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When you say Nopon, I assume you notReyn and notSharla?

I think I'll give it a other chance, but I don't think my stance will change, the gameplay is so lacking. And removing XC1's best mechanic, the visions, made it kinda bare. Torna's gameplay was so much more in depth.

Edited by lightcosmo
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Last promise is definitely an experience
it's very oddly balanced
tbh i'm kind of having dumb fun with it when the enemy density isn't incredibly annoying (so like half of the time)

Also some very interesting design decisions
Like one map having a bolting mage like... 5 tiles away from the start, very threatening, when I can just kill him turn 1.
Or this thief not going for treasure that was right next to him, and him choosing to opt getting treasure that is the furthest away from him.
Or this thief being placed at like, the beginning of the map, behind your units, and taking like 10 turns to get to the chest anyways, where you would be able to easily kill him because he is coming behind you
Or the route split where you pick between a level 1 myrmidon and a promoted hero
or the

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2 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:



The lack on chain attacks is a bummer though.


I'd say in this way Future Connect has more interesting character cast whilst Torna has better gameplay. 

I dunno, the gameplay just feels lackluster to me. I suppose the lack of different options is a bit of a letdown.

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12 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

I mean Torna's cast was not as remarkable as the maingame's one, but there was no one I really disliked.

4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Really? I actually feel like it's the other way around, and the main XC2 cast is a bit lacking.

I meant the Torna organization. Not the Torna cast. Jin and Malos are great, Mikhail is alright, Ahkos and Patroka are bad.

12 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

I like this battle theme way more than the one in the main game.

It's very relaxing.

Best regular battle theme in the series imo.

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Awesome as this scene was, and as awesome as the music that played during this scene was, I have questions:

Why does the game not let me pick which one I want to play as?
Why does it not let me switch between these two in battle at least?
If the enemy generals are as strong as best boi Karna, why are we not bringing best boi Karna along to fight them?
Why the f*** does this game have a f***ing harem route?

Edited by DragonFlames
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24 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


Awesome as this scene was, and as awesome as the music that played during this scene was, I have questions:

Why does the game not let me pick which one I want to play as?
Why does it not let me switch between these two in battle at least?
If the enemy generals are as strong as best boi Karna, why are we not bringing best boi Karna along to fight them?
Why the f*** does this game have a f***ing harem route?

This route fucking sucks ass

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*The door of the room is suddenly and violently forced open. A copy of Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE Encore darkens the doorway, floating in midair like a malignant ghost. Wraith springs to his feet, smashing his empty whiskey bottle in half against the wall. He holds the bottle as a menacing weapon, with the broken yet sharp half facing towards the door*


*Wraith charges out the door like a crazed beast, swinging the bottle wildly as he goes after the game. His savage oaths and curses continue to echo back into the room, even as his form fades into the darkness of the hallway.*

Edited by Wraith
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4 minutes ago, Wraith said:

*The door of the room is suddenly and violently forced open. A copy of Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE Encore darkens the doorway, floating in midair like a malignant ghost. Wraith springs to his feet, smashing his empty whiskey bottle in half against the wall. He holds the bottle as a menacing weapon, with the broken yet sharp half facing towards the door*


*Wraith charges out the door like a crazed beast, swinging the bottle wildly as he goes after the game. His savage oaths and swears continue to echo back into the room, as his form fades into the darkness of the hallway.*


Edited by twilitfalchion
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Me: Oh boy, the last two maps in FE4 have been great! I'm starting to see why people like this game if Gen. 2 keeps this map design up!

Kaga: Let's make the player walk across the whole desert to reach Reptor.

Seriously, why? I was having fun! Is there some kind of trick that I don't know that won't make me walk through the desert?

8 minutes ago, Wraith said:

*The door of the room is suddenly and violently forced open. A copy of Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE Encore darkens the doorway, floating in midair like a malignant ghost. Wraith springs to his feet, smashing his empty whiskey bottle in half against the wall. He holds the bottle as a menacing weapon, with the broken yet sharp half facing towards the door*


*Wraith charges out the door like a crazed beast, swinging the bottle wildly as he goes after the game. His savage oaths and swears continue to echo back into the room, as his form fades into the darkness of the hallway.*

What did TMS do to break your mind so?

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40 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Why does the game not let me pick which one I want to play as?

That's something i've been asking myself since the beginning of the game. Instead of these needless repititive mini stories, we should've been able to play as any of our allies in the respective routes, and been able to switch between characters (like fe warriors)

40 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Why the f*** does this game have a f***ing harem route?

Because writers are cowards (or brave, depends on who you ask xD)

Edited by Shrimperor
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*A demoniacal din shrieks from the blackened hallway, shaking the foundations of the building. It is a mixture of desperate human shouts, mixed with unintelligible screams in black tongues that could only have come from the obsidian pits. Suddenly the shrieks stop, allowing a funerial silence to fill the void.*

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7 minutes ago, Benice said:

Me: Oh boy, the last two maps in FE4 have been great! I'm starting to see why people like this game if Gen. 2 keeps this map design up!

Kaga: Let's make the player walk across the whole desert to reach Reptor.

Seriously, why? I was having fun! Is there some kind of trick that I don't know that won't make me walk through the desert?

So you've been continuing FE4? Good on you! That's more than I did with the game.

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

So you've been continuing FE4? Good on you! That's more than I did with the game.

Yep. I have to say that if chapter 4 was as bad as chapters 2 and 3 were, I'd have probably stopped. I enjoyed chapter 4 quite a lot and chapter 5 has been mostly good aside from a few annoying things. If you still have the save file, I would suggest trying to push through chapters 2 and 3, though.

As a side note, why did they think that having enemies destroy your castle was a good idea? I like the concept of enemies capturing things back from you, but the only problem it causes is slowing you down because you can't warp anymore! I hope that if/when FE4 is remade, they improve that mechanic in some way or other.

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*Wraith stumbles back into the room, his clothes cut to shreds and clinging about him like rags. Blood pours forth from a score or more wounds as he slumps against a wall. Wraith examines his weapon, replete with a viscous, pulsing, black bile on the blunted broken half of it. He lets the bottle fall from his benumded fingers and it shatters on impact. Reaching into his tattered cloak, he pulls out a fresh bottle of whiskey.*

19 minutes ago, Benice said:

What did TMS do to break your mind so?

*Spits blood on the floor*

It existed.

*Takes a another swing of whiskey*

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36 minutes ago, Caster said:

This route fucking sucks ass

That is certainly an answer to all those questions.
One that I can't entirely disagree with, at least where the Nero/Tamamo/Hakuno thing is concerned.

31 minutes ago, Wraith said:

*The door of the room is suddenly and violently forced open. A copy of Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE Encore darkens the doorway, floating in midair like a malignant ghost. Wraith springs to his feet, smashing his empty whiskey bottle in half against the wall. He holds the bottle as a menacing weapon, with the broken yet sharp half facing towards the door*


*Wraith charges out the door like a crazed beast, swinging the bottle wildly as he goes after the game. His savage oaths and curses continue to echo back into the room, even as his form fades into the darkness of the hallway.*


Are you... okay there, buddy?

21 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

That's something i've been asking myself since the beginning of the game. Instead of these needless repititive mini stories, we should've been able to play as any of our allies in their respective routes

I know, right?
They could have scrapped the side stories completely (because quite honestly, they don't add anything that couldn't have been included in the main stories) if they had just allowed us to pick different characters. Now, don't get me wrong, I liked playing as the "forced" ones a lot (even though I had to get used to Tamamo's and Karna's playstyles first), but... why could I not play as, say, Cu Chulainn during Nero's route or Jeanne during Altera's?

As is, I have to question the purpose of the other Servants not named Gilgamesh, Elizabeth (whatever happened to her, anyway?), and Emiya. Because those three short stages you get in their side stories don't exactly give you a feel for how each of them play.

21 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Because writers are cowards (or brave, depends on who you ask xD)

I'd agree with the cowards answer, honestly.

I said this to Caster earlier, but what they should have done is let the player pick between Nero and Tamamo: "Who do you like more? the gender-bent Roman emperor or the fox girl?" Depending on who you pick, that's the person that becomes the main character for the final route, no ifs ands or butts about it.
As is, they completely shafted Tamamo for Nero, but the harem implication is still there. I can't stand that in games or anime. Just commit, damn it. It's not hard!
This is CS bonding all over again, isn't it?

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21 minutes ago, Benice said:

Me: Oh boy, the last two maps in FE4 have been great! I'm starting to see why people like this game if Gen. 2 keeps this map design up!

Kaga: Let's make the player walk across the whole desert to reach Reptor.

Seriously, why? I was having fun! Is there some kind of trick that I don't know that won't make me walk through the desert?

I'm pretty sure you only need to cross sand tiles in a small segment between Phinora and the southern edge. Not the entire stretch.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm pretty sure you only need to cross sand tiles in a small segment between Phinora and the southern edge. Not the entire stretch.

Yep. There's a certain path you can walk with Seliph without losing any/much move, I'm pretty sure. And since a path appears back down after you seize, I don't find it that bad.

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Too much, my spectral acquaintance, too much.

*Throws away the empty whiskey bottle and pulls out another from his tattered cloak*
Let my regale you with the start of a great tragedy for context, twilightfalchion:


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