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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Finished the side quests i wanted to do, got my Omega Poppi, and for the next session...

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My Body is Reggie!

*Smiles at the location name*


Be careful, you're about to be ambushed from behind by this.:




Wait, this Mizar isn't in this universe, my mistake.



3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


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How much fucking HP does that Spider/Dragon-thingy UM in Torna have xD

100 Million or something? lol?

And wtf he absolutely destroys me after half HP...


Below half-HP? If you see a 💢 next to their name/HP bar, you are aware they've been Enraged, right? Two options for you then.:

  1. Load up on Orbs and prepare for a Chain Attack to try to eradicate it in one fell swoop as soon as it Enrages.
  2. Bring Corvin, use his level 2 Special. It may take two tries, but he can dispel Enrage and it shouldn't ever be reapplied.
Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Below half-HP? If you see a 💢 next to their name/HP bar, you are aware they've been Enraged, right?

Yeah, i know. 

But this UM is like kinda extra enraged or something by how much he gets buffed. It feels like he got another 20 levels on him or something xD

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Load up on Orbs and prepare for a Chain Attack to try to eradicate it in one fell swoop

I did a 5 Orb full burst....

Only took away like 20% xD

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3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Also i have enough BEXP to get to like lvl77 lol. I am 63 atm...

Final boss is Lv.70 FYI.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Also i have enough BEXP to get to like lvl77 lol. I am 63 atm...


I forget how much HP it has but yes, it is very beefy for it's level. It's also one of the very few UMs with a deadly spike effect once it Enrages.

What I like to do is get a bunch of Orbs on it before it hits half health, activate Pneuma and then go to town.


9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also Omega Poppi is cool, stronk and looks like an angelic version of Iris Heart

She can start a combo chain pretty darn fast!

Break (QTPI) -> Topple (AI) -> Launch (QTPI) -(switch)-> Smash (QTP)

Yes, Tora is very adept at Driver Combos. 

He actually gets the best Break Art in the game with Poppi QTPi. It hits three times, with each time having a chance to inflict Break.

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's also one of the very few UMs with a deadly spike effect once it Enrages

Tfw i miss Monado purge...

Although from what i noticed spike isn't that deadly.

Atleast compared to XB1 spikes xd

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

He actually gets the best Break Art in the game with Poppi QTPi. It hits three times, with each time having a chance to inflict Break.


Which helps alot against [RESIST] enemies haha


Final boss is Lv.70 FYI

Yeah, no using BEXP until post game xD

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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

It's really the doormat that puts it all together.

The doormat is the only reason Reese won all those battles.

56 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Look at lord Rich over there!

Leif: "Okay guys, let's take as many enemies alive as possible. Not because we're the good guys, but because we have no money at all and if we don't grab equipment off of enemies we're fucked."

Roy: "Half my army is unpromoted, I need to purchase guiding rings like mad on top of the angelic robes to keep Lilina from dying horribly and now this clown wants me to fork over 10000 gold to recruit him!?"


Reese: "LoOK wARd i bOuGHt A paINTiNg WItH oUR wAr FUnDs!!!1!"

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Although from what i noticed spike isn't that deadly.

Atleast compared to XB1 spikes xd

That's because healing is busted and spike is extremely rare. It's not like Xenoblade 1 where the game was like "ah, you got Monado Purge? That's the cue to give everything spike damage".

9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Tfw i miss Monado purge...

Corvin Lv.2 deletes Enrage so you could try that.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's not like Xenoblade 1 where the game was like "ah, you got Monado Purge? That's the cue to give everything spike damage

with shorter cool down than Monado purge


3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Corvin Lv.2 deletes Enrage so you could try that.

Don't wanna use Corvin until post game though xD

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3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Don't wanna use Corvin until post game though xD

Dont use him at all! XD

Not if you want a challenge, anyways. Unless... you find being pretty much invincible to death, enjoyable of course!

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40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Leif: "Okay guys, let's take as many enemies alive as possible. Not because we're the good guys, but because we have no money at all and if we don't grab equipment off of enemies we're fucked."

Roy: "Half my army is unpromoted, I need to purchase guiding rings like mad on top of the angelic robes to keep Lilina from dying horribly and now this clown wants me to fork over 10000 gold to recruit him!?"


Reese: "LoOK wARd i bOuGHt A paINTiNg WItH oUR wAr FUnDs!!!1!"

Reese truly is a sociopath.


Seliph: "Hmmm, I'm surprised nobody's asked me for funds for their equipment. I wonder why that is the case?"

Ares strolls past with a bag full of money stolen from his foes while Patty also comes out with multiple rings at knockdown prices

"It is a mystery."

Hector: "HEY! No using that Seraph Robe!

"But I need it to not die-"

"NO EXCUSES! We need to keep it for..... for reasons, yes!"

Ike: "You mean to tell me, mysterious stranger who claimed to work for my father that looks trustworthy, that you have information from my father that you're holding above my head for a large sum of money."


"While we're running from a hostile army and all resources are prioritised to getting the princess to safety."


"Sure, you'll get your money. Once we're no longer running away from the enemy forces and can pay that money."

"In the meantime lockpicks ain't cheap. You have to pay me for each one."

"That's also fine."

>Cue Ike not having enough money to pay for chests and screaming at Sothe to get the chests.

Any FEs with access to money rewards outside of main missions:


"Let the lesson begin on how much you can spend on forges!"

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12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Btw @lightcosmo

I remember a few months ago you wished this thread would go through a Xeno phase

Wish granted, eh? XD

Hey, i did say that, but I think that was about Xenosaga as well, haha! But your right! 


11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He sorta has to be when the central story is weak.

I have to give him many points for being refreshing, you don't find a whole lot of JRPG protagonists like him. He ranks 1st among video game Yuris.

I like him because the way he reacts to alot of situations feels so human to me. Like, alot of people would feel the way he does, its normal!

And in spite of most people hating "nice guys" he is a nice guy and is still very deep in other ways. Like the way he "handles" things or people he doesnt like would be a way alot of people would feel!

For clarity: he has a "cool" image, sure, but i can appreciate his nice guy side as well.

Also, you thought the story wasnt great?

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Continuation on my opinion of Yuri:

The way he feels for his allies is very heart warming at alot of points as well. Like when the Don dies and Karol is down, or when Estelle "heals" the Entelexia. All his reactions (save him slashing his own arm) feel human to me. 

He also likes to joke around and have fun like normal friends would.

His rivalry with Flynn feels like it isnt extremely forced or anything. They believe in different things, Yuri believes the laws wont help anyone fast enough and Flynn believes you need them, which in turn makes them clash. And humanly, anyone would understand how Yuri sees things.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Simpette's Blessings

Valery's blessings, too. Honestly, if I'd started focusing on capturing the bounties instead of killing them sooner I would've been able to get all of the furniture. Oh, well. There's an objective for next time.

35 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Reese truly is a sociopath.

Imagine joining an army and the first you see is your leader grabbing 45k off the war chest so he can give it to some shady-looking guy in exchange for a tapestry that he hangs over his bed. And then he buys a bigger bed that almost completely covers the tapestry because he doesn't even care. And then he refuses to pay you, because you're not a mercenary and apparently regular soldiers are supposed to live on glory and honor. How does nobody ever defect...?

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Imagine joining an army and the first you see is your leader grabbing 45k off the war chest so he can give it to some shady-looking guy in exchange for a tapestry that he hangs over his bed. And then he buys a bigger bed that almost completely covers the tapestry because he doesn't even care. And then he refuses to pay you, because you're not a mercenary and apparently regular soldiers are supposed to live on glory and honor. How does nobody ever defect...?

Isn't it said they have a payroll for the non-mercs?

That being said, I'm also pretty sure they're paid less for the privilege of glory and honour.

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15 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Isn't it said they have a payroll for the non-mercs?

Yeah, it's mentioned a couple of times. But still, they definitely make a point to emphasize that mercs get paid more than regular soldiers.

17 minutes ago, Dayni said:

That being said, I'm also pretty sure they're paid less for the privilege of glory and honour.

And the privilege of dying to the tactician's blunders

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Also, you thought the story wasnt great?

Guilds vs. Empire theme promising, working within flawed institutions (Flynn) vs. working outside them (Yuri) theme promising. Both conflicts get sidelined for weak villains and beings whose names are a mouthful and which have been done to death in Tales already. Why?

Vesperia's plot is better than Graces, which also had a promising premise that floundered in a silent explosion. But Symphonia, Xillia, and Abyss all have better stories to me. Phantasia is so old so it's bad narratively, and ToS2... well... the cringe moments get in the way. I've haven't played anything else.

Yuri is the savior of this shoddy story, he alone lifts it from complete mediocrity. Always Wrong Flynn can't do it, Cliched Special Princess Estelle can't do it, nor the good Judith, certainly not ehhh Raven, or Karol or Rita. Repede is a good boy and is not obliged to do anything else. And for Patty, endless nautical and fishy language stinks after three weeks of playing ToV.

Now if only Yuri could command a space battleship.


1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Hector: "HEY! No using that Seraph Robe!

"But I need it to not die-"

"NO EXCUSES! We need to keep it for..... for reasons, yes!"

Mocking Rankings and the Funds rank specifically I see.

I'm not sure how "didn't spend a lot of money and solid assets they had" gets a tactician acclaim, as Mark's variable ending implies. War is inherently wasteful of big gobs of money if rich pillage and conquests are not in the end results. Streamlining war finances and logistics is good true, but I'm not sure if making do without using an Angelic Robe you have already is actually being inventive, or just miserly stupid.

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Huh, I actually liked most of the cast, even if they are kinda in "stereotypes" per se. 

But I respect your views on it, we have different tastes after all! 

And as extra brownie points, imo Yuri has THE most badass Mystic Art to ever exist. No equals whatsoever. 

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