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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Now it should show up alright. Iffy as Rin is kind of cute, ngl.

ayy ❤️

Nice art 😄

Reminder that MAGES. calling Noire Assistant is a VA reference to Steins;Gate (Noira's VA is also SG Heroine's VA)

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Reminder that MAGES. calling Noire Assistant is a VA reference to Steins;Gate (Noira's VA is also SG Heroine's VA)

I am aware. XD
She also voiced this lady:

I had a hard time separating Cinderella and Noire at first. XD

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I remember people complaining "Xilla was rushed" when it was first released, but I actually enjoyed it more than I was expecting. Vesperia on the other hand... no, it isn't the masterpiece it's lauded to be. Its cast is flawed, and the plot is splayed and flayed when it should've epically hunkered down on Guilds vs. the Kingdom. Anyone other than Yuri and Finn felt too slow to me when I played them, I felt like I had to burn copious TP on unrestricted Artes spam to make them fun.

Abyss is fine, if not spectacular. Symphonia alongside Baten Kaitos comprised my first two non-Mario/Pokemon/Quest 64 RPGs, so I've a very strong childhood bond to it. I know ToS isn't perfect and plays stiff now, but I can't deny it was influential on me in the past. ToS: Dawn of the New World was okay for an obviously limited budget side game. Graces I never finished b/c system death, but I accepted the gameplay, if not the safe and boring plot. GBA Tales of Phantasia was a mistake I came very close to finishing, but the saves wiped themselves out.

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If only Phantasia had a localization done right. It's telling that of every version it has, only the GBA one got localized.

There's also the mobile version, but let's not get into what an epic fail that one was.

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1 hour ago, Caster said:

Glad Berseria happened and improved literally everything.

The dungeons could have been better honestly.

Aside of the water shrine and final dungeons they're lacking on puzzles.

And postgame is an actual mess.

The battle gameplay, character cast and plot are superb for sure.


Done with the "Metal Gear" boss I got stuck yesterday.

I have to do a little forced break in Xenoblade from now on because playtime's over.

My little vacation has come to an end.

At least I can continue with my supports at work.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I remember people complaining "Xilla was rushed" when it was first released

I'm going to call bullshit on that one.
Not on you, of course, but those people who said that. Because nothing about Xillia says "rushed".

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Vesperia on the other hand... no, it isn't the masterpiece it's lauded to be. Its cast is flawed, and the plot is splayed and flayed when it should've epically hunkered down on Guilds vs. the Kingdom

I agree with this. Vesperia is treated like the Holy Grail of Tales (kinda like FE4 for Fire Emblem, Persona 4 Golden for Persona, and Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate for Warriors all of which I heavily disagree with, by the way), but while I did enjoy myself when I played it for the first time, I didn't see what supposedly sets it above the really good games in that series, like Xillia.
Heck, i even liked the hated Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World more than I did Vesperia (though granted, that one was my very first Tales game, so I will admit to being biased towards it).

Maybe it is exactly that kind of treatment by their fanbases at large that changes how I and perhaps other people look at a game. If a multitude of fans tell you that "this is the best game" and "nothing in the series even comes close" and "it's 100% the best in its series and is that game series at its very best", then naturally, you'll start holding the game in question to those standards and if it doesn't meet them in any capacity, then any flaws the game has may have more impact on your impression of it than they would have had in any other game in that series.
I don't know how to say it exactly, but I hope that makes sense to some degree.

3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

time to pull this one out again


I certainly won't disagree.

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24 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm going to call bullshit on that one.
Not on you, of course, but those people who said that. Because nothing about Xillia says "rushed".

It does feel a little shorter than the usual Tales. I think you could ask for more meat towards the end, after the Lance of Kresnik is finally fired as you expect it would be from tropes. Another area or two near Alvin's home to flesh it out more would've been nice.

There was a general shortage of optional content in Xilla compared to prior Tales too. But given how obscure and time-sensitive so much of had been in the past, I don't mind the shortage. ToS was bearable because I had a physical game guide back in the day, I could get everything almost no problems. But now, I don't want my first playthrough to be waterlogged with me checking online guides after the tiniest story event, being treated to small spoilers in the process, to see if some new sidequest had opened up. A non-blind second playthrough? Tales feel too long for that.

My suggestion for Tales- borrow Bravely's blue exclamation points on the world map. Maybe include two colors- one for timeless events, another indicating "go here now/soon, or else you'll miss it" events. Make sidequests less blind and all would be good.


24 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Maybe it is exactly that kind of treatment by their fanbases at large that makes me look at those games more critically than others. If a multitude of fans tell you that "this is the best game" and "nothing in the series even comes close" and "it's 100% the best in its series and is that game series at its very best", then naturally, you'll start holding the game in question to those standards and if it doesn't meet them in any capacity, then any flaws the game has may have more impact on your impression of it than they would have had in any other game in that series.
I don't know how to say it exactly, but I hope that makes sense to some degree.

Of course this makes sense. It's hype and the failure of that hype when you meet the reality. If the failure of hype is big enough causes one to turn into a vehement reactionary against the game.

Hype is great, hype is fun, it's natural, but the more hype you have towards something, the more it can disappoint. My earlier critique of FFXII and my criticism towards Vesperia are both because, whilst I try to avoid being hyped, I let hype for them in, and it bit me.




Speaking of lewdness, a wallpaper Vanillaware was offering comes to mind. It's uh, not one I'd recommend using in public settings.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It does feel a little shorter than the usual Tales. I think you could ask for more meat towards the end, after the Lance of Kresnik is finally fired as you expect it would be from tropes. Another area or two near Alvin's home to flesh it out more would've been nice.

I agree. I was a little disappointed I didn't get to spend a lot of time in what would become the "main" hubworld of Xillia 2 (I don't remember the names of the two worlds too well, it's been a while since I've played the games).

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

There was a general shortage of optional content in Xilla compared to prior Tales too. But given how obscure and time-sensitive so much of had been in the past, I don't mind the shortage. ToS was bearable because I had a physical game guide back in the day, I could get everything almost no problems. But now, I don't want my first playthrough to be waterlogged with me checking online guides after the tiniest story event, being treated to small spoilers in the process, to see if some new sidequest had opened up. A non-blind second playthrough? Tales feel too long for that.

My suggestion for Tales- borrow Bravely's blue exclamation points on the world map. Maybe include two colors- one for timeless events, another indicating "go here now/soon, or else you'll miss it" events. Make sidequests less blind and all would be good.

Definitely! The obscurity of so much side content is one of my biggest problems in Tales, and I agree it would benefit a lot from some more hints and such. I found this particularly bad in Abyss, as, even when using a guide on a second playthrough, I still missed a lot of it.

It's odd. Though Xillia is probably (one of) the shortest Tales game, it's one of the only ones I finished that I didn't play twice, the other being Zestiria. Every other game I played at least twice or even three times with record holder being Dawn of the New World, which I played a total of five times.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Of course this makes sense. It's hype and the failure of that hype when you meet the reality. If the failure of hype is big enough causes one to turn into a vehement reactionary against the game.

Hype is great, hype is fun, it's natural, but the more hype you have towards something, the more it can disappoint. My earlier critique of FFXII and my criticism towards Vesperia are both because, whilst I try to avoid being hyped, I let hype for them in, and it bit me.

And the worst part is when one desperately tries to blind themselves to the disappointment.
That happened to me for a short while after Fates came out. That's either a side effect or escalation of the "honeymoon phase".
I learned from it and now I try to go into each game with no prior expectations (which I spectacularly failed with Xenoblade 2, but at least it worked out everywhere else).

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I'm not really the biggest fan of Xillia, I'm not especially sure why. Something just doesn't do it for me.

On the other hand, I adore Xillia 2.

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3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


here's my Trails wallpaper collection from a few years ago (it's quite a bit bigger now, but i am i don't want to upload it all xD)


Trails Mario Party LET'S GOOOOOOOO

Oh that's official art too, that's neat.

I think i'll share my own wallpaper collection that i totally didn't make today.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

AAAAND I failed the Ironman because of a misclick. I meant to heal Hector, not Dorcas, and Hector got killed by the boss.
Friggin' hell.

Let me guess: Dorcas had less HP than Hector?

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Maybe it is exactly that kind of treatment by their fanbases at large that changes how I and perhaps other people look at a game. If a multitude of fans tell you that "this is the best game" and "nothing in the series even comes close" and "it's 100% the best in its series and is that game series at its very best", then naturally, you'll start holding the game in question to those standards and if it doesn't meet them in any capacity, then any flaws the game has may have more impact on your impression of it than they would have had in any other game in that series.

Mmmhmm. It's this mentality that led me to play Final Fantasy 7, not because i cared, but because everyone has said and still says it's one of the best games ever made. It was....fine. I mean, i liked it, but i stopped after reaching Gold Saucer and just never felt compelled to go back. I was doing what's called "homework gaming" rather than playing it because i genuianly wanted to.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

I learned from it and now I try to go into each game with no prior expectations (which I spectacularly failed with Xenoblade 2, but at least it worked out everywhere else).

I think there's a 10% chance i might be at fault for that

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Very cool how my professor has not uploaded the lecture for this week. Nor did he do a zoom class. He said either of the two things was gonna happen. Today's the final day of this school week.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


My Wallpaper Folder

Doto? Fault? What are these?

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Dota 2

Doto is a meme name xD

Ah ok, that makes sense.

I had to reread Doto because the first time, i read it as Dodo, as in the extinct bird from at least 10,000 years ago.

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