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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, Benice said:

Wade has roughly 80-75 hit on soldiers in his joining chapter

that's around 20-30 more than my experience

3 minutes ago, Benice said:

whereas Leif has 72 hit on soldiers in the first chapter


And with Light brand he has 99

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16 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Thanks. There's actually some really neat fan art online that makes for great pfp options. My last pfp was fan art as well.

You're welcome!
Yeah, there definitely is. Sadly, with the exception of Neptunia, my favorite games don't get a lot of fan art.
Nights of Azure, for example has a grand total of zero. That I found, anyhow.

16 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I agree. I wish Byleth had been given more personality or something to define them better. It seems like IS kind of left Byleth in a weird place between being an actual character and being an blank-slate avatar, ultimately being a half-baked version of both.

In a lot of ways, Byleth works like a Persona protagonist, which is why I'm largely fine with them.
Though I will admit that Joker (the protagonist of Persona 5) just oozes personality, which Byleth kinda lacks. I do like how they came up with an in-universe explanation for it, though.

16 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

That's a really nice way of giving the character some depth even if they are largely silent.

Yep, I agree!

16 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Wait, three?

To make a long story short, the game(s) take(s) place in a virtual world and a digital body there is made up of three parts: Body, Mind, and Soul.
Due to an incident in the beginning of the game, Hakuno is split up into these three parts, but doesn't know about it at that point in the story due to a memory loss that came with the split.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

To make a long story short, the game(s) take(s) place in a virtual world and a digital body there is made up of three parts: Body, Mind, and Soul.
Due to an incident in the beginning of the game, Hakuno is split up into these three parts, but doesn't know about it at that point in the story due to a memory loss that came with the split.

Interesting. Thanks for explaining.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

yeah but it's 1am here atm xD

Maybe i should just Xenoblade....

but that will lead to me sleeping at 7 am or something xD

Oof. That was me today. Running on thirty minutes of sleep.

24 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

that's around 20-30 more than my experience





This lovely visual aid proves my point that Wade never misses!



WaRd iS a gOoD uniT

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3 minutes ago, Benice said:

WaRd iS a gOoD uniT

That's not hard mode is it

because that's my FE6 experience 

>60 hit with weapon triangla advantage


I hate this game

I have another pic with 49 hit with wta lol

on chapter 4


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Maybe i should try another random jp srpg game

but i am not finding any ''interesting/different'' ones anymore

There are other couple ones i tried

but they weren't much different than normal FE. One even reminded me of FE4, down to big maps and pursuit skill needed to double...

There's still AU SRPG i wanna try mmmmmmmmmmmm

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

That's not hard mode is it

That is hard mode indeed. Base level Wade on a clean rom.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

>60 hit with weapon triangla advantage


I hate this game

I have another pic with 49 hit with wta lol

on chapter 4


There is a reason that Ward is considered one of the worst units in the game. He's truly awful. I'm not going to say unironically that Wade is worth using. Or Lot, even if I always use both. Ward is an atrocious unit, and he's not helped by nerfed axes in FE6.

Even with FE7 axes, Ward is terrible.  Assuming you attained 49 hit with WTA using the halberd, it'd only be 54 in FE7, or 59 if he was using the hammer. Marcus, however, with WTA on that cav, has roughly 85-90 hit IIRC. Allance should also be around 70-75, depending on how they grew. Roy'll have 85-ish, Deke will have 85-ish, Lugh will be in the mid-80s, Rutger will have near 100 hit... Enemies are not insurmountable or unhittable in this game, (except for those terribly designed bosses in 8 and 8x and that swordmaster guy in Sacae) even for Wade once trained.

Point being that Wade sucks, as do axes. Not everyone you have is the same boat, though.

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2 minutes ago, Benice said:

There is a reason that Ward is considered one of the worst units in the game. He's truly awful

not just Ward, but any non sword units that isn't Marcus and like 4 other units (including that one dragon rider whos name i don't remember) have absolutely awful hit rates.

Like Allen had 49 hit on Wta lol. With a Lance against a sword unit.

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Sorry I cant really join in on the FE6 discussions, as I never play it. I ported all the events and maps and such to FE8, so I wouldnt count it as playing FE6, though. And It took forever.

Edited by lightcosmo
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Alright, time to play the real Mission 13. Belka may have surrender, but not all forces abide to that decision. Like Mission 07, this is another "Lots of targets in a big area, score points within a time limit" mission. In the same region AC5 Missions 21 and 22 took place, even. In a bit of a novelty, the return line is to the west, not south. Oh yeah, since last mission I finally bought the X-02 Wyvern. Though for this mission I lacked the money to buy its air-to-surface weapon, so I flew in the Mirage 2000D for now. Triggerable aces include Beo in a F-15E Strike Eagle, spawning if enough units in the northeast cluster are destroyed. He lives. Apparently I could've trigger another ace, if destroying enough forces in the east cluster, but I ended up finishing the mission before going there. Oh well. Unlike Beo, this one is not Ace style dependent, so I can just get it on another playthrough or in Free Mission. A curious note is the HUGE hangar near the mine entrance. Hmm...

Next, Mission 14. More Belkan remnants, this time in Belka's northeast coast. Apparently they're trying to cause havoc to disrupt the peace talks, despite them taking place in Lumen, on the opposite side of the country. As Missions 04 and 08, this is another three-operations. Destroy ground/naval targets by the coast (Mars Strike Team), destroy air and ground forces in a makeshift air base (Mercury Strike Team), and fight-off air targets in the general area (Jupiter Strike Team). Went with Mercury. A curious thing here is that some planes will start on the ground and will take off... from tunnels. As with Mission 08, there's a short window before they take off and start moving in three dimensions, but it's no big deal. Really, once you buy the Wyvern, it's easy mode, hahaha. Only ace around is Lanze in an F-4E Phantom. He goes MIA.

Unsurprisingly, the peace deal amounts to Osea annexing the entirety of South Belka. What do you expect from the USA equivalent of Strangereal.

After a surprising six months time-skip, Mission 15 begins. Within Belka an insurgent group has sprung up: A World With No Boundaries. They make their begun unleashing the thing supposedly housed in that hangar from Mission 13: the XB-0 Hresvelgr. Edelgard, is that you? It's A World with no Boundaries, not A World with no Crests! Which is, well...


A HUGE gunship. A flying super fortress, if you will. Mission is to shoot it down. Map takes place at Stier Castle. Since it's Christmas Day, the map is snowy like in AC5. The combat zone covers more to the south of the castle than AC5 or Zero's own Mission 12 did. You can fly over one of the nuke craters. Eerie. Anyway, the XB-0 has its own assort of anti-air weaponry to defend itself, but it's also an airborne aircraft carrier. Right off the bat, with no Ace style distinction, emerge...

J-35J Draken & Rafale-M Espada Team (Ace Combat Zero) - Thirdwire ...

As it turns out, military forces from all over the world have joined AWWNB. Coming from Sapin, we have Espada Team. Espada 1 pilots a J35J Draken, and Espada 2 a Rafale M. Something of an odd choice. The Draken is a starting aircraft, yet a late-game boss is piloting one! Go figure. Anyway, even with the Wyvern, it was a little annoying taking them down. Espada 2 is special was very fast for missiles to hit her (yes, her).

Something to note here. Taking out Espada 1 first will turn him into a yellow unit. This doesn't happen if Espada 2 is shot down first instead. I'm trying to get my Ace bar gauge to stay in the very middle to get the Supreme Soldier medal. Espada 1 is the last yellow unit of the game. I finished Mission 14 managing to get the gauge in the required area. Good thing I can avoid turning Espada 1 yellow. Espada 2 lives, Espada 1 goes MIA. Seemingly. Anyway, they both carry their planes' paint schemes.

Anyway, taking down Espada Team triggers some mooks in Terminators to spawn. Taking them out triggers two more aces to spawn. For Soldier style, it's Suerte Team. Both pilot Su-32 Strike Flankers. Suerte 1 dies, Suerte 2 lives.

Back to the XB-0 itself, it must be shot down before it leaves the combat zone north. Everything on it must be destroyed. Its weapons and engines, and finishing with the cockpit. It's a step-up from the Excalibur, but still not too hard to take down. At least this one has escorts. Once the cockpit is destroyed it plummets down, crashing onto the Waldreich mountains. Bye Edelgard von Hresvelgr. However, before it does, one more plane takes off during the cut-scene. Leaving behind a message...

"Yo buddy, still alive?"

It's him...

Okay, I'm just before the endgame stretch. The last three missions will be for... next time.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thats what the Lastyr III Raygun:


looks like when it's not in use.

If you didn't tell me it was a railgun, i would've assumed it was a rocket launcher.

...actually, i don't think rocket launchers are weapons in X.


So the Mario 64 source files have been found. In it, unused models of Luigi were found, which were reconstructed by modders



And also


I feel like this is gonna trigger the collapse of the universe.



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