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All right, Birthright 21. No faceless in sight, which is good. There are some stoneborn, though... Gives me bad memories.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Birthright has a something of a midgame dip in the difficulty IMO. It does pick up in most of the lategame chapters however.

It's really weird, because it really is only the faceless. Human enemies are still fine, it's just the faceless that are hilarious. I wonder what's up with that.

8 hours ago, Maof06 said:



5 hours ago, Armagon said:


This is the closest we'll ever get to Pirate Emblem.

Ngl Vika looks cute in this.

Does she have availability in this game though

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Good news: I'm not gonna die of the same thing that killed my grandpa.
Bad news: It's likely a psychological thing. Meaning I will have to keep living with it.

That's basically the gist of what transpired during my appointment today.
And thank you for the support, everyone. It really means a lot! ^^

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25 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Good news: I'm not gonna die of the same thing that killed my grandpa.


Still, take care of yourself!

25 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Bad news: It's likely a psychological thing. Meaning I will have to keep living with it.

How about making an appointment with an psychologist?

Also my illness from a few years back was first diagnosed as a psychological thing before it turned out it wasn't psychological, so still, be careful!

Edited by Shrimperor
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This would be a fun map if I didn't have to sit on damaging, movement-impairing terrain for four turns every time I fail the die roll.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Good news: I'm not gonna die of the same thing that killed my grandpa.
Bad news: It's likely a psychological thing. Meaning I will have to keep living with it.

Well, that's better, at any rate. As Shrimpy said, consider finding a psychologist.

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Ahhh, mmm, yeah, very nice. Ohh, yeah. Now that's great.

Attacking the boss covers the entire final area with lava without warning.

If Hinoka hadn't been standing in the right spot that would've been a reset, right at the boss.

Thanks, Birthright, for this annoying map. It wasn't that terrible, certainly nowhere near Kitsune Hell or Takumi's Fun Castle, but that thing with the boss was such a huge dickmove.

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Good news: I'm not gonna die of the same thing that killed my grandpa.
Bad news: It's likely a psychological thing. Meaning I will have to keep living with it.

That's basically the gist of what transpired during my appointment today.
And thank you for the support, everyone. It really means a lot! ^^

Glad to hear your doing alright!

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More XIII, or more of that book on Medieval siege warfare, I can't decide which to get to first today. Although, the book is lacking for pre-11th century stuff, and it doesn't explain why. I take it this means either a paucity of historical records attesting to the battles of the time, and or a lack of sieges in Europe prior to the 11th century. Either way it leaves me wanting.


3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Good news: I'm not gonna die of the same thing that killed my grandpa.


3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Bad news: It's likely a psychological thing. Meaning I will have to keep living with it.

I get all totally unnecessarily mental with my stomach when on vacation myself, so I can understand.

This said, if it's all in the mind, the positive is that one has the ability to change it by changing their thinking if they really really try and work on it. 

Shame scientists are only beginning to consider the use of hypnosis as therapy for mental afflictions. There seems to be healthful potential in hypnotism, and treatments that don't involve doling out pills and the like are much appreciated from several perspectives.

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@Interdimensional Observer

 my FF XIII setups in case you were curious as to what i used rolling through the game! 



First: Paradigm deck: mostly standard stuff. As you can see, i like to be flexible, which is Lightning's strength.



Lightning's equipment setup. weapon and accessories are maxed out, clearly. Tons of passive abilitites! XD Random instand chain is a godsend.



Hope next. Standard magic nuke with lots of status resistance to keep up healing if needed.



Fang last. Focus on strength for maximum pain as COM. That's... really all she needs! XD


As you can see, Lightning's STR and MAG are relatively high, but her HP in 2nd lowest in the endgame. I go all out offence.

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Lightning's equipment setup. weapon and accessories are maxed out, clearly. Tons of passive abilitites! XD Random instand chain is a godsend.

*Sees 20000 HP when mine has barely crossed a tenth of that*

Yeah, I'm not sure if that amount of potential stats was necessary. I think they could've done fine with the old 9999 limit.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Sees 20000 HP when mine has barely crossed a tenth of that*

Yeah, I'm not sure if that amount of potential stats was necessary. I think they could've done fine with the old 9999 limit.

You say that now... just wait till you start fighting the games marks...

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Oh another thing i forgot to mention: upgrading equipment is a learning experience and can be a bit of a hassle. It's gonna cost you ALOT of gil if you don't wanna grind out the superb parts for it!

Edit: the game has "internal values" to consider when modifying weapons for EXP bonus. they have 1.5 all the way up to 3. using low costing parts to work your way up to X3 then using a high EXP value item in large quantities is the best way to go here. 

Also, if you have say an XP bonus of X2, you can raise it to X3 by using low level parts.

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4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

You say that now... just wait till you start fighting the games marks...

I think I'll establish an endangered species list and build up a tourism industry around viewing the marks from a safe distance instead. Pulse has enough space that people don't need the marks dead to make room for human civilization. Maybe I won't hunt all the deadly monsters then.

Just now, lightcosmo said:

It's gonna cost you ALOT of gil if you don't wanna grind out the superb monster parts for it!

As if gil wasn't already scarce. 

XIII is sounding a tad imbalanced, by making a great deal of the adventure one narrow journey, and then giving the later game all the optional stuff in a such a way that it could feel overwhelming and possibly time-consuming. -Not that I've done any of it yet so I can't say for sure. Although this would be no different from FFX, and maybe XIII is better than that to some extent.

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Evsji4ew o

What are you talking about? You're insanely good, man. You make it impossible to justify Candace and I'm pretty sure you beat Mitama as well. And I thought you were good in Conquest... Well, I suppose you do have better availability there. Unless you're exchanged for boots, but only noobs and folks with poor taste do that.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Does she have availability in this game though

Radiant Dawn did her dirty, maybe she can finally shine here except it's a gacha game.

She really does look nice in that pirate outfit tho.

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Good news: I'm not gonna die of the same thing that killed my grandpa.

That's good, glad it's nothing too serious.

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Bad news: It's likely a psychological thing. Meaning I will have to keep living with it.

At least with this, it's something that you might be able to fix. May not be easy but if you can solve the root of the problem, it might help.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Sees 20000 HP when mine has barely crossed a tenth of that*

Yeah, I'm not sure if that amount of potential stats was necessary. I think they could've done fine with the old 9999 limit.

Rune Factory 4 moment.

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4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Good news: I'm not gonna die of the same thing that killed my grandpa.
Bad news: It's likely a psychological thing. Meaning I will have to keep living with it.

That's basically the gist of what transpired during my appointment today.
And thank you for the support, everyone. It really means a lot! ^^

The good news is good! I hope you get better.

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The more I play this game, the more I like the capture mechanic, stupid and superfluous as it might be. I really gotta do a "generics only" run. These guys have super pleasant designs, and they're surprisingly viable too!

Also, I'd just like to say that Selkie is in danger. So unless there's a hardcore fan of hers that would like to defend her case...

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, I'd just like to say that Selkie is in danger. So unless there's a hardcore fan of hers that would like to defend her case...

Selkie and her father are lame, bench them.

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"The royals don't even know about this place!"

Ten seconds later, Elise just happens to walk by.

This game is so hilarious sometimes.

Also, hey, it's Yukimura! The guy everyone forgets exists, but I knew him before I even began to care about Fates as the one character design I liked at the time! Kind of a cruel joke to have him join immediately after Shura, who is better than him in basically every way, but... you know what? Fuck it. I love Shura, even married him, but he's had plenty of chances. Yuki doesn't exist anywhere else. I'm putting him to good use.

...Seriously though, why doesn't Yukimura join in Revelation? Scarlet suffers a tragic accident and Izana feigns his death so he doesn't have to work, but Yukimura? He just... sort of is perfectly fine but doesn't come back ever. What's up with that?

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Selkie and her father are lame, bench them.

See, I think her portrait is cute. But, well...

Xx8f0we6 o

It's not cuter than this, I'm afraid.

Also, she's a psychopath. I'm fairly certain Konrad isn't a psychopath. He doesn't say much, but one so handsome couldn't possibly be bad.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Finally a PC

Life may now resume its course.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Life may now resume its course.

not really xD

But i might become a bit more active again yeah....

When i am at my parents that is and not travelling somewhere (plans.png)

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

..Seriously though, why doesn't Yukimura join in Revelation?

I could've sworn he does.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's not cuter than this, I'm afraid.

Derrick 3.

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Maybe since they wanted to have a character that only joined exclusive in one route. Since you have Yukimura for Birthright, Fuuga for Revelation, and... when you think about, Gunter could've easily been the Conquest exclusive, but might've been changed.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

XIII is sounding a tad imbalanced, by making a great deal of the adventure one narrow journey, and then giving the later game all the optional stuff in a such a way that it could feel overwhelming and possibly time-consuming. -Not that I've done any of it yet so I can't say for sure. Although this would be no different from FFX, and maybe XIII is better than that to some extent.

Well... Its isnt required to get the best weapons or anything, but without the best weapons, you wont have the extra ATB segment that they grant you, not to mention the stat boosts! 

Most of the marks are easily doable, but the teuly challenging ones require pretty much all the crystarium completed. 

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