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How's life?

After my technical issues with FE7, I decided to start FE2 to take a break. Surprisingly, I'm actually finding it pretty fun! I like archers with big range and being able to class-change the villagers and whatnot.

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3 hours ago, Dayni said:

I was also stupid playing 10, so that was hard and I got as far as the one recurring boss on the fight where he uses Zombie a ton. 6 wasn't as hard but I was low level (being sub 40) mainly due to the veldt. I'd also say 9 can be tricky, especially when you're trying to steal everything. Just the trickier stuff as I remember that wasn't what's already come up (+6)

I just find 10 boring because most of your options, the enemies are immune to, limiting what you can do. And it comes down to abusing things like Quick Trick over and over.

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, X. The second FF I played. Or was that IV? Well anyway, I greatly enjoyed it. Although I never had the chance to 100% it.

It's a good game, I just find the combat very repetitive. I personally like X-2 much better.

Edited by lightcosmo
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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

It's a good game, I just find the combat very repetitive. I personally like X-2 much better.

Oh, haha, X-2.

That was the first FF I played. Talk about an unusual choice to enter the series. Start with a sequel work!? Mhm. Interesting gameplay, and many aspects of the story were so too.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, haha, X-2.

That was the first FF I played. Talk about an unusual choice to enter the series. Start with a sequel work!? Mhm. Interesting gameplay, and many aspects of the story were so too.

I really like the way X-2 was handled, I really enjoyed it. Compared to X, it was amazing overall. I enjoyed the gameplay elements they added in.

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Okay, next on my "S rank every AC5 mission on at least Normal difficulty" schedule was Mission 06. This one is... well, not among my most favorites. As it's essentially one big defend mission, protecting the Osean Mass Driver as it launches the laser module the Arkbird will use later on. It's divided into two parts. On the first part C-130 transports will pass by as they drop... I kid you not, parachuting tanks! They'll land outside the defense perimeter and first shoot at the ally pillboxes before attacking the mass driver. Before that, they need to, well, parachute down. So despite taking two missiles to destroy, one can just... gun down the parachutes and let the Yuktobanians plummet to their deaths. Mission 06 also relies on point score for ranking, and since I kept my formation of F-22A's and Su-47's, I was able to down a few of the C-130's, which are the big point givers of the mission.

Second part is the more annoying one. Giving up on a direct assault, the Yukes now deploy B-2A bombers launching target-able missiles from long range. I forgot how many of them need to hit to fail the mission, but I managed to destroy all but one. Go Raptors and Berkuts! Anyway, the bombers are far enough away and spaced out to make it risky to destroy them due to all the missiles going at the Mass Driver, but thanks to having endgame planes, I was able to destroy two of them, thus making the mission itself easier. Like the transport planes, the bombers also give lots of points. Well, not a bad run. Made almost 14000 points while only 10K are needed. Well, when having good planes does make a difference. First time playing certainly not so. 

Also, turns out Aces start showing up in Free Mission mode, and Mission 06 houses one. Unlike AC04 where they mostly simply show up on the map already, 5's Aces sometimes need special triggers for them to show up. For M06's ace, Zaharada in a Mirage 2000D, some of the enemy planes need to be shot down. In a fit of AI competence, as I shot down the C-130's and the tanks the wingmen took care of the fighter planes. Although suddenly seeing the ace caught me by surprise at first, as it zoomed into view without warning, haha.

Okay, only like a mission or two left that I failed to get S rank with, plus the route split missions I've yet to do. Will continue next time.

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1 hour ago, Caster said:

Making me think you're talking about Mega Man.

Huh, that's interesting. Only Megaman I play is BN, of course.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Time to start the Xenoblade!

Have fun! And good luck!

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11 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Huh, that's interesting. Only Megaman I play is BN, of course.

I'm making a joke, since you said X 2, which I associate with Megaman.

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Completed the "Vandham Affinity Mission". I wish the commander was playable, but it's because he isn't that he is allowed to deviate from the standard body forms everyone else shares. After that, I completed Lin's first AfM, and then Lao's first- which is needed for Chapter 5. I passed up a great chance to test infinite Overdrive against against its beefy boss, but a test battle against the weak but durable Oskar, the Summer Squall Tyrant and a fight during Doug's first AfM confirmed beyond all doubt of Elma's out of the gate Overdriven strength.

During Doug's AfM, I took some time to explore the northern areas of Noctilum, which I continued doing when I followed things up with recruiting Boze and Murderess, on the latter, I opted to let her keep the reward money and thereby skipped the battle. Not sure if that was the best course of action, but I chose disengagement because I wanted to be calm and credits aren't worth a whole lot in XCX. If you seriously mass buy stuff, you can burn through your cash, and Skells are costly, but these are fringe scenarios. Boze's mission ends with the first of a survival-type battle, where enemies infinitely spawn and victory is surviving until the clock in the upper right runs out.

I haven't engaged in a great deal of exploration so far, and I thinking of skipping on Alexa, Frye, and Hope until I'm done with Chapter 6, I don't want to explore everywhere at once. And for the same reason I think I'll leave a whole bunch of the missions undone that are currently available. I'll finish up Noctilum right now because I need to for Chapter 6, but central and eastern Oblivia are on hold, as is Sylvalum and Cauldros.

To save space unless desired, I'll box some of exploration commentary:


I've mostly stuck to the third Gamepad map mode- the one that gives you nothing more than the map, with a couple location names and clocks representing the Base Camps on it. I chose to free myself of the difficulty-colored hexes and Miranium Deposit FN Sites, it makes the wandering feel more natural without me seeing where to avoid and where to go. Although my choice has its drawbacks, I wasn't sure which way was the best to proceed into northern Noctilum, and followed an NPC's advice of heading west along the cliffs. They said "in case you get lost"- not "if you want to live".

Some level 30 and 40 indigens lined the ends of the Hushflood rivers where they turned became waterfalls, and although enemies in this game have tunnel vision most of the time, the presence of sight and noise indicators on a slew of them made me wary of getting remotely close. Once I as I approached the FN Site atop a waterfall, I triggered the hidden lvl 40+ Tectinsula positioned right by it as a trap for the hasty. After a long trek back to the spot, I was intent on setting the probe despite this area being out of my league, I walked carefully, trying to go between both of the hidden indigens without upsetting either, I failed, but as I didn't draw my weapon, I was able to sprint to the laser beam and activate FrontierNav before they hit me. I leaped off the great waterfalls and fell for a second time to safety. Besides this situation, near the base camp where I had gotten the misleading advice, there are lv ~27 Simians, but two 40+ Simians double or triple their size are interlaced with them- the color-coded level hexes this game uses are not perfect. Overall, Noctilum in general is a little tough at my current level, about 24 I think on Cross and Lao (who has reached 3 Hearts, hopefully HtH Affinity gains will mean I can go from 4 to 5 without any need for battle). -But why shouldn't it be? Ease shouldn't come until the game is over.

Subsequent exploration after leaping off the waterfall made me take notice of a giant tree root I could swim to, and from that, I noticed some single digit leveled enemies along the lands south of the last waterfalls. It appears that if one were to head west in the upper half of Noctilum and wished to do it safely, you'd want to leap into the water and keep in it going until you reached the land furthest west- the Vitriol Cesspool, and then with caution stick to a western course. Although traversing the tree root to Cascade Isle sounds like a natural idea, the lv ~30 Caecuses in its small area are discouraging of that.


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6 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Have fun! And good luck!


So i just finished Ch1.

I am quite enjoying it, tbh. Gameplay seems quite fun, too. And let's where they will go with the Story...

Why can't i switch controlled character during fights tho...

And why are there only 3 save slot?

Edit: wew boy Ch2. Did not expect that

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10 hours ago, Benice said:

How's life?

After my technical issues with FE7, I decided to start FE2 to take a break. Surprisingly, I'm actually finding it pretty fun! I like archers with big range and being able to class-change the villagers and whatnot.

I take it you're playing FE2 for the historical value? Cause i can't see any other reason to play it when Echoes exists.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Why can't i switch controlled character during fights tho...

The only Xenoblade game that kinda lets you actually change characters mid-combat is Torna, due to it having a tag-team mechanic (and switching out replenishes a portion of the HP bar, just like in tag-team fighting games). Besides that, you really can't change characters mid-combat and while it would be nice, the AI is competent 99% of the time so it's not like you need to control other party members to get them to do things. But, Xenoblade 1 does give you some alternative options. You've likely done Chain Attacks now, the other way to kinda control other party members is by warning them whenever a Vision comes up. Doing so consumes one bar of the Party Gauge and lets you use any one of the party member's Arts for free. It's situational but it can help. For example, if you get a Vision, you can use Stream Edge or Air Slash with Shulk to Break the enemy, then warn Reyn and tell him to use Wild Down to Topple.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

And why are there only 3 save slot?

Enjoy it while it lasts, this is the only Xenoblade game with multiple save slots.

The Switch gives you infinite save slots anyway.

But for real, why is Nintendo so obssesed with single-save slot games? I remembered when it primarily used to be a Pokemon thing.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I take it you're playing FE2 for the historical value? Cause i can't see any other reason to play it when Echoes exists.

Well, having no 3DS is the main reason.

I really wanna play Echoes now, though! Argh!

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

But for real, why is Nintendo so obssesed with single-save slot games? I remembered when it primarily used to be a Pokemon thing.

This is one of my biggest gripes with BotW. If I want to start a second playthrough on normal mode, I have to create a second user. It's completely tedious and unnecessary.

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5 minutes ago, Benice said:

Well, having no 3DS is the main reason.

Oh RIP. I imagine you can get them pretty cheap now though.

5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

This is one of my biggest gripes with BotW. If I want to start a second playthrough on normal mode, I have to create a second user. It's completely tedious and unnecessary.

BotW is an odd case because you can have multiple save files within a user but it's all for that one playthrough. It's basically save states rather than a save file, if that makes sense.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

the AI is competent 99% of the time

...I hope so, because from what i saw so far i don't have much faith in Ai...

Don't let me wait 2 minutes to topple, damn it.

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You've likely done Chain Attacks now


14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

the other way to kinda control other party members is by warning them whenever a Vision comes up.


I guess that will be something introduced later

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The Switch gives you infinite save slots anyway.

Can i copy save files between profiles?


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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Don't let me wait 2 minutes to topple, damn it.

That's usually because they can't, not because they won't. If they aren't Toppling when they should, then it's likely that the Art used for that hasn't recharged. As you level up Arts and decrease their cooldown times, you'll be waiting less for things to happen. Most characters have Topple Arts anyway, so if one character doesn't Topple, chances are another will.

Basically, so long as the neccesary Arts are charged, if you Break an enemy, then party members will follow with a Topple. And then another would follow up with a Daze (but Daze Arts don't come in until later so don't worry about that for now).

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Can i copy save files between profiles?

Unfortunately, no.

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My next DQV update:


Okay, so, went back to Zenithia... and Dr Agon turned out to be Zenith Dragon all along. Gee, I totally did not see that coming. lol XD

Anyway, now that he's back, we now get to ride him! From flying castle to a dragon... well, about the only upgrade is that he's faster? He's needed to finally take the fight to the Order of Zugzwang at Mt. Azimuth. Though before doing that, I'm gonna finally go and visit Mostroferrato. Because it's time to fight against Bjørn the Behemoose!

Okay, so, while it's not needed yet to do, one can fight Bjørn as soon as Act III begins. However, it'd be very inadvisable since Bjørn... is tough. Like Ladja, he can sometimes act twice per turn, hits hard, has the strongest fire breath attack (I think it is the strongest), a party-wide lightning attack, and can cast Kasap and Buff. Now for this it's best to have the Princess's Robe on Madchen. Used Insulatle and Oomph, and occasionally Kabuff. It's pretty much a tactic to force bosses to "waste" their turns by making them use their non-attacks. So Kabuff to force him to recast Kasap, and the Zenithian Sword, which can use Disruptive Wave, to force him to use Buff again. Madchen once again was on healing duty with the Staff of Salvation, while the other three attacked, the Golem once more using Muster Strength. Though this time Madason and Parry had to join in on the healing.

Despite my worries, he went down on the first try. Though things did went dire when he managed to land a KO a few times. Thankfully Parry already has Kazing. So, with Bjørn beaten, I now have the Ultimate Key! As I said before, fighting Bjørn is mandatory as the Ultimate Key is needed to progress, but not yet. Usually it's advised to hold on until at least restoring Zenithia to fight him. Once you get enough levels on the children and get better gear, specially the likes of the Princess's Robe and stuff, for the fire breath protection.

Well, before actually heading to Mt. Azimuth, I'll be going around using the key. Next time.


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34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

the AI is competent 99% of the time so it's not like you need to control other party members to get them to do things

Except AI Shulk is kinda bad, and AI Melia at least in the original was downright unintelligent. The other characters are mostly good though, a bit better with the "focus attacks" command I will add. And AI Reyn doesn't use Guard Shift or Magnum Charge well I think, but that's understandable.

To name some XCX AI faults I've noticed:

  • Shadowstrike!...Right into the enemy's face. Positionally challenged at times- they don't always blow it. Other Arts bonus damage conditionals they've frequently failed to use properly too, no Cross you have 1000 TP, use Full Specs before Beam Barrage, not after!
  • The AI won't use Trash Talk for taunting enemies unless you're engaged in combat with multiple ones because it has AoE. This may apply to certain AoE attack Arts too, I'm not sure if I've ever seen Elma use Violent Streak when there was a single enemy.
  • Power Dive's and Hair Trigger's Supercharge effect is likely as bad as Magnum Charge on Reyn.
  • I haven't tried it on them, but the Speed Demon Aura is probably worthless for the AI. I don't think it can sprint in battle.
  • I don't think the AI ever waits for Secondary Cooldown, I don't think there's even an option to command them to do that.
  • When in Skells, never forget to order "Leave the Binding to me!", the AI can Bind, but it never fails to fail the QTEs to keep them in a Bind. Thankfully, it never fails to perfectly succeed in the QTE on Skell destruction, so they won't ever consume Skell Insurance which was bad idea in retrospect I think barring a fall into the Yawning Giant.
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