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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Hectorcopter said:

What’s it about?

A boy, Wylfred, swears vengeance upon a goddess after his father's death, and is eventually granted the means to exact his revenge by the goddess of norse hell, Hel. The plume left behind on his father's corpse by the valkyrie is cursed with the power to grant the immesurable power required to vanquish the goddess. However, it will require sacrifices.

These sacrifices, you get to make yourself! The gameplay's a strategy RPG, with a surprisingly dynamic and active combat system where you press buttons to have characters attack, allowing you to perform combos to obtain more hits, unleash powerful super attacks and gain more experience. Positioning and timing are key here. It makes for a simple to pick up, but surprisingly deep system.

The main mechanic involves the titular plume. In each battle, you are given the option to use the plume on a single ally. When you do, they become impossibly powerful... but they perish at the end of the battle. Of course, the more you use the plume, the darker the ending you obtain. Not to mention, most characters come in pairs. A dad and daughter, two siblings, two best friends, husband and wife... all designed to make you feel extra bad when the game forces one to watch the other die.

Using the plume isn't merely a conscious choice of which ending the player wants to see. The game's difficulty is pretty high. Some even call it unfair, though I personally disagree for the most part. Even if it was unfair, though, it would be by design, as the difficulty organically encourages use of the titular plume. As well, there's a mechanic called "sin" where you get sin points by hurting enemies past 0 HP. There's a sin quota in each battle. Exceed it, and you will be rewarded. Fail to meet it, and powerful enemies spawn in the next encounter, which also works to push you to utilize the plume. It's all designed to naturally encourage usage of the plume, and gradually becoming less dependent on it as you do more runs.

There's three main endings, plus a special game over ending. There's also two variances of chapter 2 and three separate routes that begin in chapter 3. Luckily, the game is pretty short. One run will take you 10-12 hours. The game doesn't overstay its welcome, which really encourages seeing everything through - and I honestly believe the best way to experience the game is to do all of them, one after another.

All of this, accompanied by a delightfully dark story with a beautiful shakespearean prose that holds no punches, and a rich cast of characters to make you feel bad when you murderize them.

Lastly, graphically it's pretty (though part of it might be emulator upscaling, to be honest) and it also has a banger soundtrack. You might recognize it if you're into FE romhacks at all.


I think that about covers it all. @Interdimensional Observer was who sold me on this game initially, and now it's become one of the best games I've played this year.

Just now, Armagon said:

"Lumera: hey Alear did you know if you use this crystal you can rewind time"

Already: "oh cool, thanks mom"

And they never brought it up again.

100% going to be this. Maybe they'll come up with some contrived excuse as to why it's not used in the plot, to avoid the Three Houses pitfall. But honestly, Echoes didn't even bother with that and nobody ever complained about it, so...

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

100% going to be this. Maybe they'll come up with some contrived excuse as to why it's not used in the plot, to avoid the Three Houses pitfall. But honestly, Echoes didn't even bother with that and nobody ever complained about it, so...

There are signs pointing to it being dependent on difficulty as opposed to something you upgrade so there might not even be a cutscene this time. Just a tutorial pop-up.

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25 minutes ago, Hectorcopter said:

What’s that? … Again.

SRW? A SRPG series like FE, except instead of being Medieval Fantasy, it's Mecha Sci-Fi. One of the main appeals is that they use licensed series from anime, manga, the works.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I just witnessed him dressing up as Freddy Mercury and going around the place singing I Want To Break Free.

If Engage wasn't coming out next month I think I could die content right now.

Yeah, we didn't see anyone do that.

He was really done with the place huh?

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1 hour ago, Hectorcopter said:

I’m going to the dentist now… At least I’ve got my Ike plushie to keep me company…

I hope the dentist goes well!

30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A boy, Wylfred, swears vengeance upon a goddess after his father's death, and is eventually granted the means to exact his revenge by the goddess of norse hell, Hel. The plume left behind on his father's corpse by the valkyrie is cursed with the power to grant the immesurable power required to vanquish the goddess. However, it will require sacrifices.

These sacrifices, you get to make yourself! The gameplay's a strategy RPG, with a surprisingly dynamic and active combat system where you press buttons to have characters attack, allowing you to perform combos to obtain more hits, unleash powerful super attacks and gain more experience. Positioning and timing are key here. It makes for a simple to pick up, but surprisingly deep system.

The main mechanic involves the titular plume. In each battle, you are given the option to use the plume on a single ally. When you do, they become impossibly powerful... but they perish at the end of the battle. Of course, the more you use the plume, the darker the ending you obtain. Not to mention, most characters come in pairs. A dad and daughter, two siblings, two best friends, husband and wife... all designed to make you feel extra bad when the game forces one to watch the other die.

Using the plume isn't merely a conscious choice of which ending the player wants to see. The game's difficulty is pretty high. Some even call it unfair, though I personally disagree for the most part. Even if it was unfair, though, it would be by design, as the difficulty organically encourages use of the titular plume. As well, there's a mechanic called "sin" where you get sin points by hurting enemies past 0 HP. There's a sin quota in each battle. Exceed it, and you will be rewarded. Fail to meet it, and powerful enemies spawn in the next encounter, which also works to push you to utilize the plume. It's all designed to naturally encourage usage of the plume, and gradually becoming less dependent on it as you do more runs.

There's three main endings, plus a special game over ending. There's also two variances of chapter 2 and three separate routes that begin in chapter 3. Luckily, the game is pretty short. One run will take you 10-12 hours. The game doesn't overstay its welcome, which really encourages seeing everything through - and I honestly believe the best way to experience the game is to do all of them, one after another.

All of this, accompanied by a delightfully dark story with a beautiful shakespearean prose that holds no punches, and a rich cast of characters to make you feel bad when you murderize them.

Lastly, graphically it's pretty (though part of it might be emulator upscaling, to be honest) and it also has a banger soundtrack. You might recognize it if you're into FE romhacks at all.

Goddammit, why do Ruben recommendations that are to someone other than me always have to be so enticing?

Ever consider a career in marketing?

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All of this, accompanied by a delightfully dark story with a beautiful shakespearean prose that holds no punches, and a rich cast of characters to make you feel bad when you murderize them.


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49 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Surprisingly, you’re correct. It’s actually my gums that need cleaning because they have a lot of ‘deposits’.

Anyways, I’m going to look more into that Valkyrie Profile game eventually and see if it’s something that I find interesting or not.

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ɬush kʰul-ilíi

Happy Winter solstice, folks.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

PoR does indeed have an ending.

It does?

I thought it was just gonna go on forever until you went insane.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Hate to rain on the parade but you'll probably be doing this a lot for Super Metroid. And Prime 1 and maybe to a lesser extent, Prime 2.

My hot take that Super Metroid is the weakest 2D Metroid is specifically because the game doesn't tell you shit. And then i feel Prime 1 is the worst game in the series (it's not Other M, shocking, i know) because it has the Super Metroid problem while also being slow as shit (and it even misleads you one time).

The other Metroid games though, you should be fine.

I actually do remember doing it a lot for Super Metroid which is partly why I ended up dropping it.



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2 hours ago, Hectorcopter said:

So much text and yet I understand almost nothing of what you just said. And I don’t like playing difficult games because I get stuck!

Oh, well... Too bad, then.

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Goddammit, why do Ruben recommendations that are to someone other than me always have to be so enticing?

Hah! Well, not quite the result I had expected, but you know what? I'll take it. Play Covenant of the Plume Sooks.

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Ever consider a career in marketing?

Not quite, but maybe I'll have to haha.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I wonder how the French feel about Alear.

1 hour ago, Hectorcopter said:

Anyways, I’m going to look more into that Valkyrie Profile game eventually and see if it’s something that I find interesting or not.

Sure, no better way than to see for oneself.

36 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It does?

I thought it was just gonna go on forever until you went insane.

If it did, it'd be even lower in the list. Having an end saves it from such a fate.

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36 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I thought it was just gonna go on forever until you went insane.

An apt description of Chapter 26 (Clash!) enemy phases, I have to say.

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I love Byleth's face in the thumbnail.

He looks like my teachers when they see I'm in their class.


'Morning! It's a real cold one out here; we don't usually get to -25 for another couple months!

Edited by Benice
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Though really, I've finished Chapter/Map/Scenario 21 in SRW T as of my last update. In FE I'd be at or starting the lategame... here, even discounting the DLC and Special/Paralogue maps... I'm not even halfway through the game yet, hahaha.

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Oh...oh man. I need to go fo find these four.

This is a banger.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

thought it was just gonna go on forever until you went insane.

Tellius games are the longest. Radiant Dawn is like 10 chapters longer than PoR.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

actually do remember doing it a lot for Super Metroid which is partly why I ended up dropping it.

Super Metroid gets praised a lot and I think it's partially deserved at least but the whole fact that it does not tell you anything knocks it down for me. 

There's a difference between letting the player figure it out and "where the fuck do I go now?"

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