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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Faiya Emburem is unironically good, there should be a longer version.

Filing it with these two under "where's the full version?"


3 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Emblem skill:  Summon other Emblems

Sombron when he see two Marth: "this is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!"

1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:

The fact that this is a non-zero percent chance should terrify some people


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11 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

It's something I note differs compared to the Aztecs, which I don't see much of any reference to their survival.

I suppose it's because by Aztec they refer to their Empire, which is long gone. Since Aztec isn't exactly an accurate term. They're Nahua, who are indeed still around to the present day as well. Though the Nahua also have many subdivisions, of which the Mexica (also still around), which stablished the Aztec Empire, are one such. This distinction arises since the Nahua not all moved to Mesoamerica together. It was a gradual process for a long period of time, spanning centuries if I recall.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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28 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wait, Fie has six range?

On Counterattack only, yeah. Boasting the best Evade + counter setup due toher base high EVADE stat.

29 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yeah, I did something similar with Kurt in CS3. Except I switched out Gungnir for Aegis because I just wanted to avoid anyone yakigg by damage and if he just so happened to get a counter in, that was cool too.

Fie does this better due to good evading + Stealth and Gungnir is just broken.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Sombron when he see two Marth: "this is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!"

Lucina puts on the mask

"Third Marth's the charm!"

Sombron: fucking dies

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I suppose it's because by Aztec they refer to their Empire, which is long gone. Since Aztec isn't exactly an accurate term. They're Nahua, who are indeed still around to the present day as well. Though the Nahua also have many subdivisions, of which the Mexica, which stablished the Aztec Empire, are one such. This distinction arises since the Nahua not all moved to Mesoamerica together. It was a gradual process for a long period of time, spanning centuries if I recall.

This stuff is why nations versus people is much more complicated and I definitely am limited on that history. It's something I could stand to better handle in all this as well. So I'm assuming a pretty significant proportion could still claim descent from the Mexica or peoples who were there before they came there?

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45 minutes ago, Sooks said:

This is Cold Steel, I select characters for story, not gameplay. And as a character he’s so boring, his entire personality is “music”. He stopped being interesting after the beginning of CS2, where he was posed with a question putting his love for music against his current class… which he never gave an official answer to, he just didn’t shut the fuck up about music for the rest of the game and at the end he’s just like “oh btw I’m going to music school” and everyone’s like oh yeah cool.

As a unit, well, it’s Cold Steel. It’s hard to make anyone bad, and his entire point is as a dedicated healer, pretty much, which is completely unnecessary imo (or at least it has been for a while).

Fair enough.

...could've at least used Sara, though. She's one of five Trails characters I like.

27 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You can send up to two Einherjar per chapter, by the way.

Those little blurbs we can glimpse about the war in Asgard is sadly all we get on that front. Specially since it's also the most we get out of the characters after their recruitment scenes. Gives that sense of an off-screen adventure while our focus is with the Valkyrie.

These characters seem to get a lot less than Covenant's from their pre-recruitment stuff, so that's a good thing that they get a bit more if sent away. Already saw a scene between Loki and Belenus, actually. Nothing too remarkable, but it was neat.


Though fun fact, originally the Asgard stuff was going to be the main game. VP was originally conceived as a SRPG with the Einherjar as the main focus.

Interesting. Still, this probably made for the cooler game.


It's alright. You can always figure it out for a second playthrough.


Oh dear...


That's VP in a nutshell compared to CotP.

And I thought CotP's world was screwed up. Langrey did so much damage...

24 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I wonder how your plot went from a Kaga FE plot to Doom featuring Bart Simpson...

Now I'm drawing a person sleeping in their bedroom on the corner that was left empty, so... I guess that explains that, no?

19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Sombron when he see two Marth: "this is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!"

Two Marths is whatever, but if Itsuke somehow brought Fates Capture with him he'd become my favorite emblem no questions asked

Is Fates Capture too much to ask? C'mon Maeda I know you personally read this thread, give me what I want!

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35 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

This stuff is why nations versus people is much more complicated and I definitely am limited on that history. It's something I could stand to better handle in all this as well. So I'm assuming a pretty significant proportion could still claim descent from the Mexica or peoples who were there before they came there?

From both Nahua and non-Nahua peoples, yes. As well as actual ones, not just descendants of.

29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

These characters seem to get a lot less than Covenant's from their pre-recruitment stuff, so that's a good thing that they get a bit more if sent away. Already saw a scene between Loki and Belenus, actually. Nothing too remarkable, but it was neat.

Yeah, as always, compared to CotP, VP will seem a bit lacking on those fronts.

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45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fair enough.

...could've at least used Sara, though. She's one of five Trails characters I like.

Well you see Ruben, you haven’t been introduced to Fie Cold Steel, who is a phenomenal character you would fall in love with, except not actually because she’s a complete anime trope and not one of the two you like.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, FE6 would make for a good final boss. Tough cookie, that one. Especially if you go to Sacae, as I fully expect you to, intentionally or otherwise.

I mean it's Sacae, those are where the coolest character designs are, why wouldn't I go there.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

The fact that this is a non-zero percent chance should terrify some people.

And after Berwick Saga, the true Endgame final boss shall be TMS

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

It's something I note differs compared to the Aztecs, which I don't see much of any reference to their survival.

Well I mean, I wouldn't call the Aztecs ancient either, I mean it was empire that lasted only 100 years in the 13th century. Montezuma II himself lived during the time of Leonardo Da Vinci, in fact they both died only a year apart from each other.

Why there isn't much of an Aztec identity today like the Mayans do is because of a lot of reasons, I mean the empire itself was made up of a lot of different people groups so it was more of a nationality than an ethnicity and couple that with how the majority of tribes in Mexico lost their cultural heritage during the Revolution and the unifying of the people of Mexico, and you have practically no one who unironically identifies themselves as Aztecan, the closest you'll get are the few remaining tribe members who've kept their original identity as one of the many people groups of the Empire, and Mestizo dudes in Mexico city.


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6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Well I mean, I wouldn't call the Aztecs ancient either, I mean it was empire that lasted only 100 years in the 13th century. Montezuma II himself lived during the time of Leonardo Da Vinci, in fact they both died only a year apart from each other.

Why there isn't much of an Aztec identity today like the Mayans do is because of a lot of reasons, I mean the empire itself was made up of a lot of different people groups so it was more of a nationality than an ethnicity and couple that with how the majority of tribes in Mexico lost their cultural heritage during the Revolution and the unifying of the people of Mexico, and you have practically no one who unironically identifies themselves as Aztecan, the closest you'll get are the few remaining tribe members who've kept their original identity as one of the many people groups of the Empire, and Mestizo dudes in Mexico city.

True enough, the disconnect history as I learned it has between this early period of America colonisation alongside the what was going on in the countries that would colonise it is pretty large frankly, especially in that early 1500s. I mean, I feel like I heard nothing connecting the two within textbooks and of course beyond Spain turbocharging it's economy with these immoral gains we don't see much discussion of the benefits in the 1500s, at least from my perspective.

I guess I'm making more assumptions too on how it'd have been perceived for those who bought into it, considering it was an empire and was expansionary in that. And yeah, the commonalities between them would end up being core to these new identities for people coming towards and after wars of independence.

19 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I mean it's Sacae, those are where the coolest character designs are, why wouldn't I go there.

You will see.

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Why is everyone still wearing their school uniforms?

24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I mean it's Sacae, those are where the coolest character designs are, why wouldn't I go there.

So as to not go insane.

Supposedly anyway, I didn’t go there because of the way everyone talks about its maps.

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31 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I mean it's Sacae, those are where the coolest character designs are, why wouldn't I go there.

Nah, Ilia is where its coolest. Sacae is more temperate.

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28 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Nah, Ilia is where its coolest. Sacae is more temperate.

36 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Why is everyone still wearing their school uniforms?

Does this include people who are definitely not students?

What you thought I'd make a Pokemon joke?

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Filing it with these two under "where's the full version?"


I feel like it's missing something without the initial loading and title screen. That unnecessary but wonderful use of the game's aesthetic for the bog standard displaying of the company logos first thing, the quiet strike of the game's title, and then a symbolic compact representation of the world of Erion appears. The way the music is synchronized with it is important.

The striking sound of strong humming coyly baits you into a trance of curiosity as the storybook opens its pages. Which transitions to mysterious, echoing, peaceful lyrics when the soft, hazy, dreamlike fantasy landscape comes into focus. This is a vision of the otherworld, a glimpse of Erion removed from time and place, it is languid and paradisal, an ideal mirage, apart from the actions and fates of this world. When we waken, this illusion shall be gone, our memory of it shall be but a pleasant, frustrating sense of having seen that which cannot be truly remembered, lacking for those specifics we saw and found purest bliss in, but cannot for the life of us ever recall.

I might compare it to XC1, another game which needs no opening movie, but has an incredible title screen and accompanying track. Although I would say XC1 has the stronger independent composition, and I might say it also does better in the "synchronicity" aspect with its day to night transition.

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Xenoblade 3 Chapter 6 spoilers


When you play Fire Emblem in Classic Mode and your waifu dies

Having reread the Trails in the Sky guide I used when I first played it, I wonder how I had the patience for all those sidequests. It was probably because I got sick halfway through so I had more free time than usual.

15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Huh, so the game does give you a pop up saying Fie can now fish even though she already could. Weird.

I'm curious about the finishing mechanics in the later two Cold Steel games. I know characters other than Rean can fish since I've seen Altina holding fish as big as she is, but do you have to unlock it for them somehow?

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4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I'm curious about the finishing mechanics in the later two Cold Steel games. I know characters other than Rean can fish since I've seen Altina holding fish as big as she is, but do you have to unlock it for them somehow?

It usually just unlocks as you gain control of them as members.

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6 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I'm curious about the finishing mechanics in the later two Cold Steel games. I know characters other than Rean can fish since I've seen Altina holding fish as big as she is, but do you have to unlock it for them somehow?

In Cold Steel 3, Rean and all of New Class VII can fish. Nobody else.

In CS4 I’m gonna assume that’s still true but I’m not 100% sure it’s true for every member. Fie can fish from the start but if you take her to a specific place at one point the game tells you she can now fish, even though she already could. I read that she’s not the only character who can now fish, but not everyone can fish in this game.

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I came across this oldie

I remember watching this vid like when i was 15. Still hits the same all these years later (even if it's outdated, since it only covers up to Capaldi's first season).

Doctor Who tributes are great because of how unique this series' history is compared to other properties. A history i'm now fully experiencing for myself.

Watch Doctor Who.

3 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I honestly think Leif is your only chance at this

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Frankly, I don't think it's likely. Like, 11% I get my wish here. But it's not over until it's over.

Leif will get Fates capture but then you can only deploy them as green units


2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

And after Berwick Saga, the true Endgame final boss shall be TMS

You will experience peak



2 hours ago, Sooks said:

So as to not go insane.

Supposedly anyway, I didn’t go there because of the way everyone talks about its maps.

Sacae maps


41 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I feel like it's missing something without the initial loading and title screen. That unnecessary but wonderful use of the game's aesthetic for the bog standard displaying of the company logos first thing, the quiet strike of the game's title, and then a symbolic compact representation of the world of Erion appears. The way the music is synchronized with it is important.

The striking sound of strong humming coyly baits you into a trance of curiosity as the storybook opens its pages. Which transitions to mysterious, echoing, peaceful lyrics when the soft, hazy, dreamlike fantasy landscape comes into focus. This is a vision of the otherworld, a glimpse of Erion removed from time and place, it is languid and paradisal, an ideal mirage, apart from the actions and fates of this world. When we waken, this illusion shall be gone, our memory of it shall be but a pleasant, frustrating sense of having seen that which cannot be truly remembered, lacking for those specifics we saw and found purest bliss in, but cannot for the life of us ever recall.

Vanillaware moment. I feel like a lot of Vanillaware games (as in the three i've played) have good opening titles thanks to the team's gorgeous art. 13 Sentinels is the least elaborate with it but it still perfectly sets the tone with it's visuals and music


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Well, then, time for Omori. Got some trash to recycle... and hmm, the party is level 11. I wonder if I can take down Kite Kid now... yeah, I'll go do that before returning with Captain Spaceboy Boyfriend.

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