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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 hours ago, Caster said:


I got off my ass and finally did this chapter.
I died a couple times, not too much.

Which game is this?

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

NPC call this Imperial Dragon "Eclipse" ingame, but it goes by this totally different name here. I was told by an NPC that this Imperial likes darkness so I should have some form of light on hand. I bought an inexpensive important item an NPC was selling in the nearest town and put it on a pedestal in this dungeon on the first floor, which shined some light down here. It seems to have weakened the Imperial, but I'm not sure how. I was level 27 as an aside.


A few turns in, Eclipse said it had regained its strength and became this. But it didn't make any difference to me. It had a Dream Edge single physical attack that could inflict Sleep, and it had party-wide ice attack, and a third attack with a name akin to "Impenetrable Black" which targeted all my characters but did absolutely nothing, was it supposed to kill sleepers?

Isn't this the same dragon that has an AOE insta-kill in 7th Dragon III?
The name "Eclipse" is certainly familiar, and some of those attacks sound familiar, too.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Difficulty-wise, this is no Etrian Odyssey, especially not in random encounters. Ignoring some early dragon issues and MN limitations, the boss challenge level is presently a little lacking compared to later 7th D games too.

On that note, how is the difficulty compared to VFD, specifically? Would you say it's easier or harder?

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I've been playing some Rune Factory 4 and finally beat the Water Ruins.
The boss wasn't too rough, went down pretty quick, but he did pack quite the punch, so I'm glad the battle didn't drag out too long.
After the fight, it transformed into a guy, so I'm guessing this would be one of the bachelors.

Also, the next day, my farm looked like this:
I wonder what all of those ghost things are that are floating around everywhere. And it's not just the farm, but the entire village. It looks good, don't get me wrong! I'm just wondering what it is and what influenced it to appear.

Also, I learned that Lin Fa is kind of a witch with a "b". To her own daughter, no less. "At least I'm not clumsy like you!", she said, completely unprompted. Dang, woman!
And speaking of Xiao Pai, I finally got her LP to 7 and once I noticed that, I decided "might as well!" and confessed.
Her answer was "I'll tell you tomorrow" (because she was reduced to a stuttering mess). Cue tomorrow (same day as in the screenshot you see there) and...

"Well, I love you too", she says.
No regrets!

Guess I'm not that unlucky, after all!

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

I wonder what all of those ghost things are that are floating around everywhere. And it's not just the farm, but the entire village. It looks good, don't get me wrong! I'm just wondering what it is and what influenced it to appear.

Runeys. According to GameFAQS: "It is a bountiful day, everything you have growing advances around 2 or 3 days." So it's a day where you gain skill faster, and your crops grow faster, if I understand correctly.

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, I learned that Lin Fa is kind of a witch with a "b". To her own daughter, no less. "At least I'm not clumsy like you!", she said, completely unprompted. Dang, woman!

Now you know why she's my least favorite character in the game, among other reasons.

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And speaking of Xiao Pai, I finally got her LP to 7 and once I noticed that, I decided "might as well!" and confessed.
Her answer was "I'll tell you tomorrow" (because she was reduced to a stuttering mess). Cue tomorrow (same day as in the screenshot you see there) and...

"Well, I love you too", she says.
No regrets!

Guess I'm not that unlucky, after all!

Ey, congrats.

I've said it before, but they really missed an opportunity by not letting you nickname her "dumpling" when you start dating. It would have been so fitting.

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3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Runeys. According to GameFAQS: "It is a bountiful day, everything you have growing advances around 2 or 3 days." So it's a day where you gain skill faster, and your crops grow faster, if I understand correctly.

Oh, nice! Then I need to make sure I plant some new stuff before the day ends!

3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Now you know why she's my least favorite character in the game, among other reasons.

I have a feeling that line Xiao Pai said about never having been confessed to before "because [she's] not as pretty as" Lin Fa will become important somewhere down the line.
Methinks there's more to the relationship between her and her mother than meets the eye, and if my hunch is correct... oh boy. Better keep those tissues ready!

5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Ey, congrats.


5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I've said it before, but they really missed an opportunity by not letting you nickname her "dumpling" when you start dating. It would have been so fitting.

Indeed. Although I suppose "Sweetie" works, too.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

> Fire Domain


I am having much more fun with ch9 than usual hehe

Glad you're enjoying yourself! ^^

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Btw i wonder if i set same track for battle and dungeon music if the music will continously play hmm...

That I actually never tried before!
But there is a victory theme, so I would assume at least winning a battle would interrupt the music.
It shouldn't change when you get into one, though!

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Alright, completed Tales of Xillia!

I see you get the dual mystic arte unlocked right in the ending, that's too bad, as I really like those team style cinematics!

Final boss was pretty hard, actually, that surprised me a bit.

I really liked the story/characters in this game, they were all great!

Now, onto the extra dungeon!

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13 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Alright, completed Tales of Xillia!

I see you get the dual mystic arte unlocked right in the ending, that's too bad, as I really like those team style cinematics!

Final boss was pretty hard, actually, that surprised me a bit.

I really liked the story/characters in this game, they were all great!

Now, onto the extra dungeon!

Glad you enjoyed it!
Yeah, the final boss is probably one of the hardest in Tales.

And good luck for the extra dungeon! ^^

11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So i need to change that as well huh


Ah, that glorious theme! Amazing!
He says and only knows it from the OST and Change BGM stuff, because he never heard it in-game.

11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

But first, time to get myself a haircut xD

Have fun!

Edited by DragonFlames
TALES not TRAILS! Friggin' hell, brain!!!
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Gratz cosmo!

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

hardest in Trails.


2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Ah, that glorious theme! Amazing!
He says and only knows it from the OST and Change BGM stuff, because he never heard it in-game

Reminds me of


Also a fire Dungeon xD

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Have fun!


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20 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Glad you enjoyed it!
Yeah, the final boss is probably one of the hardest in Tales.

And good luck for the extra dungeon! ^^

The forced trigger mystic artes for all of your returning allies was awesome!

Thank you, i'll see what I can do!

17 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Gratz cosmo!

Thank you both so much!

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

He hurt himself in confusion xD

Ouch! X.X

Just now, lightcosmo said:

The forced trigger mystic artes for all of your returning allies was awesome!

Oh yeah, it was!

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Thank you both so much!

You're welcome! ^^

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

I see you're using the same party I liked the most! ^^

I put Alvin in for Elize when the situation calls for it, since I think Milla and his linked artes are really good, and his ability to crush guards is very handy.

I usually tend to go with support strategies, so having three healers/buffers supports that a lot.

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

I put Alvin in for Elize when the situation calls for it, since I think Milla and his linked artes are really good, and his ability to crush guards is very handy.

I usually tend to go with support strategies, so having three healers/buffers supports that a lot.

I see!
Rowen is a good party member to have, as well! His linked artes with Elize are quite strong.

They're all useful, I just like those four the most!

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I see!
Rowen is a good party member to have, as well! His linked artes with Elize are quite strong.

They're all useful, I just like those four the most!

I haven't switched of Milla except when I had to, so I wouldnt know. XD

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