this chapter. Tell me if it works out or nah.

Btw, Choices may also reward Quest Points (QP) from now on.

Chapter 3: The Golden Alliance, Teehee ✰

Using one of my 108 hypnotic Teehee skills ™️, and crafting a backstory for us, I was able to enrol us into the academy.

Tita decided to join the Blue Lions, as she is from a Kingdom herself. His Highness joined the Black Eagles, so that Class now has two imperial Princes. Agate dissapeared ever since we started the school year, saying that he ''found something interesting''. Next time we can meet he will probably have some information for us.

As for me, i joined the Golden Deer.

What an interesting bunch.

Their Leader, Claude, is an interesting guy. I doubt that is his real name to begin with.

Hilda is hiding alot of power behind her laziness. 

Lorenz would get along well with imperial nobility. For some reason, he knows that i am a noble. It's like he has a nobility sensor.

Lysithea is a hardworker, but has no friends. 

Leonie would've 100% became a Bracer if she was in Zemuria. She keeps talking about becoming a great Mercenary, yet she is too good hearted to be a Jäger.

Marianne is someone who's always sad. Hilda has been trying to befriend her. Maybe i should as well.

Ignatz and Raphael both come from Merchant families, and know each other from childhood.

It's similiar to the backstory i crafted for myself, now that i think about it. That being the daughter of a Merchant family that dealt alot with Nobles, hency why i've such a noble demeanor.

Or so i tell Lorenz.

As for the weapon choice, since i've to hide my orbments and only use Arts that resemble the magic used in this world, and that i can't use my gun, i went with sword training.

After all, as a noble, i had to learn court fencing while growing up.

We've been slowly integrating ourselves in Fodlan's life. However we aren't closer yet to returning home.

Maybe however i will find something concerning my suppossed dragon origins. After all, there are three other green haired people in the monastery.

But getting close to them is another matter.

Maybe i can get close to Flayn, but i'll have to get people to trust me first.

''Hey, Musse,'' I hear Claude calling to me, ''Are you ready for tonight's excursion?''

''Yes, Claude,'' I answer him, ''Are the preparations complete?''

''Yes, we are ready to go. Now if only our teacher was ready as well.''

Ah, yes, our teacher. He is some no name that really has nothing special about him.

Even Ignatz is more remarkable than him.

Hopefully nothing goes wrong tonight.



Everything went wrong.

We were suddenly attacked by a group of Bandits while on the excursion with the other classes.

We are fighting them back.

They have no skill, but they surprised us all, and they have the number advantage.

Looking around, i notice their is a disarray in our ranks.

Our Teacher isn't even here.

The other Professors are leading their classes to safety.

However the class leaders were meeting when it all happened.

Using the chaos as a cover, i proceed to cast Golden Sphere on a group of Bandits.

I see Hilda using her Axe and scaring them all away.

I cast as Lysithea was casting her dark magic at the bandits.

We are slowly gaining foothold.

But it's not over.

Even if it's slowly calming down.

What should i do, i wonder?

Taking all the variables into calculation, the best course of action is....

Choice 1: Meeting up with the class leaders. That could give us a much needed morale boost if they finish their fights faster.

Choice 2: Rendevouz with my compaions. I've got to make sure they are holding out well.

Choice 3: Continue fighting along the Golden Deer.

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14 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

so that Class now has two imperial Princes

Edelgard is a guy confirmed. Either that or this is a high quality pun.
Either way, it's hilarious. XD

Meet up with the house leaders! Something tells me some... interesting stuff will happen if we do!

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24 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Edelgard is a guy confirmed. Either that or this is a high quality pun.
Either way, it's hilarious. XD


17 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Higher numbers usually mean quicker victory.


have we been playing every Fire Emblem game wrong?

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Honestly. . .Musse-chan is not the type to freak out over something this trivial.  Though I'm a little curious as to why she hasn't mentioned Reason yet.  Sounds right up her alley!

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