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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, Ruben and Armagon, you two are basically fighting over whose idea of "high difficulty" was more bullcrap, ergo basically shooting yourselves in the foot. xD

Oh Lunatic+ is the worst about that, no doubt.

It's so bad it's hilarious, as opposed to Kaga high difficulty which is just not funny.

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:


Now, let us enjoy a cupcake in vic--aEXVro7.jpg

... Actually, scratch the cupcakes. XD

I'm gonna need context, she's calling it a murder weapon so casually.

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Just now, Lightchao42 said:

I don't think Kaga can accuse Maeda of destroying the franchise when he released an SNES game in 1999, three years after the N64 came out.

*AU timeline where Kaga remained at IntSys*: "Yeah so our new Fire Emblem game Fire Emblem: Brilliant Sunrise, will be releasing on the Wii"

"But Kaga sir, the Wii U is already within it's fifth year, why are we releasing it on a previous generation console?"

"Do not question me, intern!" *snaps the intern's neck*.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Oh Lunatic+ is the worst about that, no doubt.

I'm gonna have to agree with this, Lunatic+ is braindead and the game is basically a roulette. If the enemies generate enough of the "better" skills enough, might as well restart.

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So I'm two hours into Samus Returns and I'm only on Area 3. The game has eight areas (including surface?).

Looks like this game will take me longer to beat than Fusion and Zero Mission. But will it be longer than Super? Only time will tell.

3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I made it all the way to chapter 21 i believe before i said "nah, this isn't even fun" and went back to Lunatic.

Lmao, you played through 3/4ths of the game and said "nah".

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10 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Small but mighty!


9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh Lunatic+ is the worst about that, no doubt.

It's so bad it's hilarious, as opposed to Kaga high difficulty which is just not funny.

Well, I guess that's a fair point? xD

9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm gonna need context, she's calling it a murder weapon so casually.

The context is twofold:
For one, the person who made that cupcake, Lilysse, is... not the best in the kitchen, to put it mildly.
And second, well... her cupcakes actually HAVE killed stuff.

Not the whole scene, but this is the gist of it.

They can also... explode... somehow.

8 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

That cupcake oozes sweetness... literally. XD


Edited by DragonFlames
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10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The context is twofold:
For one, the person who made that cupcake, Lilysse, is... not the best in the kitchen, to put it mildly.
And second, well... her cupcakes actually HAVE killed stuff.

So what you're saying is she should just give the main villain a cupcake.

There. Problem solved, the world is saves through the power of very lethal cooking.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

So what you're saying is she should just give the main villain a cupcake.

There. Problem solved, the world is saves through the power of very lethal cooking.

*annoying ad announcer voice* Problem with villains out to destroy the world? Well, that is the past! With Lilysse's Cupcakes, you can get rid of your worst enemies within seconds! Lilysse's Cupcakes! For when you really want to kill someone!


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25 minutes ago, Armagon said:








"haha, that was just my body double. See you in 10 maps! Except you won't, because I'll be in a gaiden map and you already missed the requirements because you didn't think to stand on this far out tile on the other side of the map with the armor knight."

26 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, Ruben and Armagon, you two are basically fighting over whose idea of "high difficulty" was more bullcrap, ergo basically shooting yourselves in the foot. xD

I choose Berwick Saga, which is fair.

24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh Lunatic+ is the worst about that, no doubt.

It's so bad it's hilarious, as opposed to Kaga high difficulty which is just not funny.

I like this argument. It's pretty great.

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44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Procs pavise

"Did you ever hear the tragedy of ambush reinforcements?"

Maeda gets swarmed

Maeda: *gets stabbed to death by the horde and falls to the ground*

Maeda, coughing, with his dying breath: “Have you ever heard of… casual mode?”

Edited by Sooks
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All right! Another boss in the sack. Gotta say, after the insanity of that rainbow bastard, this twin dragon boss was... downright pathetic. Holy shit, that was absurdly easy. Their attacks were slow, their pattern was predictable, and they were permanently open to shots from the gun. I did have to use all of my ammo, but that's just money, easy to get back. Didn't take me 10 minutes. Utterly shameful, that twin fucking dragons are the easiest boss in the game so far, by far.

21 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Maeda: *gets stabbed to death by the horde and falls to the ground*

Maeda, coughing, with his dying breath: “Have you ever heard of… casual mode?”

As a matter of fact, yes, he has. Two characters in Berwick Saga are playing in casual mode for most of the game.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As a matter of fact, yes, he has. Two characters in Berwick Saga are playing in casual mode for most of the game.

Most of the game. Maeda is forever playing on it.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

They can also... explode... somehow.

Shall I introduce you to this?


Abomihoney. When the nectar processed by bees becomes so concentratedly sweet, it takes on a life of its own. Instead of you eating it, it eats you.

Can be further refined into king-sized saccharine evil.:


It's pure unstoppable Ahoneynation!

The above creations are also available in non-sentient consumable form.


Good sources of Teamwork Points, side effects include "100% chance of reducing the heroes HP to 1".

Surprisingly, these aren't the only edible items to harm in the eater, it seems next to impossible to consume any frozen food without yourself becoming incased in a block of ice. Bug Fables might've overdone it in the "food with drawbacks" department.

Now if you excuse me, I should bee getting back to this game. Today, I begin my attack on the Wasp Kingdom.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

So I'm two hours into Samus Returns and I'm only on Area 3. The game has eight areas (including surface?).

*Checks my old file*

Area 6, 4 Metroids left, 64.7% item completion, 8 Energy Tanks, 210 Missiles, 23 Super Missiles, and 12 hrs 10 minutes and 3 seconds.

-But our playstyles do differ. Your time may vary.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Dante bros, i'm so sorry.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Maeda: *gets stabbed to death by the horde and falls to the ground*



28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Today, I begin my attack on the Wasp Kingdom.

Wait, you can declare war on wasps in this game?


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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Wait, you can declare war on wasps in this game?


Well, they briefly attacked the Ant Kingdom first. Have to get the MacGuffin back from them, not sure what I'll do about the 99 damage attack their king shanked me with.

A Lore Book I found said the Wasps have had a lot of internal conflict, which leads to their society being heavily militarized. They're certainly the least sympathetic of the insects in this game.

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A Lore Book I found said the Wasps have had a lot of internal conflict, which leads to their society being heavily militarized. They're certainly the least sympathetic of the insects in this game.


Wasps deserve extinction.

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