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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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I'll start this either tomorrow, or if not, definitely on Tuesday.😄

I'm more excited for Rune Factory 5 than I probably should be, since I know how it reviewed.🙄 Yet having not played Rune Factory 4, and having long established as my own opinion that RF was always kinda budget (not to say bad, just limited in developmental resources), maybe I'll be more positive in my assessment of the game than other reviewers. As for "Why not buy RF4 instead?", well, RF5 has one important thing for me that RF4 does not.😘 If I can't have a BF IRL right now, I'll escape into pretty pixel studs!

I didn't spend the extra $6 for the "special" edition, RF4 costumes are nothing for me since I skipped it. I will say though the Micah costume I won't buy looks better on the new guy than Micah himself, although I can't say the same of Kyle's attire, which I still nonetheless like b/c slight midriff. Although reading the little line that says only the male protagonist can wear the prior hero costumes and the female the prior lead heroine costumes makes me think the next little progressive step for RF would be crossdressing. And somehow, thinking this triggered a Xenoblade thought of Rex and Pyra in a clothing swap -whyyyyyyy?😝 

I felt guilty asking for RF5 as a late Xmas gift though. I already got three-four games for the holidays and going beyond that feels greedy. Whilst take I nonetheless do, I really don't like asking for stuff and try to keep my asks limited in scope. They were left wondering why I wasn't asking for more games, they wouldn't mind if it's part of a big sale. Steam sales are periodic enough that I can always wait for another.

I ultimately chose not to pick up Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia as part of the sale, I'm just too wary of whether or not it'd gel with me. I did check and see that the improved Grand Edition of the PS1 original The Legend of Forsena is fan-translated, I could try that as a "prolonged demo" then buy the modern sequel later if I like it enough. And as for Maglam Lord... why won't this piece of thorough mediocrity leave my skull?😑 -Because its artwork is quality anime-styled that appeals to me, and it lets the silent MC be bisexual. But because it's definitely average and no better (charming lighthearted writing sunk by pretty bad gameplay), and the price is still a pinch too high, I keep refusing to just buy it. It's pathetic. I'm picky, yet obsessive.

Feel free to ignore all the stuff in the tiny font. I wrote it out, but felt like it interrupted the flow and or undermined the general feeling of excitement and glee I wanted to foremost portray.😆

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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If i Gunvolt, which one and why? Still didn't decide on what to pick on sale yet and a small action game might be not bad.

I remember you saying some not so kind words towards 1 for some reason or the other, hence the question.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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It has been brought to my attention that it is now a new year.

Unfortunately, I am only concerned with the turning clocks of the world in which her beloved majesty Edelgard lives, so I have nothing to say.


What's that line at the bottom mean?


Who the hell goes on a date with full armor on.


Edelgard, how do you know how blood smells like?


Lonato: "Genuine and heartbreaking grievance with the church"

Catherine: Teehee, cartoon action hero one-liner.

You're telling me I'm supposed to root for these idiots and the only route where I'm against them is one where I have to side with a tankie?!


Yes how dare the commoners choose for themselves in wha-


Oh, you...made the point I was gonna make...huh.


“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

That's a fucking bible quote by the way, and I think me quoting the bible is a sign of how insane this adventure has driven me.

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



I'll start this either tomorrow, or if not, definitely on Tuesday.😄

Enjoy! I myself will probably join you in playing the Steam version haha.

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

If i Gunvolt, which one and why?

Well the best one to start with is Azure Striker Gunvolt 1. If this is on Steam, you can get it individually. If it's on Switch, it's only through the Striker Pack which contains both it+Azure Striker Gunvolt 2.

6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I remember you saying some not so kind words towards 1 for some reason or the other, hence the question.

The only negative thing i really have against the first game is the bad original localization done by 8-4 somehow. One that makes shit up and removes mid-stage dialogue. It was so bad Inti had to release their own localization so be sure to play that version if you get the game (it's in the settings when you boot up a save).

The actual worst Gunvolt game is Luminous Avenger iX 2 but even that one isn't any worse than a 7/10.

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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:




1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

 And somehow, thinking this triggered a Xenoblade thought of Rex and Pyra in a clothing swap -whyyyyyyy?😝 

What are the chances that art exists?

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I felt guilty asking for RF5 as a late Xmas gift though. I already got three-four games for the holidays and going beyond that feels greedy. Whilst take I nonetheless do, I really don't like asking for stuff and try to keep my asks limited in scope. They were left wondering why I wasn't asking for more games, they wouldn't mind if it's part of a big sale. Steam sales are periodic enough that I can always wait for another.

Got no video games this year. A board game and D&D books this time, the latter (Along with mimic plush) as a prod to do some DM'ing, which I am completely inexperienced on but know it'll take some time investment to deliver on for the table, so that's exactly what I need /s

Not that I have no interest mind, just I realise that issue.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:


What's that line at the bottom mean?

Stat total increase versus your base class and current stats.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Who the hell goes on a date with full armor on.

A very self-conscious knight apparently.

2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Edelgard, how do you know how blood smells like?

She's one of the characters that makes sense for to be honest, even if you ignore the fact she'd probably smelt it in recent months.

3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Lonato: "Genuine and heartbreaking grievance with the church"

Catherine: Teehee, cartoon action hero one-liner.

You're telling me I'm supposed to root for these idiots and the only route where I'm against them is one where I have to side with a tankie?!

Catherine does give some more context, but it's primarily in her support with Ashe.


I'm not saying Catherine isn't in the wrong, she justifies it in a way that's pretty insufficient in a more general sense and the end is a bit euheuheuh, the issue for Lonato is legit as Christophe was tied to a crime he didn't commit.

Christophe was part of a different plot though, I think we both understandably wouldn't be calling for his head considering it wasn't acted on and it seems like he wasn't a major figure in it but bringing it to trial would have been a minimum. Then again, I feel like judicial systems aren't exactly up to snuff in Fodlan, never mind the series as a whole. And maybe there could be a piece for that being given a highlight in the series, it's not like judicial systems didn't exist, in or outside the Catholic church in the medieval period, if we're going to fuss about the series's western medieval trappings.

Rhea herself being as authoritarian as she is unsurprising #TryRhea.

Seeing as you can't recruit her the way you're going about things, I feel like it's fine to put a summary above.

13 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

That's a fucking bible quote by the way, and I think me quoting the bible is a sign of how insane this adventure has driven me.

I mean, execution going beyond leadership is a recipe for crisis, not hard to see where events lead from here.

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32 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Edelgard, how do you know how blood smells like?

Periods are not the loveliest things...

Edited by Benice
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44 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Who the hell goes on a date with full armor on.

A battle date?

44 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

You're telling me I'm supposed to root for these idiots and the only route where I'm against them is one where I have to side with a tankie?!

Is Edelgard the tankie here?

49 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



I'll start this either tomorrow, or if not, definitely on Tuesday.😄


Ah, gonna be quite a while for me to get it, heh. Enjoy!

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Is Edelgard the tankie here?

*Thomas the Tank Engine theme plays as she spams Raging Storm

I am assuming so here.

17 minutes ago, Benice said:

Periods are not the loveliest things...

I didn't even suggest that, but it's obvious. Good job.

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Well, got distracted by a Monopoly match (that I won, yay), but back on schedule...

Got her! TacP Bonus and Enemy Point is mine! Rudi withdraws, as usual. Saizo once again says how everyone's contribution led to the victory today, and the creation of the Tyranado Rex. Rami also decides to come clean about herself to T3... adding because she's a member too. Cementing that she's staying after all!

Scene change to a UND Ship. Rudi is being reprimanded by Administrative Director Wassilmon, who comments that, having even deployed the A-Pys, she might be a little obsessed with Rami. For now, Wassilmon won't put it on record... but expects her to not make the same mistake again. Put on the spot, Rudi privately expresses jealousy of Rami for having Saizo as a superior, heh.

Back on Earth, Rami has finished her story. The group is, of course, accepting of it. Saizo comments he already had figured something was up, calling back to that little scene at the beginning of the game where he saw her with her real hair color... and also that he knew Chief Amasaki had no children. And... oh lol, he also adds he wasn't too worried since it only mattered whether she did her job, to which Rami asks him if he only sees her as a subordinate... and he's like "Well, what else?" XD And indeed, the group is left speechless. Ah, typical clueless shounen protagonist, pft. Although Sagiri kinda comes to his defense sayong that's what makes him who he is. Also adding if she was in Rami's shoes she'd have done the same. Incoming triangle? Shortly after VTX employees come in, thanking Saizo for various things. This makes Rami finally realize what he had been getting at earlier. About helping others achieve their dreams and make one big one combined out of all of them... wait, isn't this a little like what the Claw was saying? At least the part of everyone sharing their dreams to a big whole. Well, the intent is what matters I'd assume to make the two situations different. In any case, Saizo adds how they're not just cogs in a machine, and upon understanding the difference between right and wrong, one can choose their own path.

As everyone leaves, the Secretary approaches Amasaki and they talk about Saizo. With Amasaki commenting that the true meaning of being a salaryman is everyone combining their hopes and strength to work on a unified purpose. It's what Saizo drives at and represents. Interestingly, the Secretary brings up she has been a fan of Saizo since his air-racing days... yes, this is gonna enter harem shenanigans, just you wait. Anyway, she also has a message from the president to deliver. Project TND will continue, with the Gespenst assigned to work with T3. The Tyranado Rex will continue to be the VTX's flagship model, so development will continue. And now... a celebration for the Tyranado Rex and the survival of SS3! Thus the stage end...

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I thought I was kidding... but nope. In the TacP Bonus scene Meryl and Amies just outright tell Rami they're rivals now, pft. That's... what, 3-5 women interested in him now? Make that six, because I'm sure they're setting up Rudi on that direction too.

I suppose it goes without saying all this goes kinda different if Sagiri was the protagonist. A little, perhaps.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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26 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I didn't even suggest that, but it's obvious. Good job.

Well, it can be easy to forget for those of us who don't have 'em!


Just finished Heart of Darkness today.

My brain is too smooth for this...

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Secret Scenario: Private Mission

This scenario is unlocked via a few conditions. First, this is where Akito and Ruri having a combined kill count of 80 was for. But in addition, we must have at least two characters who have reached Ace status (60 kills, or just 50 with Proud Ace skill), and TacP Customization Rank of 3. Despite my concerns when starting the game, I long fulfilled these conditions before reaching this point. So, let's dive in...

The Nadesico crew are currently overhauling the ship. They comment that to get more power-ups, they'd need money. They wonder if they should ask Councilman Presbund for help, but the rest of the council aren't exactly happy he's supporting T3. Specially on the fact Presbund wanting to enact reforms means they'd lose privileges and power they currently hold. As they wonder what to do then, someone approaches. Prospector, the Nadesico's corporate handler. Basically, CEO Akatsuki has a job for them. Or perhaps more accurate, an informal request that does not need for T3 as a whole to get involved. The job being... wiping out a Martian Successor Stronghold...

Reaching the area, Prospector explains it's a testing site for the Crimson Group, one of the Martian Successors supporters... and corporate rivals of Nergal. So that's basically what Akatsuki wants, eliminate the competition. Which the group can't truly disagree with, since their support of the Martian Successors is only exacerbating the war. On cue, mechs deploy... but are instead running away. Prospector muses they must be carrying special parts, so if the group were to shoot them down... In any case, he's also gonna lend his support. Literally, becoming a Supporter. Let's begin!

Enemies are Shishikis, and they will indeed run towards the North edge of the map. I don't think you can lose if they escape, but just in case I won't let them. As always, being a non-standard scenario, there's no SR Point, and as a Secret Scenario, unlocking it is the TacP Bonus. Let's go!

Defeating a couple enemies, a Hokushin's Six shows up. Akito heads straight to confront him, and they exchange blows, with the Hokushin's Six mocking Akito that he doesn't have the strength to beat him. Domon decides to jump in too, one shotting him with a God... Burning Finger, and... I think this actually kills him. Considering they've been always retreating, this is quite the change. After an exchange of tactics, well, the stage continues...

Well, to my fortune, they don't all run away. They all carry skill and power parts, so gotta defeat them all. Okay, no, they all moved instead to my units. So why is that escape line there then!?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Well, I routed. How anticlimatic. Anyway, Prospector hopes this helped the group's money woes, though sadly it didn't do much in the end. The group ain't particularly in a good mood for having all this for so little gain... and on cue, Akatsuki and Erina shows up.

T3 at large get the chance to meet Nergal's CEO in person and... heh, he doesn't get exactly a positive reception, with the Aestevalis girls being quick to bring up he has quite the sleazy and philanderer reputation. In any case, Akatsuki congratulates the group... and he's quick to bring up the payment for this "terrorist extermination job" were whatever parts they scrounged up from the destroyed mechs, pft. For all the moral and upstanding CEOs T3 has among their ranks or are acquainted with... well, Akatsuki is anything but. He's not even moved much by all the moral lecturing. Still, Ruri brings up if Akatsuki is truly rich. To have money and not use it is the same as not having it. She wonders if it means he might actually not have funds at his disposal. The bait works, as Akatsuki is willing to display his monetary prowess, to which Ruri is quick to ask for T10K funds. Well, he's actually gonna give 200K! In the end, he asks for Prospector to join T3 and serve as liaison. He has also been keeping tabs on the Martian Successors, and knows they have a large operation in the planning, and one done without support of Neo Zeon. With a last request to look after Akito, he and Erina depart.

Elsewhere, Domon and Akito are sparring, as further practice to take down the Hokushin's Six. Akito vows he will surpass Hokushin... and so the stage ends.

So, like with the previous Secret Scenario, there's stuff we get earlier, and stuff exclusively gained from the scenario. Prospector is the former. He will join regardless, but not until later if the secret scenario was skipped. The exclusive for the secret scenario bonus is a stat boost for the Black Sarena, the Super Aestevalis, and the Aestevalis Custom.

So, that's it for me for today. Will continue tomorrow.

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When Juro and Iori got multiple paths and Megumi and Sekigahara didn’t, I figured the former two got special treatment because they’re the “main” characters. But then Natsuno waltzes up with four branches and now I don’t know what to think…

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I just stumbled into childhood memories in the weirdest manner possible.

I wasn’t expecting to see Weeping Angel Watson today, but here we are.

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29 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

When Juro and Iori got multiple paths and Megumi and Sekigahara didn’t, I figured the former two got special treatment because they’re the “main” characters. But then Natsuno waltzes up with four branches and now I don’t know what to think…

IMO they never really felt like the “main” characters. I mean I guess they get shown off first but as far as the story goes… eh.

The branches don’t really mean that much before of how they’re implemented, iirc every character’s story is around the same length.

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37 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

But then Natsuno waltzes up with four branches and now I don’t know what to think…

Wait until you see Miura.

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

IMO they never really felt like the “main” characters. I mean I guess they get shown off first but as far as the story goes… eh.

They're definitely the "main" characters but I can't say why here haha.

But truthfully, everyone is the main character.

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Just turned on XC3 for the first time in some time and... Holy... Is it lag like heck. 

My brother played through 2 with basically no issues at well but 3, what did they do toy the FPS? 

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12 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Lonato: "Genuine and heartbreaking grievance with the church"

Catherine: Teehee, cartoon action hero one-liner.

You're telling me I'm supposed to root for these idiots and the only route where I'm against them is one where I have to side with a tankie?!

Yeah, Three Houses's desperate attempt to both sides (or multi-side I guess) this whole conflict falls rather flat.


13 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

That's a fucking bible quote by the way, and I think me quoting the bible is a sign of how insane this adventure has driven me.

But that's the part of the bible with Christ in it, and he isn't conservative enough for all the weirdos who hide behind Christianity to be blatantly evil to other people.


2 hours ago, Benice said:

Periods are not the loveliest things...

Fun fact, Period blood has a very different smell, because more than blood is just being expelled. You can really smell the iron in fresh blood, whereas it isn't as overpowering in period blood...


2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Got no video games this year. A board game and D&D books this time, the latter (Along with mimic plush) as a prod to do some DM'ing, which I am completely inexperienced on but know it'll take some time investment to deliver on for the table, so that's exactly what I need /s

Not that I have no interest mind, just I realise that issue.

No videogames for me as well, just an overwhelming amount of books.

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