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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

tbf even with Water lock you can get highest lvl Time art in SC.

That’s the plan!

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Sky3rd is another matter tho


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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Shrimpy, how is turn speed calculated in Trails?

AT = RoundDown((ST * 100) / SPD) 

ST is base delay of selected attack

for magic cast time:

AT = RoundDown((RoundUp(CT * CastModifier) * 100) / SPD) 

Cast Modified depends on cast quartz. 

Each spell has a CT for casting and ST for after delay

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

AT = RoundDown((ST * 100) / SPD) 

ST is base delay of selected attack

for magic cast time:

AT = RoundDown((RoundUp(CT * CastModifier) * 100) / SPD) 

Cast Modified depends on cast quartz. 

Each spell has a CT for casting and ST for after delay

YES! Thank you! Should have known! Xd

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

It would depend on how big the meteor actually was. The asteroid that wipes out the dinosaurs was so cataclysmic because it was massive. The Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear blast mankind has ever detonated, can't even compare.

True. The thing that killed the dinosaurs was ten kilometers in diameter, reportedly.
A tiny pebble compared to Earth's size, and yet it was enough to cause a chain reaction that resulted in over 60% of all lifeforms on Earth just dying off.
Compared to that, a nuke is but an ant's fart. A very destructive ant's fart, yes, but an ant's fart nonetheless.

8 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

That's never an experience you want!

Nope. Hence why, for how awesome its design is, and for how nice the music was, I couldn't help but feel disappointed by the fight itself.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Return to the battle site later, there is one of the gift items you can give to the villagers there.

Oh, thanks for the tip! I shall definitely do this!

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I do remember the fight was unusual, which I think might've weighted it down.

Yeah, definitely. Now, I do not mind unusual boss fights, but this one kinda did not do it for me, with the currents you have to use to get back up to the platforms should Oceanus decide to knock you off/post attacking its weak point for massive damage , and the projectile plants. It had all the makings to be a really great boss fight, but all in all, it just kinda fell flat to me.
The part where you're fighting a giant prehistoric squid underwater is still pretty nice, though. But an interesting/cool scenario and good music alone does not a good boss fight make.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I wasn't expecting someone to get so hung up on it, but we all do this at one point or another, get utterly infuriated with the little details that we shouldn't be getting angry over.😆 I can hear the armchair paleontologist in you screaming.

I do admit, me getting so hung up on this detail might be a little overblown, but for some reason, that tiny smidge just really took me out of an otherwise very tense scenario, and that got me a little heated, heh.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Or will even a passing mention of a Kingdom A's declining bullion reserves due to heavy luxury imports before they invade the wealthy Kingdom B send non-historians into a coma? 

Definitely not! In fact, I would welcome if more stories about war leaned much more into realistic reasoning like this. You can feel much more sympathy for a villain who was driven to villainy by circumstance (such as invading neighboring wealthy regions due to their own region facing famine and starvation, or just general poverty) than one who invades countries, has their army pillage villages, and kick puppies in their free time, all for no particular reason, while laughing about just how diabolic they are.

5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I honestly found it pretty fitting and epic how the fight was under water and loved it

The fight being underwater made it interesting, but the actual battle wasn't really my thing, I admit.

It requires you to attack Oceanus' tentacles until it falls to the ocean floor and you have to plummet after it to attack the weak point, with a very wonky camera that refuses to behave. After attacking the weak point, you need to frantically make your way back up on platforms (which you can and will get knocked off of by the boss) using the currents around the area (during which Oceanus can freely attack you). And Little Paro constantly tells you how badly Dogi's Squad sucks at fighting dinosaurs and other maritime creatures.
However he does that from above the sea to underwater is anyone's guess, but hey. xD
And the boss also uses an attack similar to the first major boss of Ys Origin, in which he suck you in in an attempt to bite your face off. You can dodge out of the way, yes, but you will most assuredly end up on the lower floor, which then requires you to get back up using the currents, which gives Oceanus free shots at you, which... you know. xD

I would have preferred it had the fight been basically an aerial battle, just underwater, with you needing to air-dodge out of the way of Oceanus' attacks while getting close to its body to deal damage to it while swimming around. Now THAT would have been amazing!
Ys 8 does have some measure of aerial combat, so they could have made good use of that for the underwater sections, I feel like.


Anyway, I made some progress in Ys 8.
And as it turns out, that Great Tree of Origins that Dana's people worship is in truth every social darwinist's wet dream.
The thing summons natural disasters and other calmities periodically, and whichever species survives, it gives its blessings to, while the others are wiped from existence in a process the black-cloaked figure calls...

So... consider for a moment the game's title with this tidbit of information in mind: Lacrimosa of Dana.
Dana's gonna die, isn't she?

Chapter 6 then begins with yet another raid, during which a new (actually old) type of dinosa-- sorry, Primordial, appears.
This thing looks flippin' awesome.

And right after this, I got a little event in which Ricotta talks about her dreams for the future, one of which pertains to how she wants too look when she grows up. And she also tells Adol this:

First talking openly about wanting to make a baby, and now this.
Are you related to Rapunzel from Mary Skelter by any chance, Ricotta?

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So far, the worst part about Lonely Mirror is one of the songs. You see, for the most part it has just used music from all three GBAFEs - which is okay, not everyone is a composer, and ported songs tend to be iffy. However, in the latest map, it dropped something diferent: A GBAfied track from Three Houses. It sounds absolutely horrible, the port didn't do it any favors.

What I'm trying to say is, the worst part about this hack is Three Houses. Fuck Three Houses. All the hacks I've ever played are better than it. Yes, that includes TLP.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

got a little event in which Ricotta talks about her dreams for the future

I have a theory that this part sets up a game with grown up Ricotta as the lead (not in a romantic sense xD) in the future

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

That, I would not even be opposed to! xD

there are quite a few hints there that you will keep getting + stuff i will not spoil you

+ an interview from Kondo saying that they want to do a game where Adol is basically a Jeigan, and either his students or kids in the lead

But Kondo says alot xD

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10 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

But TLP has Silver Will and neat referneces to Yuri Lowell and Asbel Lhant! XD that's... It really.

Anakin alone makes TLP better than Three Houses. What a great concept for a lord. Even to this day, he remains one of the most unique, useful and just plain fun lords I've seen in any hack and... really, official FE.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anakin alone makes TLP better than Three Houses. What a great concept for a lord. Even to this day, he remains one of the most unique, useful and just plain fun lords I've seen in any hack and... really, official FE.

That's fair... I guess. Balance in TLP is literally non existent though.

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18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

True. The thing that killed the dinosaurs was ten kilometers in diameter, reportedly.
A tiny pebble compared to Earth's size, and yet it was enough to cause a chain reaction that resulted in over 60% of all lifeforms on Earth just dying off.
Compared to that, a nuke is but an ant's fart. A very destructive ant's fart, yes, but an ant's fart nonetheless.

It's certainly helped greatly by its speed, since they impact while going at thousands of kph. Hence the big damage in comparison to size. And that's why thank Jupiter for being Earth's bodyguard on such matters. It could've happened more often without the gas giant being around.

Still, the odds of such an event happening... and to think there can be lots of others things that could collide with the Earth. Well, most of them it wouldn't be collide. Rogue stars, wandering black holes, bursts of gamma rays...

That we're still here is nothing short of a miracle.

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

there are quite a few hints there that you will keep getting + stuff i will not spoil you

I see!

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

+ an interview from Kondo saying that they want to do a game where Adol is basically a Jeigan, and either his students or kids in the lead

That would be a really cool concept!
Well, the guy is rapidly approaching his thirties (I think), which is ancient in anime and JRPG years, apparently. xD

In all seriousness, a game taking place in the future, where he passes his torch to someone else, would be great, I believe.
Imagine, that protagonist in the series lore, basically continuing Adol's novelization of adventures throughout the world, out of a personal desire for discovery as well as out of respect for their teacher.

... Why do I picture Yunica in that role? She's been long dead since before Adol was even born. XD

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

But Kondo says alot xD


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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Well, the guy is rapidly approaching his thirties (I think)


24 is the oldest we saw him yet

Not quite 30 xD

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Imagine, that protagonist in the series lore, basically continuing Adol's novelization of adventures throughout the world, out of a personal desire for discovery as well as out of respect for their teacher.

Iirc Adol kickstarted an age of adventuring or something like that.

He also wrote 100 Books about his travels...

of which we got eight (not counting Book 5)!

So 92 more games to go xD

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, so it's not linear? I always thought they were chronologically forward as the number of the game went up.


Lore reason for that is that the books are released in the order they are found in.

Those books are all found loooooooong after Adol's time

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9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

That's fair... I guess. Balance in TLP is literally non existent though.

Implying it exists in Three Houses. An army of wyverns is the most optimal strategy, for fuck's sake.

5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Seeing Anakin and TLP acronym makes me think first more on Star Wars, heh...

The Last Pedy?

I probably should call him Mr. You Can Do It, to be more clear.

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