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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What, do they want the game to be 75% school sim again?

Engage will filter out the people who only played Fire Emblem for the romance.

Engage is already filtering out people with it's 4Kids opening

(It's "full" in that this has all the audio but the full version of the song will probably be in the OST)

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, Three Houses was such a far cry from the rest of the series - even by FE's inconsistent standards - that it doesn't surprise me there's a good chunk of people who started there and can't wrap their heads around the fact that not all of FE is going to be that.

What's wild too is that i'd argue Awakening and Fates were more "dating sim" than Three Houses was.

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Earth's good ending can only happen if Persona -and all the bullshit it spawned and made other games do- is erased from existence. Persona existing ensures we are on a bad timeline


2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

With Bernie they just use her genuine anxiety issues for jokes at her expense, but with Marianne they actually take her depression seriously.

The bigger problem with both tho is a consequence of FE Supports. Bernadetta has Supports where she gets over her anxiety by the end of the chain. But start a new one and back to the beginning she goes. Same with Marianne. Same with any character where their insecurities is their main trait.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

but I do believe it is still possible to thin the lines of power and make our system more communal in how it operates.

We kinda do already because that's how you get your Congress and your Parliament and all the other big meeting places. The problem is that things got way too big. Now the council isn't ruling over a few hundred people, it's ruling over millions. And that's assuming the council doesn't get corrupted, because it absolutely can. Somebody can surround themselves with yes men.

50 minutes ago, Benice said:

Out of curiosity, why did they let Lula run again? Surely after the corruption scandal, he'd be a lesser option than whoever the other candidate would be...

Or, why go through the rigamarole of getting Lula exonerated for something he definitely did so that he could run again?

I did hear that the judge who convicted Lula was extremely right-wing but idk if that has anything to do with it.

It's not the first time tho, remember, Chavez literally got arrested for attempting a coup and then Venezuela elected him in a landslide anyways.

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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Engage will filter out the people who only played Fire Emblem for the romance.

Engage is already filtering out people with it's 4Kids opening

Was Engage the true Elitist game all along?

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

What's wild too is that i'd argue Awakening and Fates were more "dating sim" than Three Houses was

I'd say the same, but some people were completely denying that 3H was a weeb game

It's fucking Persona all over again, but in Fire Emblem


17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The bigger problem with both tho is a consequence of FE Supports.

And that's one of the many many reasons why supports are a mistake...but they are the best system of bonding in the jrpg space so...


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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Engage is already filtering out people with it's 4Kids opening

I mean, I can't say I'm a fan. It's not bad, just... Very forgettable. But if that's enough to filter someone out...

18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

What's wild too is that i'd argue Awakening and Fates were more "dating sim" than Three Houses was

Ehh I disagree. The entire romance of those games took place over the course of four short conversations between characters. The main focus was squarely on the wars and the strategic combat - heck, the romance ultimately had a gameplay end in the form of paralogues and child units. You could play matchmaker, but it was hardly the main dish.

It was Houses, with its hub that took up 75% of the game's playtime, that moved the focus to the more slice-of-life side. It let you go on dates with your favorite waifusbandos, have lunch with them, take a fishing break, just walk around and say hi to your anime friends... Many more mundane activities were possible, giving a lot more depth to your interactions with the characters. All the while, the combat was pushed to the sidelines, with less (mandatory) chapters than any other FE, and maps being smaller, shorter and simpler on average and the map design being about as competent as Wendy.

If someone got really into Houses, there's a definite chance that they did so for those elements. And now it turns out they're dialing back on them. I am so very sad for these folks.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Aww... They kept the "convince the workaholic to relax for once by spending a night at the inn together" event very gender-neutral.🙁 I was hoping for it to vary based on the MC's gender. Nope, no in-swimsuits chat in the bathhouse, which would've been totally acceptable for guys. -Though I get it, this is easier on the scriptwriters (and better writing practice in case the time comes that RF offers a nonbinary gender option) than doing two different versions. Fans can be very demanding in life sims about both quantity and quality of dialogue spread out over the course of about 1~2 ingame years (who plays beyond 3 at most on a single file?), and practically none of these games are AAA enough to warrant a limitless budget in that department either. I'll give the writers a break here.



...I take a simple joy in seeing a male MC blush about being alone with another man.☺️ 

(And this in a, well not certainly mainstream as it should be defined nowadays, but... "1st/1.5-ish tier niche?" game. I like that, this little gesture is in a layer of the gaming industry where I commonly and comfortably reside.)

Martin stands a good chance of being my pick. Or at least making it difficult for me to choose without serious indecisiveness and guilt.

(As an aside, I'm glad that they placed the baths on opposite ends of the hotel. No more pervy "I'll perk up my ears and listen to the ladies on the other side of the wall", although I assume that RF4 bringing full equality for female players already ditched that Frontier-ToD lowbrow offering.)

(Another aside, I'm realizing I like having a talking MC for this. The SoS: Friends of Mineral Town remake kept the MC totally silent, as in the original game and I take it new SoS games to this day. Sure, all the RF protagonists have more or less the same personality lacking in any strong traits (barring maybe Aden and Sonja, which makes sense b/c they aren't amnesiac and have a backstory together), being the player's controlled character. Nonetheless, having dialogue be a dialogue of some kind is better than a practical monologue for a dating sim.)


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Can't a guy just like a woman's hat platonically? For fuck's sake.

Shall I come to a (belated) indirect defense for you? -By which I mean inquiring into the preferences of every man into the legendary hat of a certain myrmidon?:Joshua:😜



@Armagon Tomorrow Saturday Jan 7th FYI is the 13 Sentinels-DC-OS concert. Unfortunately for us, I see no mention of any online livestream or talk of posting it on the web afterwards.😦 You can always scour YouTube in the coming days to see if an attendee made a low-quality recording of it though.

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Don't ask me why I just remembered this.

On 1/2/2023 at 8:30 PM, Sooks said:

So who’s at the center of the 13 Sentinels’ harem?

Having played more, I can confirm that Iori is an otome protagonist. I should've known...


Sekigahara made a vague statement that Iori is "one of the fifteen". Presumably the thirteen protagonists are among them, and Okino is presumably a Sentinel pilot too, so who is the last one?

Also I unlocked Gouto's story, which was unexpected because I was expecting his to be one of the last unlocked. Shironome was introduced without much fanfare and still hasn't shown up in anyone's story, so maybe she'll be saved for last.


2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


We need to figure out what their Ranger colors are. Maybe Alear is blue, Alfred is yellow, Diamant is red, Timerra is pink, and Ivy is black? Veyle can be the white sixth ranger.

24 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Johnny Yong Bosch? First one I could think of.

And yet he still hasn't voiced anyone in Fire Emblem, oddly enough.

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53 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Johnny Yong Bosch? First one I could think of.

Bingo! He was in town for a convention. If you get a chance to meet him, do it! He’s very nice

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24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It was Houses, with its hub that took up 75% of the game's playtime, that moved the focus to the more slice-of-life side. It let you go on dates with your favorite waifusbandos, have lunch with them, take a fishing break, just walk around and say hi to your anime friends... Many more mundane activities were possible, giving a lot more depth to your interactions with the characters.

You make a good point here, I was mainly thinking about how part of AwakeFates' fun was pairing characters together. You can't really do that in Three Houses besides just you+whoever you marry. Any other paired endings require a bit of messing around.

22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Tomorrow Saturday Jan 7th FYI is the 13 Sentinels-DC-OS concert. Unfortunately for us, I see no mention of any online livestream or talk of posting it on the web afterwards.😦 You can always scour YouTube in the coming days to see if an attendee made a low-quality recording of it though.

Would be a shame if it ended up as a lost media moment.

19 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Also I unlocked Gouto's story, which was unexpected because I was expecting his to be one of the last unlocked.


Since you unlocked it and assuming you watched his prologue


Yeah it doesn't really make much of a difference if it unlocked later lol. His route is the last you'll see.


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17 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah like MLK's power was so great, it extended posthumously and led to quick signing of the Civil Rights Act. And while racists and white supremacists still exist in the US today, think about it. MLK was like 50-ish years ago. Civil Rights were passed 50-ish years ago. Considering that the general populace isn't racist and the treatments of African Americans and others has improved in the US in that short amount of time is insane. Racism was so ingrained in the average person's conscience in the 60s and it essentially disappeared overnight.

His posthumous power is not as great as it seems, as he has posthumously been used to undermine one of his greatest desires. While alive MLK he was a major proponent of black people being compensated for the wrongs of slavery, not to extent of full compensation for wages lost, but through government funded affirmative actions as the redressing of wrongs, and balancing of the scales. After his death he has been used as a talking point for Republicans to oppose affirmative action by selectively quoting his speeches, and a lot of claims about his activism having ended racism in the US.


16 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:




I'll it slide...for now.

She is getting close to both siding there isn't she.


16 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Holy shit she actually can move her face.

Byleth more emotive than Shadow Dragon Marth confirmed


16 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Three Houses not allowing you to pet the cats is the sole reason I hate this game.

Alas that content was gated off behind the DLC, to force players to buy it...or else...


14 hours ago, Benice said:


With how much Persona hate this board gets, its funny to see a Persona 4 meme here.


12 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That is a very left-wing thing to say for a right-winger. What are her other beliefs?

Eh, hating on big-(insert industry here) sounds fairly normal for right-wingers. The real question is what they want to do about it, just punish the people in charge now, or change things so (insert industry here) have a harder time doing whatever egregious thing they were doing...


5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

People are weird when it concerns the turnwheel

It's casual mode discussion all over again

It is kinda similar, in that the turnwheel also reduces the penalty of errors, but that whole discourse reminds me of Dark Souls difficulty discourse, as it feels distinctly exclusionist, for the same reason, if you don't like the turnwheel (or casual mode, or easy mode, or whatever), you don't have to use it. Plus that discourse gets exhausting.


13 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I do hope that when my generation takes the mantel things will be better but...I do fear that by the time that happens we'll be considered conservative by the standards of the time period just like many conservative boomers today would've been considered progressive in their time.

How does that old quote go...If you are young and conservative you have no heart, if you old and liberal you have no head.


36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...or the 1% miss that killed Beruka in the linked run--

I kinda wish we would finish the big linked run...


2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I did the whole theme earlier, I know it got ignored but still

Sorry, must have missed it. I still kinda remember the original Power Rangers, I grew out of it of course, and it is way too formulaic, and child orient to enjoy coming back to it, but I still remember the Ivan Ooze movie for instance.

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So enemy units can Engage. I mean, it makes sense, but this confirms it. Interestingly, it seems this only happens on Hard and Maddening. Screenshots taken from Normal Mode do not show Hortensia with her Emblem Rings.

Normal Mode confirmed baby mode (this isn't necessarily a bad thing).

6 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

With how much Persona hate this board gets, its funny to see a Persona 4 meme here.

You say that but it's literally just me and occasionally Shrimpy.

6 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

ut that whole discourse reminds me of Dark Souls difficulty discourse,

I remember when Elden Ring came out and there were some people like "nooooooooo you can't summon, that's cheating".

Imma ring the bell if i feel like it (<- has not played a Soulsborne game in their life apart from Fallen Order).


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9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

PizzoNona - ¡Vuelve la #RoscoNona a PizzoNona! Ya están... | Facebook

Though, kinda inefficient to have pizza with a hole in the middle, no?

Dang inflation, it's 190 and you don't even get a full pizza /s

If it's baked hard enough, maybe it could suffice as a wheel?

1 minute ago, Armagon said:


So enemy units can Engage. I mean, it makes sense, but this confirms it. Interestingly, it seems this only happens on Hard and Maddening. Screenshots taken from Normal Mode do not show Hortensia with her Emblem Rings.

Normal Mode confirmed baby mode (this isn't necessarily a bad thing).

So, skip Normal mode, got it.

0 Damage on that Alear's rough though.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I remember when Elden Ring came out and there were some people like "nooooooooo you can't summon, that's cheating".

It did give us Let Me Solo Her though.... So maybe they were right.

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11 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

How does that old quote go...If you are young and conservative you have no heart, if you old and liberal you have no head.

Close, I think it's "brain" IIRC.

And I think it was Reagan who said that -or at least is attributed as having said it. He was liberal in his younger years, doing radio advertisements for some big company in the 50s might've been when his views started changing.

11 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I kinda wish we would finish the big linked run...

I'm sorry for having gotten covid and then procrastinating to the Crab Nebula and back! This is all my fault.

Yet with some of us (not me) wanting to save their appetite for Fire Emblem for Engage, it might be a while longer before we get back to it.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yet with some of us (not me) wanting to save their appetite for Fire Emblem for Engage, it might be a while longer before we get back to it.

I was thinking about asking the thread how we're feeling.

I'd like to get on with dying to Act 4.

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

So the enemy is with Lucina, then? Unless skills are generic along with weapons?

We've seen her holding Emblem Lucina before.

If she is at level 1 bond with Lucina after joining I'll be disappointed.

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29 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

0 Damage on that Alear's rough though

Well, considering Hortensia is a mage, and Alear isn't a horsie, and she only got 2 peeps on All for one, i am not surprised.

That makes me wonder tho, if Alear (or anyone) is engaged to Sigurd, do they get Horse weakness?

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What i find interesting is that the Hortensia bridge map is Ch.7, which we knew, but now we also know that it's the first Brodian map we play. Based on previews:

  • Chapters 1 to 3 are in Lythios
  • Chapters 4 to 6 are in Firene
  • Chapters 7 and 8 are Brodia and logically Ch.9 is as well

Following this pattern, Ch.10, 11 and 12 should be in Elusia while Ch.13, 14 and 15 are in Solm. This leaves one chapter's worth of story before we head back to a Firene on fire (Ch.17).

Because of the whole investing mechanic, i'm curious as to how exactly the story here is paced. And how many chapters there are total.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I remember when Elden Ring came out and there were some people like "nooooooooo you can't summon, that's cheating".

Imma ring the bell if i feel like it (<- has not played a Soulsborne game in their life apart from Fallen Order).

As the exact kind of try-hard that didn't ring the bell, I simply don't understand why people care when other people do...


Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Close, I think it's "brain" IIRC.

And I think it was Reagan who said that -or at least is attributed at having said it. He was liberal in his younger years, doing radio advertisements for some big company in the 50s might've been when his views started changing.

I remember hearing it attributed to Churchill, but I think its one of those old phrases that keeps getting misattributed to more recent people repeating it over the years...


7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I was thinking about asking the thread how we're feeling.

I'd like to get on with dying to Act 4.

I am down to continue (and adding to the death count with Ninja hell, and Fox hell, etc...).

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