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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Spain hosted that world cup too, sure I linked it a few days back. 😛

Course, it's harder to try and rig things now, but looks like you can still do it after all.

True. Back then having third matches of each group happen at the same time was a way to stop that. But then, nowadays it's easy to find out how the other match is going from one stadium.

And of course, still hard to prevent the last groups from deciding things based on how the first groups have been decided.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I am honestly disappointed Lei did not name this "Undertale - Megalovania".

2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

It's certainly possible, especially because his opponents would have been decided before their match.

Dang. One helluva play, this...

Oh, I'm looking it up. What's this goon's name... Luis Enrique, yeah, that one.

2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Arguably it's not



2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

but I sure ain't pressing the report button.

You better, otherwise you'll hear Underlive AU - Sans Theme start playing

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1 hour ago, Benice said:

Sorry... Take all the time you need!

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, no... No wonder you've not been in the mood for silly videogame talk.

Hang in there, buddy. Don't lose hope.


3 hours ago, Green06 said:
I'm sorry they had to go through this, man. Hope that person recovers well. Here's a cute cat to make you feel better


Thank you everyone!

This really means everything to me! ❤️

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23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Feels good not to be a football fan

Watching football as a non-fan can be honestly quite fun, as long as the group you're watching with doesn't have any militant fans in it. I laughed a lot about the Balotelli pose, for example, which wouldn't really have been possible for a true fan of the German national team.

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So, question: Apparently the Garonquest modder has disappeared and it's being worked on by someone else now. Is that right? Was it already done?

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You better, otherwise you'll hear Underlive AU - Sans Theme start playing

Followed by the theme of the movie Armageddon from 1998?

But certainly not this or this.

Just now, Sidereal Wraith said:


Is it more cursed to hand us kids bop covers of songs?

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7 minutes ago, ping said:

Watching football as a non-fan can be honestly quite fun, as long as the group you're watching with doesn't have any militant fans in it. I laughed a lot about the Balotelli pose, for example, which wouldn't really have been possible for a true fan of the German national team.

Okay that's amazing. He just... ceased to function lol

Just now, Punished Dayni said:

So, question: Apparently the Garonquest modder has disappeared and it's being worked on by someone else now. Is that right?

I'm on the Garonquest discord, and I can confirm, yes, this is true. Boolean has been gone for months. Someone else recently had enough and decided to take matters into their own hands.

Just now, Punished Dayni said:

Was it already done?

Gameplay was mostly done, but there were a couple extra chapters planned, as well as the last bit of story for the final chapter. And my supports weren't added yet, criminy

Just now, Punished Dayni said:

Followed by the theme of the movie Armageddon from 1998?


Just now, Punished Dayni said:

But certainly not this or this.

Those are for when you step away from the report button.

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3 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:



In my defence, all these songs you've linked are titled with an artist called HMKids, I don't think it's hard to assume from an outsider's perspective that that might be the case. Especially when you can't find what the hell it stands for.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Boolean has been gone for months. Someone else recently had enough and decided to take matters into their own hands.

So this is working on the stuff that Boolean had left unfinished that were supposed to be part of the last updates. Understood.

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Just now, Punished Dayni said:

So this is working on the stuff that Boolean had left unfinished that were supposed to be part of the last updates. Understood.

More or less. The new person's doing some stuff of their own. We'll see what happens. Boolean might just come out of nowhere and wrap things up lol

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14 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Just learned someone in my family is going through cancer and it isnt looking good. Sorry I havent been around much.

I can only imagine how hard that must be to go through. My best wishes to you and your family, stay safe and stay hopeful.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Her role in the story is literally helping you defeat Ganondorf. Again, she is half the reason you're even able to beat him.

Considering the simplistic nature of Zelda plots that aren't Majora's Mask or Breath of the Wild, i'd say this works.

Look whatever help she might've given you (Which is a mid-battle single dialogue box explained plan to shoot links shield and have it reflect back at Ganon) Is overshadowed by just how shafted she was in the story up to that point after she was revealed to be Zelda.

I love Wind Waker's story and Tetra but her departure and subsequent kidnapping were the worst part of it and it's not something I'll forget just because she gets to shoot arrows a few times at Ganon in the final boss fight.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

And even then, you're just saying "oh she gets kidnapped" without looking at context of some of the instances.

  • Minish Cap: Zelda was a legitimate threat after she used the Light Force to protect her father and Link.
  • Twilight Princess: Sacrifices herself to buy time for Link and Midna, actively assists in the final battle
  • A Link Between Worlds: Figured out ahead of time what was happening, gave Link the Pendant of Courage, and that single act literally saved both Hyrule and Lorule. Gives Link the Light Arrows in the final battle despite being trapped in a painting.
  • Zelda II: She's not even kidnapped in this game!

I think you and i have very different ideas about what "not doing something" is.

A female character being kidnapped isn't inherently a bad thing. I make fun of it about Kaga because Kaga actively has a fetish for it but if a female character gets captured or whatever, it's not an instant eye-roll for me. I think the only time i actually did was pre-release Blaster Master Zero 3 where i was like "are we really saving Eve again when we just cured her in the last game" and then i actually played the game (it's Inti Creates, why wouldn't i) and saw the context and was like "oh ok, i get it now".

So I think here is good to acknowledge a very important factor.

Sexism exists.

It's not a coincidence that in these games with two male and female characters that it's the female one that always gets kidnapped. Only 3 out of 17 games on that list are games in which you can Zelda in an active participant in the story and even in 2 of those games you still have to save her with the 1 outlier not even have been made my Nintendo.

So it doesn't matter if there's context because it's clear the writers work backwards from the simple plot synopsis of "Knight saves Princess"

Zelda needing to be saved in every game is only used as a means to an end, it's not used as a way to explore Zelda as a character as for the majority of the time she is only treated as an object that needs to be reclaimed, something that is only done to motivate Link, which as you may recall, is literally the definition of a fridged character.

Here's a fun fact, the Hyrule Historia when going over the growth of the big three main characters, describes Zelda as going from a bundle of pixels to a beautiful woman

That's it, not the reincarnation of the goddess, not link's partner in crime, just a beautiful woman which I think is incredibly emblematic of how the Zelda team sees Zelda.

Hell, they'd sooner have Link dress up as Zelda then have you actually play as Zelda as we saw in Triforce heroes.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

She's literally playable in Spirit Tracks. Or are you gonna say that doesn't count because she's a ghost in that one?

She's not really playable as much as you control Link and you have Link tell Zelda what to do and then she does it. It's like saying the Pokemon are playable in the Pokemon games.

Come to think of it, Spirit Tracks would've been a hell of a lot better if they just allowed to switch between controlling Link and Zelda at will instead of drawing a line for Zelda to follow like she's a damn lab rat.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

I sure hope they figure that out for themselves though and not have someone else tell them. Not accusing you of doing this fyi, but i've seen instances people (usually white) tell others this this and that is an offensive stereotype and then the actual people that are supposedly being offended by it are like "nah, it's cool"


*sigh* Alright so here's the deal. And this is decently unique to Indigenous folks so bear with me.

The Ainu, like many indigenous folks around the world, are a minority. Their homeland is owned by a country that is not there's and does not respect them as much as the majority.

Us natives make only 2% of the entire Continental United States, and even less of that percentage can make it out of the rampant poverty of reservations to afford something like film school, if that was even a career path they wanted to take.

The thing with Speedy Gonzales is that a Hispanic person can look at that and recognize that it's just a stereotype, because ultimately the power of representation comes in numbers and there are thousands of locally and even non-locally made films where Hispanic characters are treated as actually dynamic human beings. You see Speedy Gonzales as just a caricature of a much bigger thing

With us Natives, we don't get that, as the majority of Native rep in media is just stereotypes and caricatures. I can't think of a single non-native film at the top of my mind with a native character that didn't follow the "stoic Indian" trope or the "Noble Savage" trope. It gets so bad that a lot of natives, especially those who have been disconnected from their culture, start to identify themselves more with how people think they are than what they actually are.

This was also something the film Smoke Signals talked about, with the character Victor being an example of someone who having lost their culture, molded themselves to be what white people thought he would be like.

The Ainu are no different, as they make less than 1% of the total population of Japan. The fact that the first thing that connected that guy to his heritage was a loli character that is meant to appeal to pedophiles should be more than enough proof that there is a problem here.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

In the case of Dragon Maid, it is a comedy, my guy. Of course things are going to be exaggerated a little bit. Not every story involving religious figures has to be 100% serious. There's literally a comedy manga series were Buddha and Jesus Christ are hanging out. The issue is when it becomes mockery but that's not what's really happening here.

What it is is writers not understanding the cultural significance. It's like how creatures like Wendigos have been white washed as this kind of spooky criptid that completely misses the cultural importance of them in Navajo mythology. It might not matter to you or the writers but to a lot of people, this is a very serious offensive.

And like I said, had we lived in a world where Ainu culture and mythology was very much in the public conscience then it'd be easier to forgive, but as it stands that's not the world we live in and for a lot of people this is the only piece of Ainu influence they will ever get, and that's especially devastating if you are a Ainu person who's lost their history and this is all they have left.

Seriously, without looking anything up, can you name any Ainu media that is more well known than Dragon Maid?

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

There's multiple depictions of Quetzalcoatl. Earliest known depiction is this


We also got this


And this


And of course, the human forms that you have posted.

Quetzalcoatl is most commonly depicted as a feathered serpent and there are a multitude of different ways you can interpret that. Especially once it starts to reach public conscious. Out of the entire Aztec pantheon, i think most would at least have some basic familiarity with Quetzalcoatl. At least know the name. There's even a dinosaur named after it!

It is true that Quetzalcoatl is making it more in the public eye, which is nice to see even if some people will obsess over the whole "Blood for the blood god!" thing. I'm happy that when searching for Quetzalcoatl I have to decently scroll down a bit to find the anime versions.

With this, you'll notice of course that the Kumuy Kanna is based off of has zero depictions that exist online, doesn't even have a wikipedia page article. When you search the name "Kanna Kamuy" all that comes up are images of Kanna from dragon maid and of course, no links to anything about Kanna Kumuy.

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2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Asian anime powers

Japan got their sports shounen protags out for the Spain match

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Wait, Cameroon is going to win...?

2022 World Cup: Everybody loses the Nonary Game!

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41 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also, only two teams got zero points. Qatar and Canada.


...Hey, at least Canada scored a goal this time! That's better than last time...

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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Zelda needing to be saved in every game is only used as a means to an end, it's not used as a way to explore Zelda as a character as for the majority of the time she is only treated as an object that needs to be reclaimed, something that is only done to motivate Link, which as you may recall, is literally the definition of a fridged character.

Because most Zelda games are not narratively driven. The plot doesn't really matter in most of the games, there can be neat things in them, but at the end of the, the plot is a very simple "this is what you're doing".

There is a game in which you rescue Zelda and also explore her character. It's called Breath of the Wild. It's one of two Zelda games in which the story actually matters, the other being Majora's Mask, which doesn't have Zelda at all.

Now if you want the stories to explore Zelda's character, the manga are there. I hear the Twilight Princess manga in particular kinda makes Zelda a badass.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Come to think of it, Spirit Tracks would've been a hell of a lot better if they just allowed to switch between controlling Link and Zelda at will instead of drawing a line for Zelda to follow like she's a damn lab rat.

Spirit Tracks would've been way better if it actually let you play the game with proper controls instead of whatever the fuck they came up with there ngl. It's why I'm skipping the DS Zelda games on my Zelda-thon.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

*sigh* Alright so here's the deal. And this is decently unique to Indigenous folks so bear with me.

Oh no, I get what you're saying, my point was moreso that it's a pitfall to tell someone else "hey this is *insert bad thing* of your culture" if you aren't part of it.

And I'm not saying it can't be called out by outsiders. I see the hilichurls or whatever they're called in Genshin Impact and even I can tell how much of a disgusting insult of Native Americans they are (the devs deadass looked at videos of Native dances and used them as reference for the movement of the cursed humanoid monsters).

But a lot of times, trying to tell someone "this is offensive" can backfire. 

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Seriously, without looking anything up, can you name any Ainu media that is more well known than Dragon Maid?

Nah. Like I said before, I wasn't even aware Kanna was supposed to be Ainu until after you brought it up.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The fact that the first thing that connected that guy to his heritage was a loli character that is meant to appeal to pedophiles should be more than enough proof that there is a problem here.

Oh no the guy pulled up like a whole list and Kanna just happened to be there.

I wouldn't say Kanna appeals to pedophiles btw. I mean if someone's jacking to that, that says more about the person than the author.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

With this, you'll notice of course that the Kumuy Kanna is based off of has zero depictions that exist online, doesn't even have a wikipedia page article

I think that if Wikipedia doesn't have an article about it, then that means there's like basically no information to begin with. Wikipedia is incredibly extensive, chronicling even the most obscure things of our world. If there isn't a page, then that means there's basically like no info beyond like a few lines.

Why this is for the Kamuy, I don't know. With how little of the Ainu are left, it's possible that there simply aren't surviving records and all we have are incredibly basic pieces of info. If there actually was more information, Wikipedia would've had a page about it.

Makes me wonder how many other gods and myths have like no information left.

So this brings me to another point. If a myth or legend is so incredibly obscure that Wikipedia doesn't have it and then an author uses it in their story one way or another and that story happens to blow up....is this not a good thing? I mean I'm not gonna say that Dragon Maid is making people research the Ainu but hey, I did find out what Iomate was, that's cool.

Kanna is a legitimate good character and while I don't know how the Ainu are represented in Japanese media usually (if they even are), I'd say having a legitimate good character who is more than just where they're from is good thing, because that's how you avoid stereotypes.

Of course, I'd like to hear an Ainu's opinion on this but uh......yeah.

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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Seriously, without looking anything up, can you name any Ainu media that is more well known than Dragon Maid?

Dragon maid ain't even known for being Ainu media.

And i don't like the show, but you're overreaching way too much.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

was a loli character that is meant to appeal to pedophiles


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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Most wholesome Red card

What's the reason he got it?

6 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Well, it's knock out time

QFs with Jap/SKo, Aus/USA, Sel/Pol, Mor/Swi would be amazing

14 minutes ago, Benice said:

...Hey, at least Canada scored a goal this time! That's better than last time...


15 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Spirit Tracks would've been way better if it actually let you play the game with proper controls instead of whatever the fuck they came up with there ngl. It's why I'm skipping the DS Zelda games on my Zelda-thon.

I'm still calling you a coward

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