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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Well, in my case, Adol wore green for a while. XD

Hair color still red like the blood of his enemies xd


3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The chase at the end was stressful though, haha!

Yeah i remember hightailing it out of there with my fastest character lmao

Edited by Shrimperor
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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Hair color still red like the blood of his enemies xd

True enough!
Also, I cannot help but notice that older Ys games are decidedly more... bloody than Ys 8. xD

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Yeah i remember hightailing it out of there was my fastest character lmao

I would have switched had I not still needed the achievement to play as Hummel for a while.
But I made it out. Barely, as you can see. xD

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4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

True enough!
Also, I cannot help but notice that older Ys games are decidedly more... bloody than Ys 8. xD

Ys 8 isn't a human vs. human (or demon) conflict like many other Ys games, but humanity surviving the natural and supernatural. The other human ''faction'' in that case are Eternia, and they are in the same boat as you.

And even admist all that, there was still human conflict, like that very bad doctor who brought enough blood to this game, or the asshole noble xD

And isn't whole of Eternia dying enough blood for you xD

Also the blood of his enemies is a qoute from one of the monsters of Ys 2 when you talk to them as Roo haha xD

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ys 8 isn't a human vs. human (or demon) conflict like many other Ys games, but humanity surviving the natural and supernatural. The other human ''faction'' in that case are Eternia, and they are in the same boat as you.

And even admist all that, there was still human conflict, like that very bad doctor who brought enough blood to this game, or the asshole noble xD

And isn't whole of Eternia dying enough blood for you xD

I meant that older Ys games I've seen actually showed blood when you killed things! To the point where they'd leave very visible blood splatters on the ground! xD
That's missing!
Not that I need it, I just noticed, haha!

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also the blood of his enemies is a qoute from one of the monsters of Ys 2 when you talk to them as Roo haha xD

Oh! xD

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

I meant that older Ys games I've seen actually showed blood when you killed things! To the point where they'd leave very visible blood splatters on the ground! xD
That's missing!

will probably raise the ratings quite a bit nowdays

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

will probably raise the ratings quite a bit nowdays

That is very true!
Especially in a 3D game, where such things would be depicted more realistically.

... On second thought, I didn't mind it being absent before, but now I'm happy it is. xD
Not a fan of gore, haha

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11 hours ago, Maof06 said:



Hey, quit calling me out like that.

11 hours ago, Maof06 said:

I'll inevitably just take "dropping out of college" and the depression part instead.

I wouldn't encourage people to drop out of college. I'm told having a degree is important to not die of hunger out in the streets. But... Well, I became so much happier after leaving. Of course, in my case it was a whole bunch of things. I hated the degree I'd picked (frigging economics, what the hell was I thinking), I lived in a student housing full of people that I couldn't get along with, I could hardly sleep because they messed around until like 3-4 AM every single day, my room was so tiny I could hardly fit inside and it smelled like shit if I didn't keep the window open at all times (and no, it wasn't me, I shower daily - or well, tried to, BECAUSE I DIDN'T FIT INSIDE THE SHOWER EITHER - it was the place being hot garbage), the food was bad, the furniture broke all the time, the guy in charge of the place was a greedy, lazy prick that did nothing to fix any of the issues with his place and on top of it all attempted to demand that we paid the full year's worth even if someone were to leave early...

Sorry for the rant. What I'm trying to say is, it wasn't just college in my case. All of those things together led me to quit just three months in. I'm assuming your situation isn't quite so... unideal.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Play Metroid Ruben.

I think you'd like Zero Mission and Fusion.

I will consider it.

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Oh, thank God.


I beat chapter 29 of the Lonely Mirror. Jesus, that was so hard. Not bad, exactly, but... Damn, these enemies could really stand to have their stats lowered just a tiny bit when the fliers one-round the ship I have to protect. I don't see how it'd be possible to protect it without warping it inland.

40 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That gif... I know what that gif is from.
And it's hilarious.

Because... because. XD

Why does the 4 year old have a gun

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why does the 4 year old have a gun

Because she's an Assassin.
No, really. XD

And they look like very young children because of the artstyle. They are actually in high school.
Not that that ever matters. xD

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Imma go get that 100% save.

Wait, what? Won't you skip the fight against Ridley, then?

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Even at the time, V had better combat. And regarding the characters, the game hasn't aged well. FFVI desperately needs a serious remake that adds nuance to the combat and modern characterization for the characters, what worked over two decades ago doesn't necessarily suffice now.

For all the hype it gets, i agree with you, it needs help. 

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Aw and here I thought I'd get to do an escape sequence. 

If one hacked the game, one would find a hole hidden in the final battle arena's walls, which along with unused audio, suggest that indeed there was supposed to be an escape sequence.

Maybe it's just me, but between that and the Kraid cut, I'm getting the feeling that MP1 needed a little more time in the oven.


On Metroid Prime itself, they had to change a 3-4 Pirate Datas in the Japanese and PAL versions, which carried over to North American Trilogy. In North America, a few of the Pirate Data stated that Metroid Prime had attacked the Space Pirates in their mines, assimilated Space Pirate technology (such as the rocket launchers it uses), that the Space Pirates had subdued it, although they were wary it could evolve to become invincible and were monitoring it.

These got changed to focus on the Chozo Artifacts and remove all mention of the Metroid Prime. The reason being, what is the point to the Cipher if the Impact Crater is not 100% sealed off and the Phazon therein and Metroid Prime could escape? The Space Pirates can detect something strong is inside the Impact Crater, but do not know what it is, because the Cipher is too strong and they need to remove it first.

In another change, the original date of the meteor impact was 20 years prior to Samus's arrival, this was changed to 50 in later releases.


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

pour one out for those poor Space Pirates who attempted to replicate Morph Ball technology only to be met with fatal results

That is one of the better entries.😬😄 As an aside, I think I like Prime's choice to show Samus having transformed into pure energy or something when going into Morph Ball mode.


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's honestly a shame cause like i said earlier, Metroid Prime does start out strong. It just sorta, falls apart the more you play and while i have more Metroid games i have yet to play, i can say, as of this review, that this has been my least favorite Metroid experience so far.

Sorry it ended up being that, despite the unending litany of praise MP1 usually gets that it was a glorious 3D transition. And my apologies if I contributed at all. I wouldn't go any higher than a 8/10 myself on the game, and my liking for it derived from that very peculiar relationship I have with the game.

Whether Prime 2 is better, I'm not so sure of. While the Sky Temple Key quest might take some time, maybe the game usually from what I've seen people play does a better job of cordoning off the world into sections, cutting down on some of the backtracking. I know the game gets praised for challenge and better bosses at least.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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