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13 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Trying to reach an egalitarian society in a democracy is tough on it's own, but now I want to do a playthrough where I play as an incredibly conservative monarchy and try to do much the same and see how hard that would be.

Perhaps Spain would be fun.

I mean, if it goes anything like in real life, you'll just get out of the monarchy only to fall into the longest-running fascist dictatorship of the XXth century. And then back to the monarchy. Not that the king does anything these days other than serve the function of an ambassador with a massive lifelong pay, a palace and immunity to the law, but I digress.

Still, it's not the best country, but we are okay. Could be a lot worse. So I guess it's possible-ish?

13 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

This woman has bewildered me.

She has certainly rocked your world. It won't be long now before you find yourself hating on Byleth for taking her attention away from you.

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3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



glenn packiam's blog: Highlights from Luther's 95 Theses

I find this amusing, as on New Years Eve I was playing the classic boardgame of Here I Stand...


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Does Byleth even have other portraits than her default?

I find that Fire Emblem 7 set a high standard on character portrait variety, that other Fire Emblem games fail to match.


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:





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4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Holy shit, it's like I don't even need to write a text wall about the Neo-Liberalism of Fire Emblem.

I feel like there's a whole lot of times that gets applied to.

That difference being, well, I think it's pretty apparent.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Who ever wrote this is very based.




4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Weapon historians are surprisingly chill people. Most war historians I meet are often well on the path of being full on nazi's but military historians just want to chill with their trebuchets.

Describing the assembly of assault rifles: Phew

Describing the assault of assembly lines: Nope

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I find that Fire Emblem 7 set a high standard on character portrait variety, that other Fire Emblem games fail to match.

Except that time Eliwood turns into a black silhouette in a dramatic scene. That's just unfortunate.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

She has certainly rocked your world. It won't be long now before you find yourself hating on Byleth for taking her attention away from you.

And not for being the sum of the problems of FE avatars?

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One of the side effects of Xenoblade 3 is that I'm now in a position where I try to spare as many Tirkin as possible. You know why if you've played Xenoblade 3.

Honestly the evolution of the Tirkin in the Xenoblade series is quite interesting and we could unironically get a Tirkin party member in the next game.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Holy shit, it's like I don't even need to write a text wall about the Neo-Liberalism of Fire Emblem.

I think Dorothea meant more on a personal level.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Well even before Civilization there have been forms of hierarchy in human society and frankly Edelgard, if you want to get rid of nobility you'd ought to look into that idea of social hierarchy and how it intertwines with human nature.

It's apes. Like on a fundamental level, many species of primates have a social hierarchy, both between themselves and others, it's just that humans dumped all their evolution points into intelligence.

It's funny because humans are simultaneously at the top and bottom of the primate social hierarchy.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

like Petra not speaking English very well

That's not a quirk, that's just a thing that happens. My parents immigrated to the US 28 years ago and they still don't speak English that well. And honestly only my mom has like improved on that, my dad sounds like he gave up on learning English a long time ago.

4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Hey, I'm just trying to destory the myth that being a peasant all happy cozy cottage core times. Sure it wasn't all misery but still it was (and is) very tough

Is it actually that much of a myth tho? As in do people really think being a peasant was happy happy fun times?

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Too bad gameplay wise, he is Jin but never will be as busted. Xd

There isn't really anyone that's "better" or "worse" in Torna tbh.

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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There isn't really anyone that's "better" or "worse" in Torna tbh.

Mythra/Minoth cannot hope to compare to Jin for a few reasons.

1: He has a frame speed modifier of x1.4 on all of his arts, meaning the anim is just that much faster across the board for better DPS.

2: The switching skill that raises Lora/Jin's Stats starts to get way outta hand when abused.

3: Snowblast abuse. Enough said. XD

4: The Mind's Eye skill is busted. 85% damage increase for each critical hit? Yeah that's insane.

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Oh and on higher modes Jin has actual Defence (Physical Defence is more reliable overall) so he can actually survive a hit or two.

And while on paper mythra's "oh free I frames!" seems good, the A.I don't always want to revive the player right away. XD

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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I wanted to do that

then they stole my food


Ilyana moment.

Also I know I said I'm sparing Tirkin but that doesn't apply if it's a UM. If I see a UM Tirkin, Chain Attack go brr.

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Mythra/Minoth cannot hope to compare to Jin for a few reasons.

1: He has a frame speed modifier of x1.4 on all of his arts, meaning the anim is just that much faster across the board for better DPS.

2: The switching skill that raises Lora/Jin's Stats starts to get way outta hand when abused.

3: Snowblast abuse. Enough said. XD

4: The Mind's Eye skill is busted. 85% damage increase for each critical hit? Yeah that's insane.

Yeah but like Torna is streamlined enough that it doesn't really matter. And that's only if you're controlling them anyways, if not, Lora AI immediately uses Talent Art just to fuck with you.

The only Xenoblade game with a strict hierarchy of who's better or worse in combat is Xenoblade 1.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Yeah but like Torna is streamlined enough that it doesn't really matter. And that's only if you're controlling them anyways, if not, Lora AI immediately uses Talent Art just to fuck with you.

The only Xenoblade game with a strict hierarchy of who's better or worse in combat is Xenoblade 1.

Any char seems bad if the A.I is controlling them, i was going off pure player capabilities overall. Saying "the A.I makes this look bad!" doesn't mean much.

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Any char seems bad if the A.I is controlling them, i was going off pure player capabilities overall. Saying "the A.I makes this look bad!" doesn't mean much.

Tbf you also brought up the AI

4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

And while on paper mythra's "oh free I frames!" seems good, the A.I don't always want to revive the player right away. XD


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Just now, Armagon said:

Tbf you also brought up the AI


Yeah cause that affects the player. I can't play the game if i'm not alive. XD it's kinda necessary to play the game unless your strat was to stay dead the entire game. XD

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That's one of the few exceptions where the player HAS to rely on a damn A.I. Which is why XC3 implemented char switches, cause they realised "oh shit, the A.I doesn't have a reliable streak so leave options to the player instead" 

was a good gameplay decision.

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6 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Yeah cause that affects the player. I can't play the game if i'm not alive. XD it's kinda necessary to play the game unless your strat was to stay dead the entire game. XD

In the first place, Glimpse the Future only activates once per death. So ideally, you don't want Mythra to die in the first place.

Suicide strats in the first place are kinda wack, it's why Noponic Champion in Xenoblade 3 is kinda a mid class. Or why the reason T-elos is so good in Xenoblade 2 isn't because of her comeback skill.

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6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That is a good point but it's a shame there are only one person of those races in the game, at least to my knowledge. Petra is the only Brigidian, and Dudue is the only Duscan so they can feel a bit token in their inclusion. especially since many of their character quirks are that they're a different race, like Petra not speaking English very well or Dudue being self-hating because he is Duscan.

Well, at least for Duscur it's more glimpsed at in Azure Moon, so once you get there you might get to see more. Not unlike how Almyra gets the most focus in Verdant Wind out of the four routes.

As for Briggid... well, I won't say more since you are with the Black Eagles right now.


Hey, I'm just trying to destory the myth that being a peasant all happy cozy cottage core times. Sure it wasn't all misery but still it was (and is) very tough.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Is it actually that much of a myth tho? As in do people really think being a peasant was happy happy fun times?

Honestly, I feel that if there's a "myth" nowadays, it's the idea that every single nobility/royal was an oppressive monster. Since yes, I also doubt people nowadays think everything was peachy. If anything it's the other way around, thinking instead things were even worse than they actually were.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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