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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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One day I will learn to mod to make the fight against Lynn and Aeolia winnable, but for now I must endure...

7 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Erebonia was in development since the 3rd. Ironically, this part only shows Falcon's poor planning.

When you simultaneously planned everything but still didn't entirely think things through. Though it does validate my choice to play Cold Steel first.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On an unrelated note, my life has not been the same since I noticed Benedict is balding.

Maybe he's wearing a wig... but would that make his beard a wig too?

53 minutes ago, Armagon said:


True, it must be nice if getting angry is an unusual occurrence.

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1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

One day I will learn to mod to make the fight against Lynn and Aeolia winnable, but for now I must endure...

Pick Randy as your partner and give him the strength boosting master quartz (which he should already have anyway) and he should be able to absolutely wreck stuff. That’s how I did this, anyway… probably? Maybe?

Assuming I’m thinking of the right fight.

3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I heard that Trails to Azure gates certain things behind reaching certain DP thresholds. Are the requirements very strict (assuming I'm not mistaken)? It's not like I'm asking because I don't plan on getting all the bonus DP or anything.

I’m not sure, I don’t remember anything like this. But I also pretty much always go for 100% so I wouldn’t have paid attention to it unless it was vitally important to the plot. Do you have any more information on the things locked behind DP thresholds?

Scanning through the wiki, I’m not finding anything other than the items by looking at DP rewards, unless that’s what you meant. But that’s possibly not where the information would be.

Edited by Sooks
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Okay, I did it. Chapter 1 is finished.

Hmm... do I upload it now... well, not now now since it's almost midnight over here. But I mean, do I start uploading them as I finish them like with Cavern of the Fae, or... admittedly, I don't know when I could have the next chapter finished, so it could take a while. Hmm, might think it over come morning...

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Yes, this battle is every bit as pleasant as I remember it.

Uuuuurgh... Fucking democracy, man... All I wanted was to commit crimes, dammit! Why do we gotta be the idealistic idiots...

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Victory, victory!

...Man, this game's so rough on hard mode. The kind that makes you feel like a genius when you finish a mission, I mean. Had to abuse every tool at my disposal to get through this battle. Ladder saved the day.

At least now Booker is dead. I will never have to face him again and his broken move again skill, thank the gods. I ended up realizing he, too, had Mauvier's voice actor. Why do I keep finding that guy everywhere? Is it... an invasion?

14 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Maybe he's wearing a wig... but would that make his beard a wig too?

Please stop. This is difficult enough.

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Ah, how awesome. I needed evidence to convict this corrupt guy of a crime before he accuses us in retaliation. I gathered all the evidence during exploration, but at the end of it, the game asked me to sum up the case by answering questions. I didn't answer the questions correctly, so Benedict said "we don't have evidence milord", and since Benedict is always right, we fail and get arrested.

And now the game wants me to Phoenix Wright my way out of this mess. This is... dramatically different from the branch I took in my first run. Love it.

EDIT: Oohhh and if I fail the trial, which I did on purpose just to see what I assumed would be a special game over scene, the game continues still! Okay that's fucking awesome. I always love when they do stuff like this. Let me utterly incompetent and get away with it, game!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Agnea 5 is still pretty Agnea like in tone but is a pretty satisfying conclusion for her story. All the friends she made along the way show up to cheer on for her big dancing hurrah, and then she basically becomes a star. Corny and low stakes, but kind of charming.

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13 minutes ago, Sooks said:

All the friends she made along the way show up to cheer on for her big dancing hurrah, and then she basically becomes a star.

Soooooo even in this context, does the game still throw someone at her for her to beat the shit out of alongside four of her seven friends?

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55 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Map: 9 Freeze staffers

Hortensia: did someone say AoE silence/Entrap

Gamer who does not use/have Hortensia: Guess I'll reclass all my mages to warrior.

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Oh wait, winning the trial does not avoid the battle. It just gets you an item as a reward. And I lost it on purpose.

...welp. It's a pretty meh item anyway and I'm an hour past my older save, so... Yeah. No.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Can we remove crits from Fe tyvm

Honestly, I agree. Crits do nothing but annoy in FE.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What will reclassing help against freeze xD

Oh, you said freeze, not silence.

...guess I'll die then.

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Okay, I think I will upload the chapter. Even if it's a "uploaded as they're finished" format, it might be less of a hassle than having to write everything up to relase in a schedule.


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