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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Except one day, another kid tried to suffocate him to death, and ofc i wasn't there. But when he had the chance, he told me what had happened. And i should have told someone, but i said nothing. I was a coward who stood by and said nothing, simply cause he wanted me not to and i thought i was doing "the right thing". Of course eventually the neighbor kid that that knew what happened told his parents told our parents. But, that doesn't change that i was a coward who didn't do anything to help.

  Yeah, it's pretty bad to realise that situation occurred while you were gone.

Forgive me for prying and you don't have to answer, but was there a fear of him being targetted if others had been told?

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Another thing? A few years later, and this same kid that tried to do that to him came to our house (literally walked all the way there) and asked for forgiveness. And... he actually forgave him.

I don't think I'd be arguing his strength regardless of if he forgave or not.

It's fine to choose to let the past lie, but not be so willing to trust the better nature of those who have shown a lack of it and don't seem intent on contrition. Hopefully this person meant it, but I won't say I would be as good to do what your brother did.

I've got a lesser example (no choking to death, but I certainly had altercations with the guy), where I happened to run into the guy in a shop after a few years where he wasn't trying to goad as part of the group of lads and I found it surprisingly easy to just talk despite my memories of the guy. I should probably be disappointed I didn't give a "you are forbidden" speech, but I guess it didn't really cross anyone's mind.

53 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:

Hey is that why i hate school games so much?

And yet 3H is your favourite FE?


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18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I adored learning in the subjects I liked

while i agree, i found that much better in university, especially since there i could usually concentrate on stuff i love

18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I forgot to ask before, you said you'd Google-fu through Gloria Union. How exactly does one do that with a game? You can't copypaste text from a video game into Google Translate the way you could with a webpage.

Google mobile camera translator.

But i still have Blaze to go through, and i am taking a break atm because the route splits start pretty early

17 minutes ago, TeeheeFlames said:

Sometimes nice, sometimes, you're just so indecisive, you'd rather don't have any. XD

in the end, i would take choices over being forced ngl xD

indecisiveness sucks, yes, but much less than the lack of choice

17 minutes ago, TeeheeFlames said:

Sounds pretty good to me, honestly!
Different, especially Yggdra!

I think the highlight is how it approaches the gameplay-story integration in a similiar way to FE4, but with actually fun gameplay imo.

Also the gameplay is unique in that you only get 1 attack per turn, but using formations you can have multiple units face multiple enemy units


Here i am setting up a 3v3 fight.

It becomes a game of trying to take out as many enemies as possible in one attack

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4 minutes ago, Teeheeyni said:

And yet 3H is your favourite FE?

exceptions prove the usual

3H school is Hogwarts-ish enough it doesn't fit the whole ''school'' thing for me xD

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22 minutes ago, Teeheeyni said:

  Yeah, it's pretty bad to realise that situation occurred while you were gone.

Forgive me for prying and you don't have to answer, but was there a fear of him being targetted if others had been told?

I don't think I'd be arguing his strength regardless of if he forgave or not.

It's fine to choose to let the past lie, but not be so willing to trust the better nature of those who have shown a lack of it and don't seem intent on contrition. Hopefully this person meant it, but I won't say I would be as good to do what your brother did.

I've got a lesser example (no choking to death, but I certainly had altercations with the guy), where I happened to run into the guy in a shop after a few years where he wasn't trying to goad as part of the group of lads and I found it surprisingly easy to just talk despite my memories of the guy. I should probably be disappointed I didn't give a "you are forbidden" speech, but I guess it didn't really cross anyone's mind.

It took 2 weeks before anything was said, so during that time frame, yeah, there was.

I dont know if they changed, maybe they realised the gravity of what they did, I didn't care at that point. I was angry, and I couldn't let those feelings go.  It was... 4 years later, he came. 

So... was that a bad thing, then? You talking with him?

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10 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Those moments when regrets of the past kinda chew at you from the inside. Terrible feeling.

It very much is a terrible feeling. Particularly when you’re trying to sleep, but throughout the day as well.

10 hours ago, Teehee the Sixth said:

and show my units

I would like to see that.

8 hours ago, Teehee the Sixth said:

43 turns in a map. Why, Revelation, why?



Yeah, that’s a good question. That map took me like 10, what could lunatic possibly be doing?

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I suppose I should be upset that you've managed to get out of that one alive, increasing your chances of beating me in the kill count. But honestly, I'm glad you got Ludin through that. Ludin doesn't deserve to die this early.

In retrospect, I think I overestimated the implications of units being injured since I had never used them, I always rested after someone was injured. But losing a couple strength? Not great, but workable. I like to think I would have won, but there was still no chance I could have won a second battle either way.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

(By the way, was Ludin injured the first time around?)

Yes. The only survivors were Mogr and the guy with malice who just sort of randomly joined.

3 hours ago, TeeheeFlames said:

Attended my grandfather's funeral yesterday and spent the rest of the day resting, remembering the good times, which is why I was not here.
Looks like I missed some good stuff, though.

Sounds like a bittersweet yet tiring day. I’m glad you were able to get rest and I hope you get to a place of at least somewhat mental and emotional peace, and I say somewhat because that’s a more manageable goal right now, I think.

35 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:

3H school is Hogwarts-ish enough it doesn't fit the whole ''school'' thing for me xD

Now read Harry Potter.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Y'see, when i was around middle school age, me and my brother rode the school bus to and from school. 

Except one day, another kid tried to suffocate him to death, and ofc i wasn't there. But when he had the chance, he told me what had happened. And i should have told someone, but i said nothing. I was a coward who stood by and said nothing, simply cause he wanted me not to and i thought i was doing "the right thing". Of course eventually the neighbor kid that that knew what happened told his parents told our parents. But, that doesn't change that i was a coward who didn't do anything to help.

I’m glad you were able to say all that. It takes a certain strength to admit what regrets resurface frequently, I don’t think I could do that.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Another thing? A few years later, and this same kid that tried to do that to him came to our house (literally walked all the way there) and asked for forgiveness. And... he actually forgave him. I couldn't be that strong, not after that. That's just how weak i was.

Can you forgive him now?

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18 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

In retrospect, I think I overestimated the implications of units being injured since I had never used them, I always rested after someone was injured. But losing a couple strength? Not great, but workable. I like to think I would have won, but there was still no chance I could have won a second battle either way.

It's a lot worse in hard mode, where at worst people will get injured for 6 days of rest. Which means 6 strength. That is absolutely horrible.

17 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

Yes. The only survivors were Mogr and the guy with malice who just sort of randomly joined.

Fasolt. Get used to it, he likes to do that.

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So, I’m continuing with Banner Saga


I let Ekkill join us and I’m glad because he seems pretty good. He will replace Tryggvi. Other than that, I’m not certain I made any important choices. At the godstone for the sun god I let Rook participate in the ritual because I felt certain they wouldn’t kill the main character and got a nifty item for it, I tried to address the infighting in the caravan by forming a council but it didn’t really work and I agreed to let Oddleif train some people to use a bow. I think that’s it.


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3 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

So, I’m continuing with Banner Saga

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I let Ekkill join us and I’m glad because he seems pretty good. He will replace Tryggvi. Other than that, I’m not certain I made any important choices. At the godstone for the sun god I let Rook participate in the ritual because I felt certain they wouldn’t kill the main character and got a nifty item for it, I tried to address the infighting in the caravan by forming a council but it didn’t really work and I agreed to let Oddleif train some people to use a bow. I think that’s it.




Egghill has been promoted to Ekkill.

Beyond that, I don't have much to comment. Well... I do, but you know how this is.

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@Saint Rubenio I have zero renown and three days of supplies with morale one day away from being poor... what does morale even do? Is it worth using up the last of my supplies resting to get it good again?

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1 hour ago, Teeheemperor said:

3H school is Hogwarts-ish enough it doesn't fit the whole ''school'' thing for me xD

I guess I don't quite see Hogwarts that way, it certainly has the feeling of "enchanted boarding school" and due to Harry himself being a character with particular interests and the tyranny of needing to progress the plots of each story we see classes glanced over if at all unless something considered important occurs.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

So... was that a bad thing, then? You talking with him?

No. To both.

I don't think there's that much we'd talk about. We're not exactly nearby to begin with. It's just that point that he was one of the more dogged people who did go for me back then. Course he ended up in a separate year, then he ended up moving schools. It faded I suppose.

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6 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:

@Saint Rubenio I have zero renown and three days of supplies with morale one day away from being poor... what does morale even do? Is it worth using up the last of my supplies resting to get it good again?

Morale affects willpower. Good and great morale increases every unit's willpower by one and two, respectively, while weak and poor morale does the opposite. Willpower is pretty awesome, so up to you to decide if it's worth losing a few people.

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So someone pointed out that Godzilla Ultima resembles an Oni when viewed from up front



Given how the Kaiju in Singular Point are inspired by ancient Japanese demon art, this is no surprise but it's still a cool connection.

2 hours ago, Teeheemperor said:

because i am usually fine with High school animanga and stuff

Probably because in those cases, it's usually the point.

It can become more of an issue when there's a bigger picture but the story insists on staying in school for some reason. It's why i don't really care for My Hero Academia anymore. I get that it has "Academia" in the name but how have these guys not gotten their GEDs and hero licenses already after taking down terrorist after terrorist? 

At least with stuff like Persona or Blue Reflection, they're dealing with the supernatural, that won't exactly earn you bonus points academically.

2 hours ago, TeeheeFlames said:

I almost almost dropped Persona 3 Portable the second it revealed its hip hop/rap heavy OST.

Don't Persona 4 and 5 also have that? Well, Persona 5 is more jazz but just going from what i've heard in Smash, it's all similar songs styles, no?

(I know you dropped P4, i'm just asking).

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

but I adored learning in the subjects I liked,

You know, even though i didn't like school that much, i can see there were a decent amount of classes i actually looked forward to each day.

Mainly the sciences (not Chemistry) and tech classes. And the history classes in my junior and senior years of highschool were pretty chill.

1 hour ago, Teeheemperor said:

while i agree, i found that much better in university, especially since there i could usually concentrate on stuff i love

True. Being able to pick and choose your classes gives you a lot of freedom.

Not true freedom though, i still gotta take shitty-ass math.

4 minutes ago, Teeheeyni said:

guess I don't quite see Hogwarts that way, it certainly has the feeling of "enchanted boarding school" and due to Harry himself being a character with particular interests and the tyranny of needing to progress the plots of each story we see classes glanced over if at all unless something considered important occurs.

Yeah, the thing with Harry Potter is that Hogwarts progressively matters less and less with each book. By the time the final book arrives, Hogwarts is simply the site of the final battle.

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I let this random old man on the side of the road join and he’s so funny that he improved morale! Yes! Unnarr is the best!

I also just learned that all these non story related events come up randomly, so maybe I shouldn’t really be stating them since they’re not super impactful, but this one is great.





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2 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:
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I let this random old man on the side of the road join and he’s so funny that he improved morale! Yes! Unnarr is the best!

I also just learned that all these non story related events come up randomly, so maybe I shouldn’t really be stating them since they’re not super impactful, but this one is great.


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Yeah, the smaller events are random. Unnarr's is pretty cool.


If you just trust him without asking questions, you get supplies. So that's too bad for you.


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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, the smaller events are random. Unnarr's is pretty cool.

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If you just trust him without asking questions, you get supplies. So that's too bad for you.



I needed to get that out of my system. Anyway, I’ve developed a habit of usually asking questions in this game because I almost always have the same options for the choice afterward, it’s rarely ask a question or make a choice. I guess this is that habit being broken.

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Just now, Teeheeooks said:


I needed to get that out of my system. Anyway, I’ve developed a habit of usually asking questions in this game because I almost always have the same options for the choice afterward, it’s rarely ask a question or make a choice. I guess this is that habit being broken.

Well, it's okay. At least you didn't lose anyone or anything terrible like that.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, it's okay. At least you didn't lose anyone or anything terrible like that.

I have 0 supplies Ruben. 0.

But yeah, optimism and stuff. I mean he’s crazy, so he could have said “No! I’m taking Iver!” before leaving, or something.

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My mood is currently Take Up Buddhism/10. Pascal's Wager is looking attractive, and less costly than therapy or medication. And for the Wager, Buddhism in certain forms (certainly not Pure Land, sorry Amida) is less "risky" for an agnostic like myself, compared to something with a standard heaven and benevolent deity. 

Now if excuse me, I'm in the process of considering which $800-1500 gaming laptop to buy as a pure luxury purchase that I do not need or deserve. Am I really capable of being a good Buddhist?

-Sorry for being all gloomy here. As pathetic and a sign of how incapable I am of mustering myself into having fun, I do turn here for a little joviality to dilute my depressive mind.

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Nothing new, don't worry about it.

Although, I don't think I get much distraction from my own issues while in here either.

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54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Don't Persona 4 and 5 also have that? Well, Persona 5 is more jazz but just going from what i've heard in Smash, it's all similar songs styles, no?

Persona 4 only has a single hip hop/rap song in it, and it's not that bad, thankfully. The others are all more J-Pop style, which I don't mind (in fact, I like 'em!)
Persona 5 meanwhile hits all the right notes for me with its music! It's great! And no rap/hip hop to be found... except for one single instance in the full version of the game's opening theme (thankfully, you'll never hear it in-game).

54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

(I know you dropped P4, i'm just asking).

That was because of the characters more than the music or stories, haha!
Teddie, Yosuke, and to a lesser extent Chie and Rise just... eh. Not my thing, tbh. And the characters spent most of their time being dicks to one another, too, which I am never a fan of.

2 hours ago, Teeheemperor said:

in the end, i would take choices over being forced ngl xD


2 hours ago, Teeheemperor said:

I think the highlight is how it approaches the gameplay-story integration in a similiar way to FE4, but with actually fun gameplay imo.

Also the gameplay is unique in that you only get 1 attack per turn, but using formations you can have multiple units face multiple enemy units


Here i am setting up a 3v3 fight.

It becomes a game of trying to take out as many enemies as possible in one attack

Oooh! Sounds really interesting!
Now I just have to find a way to actually play it. XD


Speaking of Buddhism, today I learned that Touhou's resident Buddhist nun and final boss of main game number 12, Byakuren Hijiri, who just so happens to be my personal favorite character in the series so far (she and her backstory just hit all the right notes, for me), who is also the one whose theme almost reached Lucia's level for me, is called "Youkai Jesus" by the fandom. XD
This is a fan depiction of the character in question.

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It really is like that sometimes. sigh

6 minutes ago, TeeheeFlames said:

Speaking of Buddhism, today I learned that Touhou's resident Buddhist nun and final boss of main game number 13, Byakuren Hijiri, who just so happens to be my personal favorite character in the series so far (she and her backstory just hit all the right notes, for me), who is also the one whose theme almost reached Lucia's level for me, is called "Youkai Jesus" by the fandom. XD

This is a fan depiction of the character in question.

I can see why. She's so cute it's straight up blessed.

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.....I just lost a “kill more while they retreat!” battle (it was very close though, if Iver had just one or two more points of armor I might have won) and the text afterwards treated it like I lost the entire fight, but there seem to be no story consequences..?

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Just now, teeheefalchion said:

I can see why. She's so cute it's straight up blessed.

And she's just a sweet person in general (probably the nicest out of all final bosses), if a little naive at times.

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