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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

actually quite like the idea of this game being more logistics based than tactics.

Idk if I'd entirely call it "logistics based" but it's definitely a series where you're making choices on the fly as opposed to "alright here's my plan".

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

am usually the same and this game made me give up on that.

Wdym you don't want to do 400 quests?


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My reccs sent an upload of Advance Wars Olaf's theme in the remake, and I'd just like to say.

I had completely forgotten just how Russian he is. I honestly thought they jumped the gun not releasing this, I mean there are wars going on all the time, but the fact that the first enemy and aggressor you face happens to be Olaf is just... sheesh, the timing.

Doesn't change the fact that between the delay and the way they've snuck the game out with zero fanfare, they unfortunately have likely doomed the series to a second death

Also this song is great. Probably my fondest memory of Advance Wars is that awesome battle in the second game where Lash wreaks havoc on Olaf's hometown and the man goes completely ballistic. It made for a surprisingly somber moment for such a lighthearted game, and his imposing theme kicking in right at the height of Olaf's rage felt so good I still recall the moment all these years later.

...Then I spent two hours locked in a stalemate with her because Advance Wars, but I still remember the whole mission fondly.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I wouldn't do it, honestly. Especially since late game difficulty almost approaches CQ levels and a dancer is a much better than a mediocre combat unit

But up to you

I know Shrimp. I know.

But like

It would be funny

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Okay but Swordmaster Lindon is even funnier than I thought. Due to the way swordmaster animations works, you see the crotchety old man slowly, wearily move his hand to his sword, rub it a little and the enemy gets obliterated. And if he doubles, he slowly returns to his idle pose before immediately doing the motion again.

I love it. He looks so fucking tired while he electrocutes the shit out of everyone. Fuck the tier lists, swordmaster is rad. Fuck the popularity lists, Lindon is rad.

...Vandad and Seadall just won't stop healing him with Quality Time, though. I mean, he doesn't need Wrath to have utterly ridiculous crit rates, but those +5 HPs add up, and they end up depriving me of



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3 hours ago, ping said:



...Victory Road, pls.

Reminds me of how in Gen 1 a lot of trainers have really bad potions late into the game, like Elite Four members having Super Potions, or the last rival fight before the Elite Four having regular potions like this one.


3 hours ago, ping said:



Mega Ultra Chicken is catchable in Victory Road. Very fitting.

Lol, randomized back into his gen 1 location despite the remake moving him.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


A terrible idea is brewing in my mind.

Give me convincing arguments of the value of common sense.


Common sense is for chumps, follow your heart instead.


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Oh, so that's where Hammer is first found. Alright, unlocked the shop... well, would need to get back to the Entrance. Time for some backtracking.

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I was about to call BS on the Houses map when they warped a shitton of enemies on top of me, but turns out the house lead expies and their cohorts prioritize the crystals with extreme prejudice. They just dashed up and ignored me. Then Byleth himself got warped and I thought "yep that's it, crystal go bye-bye" but... he also ran past me to head to the crystals. There's the brilliant brains of Fodlan at work.

Predictably, Byleth did not make it to the crystals. Zelkov tripped him up. Would've liked to finish it with Lindon, but the RNG did not cooperate, sadly. But at least I managed to wrap up fast enough to get the talisman, for whatever that thing's worth.

Now I have to ponder on what to do with Saphir. Last time I made her a wyvern, but I think I'll keep her unchanged this time around. I don't have a warrior, warriors are cool and Saphir is the coolest. I'm sure Merrin would approve. It may not be as funny as the likes of Swordmaster Lindon, High Priest Vandad, Sniper Jade or Zerker Alear, but every good troupe of jokers has a straight (wo)man to provide contrast. She can hang out with Ivy and bring some much needed sanity to this team comp.

More difficult will be deciding who will hit the bench for her... It has to be Lapis or Amber. I tried to build Amber into a tank and instead he just gets doubled and dies, and Lapis deals no damage, gets one-shot alarmingly often and only has Brave Assist as her call to fame. There's probably less value in a tank that is worse at tanking than frigging Bunet, but Lapis just... feels bad to use.

Eh, we'll see. I still have a map to decide.

4 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Common sense is for chumps, follow your heart instead.

Well, I ran into a different problem. I can't afford second seals lol, what little money I get goes into forging.

...His magic is lower than I thought it'd be, besides. I think he'll stick to dancing. There's always next run. I probably should turn on his animations, though. Putting him in the Sommiesuit kinda goes to waste when I only see his unchanged map model.

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Perfect time to start a chain attack doesn't ex-


Also still annoyed i don't go full 6 Oro chain attack when i got everyone on Lvl3 smh




Also Melia and Nia meeting always funny lmao. Especially when Nia sees the Party and then tries to act all prim and proper kek

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Wdym you don't want to do 400 quests?


And none of them are good

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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I am in awe

On 4/21/2023 at 4:15 PM, Lightchao42 said:

Have fun! Hopefully you will play the Switch version, otherwise half your playtime will be spent trying to figure out where the sidequest objectives are.

*Me playing the 3ds version*


21 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Clearly Arianrhod is Elie's mother, we don't know what she looks like so it can't be disproven.

You'll meet her in CS4.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My reccs sent an upload of Advance Wars Olaf's theme in the remake, and I'd just like to say.

I had completely forgotten just how Russian he is. I honestly thought they jumped the gun not releasing this, I mean there are wars going on all the time, but the fact that the first enemy and aggressor you face happens to be Olaf is just... sheesh, the timing.

Olaf, despite: a Scandinavian name, the tune he sings in one of his Dual Strike victory quips being a copy of "O Canada" NoA could've totally invented that, and IIRC it being said he defected from Orange Star in AW1 (which technically doesn't mean he couldn't have been born in Blue Moon -but lolAWplot); is basically General Winter- the Legendary Destroyer of Russian Invaders.❄️

Colin is both Russian and not. Not, because the Blue Moon army is USSR aesthetically and Soviet Union = socialism = nominally against inherited wealth. However, the sad reality of the ongoing war is that Russia is still willing to throw under-equipped warm bodies at everything as their path to victory. They do it now, and it was part of their plan in WWII, but apparently by the end of that war the Soviet Union started running into manpower shortages.

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Ooh, candle that drops 500 money. Of course it's lengthy to leave and reenter the room. Guess I might grind for the ring that ups the drop rates someplace else.

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Oh wow, I have enough Gold Coins for a 250 MXN discount. That's nice. Hmm... well, still gonna wait to make the purchase (I'm leaning more on buying TH than XC1 currently), but it's fine.

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
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Common variety nopon


I like the new trend of just photoshopping Riku onto anything





1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Takahashi has a hate boner for Melia, i am more sure of that by the day

Her quest good tho.

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Future Redeemed detail i saw on the subreddit.


Matthew is a biblical name right. Here's one of the Bible passages from Matthew:

Matthew 5:30 New Living Translation And if your hand—even your stronger hand—causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell


oh look, Shulk lost his strong hand (and we know this because the clips show him using his non-dominant left hand like Dunban)

Matthew 18:9: And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.


Takahashi really be cooking.


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37 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
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Honestly the way it is going i wouldn't be surprised if Riku was related to the conduit in some way lmao



The Riku lore cutscene gonna be like




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