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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


Tis done

  No more WalLeo then?

2 hours ago, WraithReborn said:

God I feel so lonely…

I know some of the others have given their hugs, so I'll just ask if you feel like contacting someone you know irl.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I honestly don't have many games I want right now, so NEO will have to do.

That is some Damming with faint praise.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I'm very likely to get the game sooner than I thought. Since the gaming laptop I've zeroed in on is taking forever to get in stock (and there's a bit of personal distrust towards buying one on Amazon- the various individual sellers on the site as opposed to one purveyor is a turnoff), and a certain occasion is coming up. I honestly don't have many games I want right now, so NEO will have to do.

Like I said before, PC version isn't out yet (Not even listed on EGS where it's at least for now exclusive), so that's bothersome.

Also, I have too many snapshots from this game, literally thousands. Should help for any rewrites (and hopefully memes)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Shifted into maximum bowverdrive I see.

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16 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

He's too busy wanting women to step on him for that.

I mean what-

Why not both?


16 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

the frick is up with her face

Feel the power of the fusion between Sakura and Charlotte, Sakurotte!

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30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Boys can't be lolis. The anime term for underaged males is "shota". Shotas have their own separate tropes and creepy fans.

Right, I almost forgot the proper anime terminology.

20 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Ruben is a shotacon?!😳

Go ahead, ignore everything I said and purposely misinterpret everything so you may jump to a false conclusion.

21 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:



I don't understand, 06. You want me to hate her?

21 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:


...Okay though, if her crit face was actually like this I might give her a chance. I mean, hell, the reason I gave Charlotte a chance in the first place was that I caught her crit face on a stream. It was love at first sight. Can't go wrong with funny faces.

21 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Literally the God of Fates.

I'll bet he uses the royals and Mozu. Psch.

20 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

He's too busy wanting women to step on him for that.

I mean what-

I mean, at this stage, is there any point in denying it?

17 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Shifted into maximum bowverdrive I see.

I like how the lance is upright when he's firing his invisible bow, and then it instantly snaps into a horizontal position so it can pierce the enemy's dick. Senno is truly a master of his craft.

Just now, Ghost_06_ said:

Why not both?


Jesus fucking Christ.

You go too far, 06.

Take it back at once.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


What a glitch.

The best part is that it's a permanent softlock as well, so once you trigger the glitch, you're stuck in the painted world with that voice clip.

They didn't remove it for the remaster, so maybe Miyazaki just knows Dark Souls' demographic well and it's intentional.

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51 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:



You've officially gone too far.


50 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, at this stage, is there any point in denying it?

Hey, I don't kinkshame.


23 minutes ago, Benice said:

My LP update has deleted itself, and I just learned about this being a thing.

Oy vey...


RIP. Sorry about that.

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2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

RIP. Sorry about that.

Well, at least I found a speedrunning category that I could do for funsies.

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The Fuga map.

I wasn't gonna, but I think it might be worthwhile to reclass Elfuigi to kinshi knight. Just so I have a flier with bows to help with the onslaught of peggies that I can't reach.

18 minutes ago, Benice said:

The best part is that it's a permanent softlock as well, so once you trigger the glitch, you're stuck in the painted world with that voice clip.

They didn't remove it for the remaster, so maybe Miyazaki just knows Dark Souls' demographic well and it's intentional.

Hahahahaha... Nice. That kind of glitch is the best. It's like the Shaun glitch in Heavy Rain, or the many glitches in my first run of Conquest. They improve the experience.

1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:


You've officially gone too far.


Yeah, I agree, that was mean. 06 is just a big, big bully.

1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Hey, I don't kinkshame.


I respect you for that.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahaha... Nice. That kind of glitch is the best

Well, unless you get it by accident.

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A very useful person.

I am truly ever so glad that I have Siegbert in the team for Shelter instead of someone else.

Siegbert is doing much work.

For instance, Siegbert is helping me to learn the map by suggesting that I go back to the beginning and take a deeper look at the situation.

I am not mad at all.


11 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I'd kinda be a hypocrite if I did, so....


Hzpsz7dc o

I mean, of course. I deserve respect. Very much so, yes. /s

What's that /s doing there? It should not be there!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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17 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I'd kinda be a hypocrite if I did, so....

i see this and the only quote that comes to mind as "hypocrite, the word doesnt even begin to describe you." 

Not directed at you of course, just on my mind.

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24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hzpsz7dc o

I w-wasn't admitting to a-anything!

You have nothing on me. Nothing!


24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What's that /s doing there? It should not be there!

It absolutely should. kek

Edited by twilitfalchion
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Yes, Siegbert! Luck is what you need! A single point of luck out of a level? In Fates!? Boy, I wish they were all as great as you, Siegbert!

9 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I w-wasn't admitting to a-anything!

You have nothing on me. Nothing!


That's the kind of thing I would say, which does not help your case, now, does it?

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Oh, man.

I won. I beat Fuga's Wild Ride. Well, almost. I'm going to stick around and do a couple of things, but I can seize any time I want.

Gotta say, for as much as people complain about it, the wind only served to benefit me. If you handle yourself right you can sneak your entire army to Fuga without even having to sacrifice three folks to Hayato's hexing rod.

Also, Kumagera gains experience at the speed of light. Shura has paragon and he doesn't gain experience that fast. He's level 11 and he shows no signs of ever slowing down. I wonder what's up with that. I heard he has a low internal level. Does anyone know someplace I can check everyone's internal level thingy?

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I really should take charge in social situations. That needs to be added to my agenda, I definitely flubbed today.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Okay, maybe not Sakura. At the very least, the game has the restraint not to show panty shots of Sakura. I can respect her for that much, I suppose. And she sucks pretty hard as a unit, so... Yeah, Sakura is decent. I'll give her that much.

She sucks pretty hard? She’s literally a royal, where did you get that from? She has a good personal with decent strength, magic, speed and good class skills (iirc) who you have for the entirety of Birthright and most of Rev that can use dragon veins and staves, plus she’s a good mom.

4 hours ago, WraithReborn said:

God I feel so lonely…

I hope it gets better Wraith, that happened to me today too. I’m going to try seizing the day or something tomorrow or Monday, though.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll bet he uses the royals and Mozu. Psch.

Mozu being popular is mostly exclusive to this thread, afaik.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Yes, Siegbert! Luck is what you need! A single point of luck out of a level? In Fates!? Boy, I wish they were all as great as you, Siegbert!

That's the kind of thing I would say, which does not help your case, now, does it?

Who’s his mom?

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Okay, finally done with the Those! quest. Now back to Megaton, although, hmm... I think I'll actually do some circling around, heading southwest from Grayditch to Fairfax Ruins and Fort Independence first, before returning north to Megaton.

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Spider-Man (PS4) is a damn good game

This is my first game for the PS4 and damn, this was a great game to introduce me to the system. I won't lie, it actually had a solid chance at becoming one of my favorite video games of all time but there were a few things here and there that stopped it from getting into that club. But i'll get to that.

Spider-Man PS4 is the only open-world game where i never used fast-travel at any point in the game (outside of the one time you're forced to use it). Now of course, the world isn't that big because while NYC is a big place, it's not like, an epic open world fantasy. But regardless of the size, it didn't matter because swinging around feels so good. Why would you ever fast-travel in a game where you play as Spider-Man? Now matter how much i played, this never got old. The world itself feels very much alive and not just because it's NYC. It does a very good job at establishing that Peter Parker has been Spider-Man for a while now, as well as confirming the presence of other Marvel superheroes, even if it goes a little bit out of it's way to explain why none of them show up at all. Avengers Tower is here but Peter comments on how literally all of the Avengers are on the West Coast and they never use the Tower as a result. And speaking of the world feeling alive, those J. Jonah Jameson podcasts were always a treat. I was always waiting for the next one to appear because J. Jonah Jameson is always comedy gold.

The combat itself is similarly very good. At it's core, there isn't any faults with it. Landing hits, perfect dodging, throwing projectiles back at the enemy, it all feels nice. Combining this with Spider-Man's speed and his rather glass cannon attributes in this game honestly makes for a perfect action game. Admittedly, the combat does become a little stale but only because of the situations that occur with it. There are enemy bases scattered around the city as well as crimes that pop up every now and then. These get stale and while i did do most of them, doing them for too long would just get too tiring. You can go the whole game without doing them as the campaign is short but you'll end up underpowered as you wouldn't have any tokens to upgrade with. But even still, maybe they should've it toned it down a bit here.

The story is decent. I only have Spider-Man movies and Spectacular Spider-Man to compare it to but yeah, it works. It's a good Spider-Man story, although i do think some parts of it happen a little bit too quickly. I also think the story should've spent some more time with Mr. Negative and Doctor Octopus. Their motivations are there but i feel the story is a bit too quick in getting Spider-Man to punch them. I would've taken out the Sinister Six and instead have more time devoted to Mr. Negative and Doc Ock.

The worst part of the game though is absolutely the stealth missions. Specifically, stealth where you play as MJ or Miles. While they do get a little bit better when both of them get some tools so they aren't completely defenseless, i could've 100% gone without these missions and it's the only part of the game i'd actually call bad. They add nothing to the game, you could've just made it a cutscene and it would not change anything. Stealth is only good when you're playing as Spider-Man.

The second worst part of the game is the soundtrack. It's not bad and i do like the main theme but for the most part, it didn't really do it for me.

Overall, the game is fantastic and i definitely recommend it to anyone who has a PS4 (or 5, it's remastered on there). A few minor issues ironed out and i would've called it a personal masterpiece because of just how good it felt to play.


Updated "ranking every game i played in 2021" list.

I'll buy the DLC post-game stories at a later date. I'll probably do those first before playing Miles Morales.

3 hours ago, Benice said:

In the Souls games, a dodge has a lot of iframes in it- unless you are playing with a shield, (which aren't in Sekiro) the intended way to defeat bosses at melee is by using these iframes to dodge their attacks, although there are tons of ways to play Dark Souls.

So basically the difference between a true Souls game and one that simply takes it's structure and difficulty comes down to how vital dodges are. Got it.

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


A very useful person.

I am truly ever so glad that I have Siegbert in the team for Shelter instead of someone else.

Siegbert is doing much work.

For instance, Siegbert is helping me to learn the map by suggesting that I go back to the beginning and take a deeper look at the situation.

I am not mad at all.


Let me guess, he missed the 99%.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

So basically the difference between a true Souls game and one that simply takes it's structure and difficulty comes down to how vital dodges are. Got it.

Yeah, kind of. There's more nuance to their differences than that, but close enough. A lot of Soulslikes are 2D as well, a lot are isometric, etc.. I think feel is another really important thing; Sekiro is not merely Dark Souls with parries; it does its own thing but has a similar structure. Sekiro has a much, much, much higher skill floor required to beat it, though.

...I forgot that you're not playing Sekiro. In my experience, you'll most certainly be fine on the Jedi Knight difficulty once you get to Fallen Order, and I hope you enjoy it!




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11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I really should take charge in social situations. That needs to be added to my agenda, I definitely flubbed today.


Hope it wasn't anything too bad.

11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

She sucks pretty hard? She’s literally a royal, where did you get that from? She has a good personal with decent strength, magic, speed and good class skills (iirc) who you have for the entirety of Birthright and most of Rev that can use dragon veins and staves, plus she’s a good mom.

I mean, she's a royal, but she's also a footie staffbot with pretty awful bases. Then again, I never really gave her a chance. Maybe her growths are Wolfgar tier?

11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Mozu being popular is mostly exclusive to this thread, afaik.

Great, just my luck to end up in such a place...

11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Who’s his mom?

P for pathetic, E for excrement, R for rotten, I for idiotic. Like mother, like son.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Let me guess, he missed the 99%.

Haha, nah, he just got one-rounded by a bolt naginata.

Meanwhile Senno survived getting clobbered by Fuga twice with 2 HP. I totally had that planned.

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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Overall, the game is fantastic and i definitely recommend it to anyone who has a PS4 (or 5, it's remastered on there). A few minor issues ironed out and i would've called it a personal masterpiece because of just how good it felt to play.

We reccomending PS4 games? 

Kh series games, 

FF games. 

And... Thats about it. Xd

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

We reccomending PS4 games? 

Kh series games, 

FF games. 

And... Thats about it. Xd

I mean, I would recommend a game I just finished that I know I keep mentioning, but come on, I could just take a look at my brother's pile of titles. If I hadn't put them away to give back to him.

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