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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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In the tree part of the tree

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

That's the problem isn't it XD

Mine too!

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Anything'd be better than just "give him many weps"

I'll take it.

If he's a sage king I'd like to see him use magic though

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23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

After the first part I thought your appointment was going to be months from now. But this, this is good, so JUST GO because it’s way less scary than all your teeth falling out.

That doesn’t make me feel any better! That just makes me more scared! :squeezedtangerine:

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4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

feel like he'd have done the same in BW if he had the chance.

He was still a little bit sane in BW but by 2, he had lost all that.

I still think it goes hard from a narrative point of view that his Hydriegon has a max power Frustration with a Life Orb. Team Plasma wanted to separate people from Pokemon but Ghetsis' Hydriegon definitely wanted to separate his head from his body.

3 hours ago, Green06 said:

I'm not disputing it was a facade, I'm saying that the fact that the OG Plasmas try to have good PR makes them more layered

Fair. And hey, they did have N, which is one of the best characters in the series.

I will say I don't like OG Plasma's designs. I mean, I like them a little more today but I wasn't a huge fan.

Anything clears Team Galactic's toilet bowls however.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



This is just the plot of Avatar.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

But what is it?

That's a good question. The closest comparison is MMO combat but even then that's like, surface level.

There isn't really anything that plays like Xenoblade tbh. 

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20 hours ago, Sooks said:

No Benice, you don’t want to be enjoying your late 40s and then get hit with that!

Cripes, it'd be really creepy if I liked that stuff while I'm that old, wouldn't it?

20 hours ago, Sooks said:

Although I have a feeling you’d get a kick out of Elliot…

That's the band nerd, right?

3rd best waifusbando.

20 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

It'll only take around 300 hours of gameplay!


20 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Though it took you 30 hours to reach Chapter 2 of the first game, so it might take longer...


20 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Benice will spend all his bonding points on Elliot in every game, music students gotta stick together.

He jumps up to 2nd best waifusbando if he plays The Lick.

19 hours ago, Sooks said:

Elliot will be overjoyed that someone finally picks him at the beginning of CS4.

Us artists are always misunderstood...

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@Sooks, as someone who has never really played an MMO, JRPG or ARPG and doesn't fully understand what they are, I'd describe XB2's combat as a timing-based JRPG with an emphasis on making combos and not being explained properly.

Even though I'm not the biggest fan of Xenoblade 2 (though I still want to finish it), I would recommend it simply on the basis of the visual design of the worlds and the music. I'm of the opinion that, as an experience, it's nearly incomparable. The environmental music stood out the most to me for being probably the best in any game I've played, but there are some good battle themes too.

I admit I didn't really hear most of the battle music because the battles themselves are really loud, though.

tl;dr the game is cool and so is the music.

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1 hour ago, Hectorcopter said:

That doesn’t make me feel any better! That just makes me more scared! :squeezedtangerine:

You can avoid the scary thing by going to the dentist. That’s your motivation. I’m not quite sure why I sound like someone’s grandma but that’s besides the point.

18 minutes ago, Benice said:

That's the band nerd, right?

3rd best waifusbando.

1st best is Josette, 2nd best is… uh…

Also good news, there’s some band nerd NPCs in CS1 and 2, although I never really talked to them. 3 and 4 have a school rock club, basically.

18 minutes ago, Benice said:

He jumps up to 2nd best waifusbando if he plays The Lick.

He plays this

18 minutes ago, Benice said:

Us artists are always misunderstood...

He’s not misunderstood, he’s just boring.

Actually though, Act 2-2 was really cool to see for his character. And Machias’ bonding event was great as well, it’s looking like 06 was almost right about this game’s treatment of side characters. But then… Laura… Laura……

10 minutes ago, Benice said:

@Sooks, as someone who has never really played an MMO, JRPG or ARPG and doesn't fully understand what they are, I'd describe XB2's combat as a


timing-based JRPG

…Mario and Luigi?

10 minutes ago, Benice said:

with an emphasis on making combos

That sounds cool.

10 minutes ago, Benice said:

Even though I'm not the biggest fan of Xenoblade 2 (though I still want to finish it), I would recommend it simply on the basis of the visual design of the worlds and the music. I'm of the opinion that, as an experience, it's nearly incomparable. The environmental music stood out the most to me for being probably the best in any game I've played, but there are some good battle themes too.

Huh, neat, thanks.

10 minutes ago, Benice said:


I like this…

10 minutes ago, Benice said:

tl;dr the game is cool and so is the music.

I thought you weren’t the biggest fan of this—

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20 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Welcome fellow Nynti! Hope you enjoyed to your trip to the (Western proxy of) the holy land!😄

I think I remember you mentioning NNY before. Did you go there recently?

20 hours ago, Sooks said:

Elliot will be overjoyed that someone finally picks him at the beginning of CS4.

Reject romance, embrace Elliot.

19 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Just remembered Saturday I wanted to check out the Lego store while I was in the capital.

I'd have to wait 90 minutes to get in.

They were distributing bracelets it was that bad.

Naturally I chose to not go there on a Saturday during this time of year.

The Nintendo store had a pretty long line by the time I left, but not when I went in. Actually I think they were starting the line when I got there and I was the first person on it.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

But what is it? Other than a game without a demo 😞

This is Xenoblade


26 minutes ago, Benice said:

3rd best waifusbando.

Wait, who's second? It's not Olivier, is it?

17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

JoJo localizations be like 

JoJo didn't even keep Flaccid Pancake, literally unplayable.

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Along with finishing up PoR, I may try out some other game franchises I've never tried before for the holidays. I've been mostly playing FE lately and that can get stale without some variety.

Not that I'm taking a break with FE, but I may start some personal playthroughs of other games in my spare time. Any suggestions? I've had my eyes on Metroid for a while and of course I plan on playing Xenoblade after the Fire Emblem marathon.

13 hours ago, Benice said:

btw @Edelguardiansing, a propos of nothing, might I recommend the play/film A Raisin in the Sun to you? Considering how much you enjoyed what PoR has had to say about racism so far, I've a feeling you might really, really enjoy this one. It was the first Broadway play written by a black woman, (that being Lorraine Hansberry, perhaps the most slay person ever to walk the earth), and the first directed by a black man as well, and I must advocate for it. The characters are outstanding, the emotional roller coaster it takes you on is remarkable, and what it has to say is top-notch on many levels.

EDIT: It does have slurs in it, though, so do be aware of that.

Apparently both the 1961 and 2008 film are quite good: I've never seen either, though. The 1961 version had the screenplay written by Hansberry herself, so I'd sooner recommend it on the basis of being most faithful to the original vision.

You could also just read the play; unlike reading Shakespeare's plays, I found that I actually understood what was going on in the play while I was reading it, and it translates quite well into a text.

Either way, sorry to bother you! Just a random late-night thought I had while I was supposed to be writing my essay on the play. Or sleeping, since I'm on vacation.

No, Please! I love shit like this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I'll have to check that out.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do, yes. I can relate. Before my mother told me about my asperger's the only reference I had was my classmates telling me I was insane. Certainly a relief to know that wasn't it.

Ouch, yeah not fun.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Haha Armagon, what a story.

He's not Ike tho, is he?

I'm just now noticing that PoR is dead last in your ranking.

It's so funny to me that I went from your second to least favorite game to your least favorite game.



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3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Not that I'm taking a break with FE, but I may start some personal playthroughs of other games in my spare time. Any suggestions? I've had my eyes on Metroid for a while and of course I plan on playing Xenoblade after the Fire Emblem marathon.

What would you want to play in particular from Metroid?

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7 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

JoJo didn't even keep Flaccid Pancake, literally unplayable.

They gave us Bohemian Ecstasy at least.

6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I've had my eyes on Metroid for a while and of course I plan on playing Xenoblade after the Fire Emblem marathon.

Gooooooood. Join us.

Also play Gunvolt


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5 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Along with finishing up PoR, I may try out some other game franchises I've never tried before for the holidays. I've been mostly playing FE lately and that can get stale without some variety.

Not that I'm taking a break with FE, but I may start some personal playthroughs of other games in my spare time. Any suggestions? I've had my eyes on Metroid for a while and of course I plan on playing Xenoblade after the Fire Emblem marathon.

Well, as everyone here knows already, my first suggestion is SRW games. VTX trilogy on Switch, though naturally requires buying from an East Asia account. I'd suggest HK. Or 30, also on Switch but it's easier to get on Steam.

Or for a non-SRW suggestion, I'm always partial for suggesting Another Eden. Not on Switch, rather Mobile/PC. I'd say Mobile.

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At this rate I'm going to draw every single B. Saga character. And I'm going to do it entirely at work. I mean, can you blame me? I'm updating 12 year old computers to Windows 10. Took legit 30 fucking minutes just to shut down and install some updates. I drew two characters and colored another in the time it took the damned thing to react.

Anyway, I really hate how obviously lighter some of them are. I think resting my hand on them does that. But this is my work notepad, it's not designed for drawing lol

6 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:



Every time I see footage of Xenoblade scenes it strikes me just how hard it tries to be funny. More a fan of subdued, dry humor used more sporadically, myself.

6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Not that I'm taking a break with FE, but I may start some personal playthroughs of other games in my spare time. Any suggestions?

I'm in the mood for some B. Saga shilling. That's not the B. Saga you're thinking of. Banner Saga is a nice series of games combining a unique strategic combat system and an oregon trail-esque resource management travel mechanic, with an excellent story filled with decisions that matter, a colorful cast of folks to grow fond of and lose by making bad decisions and some of the most beautiful art I've seen in videogames.

...Only problem would be, the price is hefty. The three games are more like three parts of a 30-hour bigger whole, so you absolutely want to play them all together in a row - but since they were released throughout the years, the pricing does not reflect this. A sale is very needed here. But then, the winter Steam sale begins in what, three days?

6 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I've had my eyes on Metroid for a while and of course I plan on playing Xenoblade after the Fire Emblem marathon.

I can only hope you have better luck with Metroid than I did. And do let me know what you think of Xenoblade. I'd find your opinion there to be pretty interesting.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Ouch, yeah not fun.

Every time I've seen a child with autism who doesn't know what they have, it kills me. Parents, keeping them in the dark is beyond counterproductive. Autism isn't going to prevent a child from realizing something's up. You have to help them understand, not keep them in the dark, because eventually they're just going to believe the bullies.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I'm just now noticing that PoR is dead last in your ranking.

Yes, because I've been so subtle about my disdain for this videogame.

8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It's so funny to me that I went from your second to least favorite game to your least favorite game.

Ah yeah, been a real ball lately, Quetzal Emblem.

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Just realised Penny Pokemon could be Alear Fire Emblem's kid.

For whatever that's worth.

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Flag Tale journal

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Every time I've seen a child with autism who doesn't know what they have, it kills me. Parents, keeping them in the dark is beyond counterproductive. Autism isn't going to prevent a child from realizing something's up. You have to help them understand, not keep them in the dark, because eventually they're just going to believe the bullies.

It's fun not knowing for sure /s

Course, some will still bully regardless, as I can attest a bit. But knowing what's up and having the right info will make it easier on them, no question.

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42 minutes ago, Sooks said:

2nd best is… uh…

Laura, on the strength of that one event.

42 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Also good news, there’s some band nerd NPCs in CS1 and 2, although I never really talked to them.


42 minutes ago, Sooks said:

3 and 4 have a school rock club, basically.

Better than nothing, I suppose!

43 minutes ago, Sooks said:

He’s not misunderstood, he’s just boring.

Truly the best boy.

44 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I thought you weren’t the biggest fan of this—

Well, my biggest things about it that have been holding it back for me are:

  1. The gameplay as a whole
  2. The plot
  3. Me(?)

For the first one, I've held for a while that while XB2 is a really, really good experience, it's not the best as a game. There's a lot of little things that I don't like about it, from the field skills sometimes being painfully difficult to unlock, to some areas being really hard to traverse, the tutorials not explaining much, not voiding out when you fall into the clouds, etc.  The biggest thing for me is the waypoints, compass, and map. The areas are generally quite vertical, with many things to explore at all levels, with this going doubly so in cities. The compass only really shows where your target is on the map in terms of location, not height, so it can be dreadfully difficult to find random NPCs, let alone navigate to them. The maps aren't much help either. It's not Bubsy 3D or anything like that, though.

Secondly, though I'm not done yet and apparently I'm just about to get to the good part, I'm not really impressed by either the characters or plot so far. It's not terrible or anything, but at present, I wouldn't recommend it too heavily in that regard.

Thirdly, I think I just don't quite get the combat. I ended up basically doing the same thing in every battle because from what I can tell, it doesn't really matter... Though that can't be true, because I died all the time. I don't know if this is the game's fault or mine, though.

I recommend Xenoblade primarily on the basis of the environmental design, setting, exploration*, music, and creativity. To me, those are its greatest strengths so far, and I think that it merits its following on those factors alone. The world alone is so cool that experiencing it, even if it's accompanied by a meh plot and some things that grind my gears, is something I'd fairly easily recommend.

Ok but seriously Yakuza 0 is a good physical game on PS4

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

Wait, who's second? It's not Olivier, is it?


Laura, on the strength of that one event.


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So, they're doing this for a few days I guess.

Deck builder with turn based strategy actually kinds interested me looking at Floppy Knights, that Roman Sands game fucking lost me at the claimed blend of genres (Adventure Gacha Horror Simulation Puzzle VN Apocalypse...... Yeah), Pupperazi is what it says on the tin I guess and Mortal Shell is some indie souls-like getting a Switch port.

Floppy Knights is the most interesting item from this imo.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I will say I don't like OG Plasma's designs. I mean, I like them a little more today but I wasn't a huge fan.

Anything clears Team Galactic's toilet bowls however.

OG theme still superior tho

2 hours ago, Benice said:

Us artists are always misunderstood...

Zyxdjc8p o

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

But then… Laura… Laura……

Me atm

Csyqzhyv o

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