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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

It is something, but is it really good for an entire house’s contribution to be one of its members dying? He didn’t even get an epic fight or chose to sacrifice himself or anything, the main villain just called him “the spare” and then he was dead.

Yeah, true. But it's more than Ravenclaw got lol. Up to the very end of the last book, all Ravenclaw had were two characters, and unlike Cedric, they never made a point to establish that these characters being in Ravenclaw was in any way important. Luna and Cho might as well have been Gryffindors, for all the difference it made for them to be Raveclaw. Then at the very end of the series Rowling remembered there was a fourth house and decided to make the ghost of its founder randomly relevant for about five minutes.

9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

In the fifth book Harry learns about the fancy horses with Luna.

In the sixth book Harry tries to eavesdrop on Draco in the train because he’s convinced Draco is a death eater and because eavesdropping is his favorite hobby, but Draco finds him and magically stuns him. He leaves him on the train so he’ll get sent back home instead of going to Hogwarts, then throws the invisibility cloak over him so no one finds him (he also breaks his nose for kicks). It’s only because he’s found by someone that he doesn’t get sent home, but who it is is changed from book to movie. In the movie Luna does find him with her glasses, but in the book it’s Tonks (who’s one of the adults that’s not very relevant, she’s the one that can change her appearance and dated Lupin, but she is a Hufflepuff, so that’s something).

Right... I remember who Tonks is, but I didn't remember she was the one who saved Harry in the book. Not gonna lie, that's a rare movie improvement, right there. Makes a lot more sense for it to be Luna than someone who doesn't even have much of a reason to be there in the first place.

9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Hey guess what Trails has.

Somehow I doubt Trails has my type of girl. From everything I have seen, it's generic anime teens all the way.

11 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Yeah, girls are scary. That's why you should get ripped and become maximally manly yourself. Women don't go for men who are weaker than them, make less money than them, or aren't 6 feet tall.

I got the last one covered, I'm working on the second one and I would hope to find a girl for whom the first is an upside.

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34 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You know if that art you shared had a bunch of girls instead of a bunch of guys, 06 would be playing it right now.

Oh please, that stuff is bo-ring! It's a dime a dozen, you can find it anywhere. The Switch eShop has no less than 4 cheap games called "Sakura Succubus", and it's getting a new game soon called "Waifu Discovered 2".

34 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I think the biggest problem for it is just that it doesn’t swing the same way everyone else in the thread does. 

Well duh! Do whatever you want in life, as long as it's moral, legal, consensual, and doesn't result in the collapse of other aspects of your life or seriously negatively affect other's lives. I don't care as long as those criteria are fulfilled. I'm just being me.

I'm nothing more than an introverted, lazy adult. Who, despite their body and mind aging, does not yet feel like an adult. Very likely because I haven't taken the final steps to adulthood- becoming independent and self-sufficient. I've relatives younger than me who are concerned they're getting a little old for being single when all their friends are tying the knot, and at least they've made several attempts at love. I've never so much as had a real IRL friend, courtship is well beyond me. My precious, short-lived youth is gone, with the occasional worry of when my 'drive will sink (supposedly it peaks at 30😱), but I'm still a kid in the wrong ways.

That, and my introversion means I rarely venture out of my tiny comfort zone, that is the only adults-only VN I've ever glimpsed. Not only that, but I'm nowhere near as expressive IRL as I am in electronic mediums I think. I mean, you can tell I'm totally autistic without much guessing. Yet, my family would be floored if they saw the language, the tone, and the exuberance I've been dancing out right here. I sound so, so gay. 

My body quakes with the bliss (thank heavens it isn't fear again!) I'm still feeling right now from all this. If I tried walking into a 'club all alone, I would cry my eyes out from feeling discomfort at simply being there, an alien environment as any. But on the Internet, and for almost all of my life in video games (long before the first impurities grew in my mind), the depth of emotions I can feel is oceans' deep, and never will you see any of it on my stagnant, soulless face.

...I'll have to come back here one day and compile some of these posts for my memoirs.☺️

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
I got the last one covered, I'm working on the second one and I would hope to find a girl for whom the first is an upside.

>last one covered

'ey damn son Rube got them swanky genes  whoop whoop

>first is an upside

Bad strategy, friend. I present to you the following not-a-diagram(TM)

  • Broke: "Step on me."
  • Woke: "Have sex with me."
  • Bespoke: "Spot me."

I mean, I can't make it any clearer than that, folks.

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... don't know if it was a good thing or bad thing I was missing out on this...

20 minutes ago, Sooks said:

In the fifth book Harry learns about the fancy horses with Luna.

That's also a movie thing.

In the books Harry learns of the Thestrals in... and this may be shocking but... in actual Care of Magical Creatures Class.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Why is the heart bigger than that guy’s hands, which are bigger than his head?

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Right... I remember who Tonks is, but I didn't remember she was the one who saved Harry in the book. Not gonna lie, that's a rare movie improvement, right there. Makes a lot more sense for it to be Luna than someone who doesn't even have much of a reason to be there in the first place.

They were guarding Hogwarts because of the shenanigans in the last book, and Tonks was one of the ones doing so iirc. I don’t remember why she checked the train after everyone had left, though.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Somehow I doubt Trails has my type of girl. From everything I have seen, it's generic anime teens all the way.

In spirit it does, but if you mean girls who actually look the part of being able to destroy you… you may be right.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My body quakes with the bliss (thank heavens it isn't fear again!) I'm still feeling right now from all this. If I tried walking into a 'club all alone, I would cry my eyes out from feeling discomfort at simply being there, an alien environment as any. But on the Internet, and for almost all of my life in video games (long before the first impurities grew in mind), the depth of emotions I can feel is oceans' deep, and never will you see any of it on my stagnant, soulless face.

I’m glad you have this, at least.

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8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Part of the story

(I read the whole thing, just quotin' this bit to save space.)

Ah, that makes sense.


'Morning, all! I must waste Wraith's taxes today because I am ill.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That's also a movie thing.

Right, sorry, I meant like actually seeing them for the first time. But yeah, you’re right.

But it’s still something the movies messed up because they changed it so that Harry, age 11, straight up murders Quirrell and watches him die at the end of the first movie, so he should have been seeing them the whole time.

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I mean, that last post of Interdimensional was like staring at a mirror. Almost. Certainly some differences... but sheesh, uncanny.


2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Why is the heart bigger than that guy’s hands, which are bigger than his head?

They were guarding Hogwarts because of the shenanigans in the last book, and Tonks was one of the ones doing so iirc. I don’t remember why she checked the train after everyone had left, though.

Because it's that of a baboon's or so. The Medic accidentally blew up his heart so he's now putting another one.

A security sweep, if I recall. Checking the train as a just in case.

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7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But it’s still something the movies messed up because they changed it so that Harry, age 11, straight up murders Quirrell and watches him die at the end of the first movie, so he should have been seeing them the whole time.

We know the movies are an adaptation mess. Don't even get me started on what they did to Ron...

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4 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:



3 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:


3 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Get better soon, and hopefully its not...

Thank you, all! I really hope it's not the big boy, but I suppose there's nothing to be done about it at this point.

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6 hours ago, Dayni said:

On the other, there are definitely things that should not be acted upon and I feel like whipping one out to them is not helping the situation.

As long it is not hurting anyone, it is fine.

5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Seems I missed out on some good stuff. XD

You're always missing stuff. You're barely here at all.

57 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I think the biggest problem for it is just that it doesn’t swing the same way everyone else in the thread does. Or, at least, everyone who’s “vocal” about it. You know if that art you shared had a bunch of girls instead of a bunch of guys, 06 would be playing it right now.

Lies! Lies and Slander! I just decided to check this VN because I thought the title was funny, not because I check every VN with horny that comes up. Even Shrimpy has shared horny VNs here and I never bothered to check out, much less download.

Your post is clearly biased and it does not represent the truth in any way!

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, sure, girls manlier than me, but girls all the same.

40 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Hey guess what Trails has.

Pin on Trails of Kiseki S Crafts

40 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

That's why you should get ripped and become maximally manly yourself. Women don't go for men who are weaker than them, make less money than them, or aren't 6 feet tall.

I thought jokes were supposed to be funny, not traumatizing.

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