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It's kinda funny how the Pirate Warriors 4 version of Blackbeard is so bad against Logia users. Power negation on contact is his entire shtick, yet he of all people struggles so much to touch Logia.
He can overwhelm other types through the sheer power of Mosou spam. But Logia types don't take damage until their armor is broken. Which Blackbeard sucks at. I don't think anyone in the cast struggles with that as much as he does.
It really feels like he should have a guard break move in his arsenal.

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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It will be a time to Engage 2023.

I can finally tell my parents i am engaged

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Memeing how you feel? Or...?



2023 is Emburem Fusion year so ye

One of the few things i am looking forward to lol

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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21 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I can finally tell my parents i am engaged

Tell your dad "hey dad, I've a videogame here that's going to change your entire outlook on games forever", then lure him to your room and start polishing dem rings

9 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I think also one of the things i have to plan for is to leave Berlin within a year

I love the City, spending most of my life there and all, but what's happening atm...

It's been always a "Low wagea but cheap life" city

That cheap life part if flying outta the window faster than you can finish Rainbow Road 64 in MK8

I know Germany as that place where fellow Spaniards travel to so they can get work. In light of that, this is... rather sad to hear.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Tell your dad "hey dad, I've a videogame here that's going to change your entire outlook on games forever", then lure him to your room and start polishing dem rings

Dad HATES videogames

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I know Germany as that place where fellow Spaniards travel to so they can get work. In light of that, this is... rather sad to hear.

It's more of a Berlin problem, even if inflation is affecting the whole of Germany like the rest of the world.

Prices in Berlin are just rising Ultra fast.

To give an example, i am trying to search for a 2 room apartment in the part of the city i used to live in as a student. A couple years back it would've cost me ~750€ or so, 600 with a good deal.

Atm all i am seeing prices around 1500€....

1200€ if i am lucky, and that will be with 800 other people trying to get the same apartment.

In Berlin the wages are generally low, so these prices are...

How can min. wage people even live like this

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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5 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Dad HATES videogames

Polishing waifubando rings will change his mind

Ah, sorry. Just a poor joke.

5 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

It's more of a Berlin problem, even if inflation is affecting the whole of Germany like the rest of the world.

Prices in Berlin are just rising Ultra fast.

To give an example, i am trying to search for a 2 room apartment in the part of the city i used to live in as a student. A couple years back it would've cost me ~750€ or so, 600 with a good deal.

Atm all i am seeing prices around 1500€....

1200€ if i am lucky, and that will be with 800 other people trying to get the same apartment.

In Berlin the wages are generally low, so these prices are...

How can min. wage people even live like this

Yeah that's going to crash.

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19 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Oh well

You didn't have to delete that stuff. Vent whatever you like feel venting.🙂

And if you haven't been there already, stop by the Neues Museum once for non-world traveler me.😉 And the Pergamon too if it isn't too much to ask, the Ishtar Gate and all.

5 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

It's more of a Berlin problem, even if inflation is affecting the whole of Germany like the rest of the world.

Well here in the US, NYC was named the most expensive city in the world for the first time.

I know people dealing with high rent, so I can understand your position.

Have you ever considered a roommate for any relocation you're planning, to split the bill?

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Tell your dad "hey dad, I've a videogame here that's going to change your entire outlook on games forever", then lure him to your room and start polishing dem rings

Engage: a game about a jeweller dealing in antique rings.

That happen to have spirits inside them

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well here in the US, NYC was named the most expensive city in the world for the first time.

Honestly, I'm a little surprised about first time.

2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

To give an example, i am trying to search for a 2 room apartment in the part of the city i used to live in as a student. A couple years back it would've cost me ~750€ or so.

Atm all i am seeing prices around 1500€....

We're in that kind of situation here, though a lot of that is that there's not that many places available for rent to begin with. Even where I'm at I'm seeing 12 options and 2 are 2 bed for under 1500, above 1200 and of the places available plenty hit over 2000 per month. For a place that is far from the capital. And there are some businesses, but I wouldn't call it a booming hub of new ideas and bustling industries. What factors there are seem to include a convenience of geography.

Sharing accommodation isn't as bad price wise, but for how those work it's still ridiculous for many situations and plenty would be clearly uncomfortable moving into that. Last place I was in like that was a 2/3 bed converted into a 7 bed and pretty crummy besides. Price was thankfully nowhere near the numbers now, because I was not on much above minimum wage. And I saw worse when I was looking for a place in that time, I still remember that horror case full of mould and bad ventilation and the bed was a mattress on the floor and if it weren't for the cupboard and wardrobe would have been an empty room.

2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

How can min. wage people even live like this

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah that's going to crash.

Berlin is transforming economically and competitvely, for the better...

It's just, for the people of the/living in the city....

It's gonna suck major ass.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You didn't have to delete that stuff. Vent whatever you like feel venting.🙂



I just felt it might be too personal

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

stop by the Neues Museum once for non-world traveler me.

I went there multipe times, but not this year. Berlin is filled with museums as you probably know

We even have a "Long Night of the Museums" every year, for one ticket you can visit all museums in Berlin on that night.

We also have other "Long Night" stuff.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Now that i didn't go yet, but sooner or later i might!

Although next on the plan i wanna visit Samurai museum. Heard lotsa good stuff about it!

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Have you ever considered a roommate for any relocation you're planning, to split the bill?

I am already living with my brother. and we plan to continue doing so for the foreseeable future.

But we also wanna start planning for the future (we don't wanna share the same apartment forever lol), and with these prices we might live well (me with full time and him with part time as a student), but it's impossible to put anything aside to plan for the future or for emergencies.

4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

We're in that kind of situation here, though a lot of that is that there's not that many places available for rent to begin with. Even where I'm at I'm seeing 12 options and 2 are 2 bed for under 1500, above 1200 and of the places available plenty hit over 2000 per month. For a place that is far from the capital.


12 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Capitalism, ho!

Living necessities should've never been put full under capitalism

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10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I agree. With the overall point, but I already spoke my mind there before, so let me agree with this part specifically. Let's all stop saying bad things about Binding Blade, and let's turn to praising Dougy instead.

...Seriously, it kills me that we're going to miss out on HD Dougy, for a few years at least, for the sake of Walking In HD. Such a damn shame.

In addition, I would also like to praise Doggy. I visited my brother yesterday and he has a very floofy and cuddly dog.



Speaking of dogs, I did not expect political commentary in the fricking Peanuts. There was some light jab at the presidental candidates earlier that year (1988 - "Abraham Lincoln would have won easy..." - Sally) already, but I did not expect this open a statement. Well, technically only implied, but pretty obvious nonetheless. Although, come to think of it, back when Schulz introduced Franklin, that in itself was considered to be a political statement.

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19 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

2 room apartment in the part of the city i used to live in as a student. A couple years back it would've cost me ~750€ or so, 600 with a good deal.

Atm all i am seeing prices around 1500€....

The city where I live:


830 Sq. Feet, by the way. Oof. Housing's gone berserk here too.

Oh lordy, and don't get me started on Vancouver...


I know it's in a nice part of Vancouver, but christ on a bike...


That moment when the renting company that wants your money tells you not to rent.

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19 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Capitalism, ho!

This is why the flow of capital must never be strangled. Trickle Down Economics were a lie!


19 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It "helps" that Laguz adopt a "united front" when it comes to being anti-Beorc. Like the birds here being a good example. Both hawks and ravens attack Begnion ships in revenge of the Serenes Massacre... but outside of that, yes, they are different. But to those being victims of their raids, yes, it can look like they're not too different and thus get lumped together.

That's part of the reason why first nation peoples sometimes set aside their cultural differences to band together as one people. We all have that shared history of loss and grief and so we try to stick together against the colonialism still present in our nations.

19 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, right, I take it you didn't got the Knight Ring?

Since I don't know what that is, probably.

19 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This reminds me of a Q&A from my Smithsonian Magazine issue a few months ago.:

Q: I still see the term "American Indian" in use, including in the title of a Smithsonian museum. Why Not say "Native American" instead?

A: Native people prefer to be identified with their own specific tribe or tribes. But when it comes to describing all of these nations with one term, there's no consensus. Groups in Alaska like to be called "Alaskan Natives," while those in Canada prefer the term "First Nations." Some others in South America call themselves "AmerIndian." Even though the term "Indian" originally came from a misunderstanding, many tribal people still prefer it over the alternatives. (Some point out that any person born in the Americas could be called a "Native American.") I personally say "American Indian" because it is the language of the law between the tribal and federal governments.

Yeah pretty much.

Perhaps it's my Mayan privilege but I don't have much of a preference personally, I'm fine with any terms that aren't "Savage"

19 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I haven't been to the National Museum of the American Indian yet despite several visits to Washington DC. Seeing one American Indian exhibit among many others in a large art museum is fine, but dragging family members through an entire museum of it isn't quite as easy as the Air and Space, Natural History, American History, or American Art museums. I want to visit the NMotAI, but I'd have to do with on my own, still don't have a driver's license or independent income for that.

I've actually never been there either believe or not, though we have lots of local museums with curious artifacts where I live.

Museums are a good first start but if you really want to learn about First Nation peoples than you should visit reservations and talk to people, which I know is easier said than done, but it's worth it.

18 hours ago, Armagon said:

"Where is (Ike's mom, i forgot her name)? Is she safe? Is she alright?"

"My lord, it seems in your anger, you killed her"

"I....I couldn't have. She was alive, i felt it!...................NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

How did I not notice this.

17 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Ehhh...Elena always felt a bit fridged to me.

Oh she certainly is, but in a much darker way than what the rest of series managed to come up with for their dead parents, at least so far in the ones I've played, so I have to give them props for that at least.

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I should consider myself lucky that I don't have to worry for apartment/house hunting. Heck, in theory my family owns two houses (one still with its loan being paid back, though), so we're set on that front.

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4 minutes ago, Benice said:

The city where I live:


830 Sq. Feet, by the way. Oof. Housing's gone berserk here too.

Oh lordy, and don't get me started on Vancouver...


I know it's in a nice part of Vancouver, but christ on a bike...


That moment when the renting company that wants your money tells you not to rent.

8000...a month??????


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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Have you ever considered a roommate for any relocation you're planning, to split the bill?

Yeah, roommates are often a necessity nowadays. You don't even have to get along. I have a friend who has two roommates and they don't even speak.

1 minute ago, Punished Dayni said:

Engage: a game about a jeweller dealing in antique rings.

That happen to have spirits inside them

Totally wholesome.

2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Berlin is transforming economically and competitvely, for the better...

It's just, for the people of the/living in the city....

It's gonna suck major ass.

For the better of whom?

1 minute ago, ping said:

In addition, I would also like to praise Doggy. I visited my brother yesterday and he has a very floofy and cuddly dog.

Does he also doggedly pursue you around the house until you seize the chair and then it joins your party?

4 minutes ago, Benice said:

The city where I live:


830 Sq. Feet, by the way. Oof. Housing's gone berserk here too.

Oh lordy, and don't get me started on Vancouver...


I know it's in a nice part of Vancouver, but christ on a bike...


That moment when the renting company that wants your money tells you not to rent.

Just now, Imperator Squilla said:

8000...a month??????


At that point you might as well buy a fucking apartment. Like seriously, you'd burn enough money to buy something in just a year living there. What the shit.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, roommates are often a necessity nowadays. You don't even have to get along. I have a friend who has two roommates and they don't even speak

Non family roommates would be hell for me ngl

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

For the better of whom?

Statistics, capitalism, companies, economy.

Definetly not the people living there

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

At that point you might as well buy a fucking apartment. Like seriously, you'd burn enough money to buy something in just a year living there. What the shit.

>buying an apartment for less than 100k in 2022

Man i wish.

Edited by Imperator Squilla
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6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Honestly, one of the main problems is that money is being hoarded at the top. The economy is stimulated if the money is allowed to flow freely. But that means giving the "peasants" more money so the "elite" would rather just keep it to themselves than let it go down even if it'd come back up again. Because that means they'd only have the money part-time, instead of all the time.

And then they deflect deflect deflect with the "it's socialism/communism!" card.


Since I don't know what that is, probably.

It's basically an accessory that gives Canto. You needed for Reyson, Janaff, or Ulki to talk with Naesala. This will turn the ravens to green units who would then leave the map. The ravens all need to survive too, if I recall. Then you get the Knight Ring.


How did I not notice this.

And they have a son and daughter combo too.

Don't believe your eyes when you saw that cutscene. By the end of the game you will see the Black Knight take off its helmet... and it will be Greil.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Non family roommates would be hell for me ngl

It's a scary thought, but like I said, oftentimes it's unavoidable.

1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Statistics, capitalism, companies, economy.

The world is fucked.

1 minute ago, Imperator Squilla said:

>buying an apartment for less than 100k in 2022

Man i wish.

Eh? Hold up, 8000 * 12 makes... Tch...

...ahhh yeah make that two years. My bad.

Still, the point stands. For the privilege of crashing that couch for a couple years, you'd be burning enough money to get an apartment that would belong to you forever. Heck, a pretty good one too, 8000 * 24 is almost 200 friggin k

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Honestly, one of the main problems is that money is being hoarded at the top. The economy is stimulated if the money is allowed to flow freely. But that means giving the "peasants" more money so the "elite" would rather just keep it to themselves than let it go down even if it'd come back up again. Because that means they'd only have the money part-time, instead of all the time.

And then they deflect deflect deflect with the "it's socialism/communism!" card.

"Communism would never work because it relies on people being generous and selfless expecting nothing in return, which is not true"

Capitalism relies on the elite being kind and selfless enough to let the money flow

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