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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Roughly one month since I got the game and I'm only about a fifth into it. Well, perhaps closer to a sixth counting all the remaining DLC and special stages. Considering I only really play on the weekends... it will certainly take a while, heh.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Right but the context of that dialogue was peasants.


4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You keep tempting me to spoil something, as Soren's racism has a personal, and rather emotional source.

Mm, well if it is what I assume it to be, then I do have my own criticisms about that but we'll see when we get there.

I appreciate the restraint in saying spoilers though, it must be insane watching someone experience and comment on these things for the first time.

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Oof. Although it is kinda funny to see you lose someone to this boss, and not the Burger King's ambush spawn (as he will use his full movement to kill units) that killing this guy triggers (at I seem to remember that being the trigger...)

He came out after I killed the boss but he didn't seem to do anything.


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5 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

He came out after I killed the boss but he didn't seem to do anything.

Yaa, Shikkoku House?

That's a meme in Japan. Apparently it spawned from the idea that you could spawn-block him by putting a unit in front of the house. Sadly it doesn't work, he just emerges in the tile next over. Yaa is basically "Sup". So the meme is basically him coming out to meet the sucker and being all "Yo, what's up? Welcome to the Jet-Black/Shikkoku House." XD


Meme enough to get Cipher artwork to boot, apparently. lol

Anyway, he comes out the turn you step into the boss' range. He just stands there MENACINGLY, unless someone steps into his attack range. So even if you trigger him, you don't have to worry him killing one of your units... unless you left them in range.

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I did read it of once, years ago. If memory doesn't fail me.... Bathhouse dungeon where the troubled guy's Shadow shows up naked and flirtatiously effeminate, or something.

I've been deterred from touching Persona 4 for this reason. Is an unrealistic visualization of the internal struggle for someone who might* be gay? Maybe not. Yet for me personally, it has always sounded touchy.😬 Even before my yearnings -whatever they be- awakened, it seemed like Kanji's problems were... too much.

*I've read it's kinda debatable if Kanji is into s/s or not. Or whether it's merely insecurity him liking less-than-masculine things. Yet I'm aware subsequent games have joked with him being possibly gay, not to his liking. But, I am not going to delve into the reeds of this discussion firsthand and figure out for myself what the real answer is.

So, from memory, Kanji's story as made explicit in the game, spoilered just in case:

  • As a kid, Kanji liked "girly" stuff, which lead to him not having shared interests with other boys, but also to him being mocked by girls for not being "manly" enough.
  • He grows into a tall, physically tough teenager, still much more interested in cute stuff, and textile work (helped by his mom owning a textile shop). At some point, his father dies of illness, telling Kanji hat he has to "be strong", which Kanji takes in the most toxic "strength is masculine" way.
  • So basically, Kanji is convinced that there's something wrong with him. To overcompensate, he becomes a delinquent, beats up a rocker gang (they were so loud that his mom couldn't sleep), ya know, manly stuff.
  • During the game, Kanji runs into a very pretty boy and, his mouth overtaking his brain, asks him on a date. Conciously, his reaction is basically "Wait, that can't be right. I'm not gay, I'm a very manly man!", but his subconciousness (helped by some mystery magic) forms the shadow that you're talking about, who's about as effeminate and obviously gay as you can be without saying "I like dick".
  • Story happens and Kanji has to confront his shadow, the heroes have to fight their way through the bathhouse to support him. From this point on, the game backpaddles. After the fight against the shadow, Kanji comes to the conclusion that it's not about liking girls or boys, it's about him being afraid of rejection and (-> point 1) he experienced that from girls, not boys.
  • To complicate things, the very pretty boy turns out to be a very handsome girl that crossdressed at the time (...which opens the other can of P4 worms, which I shall ignore). However, this thread... just stops here. Kanji's sexuality is only really brought up by Yosuke, another playable character, who's very heterosexual, as he will demonstrate again and again, because of just how heterosexual he is. Kanji does continue to act incredibly awkward around the very handsome girl, who's entirely oblivious of the entire affair.

So basically, it's vague. Also frustrating because of the context. The relationship between Kanji and Very Handsome Girl is just kept in limbo very obviously because Very Handsome Girl has to remain available for MC-kun, so one can argue that "Kanji is actually into girls, specifically of the Very Handsome variety, and this is why it isn't made explicit". However, it's equally easy to argue that "Kanji is gay/bi and the devs just didn't make it explicit to avoid ~controversy~".

Adding to the frustration is that P4 is pretty consistent in resolving personal story threads with "Actually, you are entirely happy in the socially acceptable role given to you" - not gonna get into that further, but it means that even though I really like Kanji and his path to self-acceptance... his story is part of this "stay where - and who - you're supposed to be" mindset that P4 propagates.


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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

He came out after I killed the boss but he didn't seem to do anything.

On hard difficulty, he should very slowly (3 tiles per turn, iirc) move towards the closest player character, but he will attack (and most certainly kill) whoever stays in his full movement range. It can be a bit annoying if you want to recruit Zihark from the north (that way, you can keep the vigilantes around him alive for more BEXP), but BK moves up and blocks Lethe/Mordy's path towards him. On normal, he doesn't move as long as nothing's in his range, so he just projects his initial big no-go zone.

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7 hours ago, Green06 said:

We were robbed of timeskip Lillie

Finally the Gen7sweep is happening

The only real problem i had with Gen 7 was the handholding tbh, otherwise i found them pretty damn strong. Especially since Totems battles were quite fun, and we finally got rid of HMs

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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I was thinking...

Is Corrin really that bad?

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yaa, Shikkoku House?

That's a meme in Japan. Apparently it spawned from the idea that you could spawn-block him by putting a unit in front of the house. Sadly it doesn't work, he just emerges in the tile next over. Yaa is basically "Sup". So the meme is basically him coming out to meet the sucker and being all "Yo, what's up? Welcome to the Jet-Black/Shikkoku House." XD


Meme enough to get Cipher artwork to boot, apparently. lol

Anyway, he comes out the turn you step into the boss' range. He just stands there MENACINGLY, unless someone steps into his attack range. So even if you trigger him, you don't have to worry him killing one of your units... unless you left them in range.

Man...the Japanese side of the FE fandom is an entirely different world that I would love to see but never will be able to unless I learn Japanese...

I can only imagine how the little change of "having 7 of the games always have been there" makes a big difference in the community.

1 hour ago, ping said:

On hard difficulty, he should very slowly (3 tiles per turn, iirc) move towards the closest player character, but he will attack (and most certainly kill) whoever stays in his full movement range. It can be a bit annoying if you want to recruit Zihark from the north (that way, you can keep the vigilantes around him alive for more BEXP), but BK moves up and blocks Lethe/Mordy's path towards him. On normal, he doesn't move as long as nothing's in his range, so he just projects his initial big no-go zone.

I was about to say "Wait, I'm on hard" but then I remembered that this game calls hard mode "normal mode"

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10 hours ago, Sooks said:

And as for an update on my playthrough (Live a Live spoilers

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I went with Masaru. Maybe it’s because I explored around and grabbed equipment first, but it’s still been easy, the random encounters have been giving me no trouble and plenty of exp. I just got outside the castle, I’ll stop to go do what Ruben said but should I be doing the trial of keys that’s in all the houses right now or should I leave that for later?

Also the segment right after Odio talks to Masaru and he’s in the dark is cool.



The trial of keys is Oboromaru's trial. It is also the worst, least fun of the trials. Bench's trial at least serves to develop some characters you might not expect, but Oboro's is just boring. So there's that.




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Oh yeah I found Cube while wandering around, but I didn’t have whatever item I needed to presumably wake him up and get him to join the party.




Hope you find it. Cube is, funny enough, one of the best characters here.



Edit 2:

I did the thing.

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This game really does just let you go crazy as the bad guys, huh?


Heh... Sure it does.

9 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Oh no, Spain is secretly keeping Odio alive!



They're on to us!

Megalomania starts playing


8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Live a Live spoilers

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After getting my bearings, I left the castle and went to to the top of the snow mountain where Yun joined. Hooray, best character!

I stumbled across Sundown Kid and chased him down the mountain then popped in that village I forgot the name of near the mountain. I went over to the bench in the corner of the village, and it just sorta started talking and then joined my party. Weird.

After that I stumbled across the trial of strength boss, who is presumably tied to Masaru since I was able to fight it. It wrecked Yun and The Bench but that made the fight easier because I didn’t have to be weighed down by their turns and Masaru wrecked it. Then I went in the trial area and grabbed all the chests. It became clear while I was walking through that one of the biggest problems of this chapter is gonna be the random encounters. It took so long to get though, way longer than it needed to. Part of that was because The Bench came with a teleport ability that replaces flee, and the animation for that takes forever. It also sometimes randomly brought me to the trial of heart, which is presumably the only way you access the trial. It was really annoying though, because I didn’t feel like doing that trial right then.

After leaving, I resumed the chase of the Sundown Kid over to the castle and recruited Cube while I was there, because I picked up the required piece… somewhere, don’t remember how tbh. Then I left and finally convinced Sundown Kid to join, at which point I learned that when you have more than fours characters you get to choose one to kick out and presumably go back to where you found them. Which means if you want to change up your party, you have to run all over the place grabbing characters, which seems annoying. I did let Sundown Kid in the party, though, and sent The Bench back to… well, his bench.




The rage at Akira.

I like it.


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

He came out after I killed the boss but he didn't seem to do anything.

He's just there to surprise you. But God forbid he be a threat, this is PoR after all.

41 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I was thinking...

Is Corrin really that bad?

You say the darnedest things, Quetz.

While playing Best History Ever Written By Man, no less...

41 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I was about to say "Wait, I'm on hard" but then I remembered that this game calls hard mode "normal mode"

I would not have recommended maniac even if it was localized, anyway. Enemies still suck at fighting, there's just a lot more and they have more defenses. So the game is more or less as easy, it just takes an extra hour to beat each chapter.

12 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Those shoes.

What the hell are those shoes.

...scratch the child soldiers, reclassing this woman into brawler is going to be the real war crime.

EDIT: Oh God she also has spikes on her hands. That's an accident waiting to happen, girl...!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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8 hours ago, Sooks said:


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After getting my bearings, I left the castle and went to to the top of the snow mountain where Yun joined. Hooray, best character!

I stumbled across Sundown Kid and chased him down the mountain then popped in that village I forgot the name of near the mountain. I went over to the bench in the corner of the village, and it just sorta started talking and then joined my party. Weird.

After that I stumbled across the trial of strength boss, who is presumably tied to Masaru since I was able to fight it. It wrecked Yun and The Bench but that made the fight easier because I didn’t have to be weighed down by their turns and Masaru wrecked it. Then I went in the trial area and grabbed all the chests. It became clear while I was walking through that one of the biggest problems of this chapter is gonna be the random encounters. It took so long to get though, way longer than it needed to. Part of that was because The Bench came with a teleport ability that replaces flee, and the animation for that takes forever. It also sometimes randomly brought me to the trial of heart, which is presumably the only way you access the trial. It was really annoying though, because I didn’t feel like doing that trial right then.

After leaving, I resumed the chase of the Sundown Kid over to the castle and recruited Cube while I was there, because I picked up the required piece… somewhere, don’t remember how tbh. Then I left and finally convinced Sundown Kid to join, at which point I learned that when you have more than fours characters you get to choose one to kick out and presumably go back to where you found them. Which means if you want to change up your party, you have to run all over the place grabbing characters, which seems annoying. I did let Sundown Kid in the party, though, and sent The Bench back to… well, his bench.



I wish the remake had let you freely rotate out party members too.

And yes, this is why I was recommending Sundown, because he does that.

Poor Akira, I imagine if you had to play the SNES version he'd have driven you away from the game.

And yes, that boss. It petrified me when I first tried to fight it with just Masaru, which was a way to learn I wasn't ready.

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Roughly one month since I got the game and I'm only about a fifth into it. Well, perhaps closer to a sixth counting all the remaining DLC and special stages. Considering I only really play on the weekends... it will certainly take a while, heh.

Is that long by SRW standards?

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Anyway, he comes out the turn you step into the boss' range. He just stands there MENACINGLY, unless someone steps into his attack range. So even if you trigger him, you don't have to worry him killing one of your units... unless you left them in range.

Wait, I thought I remembered him moving the few tiles when I played. Or Heroes (Which spoiled me on this map) is fucking with me again.

I just checked a video and he moves 2 tiles unless he can kill someone, then he goes berserk.

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18 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

*Fates chadness intensifies*

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You say the darnedest things, Quetz.

Think about it. Corrin is like the most unique and interesting lords the series has to offer. They aren't a stoic badass hero who knows how to do everything, they are empathetic, emotional, and incredibly flawed. They make mistakes that come back to bite them in the ass, Corrin may make dumb decisions at times but a character being Naive like Corrin doesn't mean they are poorly written, they have several moments of vulnerability with the other characters that many other FE lords don't get the luxury of. Corrin's reaction to Ryoma's death is a much more raw and emotional reaction than what many lords get from their familial deaths, Corrin both male and female, actually gets the permission to cry.


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21 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Think about it. Corrin is like the most unique and interesting lords the series has to offer. They aren't a stoic badass hero who knows how to do everything, they are empathetic, emotional, and incredibly flawed. They make mistakes that come back to bite them in the ass, Corrin may make dumb decisions at times but a character being Naive like Corrin doesn't mean they are poorly written, they have several moments of vulnerability with the other characters that many other FE lords don't get the luxury of. Corrin's reaction to Ryoma's death is a much more raw and emotional reaction than what many lords get from their familial deaths, Corrin both male and female, actually gets the permission to cry.


Biggest problem: Corrin is a blackhole that get's praised for everything and everyone follows them no matter what.

Also they never grew out of their naivety.

They aren't the worst case of blackholeness i saw, but it's a pretty bad one

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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22 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Think about it. Corrin is like the most unique and interesting lords the series has to offer. They aren't a stoic badass hero who knows how to do everything, they are empathetic, emotional, and incredibly flawed. They make mistakes that come back to bite them in the ass, Corrin may make dumb decisions at times but a character being Naive like Corrin doesn't mean they are poorly written, they have several moments of vulnerability with the other characters that many other FE lords don't get the luxury of. Corrin's reaction to Ryoma's death is a much more raw and emotional reaction than what many lords get from their familial deaths, Corrin both male and female, actually gets the permission to cry.


Out of all the things I expected from the Quetzal of Radiance run, a Corrin defense is not it.

I love it. Thanks.

Incidentally, I expect you're going to enjoy Leif when you play Thracia.

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On the newest Engage news: I like how on they gave Ugly Old Man the title of Sage King, which is the same as Hayden. You know, Sacred Stones's most forgettable character?

They're not even trying with this stooge. He's such an obvious non-entity I'm shocked he even features in trailers at all. #JusticeForElders

Oh wait right Vandad, I can't complain

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

EDIT: Oh God she also has spikes on her hands. That's an accident waiting to happen, girl...!

She has spikes on her hands, shoes and....chest? *Checks portrait* yep she's wearing a thorny rose on her chest.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On the newest Engage news: I like how on they gave Ugly Old Man the title of Sage King, which is the same as Hayden. You know, Sacred Stones's most forgettable character?

They're not even trying with this stooge. He's such an obvious non-entity I'm shocked he even features in trailers at all. #JusticeForElders

He dies within like three chapters, watch.

Only new piece of info we got aside from that is that the Ivy cutscene takes place at Brodia castle. So now I wonder if we're just going clockwise for the game's first act. Firine -> Brodia -> Elusia -> Solm. This doesn't necessarily disqualify Timerra and the other guys from showing up earlier too.

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I am curious as to what Ivy said in that gameplay clip tho. "I won't disobey" disobey whom? Is this just a generic line from her or does it have implications? 

4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Most Pokemon games nowadays, literally.


Sun and Moon did have lots of handholding, Sword and Shield was basically just a path from what people have said. But then Scarlet and Violet are like the farthest away from handholding the series has ever gotten.

It's really just a Gen 7 and 8 problem. Maybe Gen 6 too.

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29 minutes ago, Armagon said:

She has spikes on her hands, shoes and....chest? *Checks portrait* yep she's wearing a thorny rose on her chest.

The day this girl trips is the day she meets a bloody end.


He dies within like three chapters, watch.

100%. I would be shocked if this doesn't happen.

Heck, if anything I'd give him less time to live. Likely his trailer scenes are all he'll get. He shows up in one chapter, Lyns the king of Brodia, then he retreats to his castle where he dies to the big dragon thing. Can't waste time on a non-waifuable old guy.


Only new piece of info we got aside from that is that the Ivy cutscene takes place at Brodia castle. So now I wonder if we're just going clockwise for the game's first act. Firine -> Brodia -> Elusia -> Solm. This doesn't necessarily disqualify Timerra and the other guys from showing up earlier too.

Inb4 they pull a complete 180 and Solm is the true villain

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11 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Scenario 13: Haman and the Boys


Why does it look like the devs put a title with a double entendre?

11 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:


The affection mechanic can completely ignored in Gen VII

4 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

The only real problem i had with Gen 7 was the handholding tbh, otherwise i found them pretty damn strong. Especially since Totems battles were quite fun, and we finally got rid of HMs

They just needed to add a way to skip cutscenes

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I was thinking...

Is Corrin really that bad?

Conquest's Epilogue, The Coronation of King Xander:



Corrin: Many hoshidans died when I decided that my life with my dear siblings is more important than the lives of each of them. And your brothers too. That was a small price to pay for peace and my happiness.

Hinoka: Thank you for becoming a mass murderer for our sake. I promise I won't let this transgression go to waste.

Corrin: When I chose this path, I thought it would haunt me for the rest of my life. Imagine being responsible for an invasion of a country, which resulted in the slaughter of several innocent people and the death of my two blood brothers. But after much thought, I learned to forgive myself.

Sakura: Corrin, what a man you are!

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