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4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Settling down by not settling down xD

Dogi: "so Adol, now that you're married, you'll be settling down and living the quiet life, eh?

Adol: "settle down? Don't know the meaning of the words".

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

But man... what a game. What a fucking good game. "Good" is almost an insult. That's how much I like it right now!

Is it about to dethrone NoA2?

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Baja Tower

Fun fact: "baja" means down in Spanish. Verb-wise. "Baja al primer piso" = "go down to the first floor".

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I will consider it.

Metroid (2D at least) is definitely up your ally imo.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Wait, what? Won't you skip the fight against Ridley, then?

Yeah, it skipped it. 

Oh well. Compared to literally every Metroid game i've played prior, this was my least favorite one so eh. But i ain't gonna write off 3D Metroid, i know this style of gameplay for the series has potential.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:


Just gonna leave this here... veeeeery quietly. xD

Deadass thought that was Kloe for a sec.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

On Metroid Prime itself, they had to change a 3-4 Pirate Datas in the Japanese and PAL versions, which carried over to North American Trilogy. In North America, a few of the Pirate Data stated that Metroid Prime had attacked the Space Pirates in their mines, assimilated Space Pirate technology (such as the rocket launchers it uses), that the Space Pirates had subdued it, although they were wary it could evolve to become invincible and were monitoring it.

These got changed to focus on the Chozo Artifacts and remove all mention of the Metroid Prime. The reason being, what is the point to the Cipher if the Impact Crater is not 100% sealed off and the Phazon therein and Metroid Prime could escape? The Space Pirates can detect something strong is inside the Impact Crater, but do not know what it is, because the Cipher is too strong and they need to remove it first.

Looks like this change carried over to the Wii version then cause i didn't see any mention of Metroid Prime.

Why is it called Metroid Prime anyway? The thing hardly resembles a Metroid (then again, the Metroid Queen doesn't really resemble one either) and the data log doesn't even classify it as one, whereas the Fission Metroids are.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sorry it ended up being that, despite the unending litany of praise MP1 usually gets that it was a glorious 3D transition.

Yeah, i'm like really in the minority here haha.

Now realize there's a non-zero chance i'd unironically end up liking Other M more than Prime 1.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And my apologies if I contributed at all. I wouldn't go any higher than a 8/10 myself on the game, and my liking for it derived from that very peculiar relationship I have with the game.

Nah, you're fine. Don't worry about it.

Like i won't lie some of the disappointment came from Prime 1's unending praise not living up to it i feel like but you aren't at fault there.

58 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



That's the eternal question, isn't it?

53 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


This plays every time one is close by.

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5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Iirc she's the one i had the least trouble with lol

Or was it Walter.

Mine was Walter. Hardest was Luciola, massive difficult gap, and then in the category of very easy, Renne was the most difficult, then Blueblanc, ending with Walter.


Anyway you are now approaching point of no return. If you need to buy anything, do it now

Is 30 EP charges enough?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why does the 13 year old have a gun

That feeling when you start chapter 3 of FC.


Edited by Sooks
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25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Now realize there's a non-zero chance i'd unironically end up liking Other M more than Prime 1.

I myself won't judge. But I'm warning you, wear a Varia Suit when you enter unknown or hostile environments, the heat coming your way will be intense, and I'm afraid that won't be enough protection.

I should give game the game a chance myself. Maaaaybe I'll skip all the story scenes when possible though, it is entirely within my gaming reflexes to do that.

29 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Why is it called Metroid Prime anyway? The thing hardly resembles a Metroid (then again, the Metroid Queen doesn't really resemble one either) and the data log doesn't even classify it as one, whereas the Fission Metroids are.

I'm not sure. Shedding its exoskeleton, it does have a Metroid appearance to it, and we should keep in mind the post-larval stages of Metroids do look quite different, despite preserving the nuclei in their abdomens. It's all the Phazon's fault, as Fission and Hunter Metroids show, it does alter them, and the species itself is susceptible to environmental changes- since outside of SR388 and artificial recreations of it, they can't reach mature past the larval stage.

Where did Metroid Prime even come from? The meteor can't have contained Metroids, and they aren't native to Tallon IV, the Space Pirates brought them years later. The Chozo did create the species so maybe they had some in captivity, despite no X Parasites to kill and the alien leeches being incredibly strong? And they got rid of them all after impact, except the one that miraculously survived being hit by a meteor?

26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Time for Metroid Prime 2. I think I will play on Normal difficulty for this one (from what I'm getting, it's more balanced).

I definitely think I would as well. I think it's fair to say one of the biggest draws of MP for me and others is the atmosphere, I don't mind a little sacrifice in the combat if it means me getting to experience all of it. Just don't call them walking simulators.

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43 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, it skipped it. 

Oh well. Compared to literally every Metroid game i've played prior, this was my least favorite one so eh. But i ain't gonna write off 3D Metroid, i know this style of gameplay for the series has potential.

Tbh, its not that great so you arent missing much. The entire first "phase" is easy, and the 2nd is just tedious.

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10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

myself won't judge. But I'm warning you, wear a Varia Suit when you enter unknown or hostile environments, the heat coming your way will be intense, and I'm afraid that won't be enough protection.

Me after I tweet out that I like Other M more than Prime 1


Gotta say, really liking these Federation data logs about how fucked up Aether is.

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15 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

That's criminal to a huge Xenon fan! XD

Its fine if you dont like it, I admit it has some serious flaws.

14 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Odd, because I'm someone who ran into the issue of comparing XII to Xenoblade, unfairly and too much, and thus ended up being disappointed in XII despite loving Xenoblade.

The combat reminds me of FF12's combat, which I absolutely loathe. It's essencially "choose an option and then wait near the enemy to attack", which is normal for a turn-based battle system, but the problem is the free roam. Why the game couldn't simply initiate the battle in another field like Tales for example? IDK, it's hard to explain exactly. And this is just the start of my problems with it. The story is forgettable, the main cast sucks and while the IJS is cool (I played the PS2 version), you have too few characters to use all of them. Please tell me that Xenoblade is different, and I'll give it another chance.

11 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Mised this but I totally get that! I mean, I put FF6 on the lower end and most hail it as a god among FF games. 

My list is probably opposite of what you would expect, actually!

Oh, it can't be that bad-

*looks at list*


13 hours ago, Armagon said:

Wait what's the difference?


Have you ever heard the term "flawed masterpiece"? So, that's it. A masterpiece can be flawed (all works are), but the difference between a 9 and a 10 is how much this flaw hurts the product overall. A 9 work and a 10 work can have exactly one flaw (or even the same flaw) for example, but it hurts the 10 product way less, or even doesn't matter. Another example: Shingeki no Kyojin has a weak cast and bad worldbuilding, but it pales in comparison to what it did right (before the final arc, of course). The cast part remedied by having what I consider the greatest protagonist of all time (before the final arc, of course) and his equally good foil and ideological antithesis (Reiner and Zeke) and the bad worldbuilding part is remedied by creating the perfect environment to one of the most interesting and bold creative decisions. It was an indisputable 10/10 to me before the final arc (of course). On the other hand, see Fate/Stay Night. The VN is one of my favorite works ever, but there's some real flaws that prevent the work from reaching its full potential and becoming 10/10. Said flaws (like the terrible pacing throughout 2 of the 3 routes, questionable writing decisions about certain characters, etc.) are the symptoms of a horribly rushed project with multiples ideas and storylines either cut or mangled together (thanks to an idiotic self-imposed deadline, no less) which had a negative impact on the final product..

Maybe I should've changed it to this:

10 - KINO. The highest tier of artistry in a medium, aka Peak Fiction.

Also, fanboyism. If I'm giving 10/10 to a work (or less than 3), there's a 50% chance that I'm biased. The other 50% chance is that's it's a meme review.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sorry for the rant. What I'm trying to say is, it wasn't just college in my case. All of those things together led me to quit just three months in. I'm assuming your situation isn't quite so... unideal.

Don't worry, I'm also hating the degree I picked and I'll move to place full of people that I don't know and won't like once the pandemic is over.

But really, thank you for your concern.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:



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It is done!

Full review later, when I have gathered my thoughts and have let everything sink in!

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Is it about to dethrone NoA2?

Hmm... I dunno yet!

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Deadass thought that was Kloe for a sec.

Wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason they made her hair purple with that outfit! xD

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1 minute ago, Maof06 said:

Also, fanboyism. If I'm giving 10/10 to a work (or less than 3), there's a 50% chance that I'm biased.

Yeah, 10/10 is usually reserved for games that you enjoyed so much you're unable of being critical about. Which more often than not leads to fights with people who disagree.

1 minute ago, Maof06 said:

The other 50% chance is that's it's a meme review.

I've given 10/10 to both Berwick Saga and Awakening lol

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Just now, Shrimperor said:



You're not entirely wrong there!
Gotta say, though... I did not hate the final boss or the ending or the epilogue or the OTHER final boss. xD

The whole "Protag sacrificies themselves and becomes a god(like being)" thing is something I've already seen in a certain other game, and I loved it there, so I can't exactly hate it here, can I? XD

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