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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

way too often in japanese media xD


this manga for example, MCs name is Frieren. The Hero is called ''Held'', the Warrior ''Eisen'' and the Priest ''Heiter'', and every city is called after something german xD

A strong person they just got is called ''Stark'' xD


I needed that good laugh. Thanks!

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You're in a place called Gotha. What were you expecting?

Well, seeing how that's a place that actually exists, certainly not that. XD
Unsurprisingly, I named her something else, because having a character's name be "Mädchen" is just way too awkward for me.

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4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Well, seeing how that's a place that actually exists, certainly not that. XD
Unsurprisingly, I named her something else, because having a character's name be "Mädchen" is just way too awkward for me.

For its worth, her default name in Japan is Tabatha. Well, in the DS verison. It was Annie in the SNES. And then in the novelization and CD Drama it's Poppy, short for Popirea El Cie Granvania. Granvania being what Gotha is called in Japan.

Also, if you find amusement or weirdness to German on English then you should've seen my Ace Combat Zero updates. lol

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I know. It's definitely deliberate, when you consider Coburg as well.


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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

For its worth, her default name in Japan is Tabatha. Well, in the DS verison. It was Annie in the SNES. And then in the novelization and CD Drama it's Poppy, short for Popirea El Cie Granvania. Granvania being what Gotha is called in Japan.

Also, if you find amusement or weirdness to German on English then you should've seen my Ace Combat Zero updates. lol

It is certainly startling, suddenly seeing a German word or name in an otherwise decidedly non-German text or work. XD

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

It is certainly startling, suddenly seeing a German word or name in an otherwise decidedly non-German text or work. XD

This is will be a ride, then.

To be fair, in Ace Combat, Belka is meant to be the Germany of their world.

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Smite now the scions of the Teehee!
Grant us the strength to pierce their unclean flesh!
To cover their fields with the pale form of their blasphemous dead!
To drown the thunder of guns with the shrieks of their dying!
To lay waste to their citadels with hurricanes of fire!
To wring the hearts of their kin with unavailing grief!
To send them into the waste of their desolate land in rags and hunger, broken in spirit, worn with travail and begging for the refuge of the grave.
We ask it, in the spirit of wrath, O Master of Mankind!

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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Didn't you play Cold Steel xD

I did! And it threw me for a loop every single time!
Especially if it's wrong German, like Panzersoldats. That name is just spine-chillingly bad. XD

Though to be fair, I have similar issues with English words or even acronyms being conjugated like verbs in German. You know, stuff like "smsen" or "googlen".
I don't know. It's just weird. XD

7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

To be fair, in Ace Combat, Belka is meant to be the Germany of their world.

Then the German names make sense, at least.

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5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

ou know, stuff like "smsen" or "googlen".
I don't know. It's just weird. XD

Language development arc xD

Also, bi-lingual people do that very very very often xD

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

On the subject of German, I just got reminded of SRW's Einst.

Einst Knochen, Einst Glied, Einst Gemmuet, Einst Regisseur...

Once bone, once limb, once disposition, once director
("once" in the sense of "at some time in the past")

Makes perfect sense to me! /s

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

very very very often


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11 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Once bone, once limb, once disposition, once director
("once" in the sense of "at some time in the past")

Makes perfect sense to me! /s

It kinda is. At least in the continuities they show up, the Einst were Earth's life that was. Hence the "Once".

The Knochen are boney like

Einst Knochen

Glied are plant-like (limb being their vine-tentacles), 

Einst Glied

You got me on Gemmuet, but they look like knights, so maybe there is a meaning to their name.

Einst Gemuet

Regisseur is their leader/director.

Einst Regisseur

THere is also the Einst Eisen, a facsimile of the Alteisen mecha.

Einsteisen Alteisen

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i already have a hard enough time managing 3 languages. I kinda have to assign each language their own topic so to say. For example: German for social & most of real life, English for  nerd/online stuff, etc

I thought about picking up a 4th language, but eh...

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

It kinda is. At least in the continuities they show up, the Einst were Earth's life that was. Hence the "Once".

The Knocken are boney like

Einst Knochen

Glied are plant-like (limb being their tentacles), 

Einst Glied

You got me on Gemmuet, but they look like knights, so maybe there is a meaning to their name.

Einst Gemuet

Regisseur is their leader/director.

Einst Regisseur

THere is also the Einst Eisen, a facsimile of the Alteisen mecha.


Ah, that's neat!

What is NOT neat, however, is the fact that DQV threw the FIFTH thing on my list of "Things I dislike in JRPGs" at me: the teleport puzzles.
For anyone curious, the list consists of the following:

  • Insta-kill attacks
  • Sliding puzzles
  • Status effect spam
  • Needing to fall through holes with no indicator if it's progress or back to the beginning of the dungeon
  • Teleport puzzles
  • Bosses that can attack twice or more in a single turn

One more to go and it crossed off every point on this list.
This isn't a damn checklist, Enix!

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

i already have a hard enough time managing 3 languages. I kinda have to assign each language their own topic so to say. For example: German for social & most of real life, English for  nerd/online stuff, etc

What's the third one, if you don't mind me asking?

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Language for topics, huh. Reminds me of this quote:

"English is perfect for talking business, German was made for science, French is the language of love, and Spanish... Ah, Spanish, it is the language with which to speak to God..."

Supposedly said by Victor Hugo. Even then, who am I to disagree.

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9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

What's the third one, if you don't mind me asking?

Arabic. I did live in Egypt for quite a few years, after all.

Sometimes during my studies i also wanted to pick japanese up, but the thought that i only want to learn it for nerd stuff and not real life/important stuff always kept me from doing so xD


French is the language of love

my reaction: 


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As far as me goes, it's Spanish for IRL, English for the Internet.

You'd think living near the US border means English would get used IRL too... but nope, cross it and people are still 99% speaking Spanish. As it should be.

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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Arabic. I did live in Egypt for quite a few years, after all.

I would never have expected that. That's awesome!

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Sometimes during my studies i also wanted to pick japanese up, but the thought that i only want to learn it for nerd stuff and not real life/important stuff always kept me from doing so xD

I want to learn Japanese (and I did teach myself a few things with books I own, which is why I can read Katakana and Hiragana mostly fine - don't get me started on Kanjis though XD), but for some reason, I just never get around to visiting actual classes for it.

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Because I felt like it, I ended up finishing my Xeno character "tier list" (using this tier list maker). I use "tier list" loosely because I organized it based on what I thought was funny more than anything. It has spoilers for every game, but here it is:



If this is too small, you can also view it here. I haven't played through Xenoblade X yet, so "Stuck on a different planet" is for X characters I wasn't clever enough to put somewhere else. I also haven't played Xenogears, so let me know if some placements are inaccurate. Several characters could fit into more than one "tier" so don't think too much about who went where.

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I once had Japanese classes as a kid. Did quite good at first... then later one nope.

I know my kanas, and a few kanji, and other sporadic knowledge... but that's it. Though I haven't stopped learning. As it turns out, playing SRW has teach me a few things. lol

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I once had Japanese classes as a kid. Did quite good at first... then later one nope.

I know my kanas, and a few kanji, and other sporadic knowledge... but that's it. Though I haven't stopped learning. As it turns out, playing SRW has teach me a few things. lol

I picked up some Japanese words while playing JRPGs myself (if they were voiced in Japanese, that is).

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4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I want to learn Japanese (and I did teach myself a few things with books I own, which is why I can read Katakana and Hiragana mostly fine - don't get me started on Kanjis though XD), but for some reason, I just never get around to visiting actual classes for it.

I'd love to learn Japanese myself (and probably could learn a fair bit of it online or with texts, but I always find myself learning better in a classroom setting which isn't available where I live unfortunately. The very little Japanese I do know is stuff that I've read online or heard in anime (arigatou gozaimasu, sumimasen, ganbatte, etc.).

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20 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Ah, that's neat!

What is NOT neat, however, is the fact that DQV threw the FIFTH thing on my list of "Things I dislike in JRPGs" at me: the teleport puzzles.
For anyone curious, the list consists of the following:

  • Insta-kill attacks
  • Sliding puzzles
  • Status effect spam
  • Needing to fall through holes with no indicator if it's progress or back to the beginning of the dungeon
  • Teleport puzzles
  • Bosses that can attack twice or more in a single turn

Only two of these bother me, and only 1 is moderately more than an inconvenience for me.

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I've been increasingly using english lately (as in last few years) as well. Chatting with international peeps over discord, going to meetings where people from all over the world come (before Corona ofc), researching stuff that's only available in english, etc.

You can't do anything nowdays without knowing how to speak english, really.

Me assigning a language to each topic is also why you find me playing all my games in english, even if a german version is available. Doing any nerd stuff in any language but english is just... wrong xD. I've been doing that since i was like 12 or something lmao.

Funny Story: I was once watching an Anime with german sub, but my mind auto translated the sub automatically to english xD

6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I would never have expected that. That's awesome


Tbf, while i speak 3 languages pretty well, i wouldn't say i can speak any of them perfectly, either. I was kinda speaking from experience here when i was talking about bi-lingual people, because i've been speaking all languages since i was young-ish (english is the last language i started learning, and that was when i was 10 iirc) haha. So i can confirm that the confusion is real. Travelling around alot when young makes it even more confusing xD

I tried frensh when i was 12-14. Never again

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

for some reason, I just never get around to visiting actual classes for it.

this so much.

Me every semester: ''I'll sign up for jp classes this semester for sure!''

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