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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Family made another adjustment to plans and so have arrived.

Last minute cleaning aside, I have once again been assumed as "the minder" when the rest head off.

Wouldn't be so peeved if it hadn't been assumed from the moment plans had changed.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Puss in Boots 2

Wait, there's a sequel?

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

(thank you Spider-Verse for letting 3D animation studios move past "Disney").

1. There was good shit outside disney pre-SpiderVerse

2. 6 months away, that sucks.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Today I met someone I went to school with. Hadn't seen him in some 10 years. It was difficult associating the hyperactive troublemaker I knew with this calm, collected young barber. Made me realize how much we've grown. It's an odd feeling.

Well, least he's got something settles.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On top of that, this morning I felt heat while scratching the top of my head. I decided to snap a pic and scout the territory. As it turns out, there's a crater the size of Caineghis's muscles on my beautiful mane of hair. A handful of months ago it was some thin strips. Couple years back there was nothing. In conclusion: I have two or three years before I am as bald as my father.

Combined it would be enough to make me undergo the fabled experience known only as "feel old", but... Frankly, I'm too happy right now for that. Looking back, strictly on a personal level, this has been the best year of my life. Never has everything gone so well, never have I been this positively content with life. If realizing I'm going bald at the ripe age of 23 is the worst thing that's going to happen to me before we enter 2023, I'm going to call it a massive win.

I'd be panicking if I was in your shoes.

As is, I'm at the "Is it coming?" phase, because it looks like it might be starting. At the moment I'm not certain and if I'm lucky I'll take after my mam's dad and just keep it through sheer luck of the draw. Odds are no but I'm doing better than my brother so far.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then again, who even is this movie aimed for? I thought the first one had long been forgotten by all. Aside from my coworker who claims to still love the first one and would only consider the mockery of a minority to be a positive in favor of the movie.

I don't know that he'd be a fan of the first one.

43 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I don't think I could recognize well even those I went to college with.

To wit, I still remember an encounter or two with people saying we were classmates in school and I'm like...

That's happened to me twice in the last month.

I couldn't really interrogate the first as I was rushing to make a train so I jsut waved them, but the other guy I had no excuse as I was chatting away and completely blanked on who. Course I think both were secondary school, so half a life away almost.

38 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Well while we're laughing at this movie, let me recommend an actually good movie about American Indians other than Smoke Signals. It's uh...um.

...Lilo and Stitch?

Certainly can't think of any better from Disney.

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, I remember that! I remember it was neat. There was a fat alien and a thin alien and a gremlin one number off the devil's number.

Yeah, it's good.

28 minutes ago, Armagon said:

DreamWorks popping off with this one.

Have not watched, but I can see the graphical upgrade the decade has given the fencing feline off the thumbnail.

11 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I mean I'd suggest The Emperor's New Grove or Brother Bear but I'm not too keen on recommending a movie where the main guy is an animal for the majority of their screen time and using that as an excuse to not explore the culture the movie is representing.

No idea on Brother Bear, never seen it.

Emperor's New Groove is probably to some degree messy in it's representation but it's absurdist enough about it's own existence that I can confirm I squinted past what little I'd have known. Don't know if you'll find it as funny as I did.

Now Road to El Dorado, that one is certainly something. Can that be considered acceptable in a sense of how it doesn't reflect anything real, or is it's intent of going for a place made into a myth by aurum-addled raiders and the pieces it does take from reality that much of a problem?

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

Yes but from a legal point of view they are American Indians who are affected by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which isn't a lot but it's the best I could come up with.

Isn't it great when your state goes naming you poorly?

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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

A lot of Native Americans are calling for boycotts of James Cameron's Avatar sequel because from what I hear the film is the epitome of the Noble Savage trope. Now I've never watched either films and likely never will because of these poor interpretations of Indigenous people (I mean seriously, using aliens as an allegory for Natives and regular humans as white colonialists is a big fucking yikes from me) but because I think it would be really funny if this sequel flopped, I second the boycott. In the name of Indigenous peoples rights and funny memes I ask you to boycott or just not watch this film.

Given that the last one was space Pocahontas, that doesn't surprise me at all.


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20 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The film takes place in Hawaii so they're American Indians not Native Americans but it was all I could think of. It is severe the lack of good Indigenous media there are that exists.


20 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I mean I'd suggest The Emperor's New Grove or Brother Bear but I'm not too keen on recommending a movie where the main guy is an animal for the majority of their screen time and using that as an excuse to not explore the culture the movie is representing.

Oh yeah, that one... Didn't New Groove have a sequel show where Kuzco went to school? As I recall he spent most of that one in human form... Though I cannot really speak for how it represents the culture.

16 minutes ago, Benice said:

We have found the man who puts the Baka in Bakalau.

...wait, it's spelt with a 'c', the joke doesn't work...

It's also bacalao in Spanish, but that's okay, I like the dig nonetheless.

2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I'd be panicking if I was in your shoes.

Eh. When it gets dire I'll give it the Wrys treatment, shed the beard as well and grow a Tauroneo stache.

...I wish I had the cojones to actually do that. But honestly, I don't want to let it get to me. Ultimately, it's just aesthetics.

3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I don't know that he'd be a fan of the first one.

So he says.

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39 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

No idea on Brother Bear, never seen it.

I'd say it's Disney's best attempt at a Native American film but that isn't saying much with how low the bar is. They get the names and language right and the characters are fun and act like human beings but otherwise I wouldn't say it's really about Yup'ik culture since as I said, the main character is a bear for most of the film and the film is mostly about that than about the Yup'ik.

39 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Emperor's New Groove is probably to some degree messy in it's representation but it's absurdist enough about it's own existence that I can confirm I squinted past what little I'd have known. Don't know if you'll find it as funny as I did.

Oh no I love the film in an entertainment sense, it's funny and I had a blast watching it, but as a piece of Quechua culture? Pffft!

It's both funny and sad because I learned recently that the film was going to be more of the latter. A film that was going to celebrate Incan history and the Quechua people with beautifully crafted scenes and visuals. The original plot was similar to what we got but was of course going to take itself more seriously.

What we got was funny and entertaining but I am jealous of the timeline that got the original vision.

39 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Now Road to El Dorado, that one is certainly something. Can that be considered acceptable in a sense of how it doesn't reflect anything real, or is it's intent of going for a place made into a myth by aurum-addled raiders and the pieces it does take from reality that much of a problem?

Oh yeah I forgot that movie existed.

I mean maybe? There is something to be said about the film taking place in a myth created by European explorers about an Indigenous land but also just a piece of Maya culture, the culture that I come from, it's not that bad outside of some visual inaccuracies.

Honestly when it comes to Native representation the golden standard for me is "Do they portray this person as a human being or not?" and El Dorado does that pretty well, even if the main characters are Spanish. The bad guys are the colonizers and the community gets to live in peace at the end of the film, so it gets a thumbs up from me.

39 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Isn't it great when your state goes naming you poorly?

I mean I've said this before but while in a perfect world each tribal person would be known and referred to as their tribe, the world we live in requires the collective term that we use so often, even if it isn't totally accurate.

The only way to help heal this is by educating people on the different peoples of the Americas. Starting we me how about? Think of me as an American citizen last, a Native American third, a lenca Mayan second, and a human first, sound?


This is just North America but it's good starting point.

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh yeah, that one... Didn't New Groove have a sequel show where Kuzco went to school? As I recall he spent most of that one in human form... Though I cannot really speak for how it represents the culture.

I think that was a show.

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… I did not come in here to see triggering politically incorrect/racist content.

21 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Kind of a random share, but it is a surprisingly fun little run by the end, and seeing Kakuna harden the champion's last Pokemon to death in the end had me cheering the little guy.


Oh cool, another person that watches Jrose.

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7 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Kind of a random share, but it is a surprisingly fun little run by the end, and seeing Kakuna harden the champion's last Pokemon to death in the end had me cheering the little guy.


Kukuna Rattata.

That also reminds me, literally a year before Pocahontas, Disney made Lion King which was both a really good movie and a not bad celebration of African Bantu culture.

So I guess Disney just has a bias against Native Americans, African Americans, and Greeks.

Everything you need to know about the "Pocahontas" live-action Disney  adaptation | Vogue FranceThe Princess and the Frog Costumes, Toys & More | shopDisneyDisney: Guy Ritchie Directing 'Hercules' Live-Action Remake — Report |  IndieWire

...But fuckin' loves Polynesians, Chinese, and Colombians.

Moana | Disney MoviesHidden Secrets in Disney's Original 1998 Mulan | Den of GeekDisney's Encanto (@EncantoMovie) / Twitter

*Cough* I actually liked Princess and The Frog as well as Hercules but had to throw them under the bus for this joke

4 minutes ago, Hectorcopter said:

… I did not come in here to see triggering politically incorrect/racist content.

Hey, seeing the community criticize that kind of stuff is better then seeing the community support it, no?


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9 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Hey, seeing the community criticize that kind of stuff is better than seeing the community support it, no?


Not really. For whatever reason, whenever I see racist stuff, it gets stuck in my head and I need a LOT of effort to push it out.

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12 minutes ago, Hectorcopter said:

Not really. For whatever reason, whenever I see racist stuff, it gets stuck in my head and I need a LOT of effort to push it out.

We live in a bigoted world lead by bigoted people, and I'd sooner embrace that fact and try to change it than pretend it doesn't exist.

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9 minutes ago, Hectorcopter said:

Okay, but like… Why can’t we talk about something funny instead? Why racist bullshit?

I like to combine the two, talk about injustices through sarcastic and snarky means, laughing at the lies that keep us down instead of fearing them.

But if you really dislike it that much you can check out for now and come back when the discussion has passed and we're just talking about video games as we always do. Or you know, start a new conversation, the beauty of forums is that you can have multiple convos going at the same time. But know that discussions about politics and racism are inevitable here, as many of us are politicized by the governments we live under just for existing, and we choose to inform others about that in hopes to end the cycle of oppression.

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19 minutes ago, Hectorcopter said:

Okay, but like… Why can’t we talk about something funny instead? Why racist bullshit?

You have a point, no need to be so down all the time. We should try to put more effort towards speaking about positive topics.

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4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Here's a discussion point: We need more peeps in the multicolor hair gang.

I mean if somebody wanted to do an Edelgard edit for me I'd be down to changing mine to that.

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39 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Here's a discussion point: We need more peeps in the multicolor hair gang.

*Tries thinking of one I might use*

...There is one actually I've been wanting to use for a while, albeit a tad bland in the multicolor hair aspect, though the primary issue is a lack of a good image of them with the game's title on it. I could crop it down and see how it'd work. I'll swap over once this year is over, I like changing it up every three months or so.

42 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



*Sees the name "Lefina". Heaven-Sailing Dragon starts playing.*

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Tries thinking of one I might use*

...There is one actually I've been wanting to use for a while, albeit a tad bland in the multicolor hair aspect, though the primary issue is a lack of a good image of them with the game's title on it. I could crop it down and see how it'd work. I'll swap over once this year is over, I like changing it up every three months or so.

Is it a certain black and red haired dairy princess?

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