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Played a bunch more Spiritfarer with the gremlin.

I have been saddened by a character's ending because of the lack of closure. I also spent multiple hours just to figure out getting certain items.

57 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


The movie is making me hella uncomfortable ngl


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Well, that's that. The last cutscene is done. All that's left is to write ending cards for the new characters, a couple adjustments to the postgame in case anyone wants to bother, and I'm done.

...That, and fix a dumb issue I'm having. In the epilogue scenes, where the heroes travel around saying their goodbyes, Mansel appears at Rausten. The problem is that Mansel in this particular event is for some reason hardcoded somewhere, which means I can't change his class to bishop... and his old class is now a cavalier, so there's just a sword cav sitting on the throne.

I mean, I can live with that, but if I could find him and change his class, all the better.

51 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I still think there should've been an extra turn of cooldowns tho. A single Oozer should not be able to shut you down like that.

At least I'd like for the two effects to be impossible to apply simultaneously. Just dashing, jumping and moving is... workable for a good chunk of the characters, but for Luigi and the two Peaches it pretty much only lets them deal a bit of chip damage while running away.

Then again, Luigi is enough of a menace as it is...

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26 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


The Egyptian movie me and @Armagon were talking about

Speaking about that, i just finished it...

Wew boi.

That was a heavy one. More heavy than expected.

Haven't felt that uncomforatble watching something in a while.

Especially with how much stuff is still relevant worldwide

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Well, I just spent a bunch of time trying to implement a couple of things into the Creature Campaign. I thought it'd be simple, but I have no idea where the Creature Campaign events are at, if there are any at all, so I can't even unlock the ruins and the tower on the world map for the CC to even be a thing, effectively.

Welp. Oof.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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I have returned, my brethren, bringing with me sad news about the state of humanity in a faraway land.

Idiots will take over the world; not by capacity, but by quantity. They are too many.

I am furious. What happened was a testament where crime pays.


Seems I have missed much while I spent my time away, but I will not look back beyond the last 2 pages, because I do not care.

18 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Tio bestest


Zjirpvgq o

18 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

We finally get the Hayworths' side of what happened to her too, and while quite sad it's reassuring they didn't knowingly send her into... that.

That was incredibly disappointing to me, I wish her parents were just shitbags who sold her to child sex trafficking ring.

18 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Statistically speaking, everyone in Valm should be descended from Alm and Celica. Or Mae and Boey, perhaps.

It reminded me that every European today is a descendant of Charlemagne.

18 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Sumia in C? C'mon, I know that her supports with Chrom aren't good, but she has excellent supports like Robin's for example.

17 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

(Also, Bleach is on Disney+ in full. I actually want to watch it. Send help.)

Bleach sucks, but if you really want to watch it, read this. I'd drop it after episode 63.

17 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I like to think if the nation somehow survived to then Grima threw a hissyfit up on both lands in the exalt days.

We need an Awakening prequel.

11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I misread that as "Femboy" for a moment there.

Would be better tbh

11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Imagine being as cool as Kliff to one shot Rudolf at full health.

Kliff best boy.

11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Welcome, Alm, to the Fire Emblem protagonists with dead parents club, there's a special spot for the members who really shouldn't have cared that much because they died 5 seconds after they meet them, the only other person part of that spot being Corrin of course.


Celica, what the fuck do you think they're going to do with your soul?

Welcome to Fire Emblem Echoes, the game that's supposedly a return to form story-wise.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I was making a Carcino scene for the epilogue and it hit me.

The hack is over and I still don't have a fucking name for the male valkyries lololololol


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5 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

So far, Trails Kuro has much better gameplay balance than CS by a longshot. No stupid shit like Stealth+Gungnir or EP formation+CB to break the game like hell.

Some boss fights actually surprised me with the challenge they offered, and i don't say that lightly. 

They actually tried to make the game fun, much unlike CS/Reverie. XD

t. doesn't know about Ark Feather

Kuro's worse than CS on the broken shit and it's only the first game. Spammable S-Crafts that 100-0 bosses with no in-battle required. Van with Chaos Mare is stupid and breaks the game. Makes the CS2 one-shot meta look like a master strategy.

It’s the easiest game since enemies don't even do damage to you. Hajimari was easy to break, but if you were retarded the enemies still did a fuck ton of damage. In Kuro it was impossible to die for 99% of the game.

5 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

The most broken thing i've seen in game so far is probably Fie's crafts (Mirage Edge is kinda bonkers with Stealth+Quick+B class power and low cost) but she is very temp so that's whatever (I got to use her for literally one battle so far)

Yup, certainly doesn't know about Ark Feather. Fie is mid at best since they nerfed evasion.
3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

That doesnt really answer the question though...

More money = more resources = more polished product


cough cough 3H

3 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Also lost them more than half the fanbase in japan if Kuro numbers are anything to go by Ü

"I-It's CS's fault Kuro sold like shit! Even though people bought CS more than any other part of the series! Even though Playstation is dying market in Japan! Even though Dragon Quest, a quintessential JRPG sold like shit on Sony consoles! Just like Soul Hackers 2!

There's no other reason why this niche series is doing poorly in the market!!!!!"
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18 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:

I have returned, my brethren, bringing with me sad news about the state of humanity in a faraway land.


Idiots will take over the world; not by capacity, but by quantity. They are too many.


I am furious. What happened was a testament where crime pays.


Well, hello to you too, anime man.

18 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:



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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, hello to you too, anime man.

Hello Ruben. I didn't notice before because I was in a hurry, but your pfp is splendid. Which also made me notice that Garon's haircut is funny.

Anyway, here's something I noticed when I was rereading Fire & Blood.

0w8dicrh o

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11 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:

Hello Ruben. I didn't notice before because I was in a hurry, but your pfp is splendid.


Haha, yeah I like it too. After so long identifying as me, it's nice to return to form. The form of being a grinning old man. Come to think of it, I was already not Barlowe when I first came here, wasn't I.

Either way, yeah, funny seedman + funny toothpaste = funny meme.

11 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:


Which also made me notice that Garon's haircut is funny.


Everything about Garon's design is funny. It's like they were out to make the worst design imaginable. For a male character, anyway. Someone else took the spot foe the girls.

Huh. Maybe the real crack ship wasn't Garon x Peri, but rather Garon x Dahlia...

11 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:

Anyway, here's something I noticed when I was rereading Fire & Blood.

0w8dicrh o

Watch Baratheon make everyone his child now.

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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

The only Archaneans in Valentina right now are the Whitewings. And Zeke. But he doesn't remember.

Valentina probably doesn't get a lot of traffic from Archanea anyways.

That seems inefficient, on a continent with only two countries that hate each other, trying to reach trade relations with distant lands seems pretty important.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not too long, I'd say an hour, give or take.

This is also the shittiest part of the game by a long shot, but that's just my humble opinion, don't listen to me.

Or ever, because the game ends next arc. Well, unless you count the postgame.


Then I'll probably just beat the game today, maybe do some post game stuff since I hear it ties into Marth's game.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ah yes, the Shadow Dragon manga. That manga was weird cause Marth kills Gharnef and rescues Elice.....and then it just ends.

Why doesn't Fire Emblem have more Manga.

I can understand not having an anime but if the fucking Minish Cap can have a manga than so can most Fire Emblem titles.

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yes. Not in the way you're likely thinking of, however. It's more in the sense of "Not everyone is equal, and sometimes that's beyond our control. That should not be cause of strife or obsession between us, or even act as a limitation to us or others". Berkut and Fernand are characters who do, and thus become blind that what our blood give us isn't the be-all end-all of it all.

If you want some applicability, it's like obsessing that you were born left-handed, or able to tongue roll, or something like that, and then consider inferior those who don't.

Being left-handed or able to tongue isn't something that is passed by blood.

In fact, even a right handed person could theoretically learn how to use their left hand to write perfectly fine, and as far as I'm aware you aren't born with a dominant hand.

If you want to talk about superpowers passed down by blood well you could talk about how a majority of folks from East Asia don't have sweat glans under their armpits, but that's an incredibly minor thing compared to being able to obliterate things with magic if you're part of the right bloodline.

And that's a big gripe I have with the story, how blood quite literally makes you more powerful, it doesn't feel like it's about how blood doesn't mean anything and everyone is the same deep down, it feels like it's about how the ruling class are objectively more powerful than the commoners but that's fine because as long as nice high class people take the throne it's a-okay! And you as a commoner should just accept that.

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

He just committed patricide... who cares that he learned it after the fact. Is he not allowed to feel anything at all either...?

Alm just killed someone he only met a few seconds before the fact, and when learning of his heritage he gets a "I just lost the person that raised me" reaction instead of a more mild but still somber "I just killed the person who could've raised me, who also murdered thousands in a country destroying war for reasons he does not yet know"

At least Alm does it better of Corrin where he does feel a sense of familiarity with the guy while Corrin explicitly stated they felt no connection to their mother before she died.

See what they should've done was try and build an actual relationship between Alm and Rudolf before they fight each other so Alm is not just relying on hunches when he says stuff like "I just can't hate him"

Or just go full Star Wars and have the Darth Vader moment a few chapters before Rudolf dies for real.

59 minutes ago, Doomer06 said:

Sumia in C? C'mon, I know that her supports with Chrom aren't good, but she has excellent supports like Robin's for example.

I like her supports, they just don't reach the same heights as others in my opinion.

Which by the way, I like all characters on this tierlist, Awakening so far houses my favorite cast of characters in Fire Emblem and even the lowest characters in that list I consider better than pretty much all characters in Fates.

Which by the way...




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1 hour ago, Doomer06 said:

. doesn't know about Ark Feather

Kuro's worse than CS on the broken shit and it's only the first game. Spammable S-Crafts that 100-0 bosses with no in-battle required. Van with Chaos Mare is stupid and breaks the game. Makes the CS2 one-shot meta look like a master strategy.

It’s the easiest game since enemies don't even do damage to you. Hajimari was easy to break, but if you were retarded the enemies still did a fuck ton of damage. In Kuro it was impossible to die for 99% of the game

I... Actually have no idea what your saying here, besides you are talking about something I havent even unlocked yet. Which in that case it isnt breaking anything when its not usable.

Did we play the same CS games/Reverie or did you miss my video? I think damage dealt is the least of the enemies issues, I think turns and accuracy should be. How can you fail when CB exists? Its 100% impossible.

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Fates eh?

I only really like Felicia, Elise and the awakening trio character wise lol.

But since idgaf about Fates writing i can headcanon stuff and make me like more stuff XD

Or memes. Memes always help

And ah yes, the kids i generally do like. Much more than their parents

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Fates eh?

I only really like Felicia, Elise and the awakening trio character wise lol.


I've not been the same ever since Ping made me realize I like Elise too. In a slightly different way, but I like her, as it turns out!

1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Or memes. Memes always help

Memes. The DNA of rebellions, which are like seeds.

1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

And ah yes, the gids i generally do like. Much more than their parents

The kids are neat. I wish Forrest would use the tree spell instead of the dickhead in the collar.

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I still remember how happy I was when I saw Garon at the top.

Iago too. Good taste you got.

Actually this is a new list, changed after having viewed a lot more Fates support conversations.

And Garon is still at the top because no character development in Fates is even half as entertaining as Garon.

6 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Fates eh?

I only really like Felicia, Elise and the awakening trio character wise lol.

But since idgaf about Fates writing i can headcanon stuff and make me like more stuff XD

Or memes. Memes always help

And ah yes, the gids i generally do like. Much more than their parents

Yeah that's pretty much what I did too.

In fact literally the only reason Iago is so high is because his is the best character design I've ever seen in a Fire Emblem.

I'm not joking, the fact that his incredible design is wasting on such an E tier character is a damn tragedy.

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