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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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26 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


I mean, it's not as good as in PoR. Not because it only does three stats but because it's far more expensive to use.

15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


It's funny because i would argue that personal experience means everything. Because we all have at least one unit that always turns out shitty despite everyone else swearing on their life that it's actually a good unit. The opposite can also be true.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Not because it only does three stats

exactly why BEXP in RD is so good.

If you look at it from another angle: It always raises 3 stats...

That means after you cap some, the weaker ones are usually guaranteed to raise.

and Miccy caps Mag, Res and Lck very fast.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's funny because i would argue that personal experience means everything. Because we all have at least one unit that always turns out shitty despite everyone else swearing on their life that it's actually a good unit. The opposite can also be true.

One time I saw someone, I don't remember where, saying something along the lines of "we spend way more time arguing about optimal play than we do playing optimally." People love to talk about who's better, who's worse, what's the best strats, yada yada... But then we actually go ahead and play and anyone who isn't speedrunning or LTCing is just going to do whatever and give the meta the middle finger. It's just human nature. We love our memes. They're the DNA of the soul, after all.

Besides, I can tell you that my fondest FE memories are not using the top tier units to perform the same juggernauting as everyone else. It's always so much more fun when some scrub becomes a war hero. Or, y'know, the 12 year old becomes an axe murderer.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

exactly why BEXP in RD is so good.

If you look at it from another angle: It always raises 3 stats...

That means after you cap some, the weaker ones are usually guaranteed to raise.

and Miccy caps Mag, Res and Lck very fast.

Ah, to clarify, i'm fine with it always being three stats. What makes BEXP worse is that it's far more expensive to use. One level up from BEXP in RD is equivalent to like three or four level ups of PoR BEXP.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Besides, I can tell you that my fondest FE memories are not using the top tier units to perform the same juggernauting as everyone else. It's always so much more fun when some scrub becomes a war hero. Or, y'know, the 12 year old becomes an axe murderer.

My fondest memory is when Hector kept missing everything to the point where he couldn't get enough EXP to promote.

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The good thing about refusing to adhere to the metas out of misplaced pride is that I have more fond memories than I can remember. Every run is an adventure when you're too stubborn to use all of the guaranteed good units every single time.

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10 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Isnt her cap way too high for her to make as a T1/2, though? For luck, I mean.

With a cap that is always 40, yes, yes it is. Her Res base is a little low at 4 as well, she could use a few more points there for exploiting BEXP in tier 1.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

FE Tierlist discussions always make me go đŸ’¤Â 

I find them entertaining to read through sometimes, but I don't think I've ever followed them. Being told what units to use is boring. Heck, nowadays I don't even bother looking for units' growths anymore. I just grab a face I like and run with it. It's more fun that way, I believe.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

FE Tierlist discussions always make me go đŸ’¤Â 

Then reimagine it as a bareknuckled fight to the death. Pretend Palla gives Sirius a kick where the sun don't shine off into rapid waters whose rocks carve up his hidden face, only for Catria to grab her sister by the neck and flog her repeatedly before throwing her to a rabid and ravenous pegasus.


Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Heck, nowadays I don't even bother looking for units' growths anymore. I just grab a face I like and run with it. It's more fun that way, I believe.

First playthrough, maybe I don't. On second runs I absolutely look, it's convenience, and because I don't trust the game to bless or curse my units- those are horribly unreliable. 

And for me, it varies based on the game, I'll often slip in a unit or three on grounds of favoritism, but I'm wholly willingly to resort to stronger units to cut down on time-consuming tedium. Barring like a females-only or no mounties run, I've used Seth on all my recent SS romps. And then there was Binding Blade, where I'm pretty sure I didn't use anyone who was below mid-tier, because I felt like waaaaay too many units were Too Much Effort and impossible to train without huge slowdown on Normal. 

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Man, the title theme for Corruption really does set the tone for how much more story-based the game is.

And speaking of story, i find it interesting that Samus doesn't talk despite all the other characters in the game talking.  This was the first Metroid game to have full voice acting and yet Samus is the only one who doesn't talk, despite talking in Fusion. And it's not like Samus is a silent protag either.

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Heck, nowadays I don't even bother looking for units' growths anymore.

I don't think i've even intentionally gone looking for unit growths.

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27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

With a cap that is always 40, yes, yes it is. Her Res base is a little low at 4 as well, she could use a few more points there for exploiting BEXP in tier 1.

She starts with 7, it think? So doing the math, capping it would require 33 levels of luck, and 38 levels to get them, assuming she goes 20/20. That sounds right! (Please correct me if im wrong here)

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

She starts with 7, it think? So doing the math, capping it would require 33 levels of luck, and 38 levels to get them, assuming she goes 20/20. That sounds right! (Please correct me if im wrong here)

She has base 10 luck, actually.

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

She starts with 7, it think? So doing the math, capping it would require 33 levels of luck, and 38 levels to get them, assuming she goes 20/20. That sounds right! (Please correct me if im wrong here)

Looking at the averages page, she has a 10 Lck base, and hits the cap at exactly 20/20. So Light Priestess is 19 levels free of Lck procs.



And if I sound like I fall on the tier of more optimal play and tier lists and averages, I don't actually play that optimally myself. I've room for some insanity.:


100% grinding at the Fort Ligria Arena. So many turns + Empower & Enarmor.  

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, that's just beautiful.

You see, being intentionally murdered by siege weapons so you can be teleported to an island where a boy who never got over the "Let's be pirates!" phase of his youth presses you into his army, actually has its benefits.

It a was females-only run, and I wanted to make the best of Lina in this case, as I did Bud. I know I got Krishna to promote a minimum, but I'm not sure if I took her any further. Juni I don't think I showered any favoritism on. Gendered runs both male and female have become something I like to do in FE, I've done it with possibly 7-10 (hard to remember), and definitely Awakening, Birthright, Conquest, and SoV. I haven't done males-only TRS yet.

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50 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Correct, with her same-as-RD!Ike & Soren's Speed growth of 35, which does her absolutely no favors.

Ah, thank you for the clarification! I couldnt quite remember. 

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The only reason point-slope and slope-intercept exist at the same time and not one or the other is because ancient mathematicians got drunk one night and thought it'd be really funny to see who could come up with the most redundancy.

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