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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

So more detailled that Genealogy?

All one map?


One of the more often complains of Genealogy is the large but empty maps, since only parts have anything at any given time. And when the map do have more stuff filled in (Eldigan vs Elliot, Cuan vs Travant, etc.), it instead brings complains that it drags out the Turn Phases since it's needing to wait for every single unit to move before you get player control back.

So let's go turbocharge on the latter. Move Lief and your 40+ units. Then wait as Reidrick moves his 40 units, Bloom moves his 50 units, the Dandelions move their 30 units, the Scharzen Rozen moves their 60 units, Kempft moves his 45 units, Reinhardt moves his 55 units, etc.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So let's go turbocharge on the latter. Move Lief and your 40+ units. Then wait as Reidrick moves his 40 units, Bloom moves his 50 units, the Dandelions move their 30 units, the Scharzen Rozen moves their 60 units, etc.


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35 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Me with Utamid right now

And yet, the comments I've seen suggest the small developer is afraid of moving past the series right now, it's the one thing they've made that has attracted some notable success.

20 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Now honestly, that one i doubt we will ever get. More likely than not they are gonna add elements from Thracia into FE4 remake

Awwwww... cmon, we need an internationally available remake of every game.🙁

Thracia wouldn't be that difficult to adjust either.

  • Casual Mode
  • Fatigue = OFF setting.
  • They could raise the stat caps but leave enemy Normal Mode stats unadjusted while the player units get a few growths buffs here and there.
  • Normal Mode could also tone down a few nasty tricks of T776.
    • Including Leif escaping before others not leaving those others behind.
  • Buyable Restore staffs and nerfed status staffs.
  • Improved Fog of War.
  • The ability to choose your unit deployment locations.
  • Actual sources of liquid gold assets instead of only getting cash from selling stuff.

...Probably more too, but these ought to cover a lot of first-time issues.

Any higher difficulties however...😈

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And yet, the comments I've seen suggest the small developer is afraid of moving past the series right now, it's the one thing they've made that has attracted some notable success

Yeah it's quite popular, both among jrpg and vn circles

Maybe it will get better later, but the first game so far is basically villain of the week + Harem, and i should be like 65% in.

Gameplay is what's really grinding my gears tho, i don't like it

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

we need an internationally available remake of every game

I mean, i would welcome it, but considering...everything...around Thracia's release...

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They could raise the stat caps but leave enemy Normal Mode stats unadjusted while the player units get a few growths buffs here and there.

Thracia enemy units are already pathetic weak tho

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

nerfed status staffs

Speaking about that: Poison doesn't get cured automatically in Engage

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4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Engage does tho?

Ok proc skills matter less in Engage than in Fates. In Fates, you could have a sound strategy only to get hit with the Heaven's Rend. Doesn't seem to be the case here+the distinction between Class and Class Types.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wow, we are beating Pokemon? I mean, I know it's a poorly considered Pokemon, but still. It's frigging Pokemon and we are a second-rate anime chess franchise. Or used to be, at least. Not bad, toothpaste-chan.

Pokemon already came out+it sold 10 million copies in three days. Nothing compares really.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's naked under the-- The camera angle to show off the girl's butt-- This is the non-weeb RPG?

It gets funnier too. Ann (the girl in the red suit) spends this entire arc overcoming the trauma inflicted by her sexually abusive teacher. 

"Now that the arc is done, let's spend the rest of the game sexualizing Ann" -Atlus.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


>Anime folks on the header

"You hate anime"


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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

>Goblin Slayer discourse on the TL

With the second season coming out, people will continue to bring up bad takes on GB, just like Mushoku Tensei. That being said,
5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The talks i have seen about maddening are also encouraging.

Although doubt it will clear Fates, it has the potential to be pretty up high there.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm starting to wonder if this is going to be a Fates situation where the difficulties are actually well done and going maddening on the first run would be a reckless endeavor. But at the same time, I don't want to risk getting bored... Ahhh, decisions, decisions.

Leaks say Maddening is not as punishing as Conquest Lunatic

Make of it what you will

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


The game for non weebs

Actually a terrible example, it's one of the few moments where it is criticizing sexualization

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, I didn't mean to say you do. I apologize if it seemed that way. I simply think that, well, at this point it's a conflict of interests and no more. I've said it before, I sympathize with the folks who wanted more Three Houses. Even if I am personally super relieved and happy that's not the case, I also cannot look at someone "malding" and think "haha what a hater, so unreasonable, hating on shit for flimsy reasons, hoes mad hoes mad." I was there myself once. It's not pleasant. So I'd rather just leave them be and focus on my own enjoyment of the game.

E3bjwkfq o

1 hour ago, ping said:

No spoilers please, I got the Dragon Age games in the recent Steam sale and I'm almost completely blind in terms of story. Glad that I managed that for a game that released 13 years ago.

Yay, Dragon Age! Someone finally listened to my recommendations! What class are you playing with? What Origin? What's the difficulty? Did you install the mods to fix the bugs?

Install Qwinn's fixpack.

57 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Me with Utamid right now

Do you want a good RPG game with great strategy? Great worldbuilding? A game where there are Witches and Wizards are persecuted (and you can be one too)? Do you want choices that actually matter? Do you want charming companions (including a good doggo)? Do you want M O R A L   G R E Y N E S S (for real this time)?

Then play Dragon Age: Origins, Shrimpy.

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18 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Maybe it will get better later, but the first game so far is basically villain of the week + Harem, and i should be like 65% in.

So the bad guys get all the ladies for a change? Are you absolutely sure you aren't the real villain slaying cliched heroes?😜

18 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I mean, i would welcome it, but considering...everything...around Thracia's release...

That was then, decades ago, which shouldn't affect the now.

I do not deny Thracia Remake will be a hard sell. Its edges are well known, and it lacks the narrative grandiosity and matchmaking of Genealogy.

I would imagine its sales could cover the development costs, but not a lot more. And that it'd be intentionally given a lower marketing profile and development resources compared to the next new game or Genealogy Remake. I could imagine it getting the SS and SoV treatment of being left in large portion to a team of freelancers while IS itself goes to work on the next big game. -Yet I would still take this, caveats and all. I don't love Thracia 776, but it's only fair.

18 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Thracia enemy units are already pathetic weak tho

I was merely thinking of what they did IIRC with the Archanea remakes. Normal got laughable Famicom-Super Famicom enemy stats, Hard and above actually brought things to the point of being threatening or diabolical.

18 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Speaking about that: Poison doesn't get cured automatically in Engage

That could be annoying -but only truly bothersome if you have to watch each unit's HP tick down at the start of every turn, as opposed to it happening right away all at once to everyone poisoned. That's the thing about poison in FE, the damage is rarely a serious issue, it's been the bad QoL around it (and its uselessness in the player's hands) that have made it ugh-able.

Now if they had a stronger version of Poison (Pokemon's "Venom") that increased the damage per turn for each turn it lingered, or perhaps negated all HP restoration to the unit until the Poison was cured... that could be a real threat.

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1 minute ago, Green06 said:

Also @Punished Dayni, if Alm is engaged, shouldn't his hair be orange?

On the one hand you're right.

On the other hand I was trying to avoid characters who were already in engage and tried to at least go for different colours in the hair too, led to some being harder than I'd like (3H), see if people would catch on to who was who for a laugh (Nobody responding to Azura was saddening).

Sothe of course made the former impossible (And to those who'd suggest Sanaki, I considered it and didn't go for it, maybe I should have)

(Tangent, what would a saddening difficulty be like?)

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I have to say, I do enjoy the "Throw Fireball, then assess the situation" playstyle that the Mage class enables. Let's see how long that remains viable.

Initiall, I had rolled a Dwarven Rogue, but then figured very quickly that microing only the main character while setting up rudimentary tactics for the rest probably is the way to enjoy the game, and in that case, might as well micro big balls of fire instead of backstabs.

Current predictions for the not-too-distant future: One (1) betrayal by that Loghain dude leading to one (1) dead king and either a succession crisis or a direct power grab by Loghain. The tactics meeting before this dungeon kiiiinda sets this up.


@Green06 - I actually typed that up before you responded, but it answers one of you questions. :lol: Otherwise... Normal difficulty (I'm a scrub); general character direction I want to do is fire+ice elementary plus healing (dunno how optimal that is, but I like it stylistically); unmodded game.

So it sounds like the fix patch is semi-necessary? I generally don't like fiddling with patches on a first playthrough, but you make it sound like bugs are a significant problem. Do you know if it breaks savegames? ...I guess if it does, it's still early enough in the game that I could restart and not trust that Jowan bugger this time.

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13 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

(Tangent, what would a saddening difficulty be like?)

Regular gameplay, but you only ever proc HP, Skl, Lck, and/or Res on level-ups.

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39 minutes ago, Green06 said:

Actually a terrible example, it's one of the few moments where it is criticizing sexualization

Doesn't make it any less weeb

39 minutes ago, Green06 said:

just like Mushoku Tensei

Oh god the internet's reaction to that was hilarious.

And sad, very sad.

38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

ow if they had a stronger version of Poison (Pokemon's "Venom") that increased the damage per turn for each turn it lingered, or perhaps negated all HP restoration to the unit until the Poison was cured... that could be a real threat.

Well, they made it stackable up to 3 levels and poisoned peeps got stat debuffs.

39 minutes ago, Green06 said:

Leaks say Maddening is not as punishing as Conquest Lunatic

I just hope it's fair and not filled with surprises to burst your rewinds ala 3H

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It gets funnier too. Ann (the girl in the red suit) spends this entire arc overcoming the trauma inflicted by her sexually abusive teacher. 

"Now that the arc is done, let's spend the rest of the game sexualizing Ann" -Atlus.

Yes, that's the Japan I know and know.

20 minutes ago, ping said:


I like your character. She's neat.

Not quite as beautiful as mine, but...


She's difficult to match.

20 minutes ago, ping said:

Current predictions for the not-too-distant future: One (1) betrayal by that Loghain dude leading to one (1) dead king and either a succession crisis or a direct power grab by Loghain. The tactics meeting before this dungeon kiiiinda sets this up.

Come now, Loghain's great.

20 minutes ago, ping said:

Regular gameplay, but you only ever proc HP, Skl, Lck, and/or Res on level-ups.


That's not saddening, that's revolting.

6 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

lol "judges in anime" that's the best description for that I can imagine.

2 minutes ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

A wild Tsundewraith appeared!

The spawn rate is high.

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40 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Tangent, what would a saddening difficulty be like?

* No healing

* Hp gets carried over from battle to battle

* mental trauma status when friends get hurt

* realise anime army has more rest time in their flying island resort than you do irl

* ironman

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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16 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

What's her Str stat? XD

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16 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hm? What's so shocking about it?

The whole cutting into the flesh of children thing, quite the tonal shift.

16 hours ago, Armagon said:

At the same time, i like it when characters tell their awful parents to fuck off.

I wish more of that happened in Fire Emblem, but they have an odd obsession of having characters care about each other because of their bloodties and nothing more, even in Fates with the biggest bad dad of them all, the Nohr kids never have a "Fuck you dad" moment.

15 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Huh... I think that's the first time I've ever been bonked on the internet.

9 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

You too?

Truly I see Teehee is cursed.

Blessed you mean

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:




Also this is your daily reminder that this game needs Fates Capture in order to be the best FE.

Why are all the best female designs in the game NPCs c'mon

It's like the blacksmith lady in SoV all over again.


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Learning Avatar has a Gacha now

2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

* No healing

* Hp gets carried over from battle to battle

* mental trauma status when friends get hurt

* realise anime army has more rest time in their flying island resort than you do irl

* ironman


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24 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

(Nobody responding to Azura was saddening).

Your Seliph pfp was the best of them.

Also, can you do an Ephraim version? I want someone with green hair to live up to my username.


13 minutes ago, ping said:

I have to say, I do enjoy the "Throw Fireball, then assess the situation" playstyle that the Mage class enables. Let's see how long that remains viable.

All game. Mages are OP. Looks like you chose Elven Mage. It was also my first character when I played.

15 minutes ago, ping said:

Initiall, I had rolled a Dwarven Rogue

Dwarf Noble is the best origin in the game.

15 minutes ago, ping said:

Current predictions for the not-too-distant future: One (1) betrayal by that Loghain dude leading to one (1) dead king and either a succession crisis or a direct power grab by Loghain. The tactics meeting before this dungeon kiiiinda sets this up.


16 minutes ago, ping said:

Normal difficulty (I'm a scrub)

Don't worry, I also chose it when I played.

19 minutes ago, ping said:

general character direction I want to do is fire+ice elementary plus healing (dunno how optimal that is, but I like it stylistically);

Blood Mage + Arcane Warrior is the best combo in the game. You can also buy the Spirit Healer specialization if you want, but I don't recommend it, as you already have Wynne.

22 minutes ago, ping said:

So it sounds like the fix patch is semi-necessary? I generally don't like fiddling with patches on a first playthrough, but you make it sound like bugs are a significant problem. Do you know if it breaks savegames? ...I guess if it does, it's still early enough in the game that I could restart and not trust that Jowan bugger this time.

It fixes some bugs and it makes some things work as they should, but you don't have to install it if you don't want to (though I do recommend it). I beat it without this mod the first time.

What I really recommend, however, is installing the 4GB patch to avoid crashes.

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