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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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  • Codename Shrimp


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  • Saint Rubenio


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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Boulder is pretty mainstream tho

I mean, I guess more than others, but he's hardly what you'd call a fan favorite. You need to be a generic anime waifu to be a fan favorite.

...A generic anime waifu from Three Houses, to be precise.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


But that's a baddie, though. Baddies don't count, everyone knows Japan thinks older men with beards must be evil.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


See? How generic is that?

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

One of my fav. staves in the game tbh

allows you to switch places with any ally unit. Something i have wanted to see in FE for a long time now. 

Sure i only used it one time so far, but the one time i used it it saved my ass

Staff variety in this game is A+ tho

That's a great staff idea, though. Goddamnit, I need to learn Japanese...

7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Those silly dances are forever ingrained in my brain.

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10 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The other girl's name is literally Est.

Oh lmao

I just give em all nicknames since i can't bother to translate their names. Skills and gameplay stuff are enough xD

2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

man, JP SRPG game has better character designs than half the FE games lol

Yeah for real.

Not my first JP SRPG studio game with amazing character design, either. Check Yggdrasil for example, the one i used to talk about alot before. A+ designs as well

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's a great staff idea, though

Other staves include usual FE stuff, Stat up staves, Unlock, etc...

And enemy uses them, too, which can be a bit of a pain when a stat up, especially defense up staff is used on an enemy, thankfully

Restore works on enemies as well, and clears their buffs, too!

Also some items that give stat bonuses for turns, or until next attack, etc...


Map design at the start i found average-ish, especially those with Kaga blocks ™️, but approaching midgame the game has been improving in that regard quite a bit, with higher quality enemies in formations instead of Kaga blocks ™️ of weak enemies, also split deployments, which is my jam!

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55 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I would argue the "strong base" point is rendered moot if said "strong base" is so feeble that it fails to hold my interest whatsoever. Contradictory as it may seem, I do think it's okay for a game to be slow (Omori is slow, Great Ace Attorney is super fucking slow, Berwick Saga takes a while to really get going too, I mean Christ one of my favorite games ever is frigging Papers Please where you just spent the entire playtime doing paperwork), but it needs to be a good sort of slow. A slow that is appropriate, or that builds up interest for what is to come, that sets future events up, that hints at excitement to be had. It can't just be insufferably boring for 30 hours and then excuse itself by saying "no no I was almost getting ready to become good, give me another 10 hours and then I swear it's gonna be worth it."

No, I agree with that, and what is "good kind of slow" for some is not for others. 10H is a pretty high bar, practically half of most games today.

56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, what's the guarantee that the thing is ever going to get good? Yes, I'll give you that it's possible to miss out on some gems due to a poor first impression. It's not foolproof. But at the same time, I'll also miss out on other gems if I waste 30-40 hours of my life on something that's no good at all instead of moving on to other things that might actually be worth the time and attention after the first game has proven time and time again that it's not my cup of tea. I'm not saying I give each game exactly five minutes to prove itself, but there comes a point where I just can't help but lose interest for one reason or another, maybe some other game will grab my interest, and I'll just not have the motivation to keep going.

... You have to trust, bro.

57 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As an example, I dropped Path of Radiance in chapter 21. That's well over half the game. What, should I have forced myself to waste more hours away in boredom, pushing through to the finale because "maybe it gets good in the final two hours"? Yeah, agree to disagree it is. Again, your point is very valid and should be taken into consideration... in matters more important than how one spends one's idle hours.

Chapter 21? Damn. Sunk cost fallacy would've already kicked in.

58 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's a bit extreme, considering the topic we're discussing. It's not like I'm giving up on finding the cure for cancer. Time's a limited resource. Free time, more so. At some point I have to cut my losses. It's not like I give up on every single game I play, either. Heck, quite the opposite, I'd say I give up on way less games than I see through to the end. Partly because I only start games that truly pique my interest, I don't just grab them at random from the pile and see what happens. For the most part.

I only deal in extremes.

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45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But that's a baddie, though. Baddies don't count, everyone knows Japan thinks older men with beards must be evil.

That shouldn't stop you tho.

35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The artstyle's dope, I agree.

Yep, it's really neat.

Curse you language barrier. How dare you prevent me from playing your game.

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16 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

No, I agree with that, and what is "good kind of slow" for some is not for others.

That is quite true. Subjectivity is, as always, the bane of internet discourse.


10H is a pretty high bar, practically half of most games today.

Indeed. Nowadays I've come to take the promise of dozens of hours of content as... not necessarily an upside. It's not the case 100% of the time, but I find 20-30 hours of playtime tends to leave the best taste in my mouth, so to speak. Too much content runs the risk of the gameplay loop becoming dull.


... You have to trust, bro.

I trusted in Three Houses. And look where that led me. I haven't smiled since I played Three Houses.


Chapter 21? Damn. Sunk cost fallacy would've already kicked in.

I'm afraid I was way too bored to consider the good ol' fallacy. Like, seriously, the last few maps I played I felt like I was sitting in class, I was so bored. That's when I realized, yeah, I cannot take one more second of this.


I only deal in extremes.

Only a sith deals in absolutes extremes.

I will do what I must.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That shouldn't stop you tho.

Stop me from what? I can't use him. He's not playable.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Curse you language barrier. How dare you prevent me from playing your game.

Damn straight. How dare languages other than American exist.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Just now, Armagon said:

Not with that attitude.

Maybe I need to get 8 civilians to talk to 8 armor knights in order for him to become recruitable.

No wait, he looks more like Duessel, he's probably recruitable in the other route.

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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Langauge barrier? Basic translation is fairly easy, really.

I mean, i did play Binding Blade in Japanese because i didn't know how to patch at the time. But Binding Blade, being a GBA game, is fairly simple.

Idk about this one but it seems more complex.

And no, i will not use a spreadsheet, that is cringe.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe I need to get 8 civilians to talk to 8 armor knights in order for him to become recruitable.

No wait, he looks more like Duessel, he's probably recruitable in the other route.

And if neither works, simply mod the game and make him playable.


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I've played SRW in Japanese for years. Knew to read the Hiragana and Katakana already thanks to Japanese classes I took as a kid (actually knowing what I'm reading, on the other hand...), and I knew enough words to blindly go at it. Even learned stuff thanks to SRW.

But now I can enjoy SRW 30 in English... ah, just one month away!

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51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Baddies don't count, everyone knows Japan thinks older men with beards must be evil.


There, you get one. Not a mere goatee as you'd usually have to settle for, but a full-length, luscious beard.

And I take it the Eastern Roman/Byzantine Empire would be your favorite. Starting with the minor usurper Phocas, all Byzantine Emperors from 602 to the empire's fall in 1453 had beards. Hitherto that beards were nonexistent, I'm not sure why the trend lasted so long, possibly cultural traditions woven into religion.

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This segment of Trails 3rd is hard to enjoy since it’s literally just a dungeon I’ve played before (in the last game, not earlier in this one, which is a little better) but flipped for some reason, with no real story significance and the game made it look like I’d be able to use whatever three characters I want with the main character but said actually no, I instead need to have Anelace to do the dungeon.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


There, you get one. Not a mere goatee as you'd usually have to settle for, but a full-length, luscious beard.

I approve. That is quite the beard.


And I take it the Eastern Roman/Byzantine Empire would be your favorite. Starting with the minor usurper Phocas, all Byzantine Emperors from 602 to the empire's fall in 1453 had beards. Hitherto that beards were nonexistent, I'm not sure why the trend lasted so long, possibly cultural traditions woven into religion.

Beards indeed are the only factor I care about.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm getting the feeling that bomb jumps will be a lot easier to do in Dread.

smh they're dumbing the game down for the casuals, I'll bet there'll even be cracks on breakable parts of the stage.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

This segment of Trails 3rd is hard to enjoy since it’s literally just a dungeon I’ve played before (in the last game, not earlier in this one, which is a little better) but flipped for some reason, with no real story significance and the game made it look like I’d be able to use whatever three characters I want with the main character but said actually no, I instead need to have Anelace to do the dungeon.

That's too bad. Nothing to be done but but lace up your shoes and get moving.

Eh? Eh?

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5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

This segment of Trails 3rd is hard to enjoy since it’s literally just a dungeon I’ve played before (in the last game, not earlier in this one, which is a little better) but flipped for some reason, with no real story significance and the game made it look like I’d be able to use whatever three characters I want with the main character but said actually no, I instead need to have Anelace to do the dungeon.

You get a super op sword out of it!

I think, if it's the dungeon i have in mind...

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Nobunaga kills a very infuriated Nagamasa in person instead of Nagamasa committing ritual suicide. And finally, it looks like Mitsuhide has shown cracks in his loyalty, it's taken a while to get to that. Not sure whether to proceed with Nobunaga to Nagashino, or do Mitsuhide's Chapter 3 instead, Nagashino is sure to be a new battle, while Mitsuhide's story might be barely different rehashes of Nobunaga's fights at this point.


9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm getting the feeling that bomb jumps will be a lot easier to do in Dread.

Would it be so bad if morph ball bombs, provided Samus's model entirely cleared the morph ball model and she was airborne, for the bombs to automatically go off upon coming into contact with her? 


Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

smh they're dumbing the game down for the casuals, I'll bet there'll even be cracks on breakable parts of the stage.

They don't need to. They added a Scan Pulse power in Samus Returns, automatically fills in the map area around you and reveals any breakable blocks and what you'd need to use to break them. Completely optional for those who don't want to use it.

And yet, they had no easy mode, and I wish they had offered that. Why not, when Fusion had one in Japan?

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