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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Your hack blowing up i see 😄 

It kinda is. I'm rather surprised. With the amount of FE8 rebalances that pop up, I didn't expect this much attention at FEUniverse.

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, interesting.

Well, that's usually how it works. Even if it wasn't JPEG, you can do what with any save file of many games so long they have an actual file of their own and can be interacted with. So long it's in the appropriate location.

I'm just shocked they didn't just make  separate file for the save. Wouldn't it have been easier? I'm not expert but I know something of this and I really think it'd have been a lot simpler lol

8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Awakening finally playable?

That actually would be a pretty huge improvement.

...IF they balanced the values to match Fates's as well. Awakening stanced are way more powerful than Fates's, discounting the RNG. Remove the RNG, and if you do nothing else, it's just going to destroy any difficulty.

8 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I dunno, I found the blitz to be ott, just this silence after that reads like they sprinted a bit too hard there.

They sprinted in Japan. Don't forget, we are in the knew because we are dedicated fans that discovered the twis and went looking for translations. This marketing campaign cannot get the attention of anyone in the west who wasn't already interested, because other people wouldn't go digging for mythical infodumps. They'll just see the godawful DLC trailer, the shitty-ass JPEGs of the Emblems and lose interest.


What would you even count as good marketing? From a delivery perspective, I mean.

Deliver the Japan twits to the west. That's it, the marketing has been splendid in Japan. But only in Japan.


I'm curious then about the size of the file and then the resolution of the image, because if that's so I'm betting it plops the relevant data into the image file they then use as a thumbnail for the game.

I'll check out all of these things later.


Imagine if it could work off an edited image! What potential madness could be done with the game!

Oh God.


8 hours ago, ping said:

Dorcas and mutton.

I hate myself for referencing the meme and I hate you for forcing (forcing!) me to do it by providing the set-up.

It was all my plan from the start.

6 hours ago, Green06 said:

Tell me

No, I've said enough. Go play the hack and become upset.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well it's supposedly because of their marriage to the daughter of Ferdinand & Isabella that the Habsburgs became infamously inbred. Spain is where the -terrible for those afflicted by it- incest began.

The sinking of the Spanish Empire, from what I've read, seems to be a combination of:

  • Weak monarchs after Phillip II. Rotten overpowered nobles too.
  • Spain's various regions more or less had their own separate governments the king had to negotiate with. Castile was the only region he could thoroughly exploit, and that went into population decline as time progressed, partly because of overtaxing.
  • The later British Empire was famed for having colonies and being the industrial "Workshop of the World" at home that cranked out manufactured goods everyone wanted.- And which the colonies were forced to need and import only from Britain. Spain's domestic economy produced nothing of serious value that could be sold in its colonies. Spain's domestic economy, like its governing bodies, weren't even united, it was a bunch of separate regional economies.
  • The non-European colonies were vast, yet economically underdeveloped.
  • The European possession of Spain outside of Spain itself were actually pretty nice- but Spain spent decades losing the Netherlands among fighting other wars. And paying for war required lots of money. 
  • Silver imports (gold/silver standard backing all currency back then, remember) couldn't cover the ever-growing national debt. Eventually even paying off the annual interest wasn't guaranteed.
  • Some might also blame religious intolerance, not forcing the Jews and Muslims to: convert, die, or leave, might've provided some valuable economic actors. 

Yep. Really did do everything wrong, us.

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Why are we having FE wars about equality? We are SUPPOSED to be having Trails CS wars! And Xeno postings! And cute witches! Xd

They're not even being aggressive lol, they're just having a discussion.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Still not as funny as the UK Prime Minsters doing the resignation speedrun any %.

True lol, that was really funny. Hey, how about after the current guy we make Larry the Cat the prime minister?

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And how do you think those systems come to be, if not by the people? Terrible people create a terrible system, or corrupt a system enough to become terrible, and that can produce more terrible people in a vicious cycle. The corrupted systems don't sprout from the ether. And absolutely, they become complicit when they can fix it, but then don't do it.

So yes, it involves both, but it's not a Chicken or Egg situation. One did come first.

If I may butt in for a moment, I feel like throwing in my two cents. Please forgive me if I just retread previous points.

I see your point, and I agree that it's certainly true that there were some nice nobles. But I think you are misinterpreting where Quetzal's been getting at. The problem isn't that nobles were more or less nice, it's that it doesn't matter. The system had no measures in place to punish those who weren't nice. Nobility ran on the honor system, pretty much. If a noble chose to be good, that was rad, but if they didn't, there was nothing to be done but endure for 50+ years. The system gave these people massive power just for being born in the right womb and let them do whatever they pleased with it. Same goes for monarchies. Sure, a king may be good, but if they aren't, what can you do? Nothing. You endure and pray he falls down the stairs before you starve.

Our modern democracies may not be perfect, but at least you can vote against a bad president. You have a choice in the matter, even if it's still woefully limited and it's ultimately explotable as well. But with nobles and monarchs, the only ones who get a choice are themselves, and if their decision is to be evil, the people underneath eat shit and die, pardon the french.

That's the problem here. The fates of the majority of the population in these systems were left to the whims of a few folks sitting pretty on top. And just because a few of them chose to use their power with kindness doesn't change that they got WAY too much power with zero regulation. Ultimately, nothing encouraged them to be good rulers.

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7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

That's intentional?

Wow. Powerful alright.

I was right about her being a Majin after all, she has to be that fast to be able to reach an enemy, grab them and then bring them back to where she was /s

Clearly a bug. Doesn't happen if you perform the command grabs normally. You have to do these seemingly unrelated things to an enemy first.
It's a funny trick for sure, but not very practical.

7 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

How're the others then?

Well, I wouldn't say it's a game where the characters play too differently on a fundamental level. It comes down more to what kind of options you have for combos and follow-ups.

I do like Marian the most because besides fighting like a mix between Super Saiyan 3 Goku and Sonic the Hedgehog (Seriously, several of her moves have her turn into a spiky ball), her tools tend to be somewhat unsual. Like how two of her specials are Command grabs, I don't think any other characters even has any at all.
I find that back attacks in this game tend to be more of a gimmick then anything. But her's is instead a slide followed by a turnaround. Making it more reliable to get out of harm's way as well as being useful to reposition herself. And her up special has a follow-up input for a downwards attack. This followup can be canceled into at any time, so you can effectively skip that big initial attack if you want. And her aerial special is an ellbow drop that can hit downed enemies. The other characters I tried don't seem to have too many options to hit enemies on the ground.

My favorite thing about Misako is her neutral special, her Stone Hands. Three inputs for 3 punches, but until you perform the 3rd punch you can cancel the move into any strong attack or special that you want. Considering like other specials it can be performed after a strong attack, it's a great tool to just keep on attacking.
I also like her new aerial special. It sends her flying across the screen, making it a great movement tool in addition to dealing huge damage.

For now I'm just not really vibing with Provie. As far as I can see, her moves just don't seem to offer much beyond the bare minimum. I like that her up-special has so little knockback that she can perform her airial attack string immediately afterwards. But that's about all I can say so far.
I just don't know what to really do with her. I'm hoping that some tutorial videos for Provie will emerge soon.


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New Engage info just dropped!

  • Armors can't be broken. Finally a niche that might be useful?
  • Miccy is healer supreme
  • Light Magic reveals fog after attack (or atleast Shine does?)
4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Trails CS wars!

After 「閃の軌跡」


Someone went and made a CS eroge it seems lmao

4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Xeno postings!



XBC3 Spoilers!

4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

And cute witches!


4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

In engaging in the discourse we are bringing it back.

Oh discourse never ending

Oh discourse never beginning

Show us the truth and let the Engage train go!

Show us that Edelgard was hundred precent wrong!

4 hours ago, Benice said:

attempt to do a good job with Almyra

After 3 Copes i am sure they didn't even try that

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Remove the RNG, and if you do nothing else, it's just going to destroy any difficulty

Not like awakening had any to begin with

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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

New Engage info just dropped!

  • Armors can't be broken. Finally a niche that might be useful?
  • Miccy is healer supreme
  • Light Magic reveals fog after attack (or atleast Shine does?)

Pretty sure it's just Micaiah's shine, yeah.

I like the armor thing, though. Them chonky boys need an edge like that.

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Because the dead horse is never beaten enough.

We will beat it on the quark level?

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Armors can't be broken. Finally a niche that might be useful?

Armours can wall all types?

BRB, getting an armour to use daggers or magic

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Deliver the Japan twits to the west. That's it, the marketing has been splendid in Japan. But only in Japan.

NoA advertising employees: but effort

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Imo on Armor Knights... If one has to go WAY out of their way to make them usable, then the idea probably wasnt that great to begin with. 

And role-reversal does not fix anything either. Making something broken as easy, now making something fun AND balanced? Thats the difficult part.

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8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Think about it this way, if a person was being racist they probably could be propped up on a scale of how racist they were, but regardless of where they fit on a scale you'd still tell them to stop being racist! You're either a racist or you're not a racist, it doesn't matter how "nice" one might be

You know damn well that's not equivalent.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Tell that to the several million peasants who died building the Great Wall while the Emperor watched and directed.

Construction has always been dangerous, moreso back then when safety standards didn't exist. If the Emperor went himself to build alongside them, he probably would've died, then he gets replaced by a new one assuming a bloody succession war doesn't break out (war in Ancient China happened like every week tbf).

So the alternative was to just....not build the Great Wall i guess? But it was built as a defensive measure since China's north is honestly pretty vulnerable. So it was either built or it wasn't and while it sucked, a lot of that had to do because humans are once again F-tier garbage animals in everything outside the brain and we didn't know what safety was.

We cannot apply our modern standards to stuff that happened thousands of years ago.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Or better yet, tell that to the several billion lower class people who die everyday because they can't afford better standards of living.

This is an actual present day problem though yeah.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sure, a king may be good, but if they aren't, what can you do? Nothing.


There is usually a tipping point. It's true that the common people had to endure a bad king and for most of it, they just went "it is what it is". But if it keeps up enough then, well, history has shown what happens. Even if it's not always successful.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Our modern democracies may not be perfect, but at least you can vote against a bad president.

Assuming the president doesn't change the constitution to keep him in power.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Armors can't be broken. Finally a niche that might be useful?

Engage will be the first game Armors are good in.

52 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Imo on Armor Knights... If one has to go WAY out of their way to make them usable, then the idea probably wasnt that great to begin with. 

They're not going out of their way though, they are using a mechanic of the game to their advantage.

8 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Also something i found funny and relevant to the current conversation:






This is like the cheesiest string of dialogue lmao.


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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is like the cheesiest string of dialogue lmao.

FFT is well known for having a garbage english translation, so it's not too surprising. XD Most sentence structures just don't make sense at all.

They also have ALOT of Engrish ("Algus" is supposed to be "Argus", for example.)

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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:


There is usually a tipping point. It's true that the common people had to endure a bad king and for most of it, they just went "it is what it is". But if it keeps up enough then, well, history has shown what happens. Even if it's not always successful

I mean, yeah. At some point people will get tired of eating shit and dying. But that's no merit of the system. These systems have absolutely nothing in place to disencourage monarchs or nobles from abusing their position. What you say is to go against the system. Because it's just not reasonable to hand absolute, unopposed power to people whose singular reason for deserving it is that they are the children of parents.

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Assuming the president doesn't change the constitution to keep him in power.

That shouldn't be possible, as no president has absolute power and requires the agreement of more people to do stuff.

...in theory. Of course, sometimes reality differs. But at least they have to work around the system in some way for their corruption. If you ask me, that's a lot less horrendous than having the system itself going "okay you do whatever you want, ruin as many lives as you like, up to ya chief."

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Because it's just not reasonable to hand absolute, unopposed power to people whose singular reason for deserving it is that they are the children of parents.

You're absolutely right and thankfully humanity has mostly realized that. Barring the very few absolute monarchies remaining in the world, most nations have some form of democracy.

But back then people believed in the "divine right of kings" and all that. So while it sucked, again we can't like, apply our modern standards to that. The age of kings and emperors is mostly long gone at this point. Heck the only actual empire left in the world is Japan and the emperor is literally just a formality, the imperial family of Japan holds no real political power.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That shouldn't be possible, as no president has absolute power and requires the agreement of more people to do stuff.

...in theory. Of course, sometimes reality differs.




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31 minutes ago, Armagon said:

They're not going out of their way though, they are using a mechanic of the game to their advantage.

That's what they did with Horse riders in FE4 and you see how well recieved that was. lmao

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I'm pretty sure most people will say Horses are "anti fun" in FE4, but are sadly a requirement to play the game whilst actually getting rewards while doing so. 

This is overcompensating, and doing this on the opposite end is no different or better.

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

That's what they did with Horse riders in FE4 and you see how well recieved that was. lmao

It's not comparable imo. Mounts benefitted from FE4 because FE4 simply made the maps big and made no effort to balance that. Engage nerfed mov across the board, designed the maps with that in mind, has a system that rewards WTA beyond just stat buffs and gives Armors a specific niche using that system.

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Fire Emblem: Three Houses was a zig, Fire Emblem Engage is the resulting zag. Whereas the 2019 epic dove headfirst into relationship simulation between turn-based battles, the upcoming Engage is almost entirely focused on the militaristic side of things.



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In fact, looking back, Three Houses now feels less like a blueprint for the series going forward, and more like an aberration from its previous trajectory.


Note: I like Three Houses.

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Note: I love Three houses

Never wanted another one




As lacking as Engage is on the social side, it soars in its turn-based battles. Maps in the first eight chapters are varied, with rivers, castle ramparts, siege equipment, and fog of war creating compelling obstacles for you to solve and exploit. It’s an absolute joy to send a strong armored unit (in this case Louis, a royal bodyguard) into a group of bandits before covering him at a distance with a lightning bolt from a mage (Clanne, a powerful sorcerer who began as a lowly peon), and finishing off the remainders with cavalry, archers, and skilled sword masters.

😄 😄

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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