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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

not really xD

But i might become a bit more active again yeah....

When i am at my parents that is and not travelling somewhere (plans.png)

Of course, of course. You have fun with them plans!

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I could've sworn he does.

Nope. From what I've heard, you pay him a visit in Hoshido, he's fine, then you leave and he stays behind to keep watch over the castle.

And then he just... never joins. Even though in Birthright the situation in Hoshido is dire, with the royal army at his doorstep, he just leaves the castle guarded by automata before teleporting to Lilith's Funny Place. It makes very little sense.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Derrick 3.

He's basically Benny in Birthright. His defenses are a bit less overkill than Benny's, but then again, he doesn't really need them in this route. He's a good boy, Konrad. I should pay him 150 gold for his services.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe since they wanted to have a character that only joined exclusive in one route. Since you have Yukimura for Birthright, Fuuga for Revelation, and... when you think about, Gunter could've easily been the Conquest exclusive, but might've been changed.

Fuga's super weird. It feels like they remembered he existed in the last minute, and then for some undiscernible reason they decided that the only possible way to make him playable was to kill off Izana and replace him with Windman.

And yeah, the whole "they wanted one exclusive character for each route" argument falls flat a bit because Conquest doesn't have any.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fuga's super weird. It feels like they remembered he existed in the last minute, and then for some undiscernible reason they decided that the only possible way to make him playable was to kill off Izana and replace him with Windman.

And yeah, the whole "they wanted one exclusive character for each route" argument falls flat a bit because Conquest doesn't have any.

Probably killing two birds with one stone. Since Izana fills the "Playable in both Conquest and Birthright... but not Revelation." In light of that, they figured the excuse for him to not be playable in Revelation was to make the Revelation exclusive fill in for him. So off he went to Izum... wait, he was already there.

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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Good news: I'm not gonna die of the same thing that killed my grandpa.
Bad news: It's likely a psychological thing. Meaning I will have to keep living with it.

That's basically the gist of what transpired during my appointment today.
And thank you for the support, everyone. It really means a lot! ^^

To live is to struggle.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahhh, mmm, yeah, very nice. Ohh, yeah. Now that's great.

Attacking the boss covers the entire final area with lava without warning.

If Hinoka hadn't been standing in the right spot that would've been a reset, right at the boss.

Thanks, Birthright, for this annoying map. It wasn't that terrible, certainly nowhere near Kitsune Hell or Takumi's Fun Castle, but that thing with the boss was such a huge dickmove.

You just had to activate the DV directly underneath the white orb the statue is holding, bro.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Evsji4ew o

What are you talking about? You're insanely good, man. You make it impossible to justify Candace and I'm pretty sure you beat Mitama as well. And I thought you were good in Conquest... Well, I suppose you do have better availability there. Unless you're exchanged for boots, but only noobs and folks with poor taste do that.

I kill Shura because I roleplay Corrin as a power-hungry psychopath.

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12 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

You just had to activate the DV directly underneath the white orb the statue is holding, bro.

Uhh... No, the statues are not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the boss. Attacking the boss floods the entire final area with lava, without warning. If you're caught off-guard it's perfectly possible to be unable to finish the boss because of this, and then it kills the person that attacked it in the first place. And then you lose 30 minutes of your life.

12 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

I kill Shura because I roleplay Corrin as a power-hungry psychopath.

Oh. Well, all right. You still have shit taste though, I mean, why use the dumb lolis when you can capture a generic healer?

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48 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

I kill Shura because I roleplay Corrin as a power-hungry psychopath.

That's just normal Conquest Corrin.

Well, maybe more narcissistic then power-hungry. Of course he is already so privileged, it's not like he is left wanting for anything.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And yeah, the whole "they wanted one exclusive character for each route" argument falls flat a bit because Conquest doesn't have any.

Conquest has Flora, though.

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I am feeling really tempted to do a generics only run of Revelation after I finish my Birthright run. That way, I kill two birds with one stone: I see what the fuss is all about, and I spite Fates for killing off best waifu in the supposed "everything goes well" route.

Please convince me not to.

4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Conquest has Flora, though.


Would you believe me if I told you that I completely forgot about her?

'Cause I completely forgot about her. I never have room for her when she joins, and right afterwards, Izana joins and is better than her. Oof.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Finally a PC



1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, hey, it's Yukimura! The guy everyone forgets exists, but I knew him before I even began to care about Fates as the one character design I liked at the time! Kind of a cruel joke to have him join immediately after Shura, who is better than him in basically every way, but... you know what? Fuck it. I love Shura, even married him, but he's had plenty of chances. Yuki doesn't exist anywhere else. I'm putting him to good use.

I'm not sure exactly what the idea behind the Mechanist class was, but, I speculate it's utility. Shuriken and Bows can both be safely used with low risk of being counterattacked from range 2, bows can put a good dent into fliers, Shuriken can debuff, and Mechanist has both of these weapon types.

Yukimura can sort of leverage this, but his stats are too balanced to do more than chipping. At least Mr. Not-Sanada uniquely offers +5 Hit to everyone everywhere for simply being fielded, if you have a spare slot, you could do worse than that.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Even though in Birthright the situation in Hoshido is dire, with the royal army at his doorstep, he just leaves the castle guarded by automata before teleporting to Lilith's Funny Place. It makes very little sense.

It wouldn't be hard to justify IRL. 

Does the Hoshidan capital really matter? All the royals are in the process of attempting regicide and making headway on it, if the capital is lost but Garon stabbed to death shortly thereafter, maybe people die and their property gets smash in the capital (evacuate it in advance then), but that'd be it. A Nohr with its hostile leadership decapitated is no real threat. 

If you assume the Hoshidan capital is lost if the blitz on Nohr's capital fails, then why not maximize troop allocation to the regicide campaign to assure its success? Holding back manpower who are certain not to change the outcome if the regicide fails, might have a better chance of changing the outcome of the regicide attempt for the better.


7 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Conquest has Flora, though.

Flora is available on Revelation.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Hahahaha... Nice. Elise was so confident that she could get Xander and Garon to listen to her, and then she goes and fails miserably to sway Camilla, of all people.

I take way too much pleasure in watching the Nohrian royals fail. Doesn't matter at what, I just want them to fail. Over and over again.

Also, Dwyer and Mitama have now unlocked the ability to cuddle together at nap time. I hope Azama and Jakob aren't too harsh to their respective children-in-law... Then again, it's more likely that they'll tear each other to pieces first chance they get while Hinoka awkwardly sits there and Setsuna stares in the other direction.

33 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm not sure exactly what the idea behind the Mechanist class was, but, I speculate it's utility.

Shuriken and Bows can both be safely used with low risk of being counterattacked from range 2, bows can put a good dent into fliers, Shuriken can debuff, and Mechanist has both of these weapon types.

It looks great and I honestly don't understand why so many people are like "NO MASTER NINJA IS SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER, YOU CAN'T PROMOTE KAZE TO MECHANIST IT'S DUMB."

I mean, I dunno about Saizo or Kagero, but Kaze's speed is overkill either way. Going mechanist gives him more strength and defense, areas in which he's lacking, not to mention a bit of extra movement and the awesome Replicate skill. I don't know, I don't think master ninja is bad either, I just don't understand what's so awful about mechanist.


Yukimura can sort of leverage this, but his stats are too balanced to do more than chipping. At least Mr. Not-Sanada uniquely offers +5 Hit to everyone everywhere for simply being fielded, if you have a spare slot, you could do worse than that.

Yeah, I noticed, his personal is just a leadership star. The guy's Glade: He's a mounted prepromote everyone forgets about.

33 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It wouldn't be hard to justify IRL. 

Does the Hoshidan capital really matter? All the royals are in the process of attempting regicide and making headway on it, if the capital is lost but Garon stabbed to death shortly thereafter, maybe people die and their property gets smash in the capital (evacuate it in advance then), but that'd be it. A Nohr with its hostile leadership decapitated is no real threat. 

If you assume the Hoshidan capital is lost if the blitz on Nohr's capital fails, then why not maximize troop allocation to the regicide campaign to assure its success? Holding back manpower who are certain not to change the outcome if the regicide fails, might have a better chance of changing the outcome of the regicide attempt for the better.

Hm. You're right, actually.

...But then why doesn't he join in Revelation when, as far as my limited knowledge of the route goes, the entire friggin' world is at stake? There's even more reason to just leave the castle behind there...

33 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Flora is available on Revelation.

...I also forgot that...

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43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I dunno about Saizo or Kagero, but Kaze's speed is overkill either way. Going mechanist gives him more strength and defense, areas in which he's lacking, not to mention a bit of extra movement and the awesome Replicate skill.

Reminds me I picked Forrin for early Jakob on Rev once. I wedded him to Kagero, and thanks to him being able to get 20/15 skills at plain old 15, I had some fun with a Replicated Shurikenfaire Master Ninja for most of the game.

And growths-wise:

  • Kagero is huge Str- 65% growth, with good (50%) Spd growth but low Skl.
  • Saizo is tied with Odin at 330- the highest total growths of everyone in Fates sans Mozu or a child of her's with Aptitude.
    • Saizo is below-average on the Spd growth though- 30%, and his Res doesn't exist- 10%.
    • Saizo's high growths were instead arranged to give him 50% Str and 45% Mag, allowing him to be a feasible hybrid or downright magical offense unit. Considering his personal skill is ninja ninpo/ninjutsu fire boom! him getting good Mag makes some sense.


25 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

Atsuro is the best thing about Devil Survivor. #Bro #TeamHat #PowerOfTheInternet.

Gotta agree with that! Atsubro forever!

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Wow, you get to the sixth dungeon fast. I’ve explored the new area in Eldin for like ten minutes and the game is like okay, dungeon time. I guess I’ll do the sixth dungeon now, after I get a goddess cube and two goddess cube chests.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Seriously though, why doesn't Yukimura join in Revelation? Scarlet suffers a tragic accident and Izana feigns his death so he doesn't have to work, but Yukimura? He just... sort of is perfectly fine but doesn't come back ever. What's up with that?

The in-story excuse is that he stays behind to run Hoshido while he lets the entire royal family run around in a secret kingdom they swear exists but can’t tell him about but they will definitely come back one day, they promise. And Corrin’s there.

I’m sure Hoshido does fantastic with him in charge.

58 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am feeling really tempted to do a generics only run of Revelation after I finish my Birthright run. That way, I kill two birds with one stone: I see what the fuss is all about, and I spite Fates for killing off best waifu in the supposed "everything goes well" route.

Please convince me not to.

Actually, that’s probably a good idea. It would help to alleviate a lot of the boringness Revelation has. It’s even funnier when you notice that Revelation is very very obviously designed around using all the royals + Azura.

What might dissuade you is that you first get someone who can capture (Orochi) in chapter 11, unlike the other two games where the respective capture-ers join in chapter 8 (well Orochi joins in Birthright at the end of chapter 7, but you can’t use her until chapter 8, of course). So you’ll have quite a few chapters where you can’t capture at all and be forced to use actual characters! The horror! I think you should be able to upgrade your jail in that time though, so that’s nice, at least.

Niles joins near the end of the game and is borderline unusable without grinding, btw. So no two capture users for you.

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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’m sure Hoshido does fantastic with him in charge.

Well, Hoshido is based on Japan. IRL, the Japanese Emperor has almost invariably remained aloof from politics, leaving it to his ministers or the shogun. Therefore, Fantasy Japan ought to be fine. Or at least the Fantasy Royal Nippon Family Quartet ought to be fine, since they get to be special and always well-treated by virtue of their status despite no obligations other than being ceremonial and apolitical. The ministers who have the actual reins of government have no obligations not to fork over everyone else.

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Niles joins near the end of the game and is borderline unusable without grinding, btw.

It's not the end of the game, it's the end of the first half. There are still 10-11 chapters to use him in. -Still joins as total garbo though, can't dispute that.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's not the end of the game, it's the end of the first half. There are still 10-11 chapters to use him in. -Still joins as total garbo though, can't dispute that.

It’s at the end of the part of the game where maps are sometimes not boring.

Looks like I underestimated how many maps come after Niles joins.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uhh... No, the statues are not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the boss. Attacking the boss floods the entire final area with lava, without warning. If you're caught off-guard it's perfectly possible to be unable to finish the boss because of this, and then it kills the person that attacked it in the first place. And then you lose 30 minutes of your life.

Just use Ryoma, bro.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You still have shit taste though, I mean, why use the dumb lolis when you can capture a generic healer?

Because lolis makes Corrin's pp hard.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...But then why doesn't he join in Revelation when, as far as my limited knowledge of the route goes, the entire friggin' world is at stake? There's even more reason to just leave the castle behind there...

Garon is still in Nohr while Corrin's party goes to Valla.

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10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The in-story excuse is that he stays behind to run Hoshido while he lets the entire royal family run around in a secret kingdom they swear exists but can’t tell him about but they will definitely come back one day, they promise. And Corrin’s there.

I’m sure Hoshido does fantastic with him in charge.

I've read people say (in one of the three threads about him in the entire internet) that he would've been a much more interesting character if he were a villain, like Hoshido's answer to Iago. I have to agree, honestly. The guy hardly even exists as it is, and it would help to balance out the two kingdoms at least a little bit.

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Actually, that’s probably a good idea. It would help to alleviate a lot of the boringness Revelation has. It’s even funnier when you notice that Revelation is very very obviously designed around using all the royals + Azura.

The royals: "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you can't bench us all! You have to use at least some of us! Who're you gonna use if not us, huh? One of those underleveled scrubs? Face it, you need us!"

Ruben: Krtbjcps o

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What might dissuade you is that you first get someone who can capture (Orochi) in chapter 11, unlike the other two games where the respective capture-ers join in chapter 8 (well Orochi joins in Birthright at the end of chapter 7, but you can’t use her until chapter 8, of course). So you’ll have quite a few chapters where you can’t capture at all and be forced to use actual characters! The horror! I think you should be able to upgrade your jail in that time though, so that’s nice, at least.

Niles joins near the end of the game and is borderline unusable without grinding, btw. So no two capture users for you.

I've reach about Orochi, yeah. Shame about that... If I had thought about this sooner, I would've not used Orochi and I would've sent her to the logbook at the end of the game. Unfortunately, unless I've missed something, an endgame Orochi would cost way, way too much. If someone knows a different way, I wouldn't mind having an endgame Orochi running around. I can just user her as a capture bot and otherwise keep her out of the way until the real deal joins.

Just now, Maof06 said:

Just use Ryoma, bro.

Insolent little-- who do you take me for?!

Just now, Maof06 said:

Because lolis makes Corrin's pp hard.

Yeah, well, not mine. I hope they all die.

Just now, Maof06 said:

Garon is still in Nohr while Corrin's party goes to Valla.


Well, that explains it, I guess.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uhh... No, the statues are not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the boss. Attacking the boss floods the entire final area with lava, without warning. If you're caught off-guard it's perfectly possible to be unable to finish the boss because of this, and then it kills the person that attacked it in the first place. And then you lose 30 minutes of your life.

Wait, what chapter is this? I don’t remember anything like that ever happening in Birthright.

You know what? That’s almost certainly a lunatic only thing, I‘m guessing. But still, what chapter? I don’t remember any lava themed chapters in Birthright. Does lava really just come from absolutely nowhere?

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I'm doing way too much research to see if I can find a way to nab a capturer earlier than chapter 11.

Just now, Sooks said:

Wait, what chapter is this? I don’t remember anything like that ever happening in Birthright.

You know what? That’s almost certainly a lunatic only thing, I‘m guessing. But still, what chapter? I don’t remember any lava themed chapters in Birthright. Does lava really just come from absolutely nowhere?

Birthright chapter 21. In it, there's a bunch of statues blocking the way, with two dragon veins in front. Choose correctly, a bridge appears and you proceed. Choose wrong, the ground is covered by lava that impairs movement and chips away at your units' HP, and reinforcements start appearing. You have to beat them all before the correct dragon vein reappears.

This is all well and good... Until you get to the boss and attack it. Then the area is covered in lava for no reason, and if you are unfortunate enough to have no other units close enough (which is perfectly possible, given the boss is a stoneborn, you might've swooped in with a horse) the attacker will get killed and you lose at the last second.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Birthright chapter 21. In it, there's a bunch of statues blocking the way, with two dragon veins in front. Choose correctly, a bridge appears and you proceed. Choose wrong, the ground is covered by lava that impairs movement and chips away at your units' HP, and reinforcements start appearing. You have to beat them all before the correct dragon vein reappears.

This is all well and good... Until you get to the boss and attack it. Then the area is covered in lava for no reason, and if you are unfortunate enough to have no other units close enough (which is perfectly possible, given the boss is a stoneborn, you might've swooped in with a horse) the attacker will get killed and you lose at the last second.

Oh yeah, that chapter. I completely forgot about it.

Still, though, I’m pretty sure the boss shenanigans are lunatic only.

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So uh, can a Fates expert explain to me how the Eirherjar shop works? I just checked it, and it's selling my lategame-level Fishtail, Kaze and Rinkah for less than 10k, and then I upgraded it and for some reason it's selling untrained Skaura and Felicia as well as Azura. What the heck... Is there any way I can force Orochi into this? It's way cheaper than the logbook, no way I can afford logbook Orochi in chapter 6 of Revelation... The good wiki talks about the streetpass team, but changing that doesn't seem to be doing much.

EDIT: Oohhhhhh the reason those guys are for sale at the shop is that they're set at the front of my StreetPass team by default... Right, so then it depends on the save file, and obviously I can't go and visit other castles on my completely legit 3DS. Hmmm...

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

EDIT: Oohhhhhh the reason those guys are for sale at the shop is that they're set at the front of my StreetPass team by default... Right, so then it depends on the save file, and obviously I can't go and visit other castles on my completely legit 3DS. Hmmm...

Can’t you just change your street pass team? Or do you have to have street pass enabled for that, which your legitimate 3DS can definitely do?

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Just now, Sooks said:

Can’t you just change your street pass team? Or do you have to have street pass enabled for that, which your legitimate 3DS can definitely do?

I can set up my streetpass team, but each save file has its own castle and its own team. When I go into the Eirherjar shop in each save file, it just sells units from that save file's team. I don't think I can transfer units from one save file to the other in this way, unless I'm missing something.

Ahhh, why couldn't they have just made Orochi join earlier...!? I think I might find a cheat, give myself enough money to buy endgame Orochi and leave it at that. All I want is generics, damnit... Earlier than chapter 11!

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