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>JoJo Part 5 composer returning for Part 6


1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:



howtf am i suppossed to beat her lol

i am like, lvl 2-4 and my highest attack is ~40 lmao

Kaga moment.

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I'm surprised I read through 100 pages in a single day, not really that much, but I'd have thought it more exhausting than that. The book is surprisingly digestible for its size, perhaps because the author opts for emphasizing emperors and important advisors over minute dissection of the structures behind them? From an emperor who abdicated blissfully in peace to grow cabbages, only to see his revisions at the top to the Roman imperial organization start failing soon after he left (despite the rest of the revised system holding up). To fiery theological controversies, such as whether or not the Son always existed or was created by the Father at some undefined point before the creation of time and the world itself.

I think I'll get back to FFXIII tomorrow, I've taken enough of a break from it that I shouldn't delay any longer. I also hate how Civ VI is such a huge time waster, I get addicted to the game, but I think to myself that I could spend the hours playing other games I've played much less that are more deserving of the time. I need to banish it from my Switch.

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Two impossible things are happening here

  1. Netflix is simulcasting an anime. That never happens, they always wait until the Japanese airing is done to release it overseas.
  2. The subs are (at least for one instance) using the correct names of the Stands. The games and such always changed the name from Stone Free to Stone Ocean but the subs here are clearly calling Jolyne's Stand by it's correct name.

JoJo animes usually enhance the story so i'm curious to see how this will upgrade Part 6. After all, Part 5 did get the best adaptation imo.

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1 hour ago, DodgeDusk said:

why are you all so bad

I mean, you don't even have to ask when there's people in the thread who haven't even touched the game.

(Myself as prime example)

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1 hour ago, DodgeDusk said:

why are you all so bad

In my own defense, it wasn't personal. I just don't enjoy traditional JRPGs in general. Not my style of gameplay, I'm afraid 

Nobody tell him I also got completely bored of the story because I felt it didn't go anywhere for 10 hours

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In my own defense, it wasn't personal. I just don't enjoy traditional JRPGs in general. Not my style of gameplay, I'm afraid 

Nobody tell him I also got completely bored of the story because I felt it didn't go anywhere for 10 hours

Now see, that's a fair complaint. FC has a notoriously slow start, which is why the start of arcs in future installments typically have a snippit of gameplay that canonically takes place in the second half of their games. FC also doesn't help itself because you don't get a multi-targetting attack until either you get Olivier (who joins halfway through Chapter 1), or if you somehow manage to gem in the art Aerial before getting him, which likely isn't going to happen.

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2 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

why are you all so bad

Sorry couldn't take anymore modern Trails. I kept believing it will get better because Sky trilogy is like best thing since slice bread to me, but i ended up a bitter doomer


39 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

which is why the start of arcs in future installments typically have a snippit of gameplay that canonically takes place in the second half of their games.

And after that become much slower than FC

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1 hour ago, DodgeDusk said:

Now see, that's a fair complaint. FC has a notoriously slow start, which is why the start of arcs in future installments typically have a snippit of gameplay that canonically takes place in the second half of their games. FC also doesn't help itself because you don't get a multi-targetting attack until either you get Olivier (who joins halfway through Chapter 1), or if you somehow manage to gem in the art Aerial before getting him, which likely isn't going to happen.

Thank you for your understanding. To be honest, I probably could've endured the slow start if it wasn't for my personal dislike for JRPG gameplay. Sooo yeah, I didn't think the game was bad or anything. Just the gameplay was not my cup of tea, as most JRPGs are, and when it comes to videogames, for the most part gameplay makes or breaks them for me.

23 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Sorry couldn't take anymore modern Trails. I kept believing it will get better because Sky trilogy is like best thing since slice bread to me, but i ended up a bitter doomer

And after that become much slower than FC

Just now, DodgeDusk said:

You think so? Maybe for Cold Steel I, but at least in that game the combat is pretty fast-paced in comparison to FC.

Maybe I should try out Cold Steel. Shrimpy hates it, but he also loves Three Houses, so clearly he's wrong about everything.

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33 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

You think so? Maybe for Cold Steel I, but at least in that game the combat is pretty fast-paced in comparison to FC.

And easy and boring af. Sky easy is harder than CS Nightmare

Story wise CS is much much slower than Sky. What happens in CS1/2 together is less than FC.

Reminder that whole of CS2 takes place during one chapter of Ao.

And the less i say about CS3-5 the better

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

for the most part gameplay makes or breaks them for me.


33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe I should try out Cold Steel. Shrimpy hates it, but he also loves Three Houses, so clearly he's wrong about everything.

you enjoying School harem simulator? Boy!

Also i like Berwick, am i wrong about that, too?

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Okay, so I gave the first Valla map a shot.

I started from the bottom, resulting in my units cluttering the extremely tight corridor, and then I got crit because the big problem with generics is that their luck growths suck ass.

All right, no problem. I have six entrances to try. We just have to warp to a different spot.

9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

you enjoying School harem simulator? Boy!

Hey, it's not that unlikely! It's just extremely unlikely.

9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also i like Berwick, am i wrong about that, too?


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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, it's not that unlikely! It's just extremely unlikely

admittedly, and i've seen this in both fanbases, those who dislike Black Hole Saga tend to like 3H, and those who dislike 3H tend to like Black Hole Saga

i've seen it alot in both fanbases. Including myself

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Well, first Valla impressions are... not too bad! This map isn't terrible. Once I warped to the middle, I was able to secure the area and begin branching out to the eastern forts while Roland dutifully held the line with the guard naginata.

Fun map, only problem being... It's looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong. Like, it's turn 41 and only just a couple turns ago I managed to wipe everyone out and begin to clean up and activate the remaining dragon veins. Up to this point I was fighting tooth and nail for all our lives. I could've been faster, but I was a bit afraid, so I waited until I had the eastern side ready to proceed to the west.

48 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

admittedly, and i've seen this in both fanbases, those who dislike Black Hole Saga tend to like 3H, and those who dislike 3H tend to like Black Hole Saga

Well, that's... odd. I would've expected the opposite. Any particular reason?

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59 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

admittedly, and i've seen this in both fanbases, those who dislike Black Hole Saga tend to like 3H, and those who dislike 3H tend to like Black Hole Saga

Well i don't fit in either, so what does that make me? XD

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58 turns. Hah! LTC pro right here, folks.

Well, at any rate, it's over. That took way too long because I was a coward and played it too safely. Roland held the entire western side at bay with the guard naginata and Bernd's support while Brigitta and Protagonist acted as the heavy artillery behind him and everyone else rushed the eastern forts. It was quite the fun sight to behold. I had fun with the map, overall! Sure, I wish the upper and lower forts didn't exist so the map didn't take me almost 60 turns, but still. Not too bad. You guys were far too negative. You can only go so wrong with Fates mechanics. And generics, of course! Bless you, generics. You guys are wonderful, all of you. Even slow-ass Christof.

And then Ryoma mourned Scarlet in a scene that totally didn't fall flat at all because Scarlet got like, two minutes of character development in this route. And, well... In every route, actually. What a goddamned shame.

As for next chapter... I took a sneak peek at it and... OHMIGOSH GOLD! Finally! I can finally buy some decent weaponry, goddamnit... I won't do it just yet, though. I'm gonna go have lunch, and then I'll play something else, and hopefully when I return I won't have to time travel for Fuga, who... unfortunately will hit the bench for the time being, because again, no generics will be left behind, not even for baldie overthere.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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6 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Wait, what do you mean? I was never -that- negative!

Hey, I wasn't talking about anyone in particular! I just received generally negative opinions, that's all.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, I wasn't talking about anyone in particular! I just received generally negative opinions, that's all.

I don't recall actually saying that Revelations was "bad". Mostly... boring, i guess?

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14 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I don't recall actually saying that Revelations was "bad". Mostly... boring, i guess?

It is really far from the FEs that I would call boring. Really, really far.

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So I caved in to self-pressure and played FE5, because I feel sick as all hell and my reaction time is as slow as a snail walking up a steep hill of marbles, thus not ready at all to continue Ys Memories of Celceta.
And I found what I believe to be the single dumbest thing I have ever seen in a video game.

Xavier's recruitment.

Good fucking god.
That alone makes Revelation's snow shoveling look like masterclass game design.
The only difference being that one is optional, while the other is mandatory.

And this entire game just makes me question why in the name of all hell Kaga is so beloved. The game has interesting mechanics, yes. But it is filled to the brim with so much stupid bullshit, it is absolutely inconceivable to me how anyone can call that good game design.

Missing staves.
Siege weapons in fucking fog of war.
There is a long list of stupid ideas Fire Emblem has had during its run... and these three are up there as some of the dumbest shit the series has ever done.

And the best part? The game would be easy as hell without this bullcrap.
At least after Manster.

Also, Lithis and Pan are up there as some of the biggest scumbags that I have ever seen on the playable side in a Fire Emblem game. It's very fitting that Pan resembles Shinji from Fate.
They are Makalov levels of despicable, if not more so, especially Pan "I abuse children and force them into lives of crime" (and the game and its characters can fuck off with pretending he's actually not a bad guy). They can consider themselves very lucky thieves are actually legitimately useful in this game or I would have killed them off, no questions asked.

Also, of course they had to have a fucking philanderer in Homer.
Because he's dead now. He got sacrificed to a ballista in his joining chapter. I am sick and tired of that type of character, and any and all of them I see are dead meat. I don't give a shit how useful they are. Thankfully, Homer's bases suck ass, so... nothing of value was lost.


Sorry for venting, but I needed to get that out of my system.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It is really far from the FEs that I would call boring. Really, really far.

Forgot to reply here, but that's just something we'll have to agree to disagree on. CQ was good, but imo BR and RV are just bland as all hell.

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9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Xavier's recruitment.

Hahahahah... Ahh, yes. Beautiful, isn't it? There's a way to cheese it, but even then it's annoying as all hell.


And this entire game just makes me question why in the name of all hell Kaga is so beloved.

For me personally? KagaSaga. His FEs are more in the "some good ideas, dragged down by massive flaws" camp, in my opinion. TRS and Vestaria a bit like that too, but there's far more good ideas and far less massive flaws. HSoS looks like a wonderful game, but the language barrier makes it too cumbersome for me to enjoy it properly. And well, we all know how I feel about Berwick Saga.

Kaga's FEs, though... FE1, FE2 and FE3 are boring, annoying to play and completely outdated thanks to their remakes, FE4 I played once and I saw everything I needed to see, and FE5... well, I think it's the best Kaga FE, for what it's worth. I really wish they'd bring back Capture, I love that mechanic, but the map design in this game is... very hit-or-miss, and the lategame is just plain bad, in my humble opinion.


Missing staves.

You only need to get a certain amount of skill and this flaw disappears. It only exists in the earlygame and Tina. It's dumb, but it hardly exists, so...


Siege weapons in fucking fog of war.

This, though... Yeah, the ballistae in Thracia are pain.


Sorry for venting, but I needed to get that out of my system.

It's all right. I know the feeling.

4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Forgot to reply here, but that's just something we'll have to agree to disagree on. CQ was good, but imo BR and RV are just bland as all hell.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's high art, but compared to a snoozefest like Path of Radiance of Mystery Book 1... Yeah, I'd rather play Revelation a thousand times than replay either of those.

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