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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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22 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Like I said, by lack of insight on him in Birthright, you don't actually know he's incompetent.

I think it's more that we confront him directly here, so he gets to be sassy at us, whereas in Conquest he only ever spoke to Garon or as Garon's messenger, so he could only be Mr. "Haha I am Evil." Meh.

17 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, I'm having a doctor's appointment tomorrow, for my stomach cramps of unknown origin.
Bowel cancer killed my grandpa.
I am scared.

Try not to worry too much. Surely it's not a big deal. Have you had them for long?

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Try not to worry too much. Surely it's not a big deal. Have you had them for long?

The strange thing is, these cramps pop up periodically for seemingly no reason, and then vanish, equally for seemingly no reason.
I cannot find a cause, nor can I think of any reason why they would do that, which is why I decided to have that checked.

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13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The strange thing is, these cramps pop up periodically for seemingly no reason, and then vanish, equally for seemingly no reason.
I cannot find a cause, nor can I think of any reason why they would do that, which is why I decided to have that checked.

Well, I hope it's nothing serious!

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, I'm having a doctor's appointment tomorrow, for my stomach cramps of unknown origin.
Bowel cancer killed my grandpa.
I am scared.

I hope everything goes well and that it’s nothing serious.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, I'm having a doctor's appointment tomorrow, for my stomach cramps of unknown origin.
Bowel cancer killed my grandpa.
I am scared.

Im praying for you, Draggy! 

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I actually got a little lost on Gran Pulse going off from where the game wanted me to.😅 I'm reminded of an art installation I saw once called "The Persistence of Memory", a large flat rectangle of shades of white and off-white like clouds hanging on a wall, paired with a backpack-sized round glass object blackish-blue in color sitting on the floor next to it. A fair comparison here for Gran Pulse and Cocoon, two great disparities.

I see some enemy vs. enemy stuff again, makes sense for a very wild place, but it's still too rare and underused in this game. Some enemies feel appropriately Xenoblade Rotbart tier, I'm looking at you Behemoth Kings, and presumably the dinosaur-like creatures I stayed away from. Although, the enemies in a few instances might be too strong too difficult to avoid, one fight was impassable yet enemy reinforcement and self-buffing was so strong I had no choice but to bust out a Summon to cheese the fight.

And speaking of Eidolons, the game finally gave up the last ones. Eidolon Fight 5 took three tries to win, the first one ending in literally five seconds because Hope is made of wet tissue paper and his Eidolon hits like flaming titanium bricks. The final Eidolon fight required I pop a rare Fortisol beforehand for Haste, and even then I won with less than 100 left on the Doom Count. I hate the Eidolon fights, they've were mostly total garbage, and thank goodness they are all over now. -Unless the game reuses the mechanic for another boss fight, I can see that happening, and I can see the gaming hating me to the point of making said win-in-time-or-die gimmick fight mandatory yet again. Screw it if it does.

*Ahem* Enemies yielding ~1000 to 4000 Crystogen points for per fight here means it won't actually be so bad leveling the Crystariums, which makes me more inclined towards battle. The sooner I can get benefits from fighting and the more palpable they are, the better. 

Sorry Lightcosmos, but I think I'm axing Lightning from my usual lineup! Sazh-Vanille-Fang seems like the best setup.

Lightning's problem is that you only need one Commando at any time and everyone except Fang will have developed Ravager. Sazh can fulfill both of those Roles just fine, except for a lack of Launch, which Fang will take care of during Relentless Assault. It then boils down to Lightning's Medic vs. Sazh's Synergist, and here Lightning's strongest heal is ...Cura. Meanwhile Sazh alone of the six heroes readily brings Haste, andHastemakeseverythingbetter! From damage & staggering to healing to applying ailments & more buffs, Haste is universally amazing by letting you do more in less time, as it tends to be in FF. 

Vanille is there mostly for having the best heals, although Curasa and Curaja are still too weak. And Fang is there for Sentinel and Commando. Their Saboteur sides are in principle nice to have, but I've rarely tapped into them. Swapping Vanille or Sazh for Hope would make some sense, and Snow could replace Fang for Ravager-Ravager-Medic whilst still having Sentinel utility, but Lightning doesn't have much of a place here.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:


Good to see that Corruption was a major improvement for you! 😀

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

This and Samus Returns will probably be the only Metroid games i 100%, unless Dread has some useful way of finding everything.

Truth be told, I don't think I ever used the Scan Pulse in Samus Returns, it's cheating. Maybe I would've broken down and used it if I was trying to 100% the game and had rescued the Baby Metroid already, yet I was too proud to tap into it otherwise -but my memory of Samus Returns is foggy. And, I've no qualms with others using Scan Pulse- to each their own.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

See you next mission.

There aren't a lot of pre-Dread missions left. Hunters is DS emulation and requires some method of handling the touchscreen, and the single-player campaign was secondary to the online multiplayer during development anyhow so it ain't great. Federation Force is 3DS and co-op-intended and hated by the fanbase as barely Metroid. And that leaves Other M, which I look forward to your opinion on at some point.😋


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wow, chapter 20 was super easy. Then again, so was Leo's map. I feel like something went horribly wrong with the level scaling on the faceless in this route, because they're pathetically weak compared to even unpromoted human troops and they give no experience. It feels like they've sent me to fight prologue-tier enemies. Heck, I'm fairly certain those assholes from chapter 5 could probably do more than these dummies if I were to fight them now.

Birthright has a something of a midgame dip in the difficulty IMO. It does pick up in most of the lategame chapters however.


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, I'm having a doctor's appointment tomorrow, for my stomach cramps of unknown origin.
Bowel cancer killed my grandpa.
I am scared.


I hope the best for your health, but hope can only do so much. If it turns out to be the case, we'll be here to console you how ever little we can.

As a factoid, the famed scientist Charles Darwin I read had a litany of stomach ailments and other health problems. To the point I'm amazed to discover there is a Wikipedia page devoted to the topic, with the exact disease or diseases he suffered from still a mystery. And it's possible his famed trip to the Galapagos resulted in tropical afflictions that worsened his already terrible condition.

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23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sorry Lightcosmos, but I think I'm axing Lightning from my usual lineup! Sazh-Vanille-Fang seems like the best setup.

Lightning's problem is that you only need one Commando at any time and everyone except Fang will have developed Ravager

Lightnings best role is Ravager, specially when she learns Army of One (essentially a limit break, on FF 8 levels of steroids)

She also has access to some of the best weapons (Axis Blade, Lion Heart) not to mention the best attack in the game. After she backflips when shes finished, she can evade pretty much any attack, wasting the enemies ATB completely. 

Her Synergist abilities are great (endgame)

she has the 2nd highest strength stat to Fang and the Second best Magic stat to Hope. I can go on! Xd 

But i know that you dont like her as a character, which is totally fine! 

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, forget Rinkah, forget Hinoka, forget Reina, forget Charlotte, forget Izana... Forget all of them. And all the generic ones that other people like. Forget them too.

Agy41oop o

Generic strategist best waifu. Look at her. She's beautiful.

Krtbjcps o

Look at that smug face! I love it. I am so ready to bench an actual character for that. Especially with levels like those! She's already better than Daniela, 3 levels below, and the only thing she loses is Savage Blow. Which, I mean, kinda meh, that skill is great, but... Fuck it, I like this woman's hat better.

Holy Emperor, Saint Rubenio has lost his mind! Soon he’ll be telling those damn clouds to get off his lawn...like me!!!

Edited by WraithReborn
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3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm not sure why they felt the need to change it, but I'm not opposed to it, certainly.

You'd be surprised by how many people I've seen be upset over this change.

Definitely feels like "no, change is bad grrrr" reaction from them.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

In that case you'll be happy to know that you fight the final phase of the final boss with Adol all on his own... with very limited healing, which you already might have used some of in the previous two phases... and the final phase has nearly 200,000 HP, and your damage rarely, if ever, goes into the triple digits.
Sounds like a lot of fun, doesn't it?


3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, I'm having a doctor's appointment tomorrow, for my stomach cramps of unknown origin.
Bowel cancer killed my grandpa.
I am scared.

I pray for the best. Hopefully it's just a normal stomach cramp and nothing really to worry about.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hunters is DS emulation and requires some method of handling the touchscreen, and the single-player campaign was secondary to the online multiplayer during development anyhow so it ain't great. Federation Force is 3DS and co-op-intended and hated by the fanbase as barely Metroid.

Hunters is on the Wii U eShop but I don't plan on playing it or Federation Force since it's clear they are more spin-off material.....even if they're subtly setting up for Prime 4.

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3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, I'm having a doctor's appointment tomorrow, for my stomach cramps of unknown origin.
Bowel cancer killed my grandpa.
I am scared.


I hope everything is fine.

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

But i know that you dont like her as a character, which is totally fine! 

I never said that, my opinion on her is undecided ATM.

Although, compared to some prior FFs, Lightning no longer feels like the main character. Obviously more important than Vaan, but the band of heroes is fairly egalitarian. Running through the other FF protagonists in my head quickly. Lightning is less emphasized and or important (these are two different things) than:

  • Cecil
  • Terra
  • Cloud
  • Squall (and Rinoa)
  • Zidane (and Garnet)
  • Tidus (and Yuna)
  • and Ashe (the real main protagonist of XII; I'm unsure of Lighting vs. Balthier in emphasis & importance)

This equates to practically every FF game excluding the NES trilogy and V.

This is not to say that Lightning is bad.

  • Story-wise, nothing about Lightning in particular is uniquely important. Rewriting the game (so far) without Lightning wouldn't force huge changes.
    • The emphasis on a group of L'Cie, who comprises that group is not important as long as it'd make sense for them to carry out the general narrative. While the personal and matters of the world have some interweaving, in the case of FFXIII, they are not so stitched together to say they are one and inseparable. 
    • It is not necessary that Lightning be supremely special. She can be primus inter pares, or simply par, it's a perfectly acceptable approach to stories. Some tales make the main character too important anyhow.
  • Lightning has received characterization, but not enough to rise above the other heroes. This does not belittle her, rather, in stark contrast to my prior most recent FF- IX, the entire cast is given a good deal of development.
    • Whereas Amarant and Freya struggled to be fleshed out, as did Kimahri and Vincent to name people from other FFs, nobody in XIII is simply there. Each character receives sufficient attention to feel relevant. This is a relatively objective improvement.
    • Not to say you couldn't cut characters if you wanted to, but, XIII's cast of six is neither too big nor having such a person of horrendous or lacking: personality, development, and or importance, as to feel like it requires it.
      • If you pointed a gunblade at me and told me to trim XIII's cast in half, then, setting aside favoritism, Lightning wouldn't be cut. I'd trim it down to Lightning-Snow-Vanille.
        • Lightning and Snow remain bound to conflicting opinions on what to do and to Serah, while Vanille as a Gran Pulse native keeps her from being cut -and whatever it is that makes her the narrator.
        • Hope is the least important IMO, Sazh's child is not really necessary except for himself so he can go, and Fang is strictly redundant with Vanille.
      • By contrast, if you told me to trim XII's cast in half, it'd be reduced to Ashe-Balthier-Basch. I don't even have to think about it. 
        • Vaan and Penelo can wiped out of existence without hesitation, only Fran would make me pause for a moment, but the Viera aren't necessary at all.
        • Who knows, maybe the narrative would actually be for the better if you did this.
        • This is a very different situation from XIII experiencing the same hypothetical.

Thank you for giving me an unexpected opportunity to fully cultivate a train of thought I hitherto left an unexplained notion in my head!🤓


1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Her Synergist abilities are great (endgame)

Then there is a ninth Crystarium level? Drat that will be expensive. 

I was basing what I thought of her on what I have currently have unlocked, I'll keep an open mind as/if more becomes available. I adore that everyone gets full Crystogen Points regardless of whether they're in the inactive group or presently elsewhere in the world. So it's no problem keeping everyone up to date.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

She also has access to some of the best weapons (Axis Blade, Lion Heart) not to mention the best attack in the game. After she backflips when shes finished, she can evade pretty much any attack, wasting the enemies ATB completely. 

The backflip is stylish!

On weapons however, I haven't upgraded almost anything since the game began. I tried upgrading two weapons early on, I thought the material costs for a single level very pricey, and never got back to upgrading, waiting for other weapons to roll in.

*Looks at FF Wiki*

Oh, doesn't seem too complicated. Just pick a base weapon whose bonus or stats I like the most and upgrade it to the max again and again? Axis Blade as the base weapon for Lightning, Paladin for Snow, Antares Deluxes for Sazh, Vidofnir for Hope, Belladonna Wand for Vanille, and Pandoran Spear for Fang (she does have some nice choices, but spending less time trying to land ailments is to my greatest liking).

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The backflip is stylish!

On weapons however, I haven't upgraded almost anything since the game began. I tried upgrading two weapons early on, I thought the material costs for a single level very pricey, and never got back to upgrading, waiting for other weapons to roll in.

*Looks at FF Wiki*

Oh, doesn't seem too complicated. Just pick a base weapon whose bonus or stats I like the most and upgrade it to the max again and again? Axis Blade as the base weapon for Lightning, Paladin for Snow, Antares Deluxes for Sazh, Vidofnir for Hope, Belladonna Wand for Vanille, and Pandoran Spear for Fang (she does have some nice choices, but spending less time trying to land ailments is to my greatest liking).

Its for more than just style. XD

Getting the catalyst is the hard part, you wont see them till pretty much the end, and getting them to max wont happen unless you momster grind for gil or you kill an adamantortise on the Arcalytte Steppe. 

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Then there is a ninth Crystarium level? Drat that will be expensive. 

I was basing what I thought of her on what I have currently have unlocked, I'll keep an open mind as/if more becomes available. I adore that everyone gets full Crystogen Points regardless of whether they're in the inactive group or presently elsewhere in the world. So it's no problem keeping everyone up to date.

Haha, you havent seen anything yet, the CP cost gets REALLY high after a certain point, and maxing them will take quite a while. 

So looking at your setup, who is your leader?

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12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

or you kill an adamantortise on the Arcalytte Steppe. 

So those are those big things. Well, at least I won't have any trouble finding them. If only I had the Aghasura Cannon to grind with...

12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Haha, you havent seen anything yet, the CP cost gets REALLY high after a certain point, and maxing them will take quite a while. 

And how is a L'Cie expected to finish any Focus in time if the Fal'cie make unlocking their true power take so very long?

Sorry, I'm not playing until everyone is maxed out, that's not my speed.😆

12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

So looking at your setup, who is your leader?

With my Sazh-Vanille-Fang team, which is subject to change whenever things change, it's Sazh. The AI is more patient at the Sentinel role than I, so no Fang, and Sazh still has good HP -good b/c leader death must be avoided at all costs- with the game conveniently prioritizing Haste as the first buff applied when I hop into Synergist.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So those are those big things. Well, at least I won't have any trouble finding them. If only I had the Aghasura Cannon to grind with...

And how is a L'Cie expected to finish any Focus in time if the Fal'cie make unlocking their true power take so very long?

Sorry, I'm not playing until everyone is maxed out, that's not my speed.😆

With my Sazh-Vanille-Fang team, which is subject to change whenever things change, it's Sazh. The AI is more patient at the Sentinel role than I, so no Fang, and Sazh still has good HP -good b/c leader death must be avoided at all costs- with the game conveniently prioritizing Haste as the first buff applied when I hop into Synergist.

There are small ones and HUGE ones, dont get them confused unless you wanna be sorry! Xd

Uhmmmm, getting the last crystarium points finished is gonna cost a few hundred thousand, easy! XD

Thats how I played as well!

Your at a point where your team isnt switched around on you anymore. 

Hmm, I never consider risk, I go out all guns blazing (see what I did there?)

Edit: fair warning, they toss doom at you quite a few more times. 

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Because i want to focus on other games before i play The Forbidden Metroid Game, i decided to put out a tierlist. I prefer the 2D games but i think Prime 3 and Super are just gonna swap back and forth between which one i'd place higher. Also i never actually played Metroid II but it goes on the bottom on principle.

28 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That was a rollercoaster of a notice, haha.

Hey man, you know what they say: time is relative.

Therefore, that message in Prime 3 wasn't wrong. It was nearing completion, give or take 14 years.

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The Pirate theme again? Was hoping something new again. Still, not bad. Not bad.

No CYL yet, seems it will be for the next channel.

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The 5th dungeon in Skyward Sword was the best yet. The central mechanic (the time shift stone in the center) was a lot of fun. The boss had a really cool intro, but the actual fight was a little… I don’t know, it felt lacking somehow. I had no clue what to do in the first phase but then after I googled it the fight was really easy, although the eye was a little hard to hit with an arrow in the first phase.

After that Link gets the second sacred flame, which powers up his sword, and is the reason he’s doing this trio of dungeons. The first sacred flame just increased your damage with your sword, pretty simple. This upgrade though… more dowsing slots? Really? Really? That’s the best they could come up with? That’s essentially not an upgrade, since all dowsing targets up until now have disappeared from the menu as soon as you don’t need them anymore (with the exception of hearts because that’s for the gameplay and not the story), so why on Earth do I need more slots? If the game just stops taking away dowsing targets from now on and calls it a day, this will be incredibly stupid. Why?

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