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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:


I was joking. Nintendo acknowledging Waluigi's existence, even if it's just by having him appear in a trailer, is so rare that some people lose their shit whenever it happens.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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If Gordon Freeman got a Mii costume, I'm not sure I would want it to be Swordfighter or Gunner.
Sure, it's the most famous crowbar in video game history, but for all practical purposes it is really only used to smash crates.

Edited by BrightBow
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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I was joking. Nintendo acknowledging Waluigi's existence, even if it's just by having him appear in a trailer, is so rare that some people lose their shit whenever it happens.

That's the fans for ya!

4 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

If Gordon Freeman got a Mii costume, I'm not sure I would want it to be Swordfighter or Gunner.
Sure, it's the most famous crowbar in video game history, but for all practical purposes it is really only used to smash crates.

I never understood why Ninty makes mii costumes that you can buy, but not character alts, which I'm sure would make alot more money. That's Ninty at its finest I suppose.

Edited by lightcosmo
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4 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

If Gordon Freeman got a Mii costume, I'm not sure I would want it to be Swordfighter or Gunner.
Sure, it's the most iconic crowbar in video game history, but for all practical purposes it is really only used to smash crates.

Gravity gun doesn't quite fit the weaponary outside Down Special, but then again it is a costume. The crowbar is not the same as a sword, but I've killed my share of headcrabs with it.

Imagine if they just did both (obviously Crowbar Sword/Gravity Gun Gunner), that'd be honestly funny. Though I would find it really surprising he was in at all.

Just now, lightcosmo said:

I never understood why Ninty makes mi costumes that you can buy, but not character alts, which I'm sure would make alot more money. That's Ninty at its finest I suppose.

Echoes apparently take more effort than costumes? That's the only reason I'd expect that, no way people wouldn't be interested in more distinct alternate characters.

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4 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

If Gordon Freeman got a Mii costume, I'm not sure I would want it to be Swordfighter or Gunner.
Sure, it's the most famous crowbar in video game history, but for all practical purposes it is really only used to smash crates.

Real men beat Half Life with the crowbar.

Just now, lightcosmo said:

That's the fans for ya!

Yup. Basically.

Just now, lightcosmo said:

I never understood why Ninty makes mi costumes that you can buy, but not character alts, which I'm sure would make alot more money. That's Ninty at its finest I suppose.

I imagine making a full character model, even if it's just a skin for another character, would be a lot more difficult than just making an ugly mii costume.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


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I avoided the rocky path in my first run.


No, how am I supposed to be better than you if you aren’t making all the wrong choices!

I mean, I’m assuming that was probably a better choice.

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Just now, Sooks said:

No, how am I supposed to be better than you if you aren’t making all the wrong choices!

I mean, I’m assuming that was probably a better choice.

I said it before: If Eirik is on the team, you can get something really good in the rocky path. Otherwise, the muddy path is less risky.

So yeah, in the context of both of our first runs, I did make the correct choice. Suck on that. Sooks, more like Sucks.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 minutes ago, Teeheeyni said:

Echoes apparently take more effort than costumes? That's the only reason I'd expect that, no way people wouldn't be interested in more distinct alternate characters.

I... guess? I dunno, that reason doesnt sit well with me, feels more like a cop out.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I imagine making a full character model, even if it's just a skin for another character, would be a lot more difficult than just making an ugly mii costume.

Eh... same as above.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I said it before: If Eirik is on the team, you can get something really good in the rocky path. Otherwise, the muddy path is less risky.

So, is that the consequence of sending Eirik away that you were talking about?

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5 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Can you even kill the Nihilanth with the crowbar?

...I have no idea. I was just talking out of my ass. I've never beaten Half Life. I tried, once, in 2018 according to Steam, but... Well, I'll admit, I got bored. So I don't even know what the Nihilanth is lol

5 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I... guess? I dunno, that reason doesnt sit well with me, feels more like a cop out.

You really expect Nintendo to make an effort when they are already earning money just fine? Please. It's the same reason they haven't used the buckets of money they're getting from Nintendo Online to... y'know, fix the fucking online. If people are tossing money at you for half measures, why bother going the whole way?

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

So, is that the consequence of sending Eirik away that you were talking about?

No, actually. The consequence is even further into the trilogy. Keep waiting on it.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You really expect Nintendo to make an effort when they are already earning money just fine? Please. It's the same reason they haven't used the buckets of money they're getting from Nintendo Online to... y'know, fix the fucking online. If people are tossing money at you for half measures, why bother going the whole way?

I really dont want to agree with this, but the sad part is I know its tru and have to. 

Maybe that's something they should consider? What downside would adding more alts have? The games programming and whatnot are already shit, might as well break everything else. Xd

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Man, I don't know what to play right now. You know what that means: Time for my next run of Berwick S--

Okay, maybe not, but I really don't know what to play. I was considering Radiant Dawn, but then I remember how tedious that game is to play and I'm like... meeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.

3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I really dont want to agree with this, but the sad part is I know its tru and have to. 

I mean, it's not like I love it either, haha. If Nintendo suddenly becomes the kindest company in the world just to spite me, I'd gladly accept being wrong. Unfortunately...

3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Maybe that's something they should consider? What downside would adding more alts have?

All pesimism aside, it's a fair point. They could get away with charging more dough for alts. It's more money for them, so... I dunno. Sometimes Nintendo make decisions that are just utterly incomprehensible no matter what way you put it.

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23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So yeah, in the context of both of our first runs, I did make the correct choice. Suck on that. Sooks, more like Sucks.

Yeah well, we’ll see. I’ll make a better choice than you one of these days.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yeah well, we’ll see. I’ll make a better choice than you one of these days.

Well, you did keep Egil alive.


Until you didn't, so the good choice cancelled itself out.


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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, you did keep Egil alive.

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Until you didn't, so the good choice cancelled itself out.


And meanwhile, the one death you got in the first game that I didn’t, didn’t actually die. Clearly the devs are conspiring against me.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

And meanwhile, the one death you got in the first game that I didn’t, didn’t actually did. Clearly the devs are conspiring against me.

Ahahahaha... 10/10 tongue twister.


The "not actually dead" shenanigans are a lot easier to forgive when the game only pulls them once for a side character and it serves to give Ludin more characterization.

Also, it lets me boast about being better than you. Haha, Sooks. You sook. I am the true banner master.


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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahahahaha... 10/10 tongue twister.

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The "not actually dead" shenanigans are a lot easier to forgive when the game only pulls them once for a side character and it serves to give Ludin more characterization.

Also, it lets me boast about being better than you. Haha, Sooks. You sook. I am the true banner master.


I mean, I would argue that my Yrsa choice was better. Sure, scars and all, but you missed out on an archer the rest of Hakon’s route, and one with 3 break at that. Defending Ludin from his own stupidity really isn’t hard.

You did make it sound like I made a good choice when the Ravens arrived at whatever town they arrived at and I didn’t have Bolverk and the shield lady stay. Did you make that choice?


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15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, it's not like I love it either, haha. If Nintendo suddenly becomes the kindest company in the world just to spite me, I'd gladly accept being wrong. Unfortunately...

All pesimism aside, it's a fair point. They could get away with charging more dough for alts. It's more money for them, so... I dunno. Sometimes Nintendo make decisions that are just utterly incomprehensible no matter what way you put it.

What we wouldn't give for that...

Well, yeah. People really like having other choices. Ninty realised this with some characters (Mario, ZSS, Bowser Jr. And so forth) but werent smart enough to continue the trend. And if they can do it for characters like Byleth, Corrin, Robin, where they need to set the voice clips by pallete "slots" which is a ton of work, they can do it easily enough. 

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Just now, Sooks said:
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I mean, I would argue that my Yrsa choice was better. Sure, scars and all, but you missed out on an archer the rest of Hakon’s route, and one with 3 break at that. Defending Ludin from his own stupidity really isn’t hard.




True, but I got to watch Ludin grieving. That was a great bit of character building that transitioned well into his development in 2.


Just now, Sooks said:

You did make it sound like I made a good choice when the Ravens arrived at whatever town they arrived at and I didn’t have Bolverk and the shield lady stay. Did you make that choice?




You do lose fighters if you stay inside. So I guess it is the better choice to stay outside, but it's not that bad.


1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

What we wouldn't give for that...

I just wanted a fixed online, goddamnit. Splatoon would be so much fun if I didn't get booted from every second match because I apparently "lost my connection," even though I can play TF2 just fine on the same location with the same fucking ethernet cable.

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8 hours ago, Teeheemperor said:

tbf what Touhou theme isn't?

True! xD

8 hours ago, Teeheemperor said:

lol i actually almost looked behind me xD

Koishi got you! xD

8 hours ago, Teeheemperor said:

Also one of my fav. mashups ever. It just flows so damn well!

Oh yeah, this sounds great!

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

From what I've read, EOIII began this tradition of bosses (5/6 times the Dragons) raising the level cap. For EOI&II original, the level cap was 70, and the way you increased it was by retiring,  at the maximum level being mandatory I think. This increased the level cap by... 1 each time. Therefore, a character needs to retire at their maximum level 29 times to hit 99. 

If that sounds tedious, it sounds as though level 70 was enough to complete everything.

Oh, interesting! So retiring wasn't only good for stat boosts, back then!
I honestly... prefer the way they do it now. Defeating strong bosses to unlock higher levels of power feels more rewarding.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I remember Stormy's U1 incarnation being heavy on the binds, ailments, and buff removal, which was bad when my Classic team relied heavily on the Troubadour. For IV, you're also in for a bad time if you buff up too much (a few will be okay).

Oh boy, that does sound like a rough time, for sure.
Also, he will now forever be "Stormy" to me. Thanks for that. xD

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

When enough damage has been done to it, the Yellow Heart on its forehead will begin to glow. At the end of each turn, the Yellow Heart will cast Resonant Volt, which deals heavy volt damage to the entire party, and will increase in power for each turn the core has remained active. This is often lethal on higher difficulties, especially on Expert, as the core damage escalates very quickly, and by turn 4 or 5, the damage will be enough to wipe out your entire party.

Holy hell! It's a good thing Fafnir + Link Order is a very strong attacking combo or else I would have eaten a few of these!

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ah, I've heard of Atlus using this kind of "kill before it gets too strong to survive" mechanic before. The first Devil Survivor applied it to Lucifer's Megidoladyne, which as the "Megido" in its name indicates, is Almighty.

*incoherent screeching in fear*

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Honestly, i do think i'd enjoy it more if i hadn't already played other Atelier games.

Heh. that's interesting, because even though I've played other Atelier games, I still love it just the same as back then! ^^
Call it first game bias, if you will, but that will likely never change!

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Atelier Sophie is honestly pretty underwhelming (review)



Sad Draggy noises

Joking aside, while I personally love the game, I understand why you feel that way.


I love this theme in the game its from.
And this version of it...
Is great! It doesn't quite capture what makes the original Lucia-tier to me, but it is a nice evolution for Byakuren, because her life became a lot less miserable from her debut to this game, and this theme nicely reflects that.

Why a Buddhist nun has a friggin' motorcycle is anyone's guess, though. XD

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