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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

(Also has Godzilla's tail always been bigger than it's body?)


Shin Godzilla is just an abomination (i don't mean this negatively, i mean in-canon), as evidenced by his evolutions





9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, real talk, say whatever you want about them, but the fights in the prequels are great. Yeah, sure, the fights in the originals are more realistic and grounded and whatever, but... C'mon, they're movies about space wizards with colorful sticks that can fly around. Let them fight in a pretty way.

Oh they are. I'm in agreement there.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A romance to surpass Kaga romances.

Thankfully, The Clone Wars exist, which fleshes out Anakin and Padme's relationship a whole lot more. 

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I could have finished the map by now but I’m going for all out glory with some mad canto March ring strats to get the crest weapon axe in the bottom chest. 

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahah, oh, don't worry about that - I've never seen them. Period. I just love the memes, they're too good.

This is basically me, I don’t remember how old I was when I watched them but not super old.

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Hm, I've gotta say. Estelle only just edges Kloe out for best girl.

I love them both as characters, so it's hard to really pick one over the other. But Estelle is a protagonist done right.

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Just now, Armagon said:


Godzilla rates its pain a 10.

@Saint Rubenio wait, you never saw the prequels at all? I mean, even when I watched AotC as a kid I knew it was bad, but still. I would say don't stress, I'm not going to ask you to sit down this instant and watch them. Never finishing SoV though........ /s

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I am still waiting for someone to dethrone her for me, but that's probably never happening.

Dana came close though, but is hurt by Ys' non-chronological storytelling so they were forced to write her out in an annoying way.



Falcom does Female protags really well, they should stop doing male protags for a while. Most of them suck.  The only good one is the silent one, and mainly because he is so iconic...

Well, Ragna was good as well, but i doubt he would've been as good without Alwen there as co-protag

Edited by Shrimperor
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Gaaaaaahhhh I pressed the wrong button, the page loaded and I lost my entire post! Damn you, Serenes!

5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Christopher Lee's face after beating Anakin's certainly a face.

The entire thing is hilarious. Obi Wan gets dispatched so easily, it's amazing. And don't forget, that scene is the origin of Lego Yoda's death sound.

6 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Estelle and Joshua Bright. Raised as step-siblings from the age of 11ish, IIRC. Yet, that relationship eventually changed into a romantic one.

Could've been cringe as hell. But it wasn't. Their relationship grew naturally over the course of two games and is probably one of the best romance stories I've seen in the video games I've played/anime I've watched. A situation like that needs a lot of care to be done right, and Falcom pulled it off.

FE can't even touch good romance writing when compared to what Falcom did with that.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Trails in the Sky.

I didn't ship them for the whole 2 games, but it was so masterfully done i had to accept it xD

Right... Well, I'd have to see it for myself to confirm, but that'd require playing a series that is anime enough to turn me away at first glance.

...Then again, it is the same series with this in it... it is, isn't it? I'm not making that mistake yet again, am I...?

(By the way, I love how the top comment in that video is TLP related. Such a shame, ain't it?)

Anyway, I'll take you two at your word here. Just one small correction:

6 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

FE can't even touch good romance writing

There. Now it is correct.


6 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

FE can't even touch good romance writing except Roger and Caeda because it was funny.

Now it is correct.

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

We aren't talking about porn examples here are we xD

6 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Step one: you don't approach the situation like that. XDD

That's going from 1 to 100, lol.

I know you're joking, ofc.

Well, I hope you're joking, haha.

I love how unsure you both sound. Twilit even went back and made a stealth edit as he thought back to all my past diatribes about matters of the horn and realized that me being completely serious wasn't entirely far-fetched.

But no. Not this time. I was, indeed, just joking.

8 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

A grave romance indeed.

Ahahahahahahah... Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Thankfully, The Clone Wars exist, which fleshes out Anakin and Padme's relationship a whole lot more. 

The Clone Wars fleshes everyone out.

Except Grievous. It utterly ruined Grievous. But, well, I suppose there's always the old Clone Wars for him. Even if that has since been thrown to the non-canon gutter.

2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Says something when the romance is done so well that the old sibling dynamic never becomes the focus of it, tbh.

Still, you'd think it would come up in conversation at some point. "Hahah, hey honey, remember when we were siblings? What a time that was." That's gotta be a bit awkward.

Just now, Dayni said:


@Saint Rubenio wait, you never saw the prequels at all? I mean, even when I watched AotC as a kid I knew it was bad, but still. I would say don't stress, I'm not going to ask you to sit down this instant and watch them.

I have very diffuse memories of having watched at least the Maul fight of the Phantom Menace. Maybe I caught a scene of Attack of the Clones, too? Nothing beyond that, however. I entirely missed the only good one. Oh, well.

Just now, Dayni said:

Never finishing SoV though........ /s

Blame Nuibaba for that.




What, you thought I was going to write something horny here? Haha, nope. Not this time, sucker.




Rather conspicuous bit of blank space I left there, isn't it?

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Because I was enjoying FC a lot, I'm stopping my playthrough until I get it on Steam.

...I don't know WHY I like it, so please don't ask me.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Blame Nuibaba for that.

I mean, did I say that wasn't an issue?

Still amazed you consider it not as bad as RaD and still never finished it.

Edited by Dayni
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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Then again, it is the same series with this in it... it is, isn't it? I'm not making that mistake yet again, am I...?


Silver Will plays at the hardest battles in the series. The Penultimate battles of FC and SC, and Super Badass Canonically one of the strongest characters ever in Sky 3rd.

Super Arrange

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Right... Well, I'd have to see it for myself to confirm, but that'd require playing a series that is anime enough to turn me away at first glance.

You may actually enjoy it. For a game that's in an anime art style, that's never the focus, really. But you do you.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then again, it is the same series with this in it... it is, isn't it? I'm not making that mistake yet again, am I...?

Yes. Silver Will. ❤️

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahahahahahahah... Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

I was dying to make a pun like that, ngl.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, you'd think it would come up in conversation at some point. "Hahah, hey honey, remember when we were siblings? What a time that was." That's gotta be a bit awkward.

Yeah, it doesn't, actually.

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2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Still amazed you consider it not as bad as RaD and still never finished it.

I finished Nuibaba's Abode. I was just so over the game after I got through it that I quit immediately afterwards. But I finished the blasted map itself.

And I did say that the Abode is a very close second. It isn't quite as offensive as RaD, however, and it is skippable, unlike RaD in three out of four routes. Therefore, it failed to dethrone the King of Bad Maps.

1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Yeah, it doesn't, actually.

After so long being siblings, you'd think they'd go "bro/sis" by accident at some point. Just out of habit.






Maybe during sex. Now that would be awkward.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Godzilla rates its pain a 10.

I mean yeah


Pretty sure Shin Godzilla just cannot be killed unless you reduce him to atoms. But in his case, being immortal is pain.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Even if that has since been thrown to the non-canon gutter.

It's funny because they're bringing Durge back.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Except Grievous. It utterly ruined Grievous.

Tbf, blame Revenge of the Sith.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

...Damn it, now i am feeling super nostalgic....

Nostalgic enough to open a Trails game again...

I wanna cry ;_;

I didn't even finish SC that long ago and I get the heavy feels from hearing "I swear."

Or any music from the games, really.

Man...Trails games.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

After so long being siblings, you'd think they'd go "bro/sis" by accident at some point.

Might think so, but it never happens in game. Even early on, they don't exactly treat each other in the traditional way that siblings do. More like friends, but who knows? That's probably just how I saw it. Idk. :shrug:

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Time stamp'd them doing the song live


The Hype of classic Falcom music team..



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