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I might stop my major conquests here actually and go for the slow burn tall game. It would definitely make the RP interesting in Vic 3 with an independent steppe even if it means possibly sacrificing great power status and the conquest-ey missions.

But hey, maybe it will be just historical divergence Russia needed to liberalize and enlighten it's people!

Which will definitely not cause them to revolt after being educated

On 5/25/2023 at 10:51 AM, gnip said:

Right, I forgot about the plan to transfer to Vicky. I hope you get that far (getting to 1821 can take some patience...) because that sound like it would make the RP more rewarding, since I'm going to assume that Vicky3 has a bit more to say about religious minority than "They revolt".

Ehhh not really, it most likely will once the game gets more updates and expansions but as of right now religious minorities are thrown into the discriminated populace bag that you want to get them out of later so that more people can stimulate the economy and don't do much else beyond that.

Religion does play a part in the game but only when it's the state religion of your country.

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Okay, it's done. I'm locked to Crimson Flower.

Ironically I actually managed to get enough support points with Rhea to do the S support... if it wasn't locked.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

..not the best, learned a day or two ago that another of my cousins simply didn't wake up one morning, made a bit scarier by them being younger than I am this time, and I am trying not to think to hard about that.

Dayum that sucks. Sorry to hear that

Out of all my first cousins I was the only one born after 1968 so I’ve since had to go lay eyes on a couple for the last time myself

Its just one of them things where its outta your hands and nobody can stop it, aside from doin what they can not to tempt fate.  Thinkin too hard about stuff like that has a funny way of makin folks like prisoners 

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And it's done. Time Skip time.

But that's it for now. Will resume next weekend.

I can't believe even Bambi went to war.

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11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also fuck Elma: Redux already starts with shadow clones lol

Wir Fliegen moment.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oh, and one other request. Install "love benches" everywhere in every castle, where two people can sit well-spaced from each other and hold hands fully clothed eyes only occasionally glancing at each other, for a few extra LP. Hopefully that's nothing too risqué.😘

The Seliph/Julia shippers don't need more power.


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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


That does sound unnerving, although that is likely understating it. I hope you can find out the cause at least.

I hear there is going to be an autopsy, so hopefully it will provide some answers to better settle the mind.


4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Rather than complete escapism to happier things, you choose to confront the matter that causes sorrow/anxiety? -Although being a video game with a happy ending, it's an optimistic, fantastical confrontation. Neither full escapism, nor fully dealing with the reality?

It is a bit of a mix, as it lets me address themes about death, and continuing on in the face of its advent, and/or inevitability (and I do want to specify inevitability for everyone), but with the safer distance of fiction. That its iconic theme of sadness is called "Living With Determination" tells you a fair bit about its ultimate message.


4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


While I could get it on Steam, I know Sekiro is on the masochistic side. When it comes to action games, I know I'm firmly located on the opposite (Musou?) end of the difficulty spectrum. The patience and willpower needed to improve just isn't something I have. Hence why I haven't commented on Sekiro.

It is a shame that its reputation for difficulty scares so many away, as once the game clicks, it is a very satisfying experience, and it has a solid little story to boot.


2 hours ago, Wartortle94 said:


I wish I could say something to make you feel better. 

I do find that strangely comforting, as I could see myself saying the same thing to someone else. Also sorry for taking your question a bit too seriously and being a bit of a downer.


20 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Dayum that sucks. Sorry to hear that

Out of all my first cousins I was the only one born after 1968 so I’ve since had to go lay eyes on a couple for the last time myself

Its just one of them things where its outta your hands and nobody can stop it, aside from doin what they can not to tempt fate.  Thinkin too hard about stuff like that has a funny way of makin folks like prisoners 

I do have a lot of cousins a lot older than me, so in some ways seeing some go before me isn't that surprising, but it still seems so early for that to be happening, especially with one of the few younger than me.


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So it's local election time here in Spain. Turns out the right has swept the country. They have like, every major city except for Barcelona. The alt-right party continues on the rise, too.

Welp. It becomes more and more difficult to believe my dad when he says they will crash and burn. I just hope when they inevitably win the government, they don't privatize healthcare like they very much want to, otherwise I better start learning French so I can continue laughing at the US.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So it's local election time here in Spain. Turns out the right has swept the country. They have like, every major city except for Barcelona. The alt-right party continues on the rise, too.


The trend continues. Just when it seems the US won't default (not an absolute guarantee it won't yet), the Turkish elections reaffirm a man nearing autocrat status for another decade (expected giving the polling), and this happens in Hispania.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

otherwise I better start learning French so I can continue laughing at the US.

...Moving to France? Not sure if that'd do you much good. Le Pen from my casual sporadic observations has been gaining strength in every election for years, and since Macron is in his second term and attempted that massively unpopular pension reform, she is likely to take office soon enough. A comfy retirement she might leave intact, but I haven't a clue what else.

The global right-wing illiberal democratic decline shows no sign of abating. What will it take to break this, to reverse it? If anyone knows the true answer, they deserve the reverence of every human on this planet.


8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It is a bit of a mix, as it lets me address themes about death, and continuing on in the face of its advent, and/or inevitability (and I do want to specify inevitability for everyone), but with the safer distance of fiction. That its iconic theme of sadness is called "Living With Determination" tells you a fair bit about its ultimate message.


Thank you for your explanation!🙂

...Sometime after writing my inquiry, I realized that it might've been rude of me to ask this of you. Not everyone is willing to talk the "why" behind their mechanisms for dealing with depression and other issues. I can imagine for some that talking/writing about how they treat their wounds would reopen them. Autistic lack of tact, and perhaps I'm too used to video games, where NPCs are usually willing to lay everything out about themselves if you select the correct dialogue choice. I apologize.

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15 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

not the best, learned a day or two ago that another of my cousins simply didn't wake up one morning, made a bit scarier by them being younger than I am this time, and I am trying not to think to hard about that.

Oh, goodness, I can't believe I missed this till now. You have my condolenced and my sympathies.

8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

do find that strangely comforting, as I could see myself saying the same thing to someone else.

It's never easy for anyone, to know what to say in such situations. I feel just the thought is nice, though.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


The trend continues. Just when it seems the US won't default (not an absolute guarantee it won't yet), the Turkish elections reaffirm a man nearing autocrat status for another decade (expected giving the polling), and this happens in Hispania.

To be fair, it's just local elections for mayors. A bad sign, to be sure, but perhaps the wake-up call some people need, rather than a sign of things to come. Perhaps. If we are lucky.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Moving to France? Not sure if that'd do you much good. Le Pen from my casual sporadic observations has been gaining strength in every election for years, and since Macron is in his second term and attempted that massively unpopular pension reform, she is likely to take office soon enough. A comfy retirement she might leave intact, but I haven't a clue what else.

The global right-wing illiberal democratic decline shows no sign of abating. What will it take to break this, to reverse it? If anyone knows the true answer, they deserve the reverence of every human on this planet.

Well, France is my next best option. My mother being French, it would be easy to get a double nationality.

In truth, though, I don't know if I'd handle such a dramatic change well at all. I probably would just sit tight and hope for the best, if it came to that.

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This is why no one wanted to watch the Yugi-oh! English Dub:


Let's just remove the gravestones from the scene so they are just looking at grass. XD

Respect for those who have been lost? I guess not. Lmao

Removing this was disrespectful as heck, imo.

Edited by Lightcosmo
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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

except for Barcelona


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

better start learning French so I can continue laughing at the US.

Finnish might have better prospects in the long run...

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So it's local election time here in Spain. Turns out the right has swept the country. They have like, every major city except for Barcelona. The alt-right party continues on the rise, too.

Welp. It becomes more and more difficult to believe my dad when he says they will crash and burn. I just hope when they inevitably win the government, they don't privatize healthcare like they very much want to, otherwise I better start learning French so I can continue laughing at the US.

The consequences of electing Trump have been a disaster for the human race.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

..Moving to France? Not sure if that'd do you much good. Le Pen from my casual sporadic observations has been gaining strength in every election for years, and since Macron is in his second term and attempted that massively unpopular pension reform, she is likely to take office soon enough. A comfy retirement she might leave intact, but I haven't a clue what else.

Le Pen basically lost by the smallest margin last time. Unless something unforseen happens, she unfortunately has the next elections in the bag.

Doesn't mean the French people should give up however and like, it's France. The government fears the people there.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, it's just local elections for mayors. A bad sign, to be sure, but perhaps the wake-up call some people need, rather than a sign of things to come. Perhaps. If we are lucky.

Idk how it is elsewhere but the cities flipping conservative is indeed a troubling sign. Cities generally lean progressive. Even in the US' reddest of states, the cities are blue strongholds (which is exactly why Greg Abbot signed a bill allowing him to invalidate votes from Harris County. Democracy is when you invalidate votes).

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, France is my next best option. My mother being French, it would be easy to get a double nationality.

Meanwhile i'm in the process of getting my Venezuelan dual citizenship. So i can at least leave the US if things start going really really south. 

But it's, you know, Venezuela. Even if things are recovering, we still have dictator whose goons have essentially taken over the election process. So i could potentially choose between a right-wing US and a dictated country. Awesome, i love my options. Moving into any other country will require way too much hoops to jump through unless i end up marrying someone from there. And even then i would still have to pay taxes to the US, because the US is very funny and decided to tax it's citizens who live abroad.

...what happens if you just don't. Like you move to like idk Greece or something. Just don't pay the US it's taxes there, the fuck they gonna do? Countries don't like extraditing people unless it's like CP charges or something. 

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47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

...what happens if you just don't. Like you move to like idk Greece or something. Just don't pay the US it's taxes there, the fuck they gonna do? Countries don't like extraditing people unless it's like CP charges or something. 

Then add that the Right Wing has also been defanging the IRS on top of that...

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Never mind, they've moved the general elections ahead. Four years of the right await, with the added fun of extreme right party Vox being relevant now. Unless the leftists take this as a sign to wake up and stop splitting the vote, but I don't see it.

Oh well. With luck, PP will be too cowardly to go full American and we'll get to keep our healthcare. I mean, Rajoy governed for eight years before Sanchez and we still have our healthcare! Vox is worrisome, they're wannabe Trumpers in our country, but they'd have to argue with their coalition partners at PP.

...Yeah, that's what the Spanish moderate right party is called. PP. In Spanish it's nothing unusual, and I had it so ingrained in my mind that I didn't even realize the funny until I typed it here and subconciously read it in English. But now I will never be able to unsee the PeePee. Wonderful.

1 hour ago, Benice said:


Congrats to you guys, I guess.

My city might go left, actually. Might. Depends on how much they offer the provincial party, who will be the clincher. My home village has had the same, extremely popular PP mayor for over two decades. Nobody seriously expected him to go any time soon. I even joked about our options: Vote for him, or vote to lose.

In this case I have to admit it's not exactly a bad thing for us. He's a childhood friend of my dad. Doesn't stop Dad from voting against him, but hey. They know what's what and they get along regardless.

56 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Meanwhile i'm in the process of getting my Venezuelan dual citizenship. So i can at least leave the US if things start going really really south. 

But it's, you know, Venezuela. Even if things are recovering, we still have dictator whose goons have essentially taken over the election process. So i could potentially choose between a right-wing US and a dictated country. Awesome, i love my options.

If all else fails, you could move overhere. I may be dooming and glooming over the electoral results, but this country has nothing on the average US bullshit. And you already have the language.

56 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Moving into any other country will require way too much hoops to jump through unless i end up marrying someone from there. And even then i would still have to pay taxes to the US, because the US is very funny and decided to tax it's citizens who live abroad.

...what happens if you just don't. Like you move to like idk Greece or something. Just don't pay the US it's taxes there, the fuck they gonna do? Countries don't like extraditing people unless it's like CP charges or something. 

...Wait, oh my fucking Christ, seriously? They make you pay tribute even after you leave? How does this country manage to surpass my worst expectations every single time I learn something new about it...?

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Wait, oh my fucking Christ, seriously? They make you pay tribute even after you leave? How does this country manage to surpass my worst expectations every single time I learn something new about it...?

To be fair, if you are still claiming citizenship, you still gotta owe up to what that entails, then. If he leaves, renounces citizenship, and then he's still expected to pay taxes, then that'd be a problem.

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Okay, Noah is getting good levels now.

I cannot lose this run.

11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

To be fair, if you are still claiming citizenship, you still gotta owe up to what that entails, then. If he leaves, renounces citizenship, and then he's still expected to pay taxes, then that'd be a problem.

True enough. Not quite sure which Armagon was referring to.

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Rotating between Also Sprach Zarathustra and Rune Factory 5 seems to have been a good idea. I appreciated the breather from XS's space operatics, and I yearned for a bit of low-key hubbypon time to alleviate my lack of one IRL. But now, going into two days of straight RF, it's feeling slow and a tad boring. I'll do another ingame day or three, leaving things at the end of summer, and then resume XS tomorrow. I've built up a desire to see how Shion acts once she wakes up again. I also want to start my second SRWJ run, but I'm trying to resist the urge on that. It might be squelched once I get to another E.S. segment.

With Rune Factory though, I'm still annoyed by my mistake of not enacting the spring Flower Festival.😆 I want to see every dating holiday while single, but waiting until Spring 19th of the second year sounds dreadful. The wait for winter's Holy Night on its 25th is already too long for this game. I don't know if this game has some equivalent to the RF3 Sharence Maze, but if it did a have randomized monster-filled dungeon with increasing enemy levels, that'd be a good time-killer. I'm concerned about the amount of content this game has. As alternatives to playing normally to wait it out.:

  1. View the event online.
    1. Except, I would much rather see it ingame, it'd feel better that way. I at least saw 2/3rds of the Seaside Lights festival ingame before resorting to the Internet for the other two.
  2. Start a new file solely for the purpose of seeing this festival, and ending it there.
    1. Would it actually save me any time?
    2. And, would it be possible to rush through the first four dungeons before the 19th to get Lucas so I could see his version of the event? The days are long in this game, enemies are weak, and RP isn't a huge concern. But still seems tight.
  3. Sleep spam from Spring 1st (for the friendly New Year's Day chatter) until Spring 19th of the second year. Doing absolutely nothing but sleeping, letting my monsters starve from a shortage of fodder, my fields rot away, and the villagers probably think I'm dead. Make a separate save on the day, and reload it until I've seen the six events, then reload the save kept from the night of New Year's Day and continue on that.
    1. This probably would be the fastest method. But I've never done this before in any SoS/RF, and it feels scummy. Yet I've already logged over 50 hours in this game, so I've spent plenty of time on it.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Doesn't mean the French people should give up however and like, it's France. The government fears the people there.

France did have the reputation from 1789 to 1871 as the most turbulent city in Europe. Almost a century.

Absolute Ancien Regime Monarchy to potential constitutional monarchy, to radical bloody first republic (and first atheist government in Europe), to a conservative turn to oligarchy, then the language of liberalism with the reality of old-fashioned monarchal rule. Then constitutional monarchy under the restored Bourbons, then they kicked out and replaced by their Orleans relative whose promise soon sours, then a brief Second Republic which Napoleon III usurps and replaces with a second Empire, then the Third Republic, which I don't believe was intended to be anything but a transitional government to another Bourbon or Orleans. Only then, peace, -although among the earliest tasks of the newborn Third Republic was crushing the socialist Paris Commune. And then the Dreyfus Affair a few decades later caused a great socio-political polarization within the Third Republic, although it surprisingly lasted for several decades afterwards.

May the French keep their revolutionary spirit alive, just, not too bloody, please.🇫🇷

...I wrote the above block of text trying to find amusement in history, but maybe it didn't quite provide the levity I wanted.😅 


I can hear trees blowing in the wind right now, the day is partly cloudy and not too warm.🌳🌤️ I should sit outside and do some reading.📖 I think the next thing in my current Smithsonian issue is on somewhere icy. Quite the climatic contrast to the very interesting prior story I hadn't ever before- when ex-president Theodore Roosevelt went down to Brazil, went on a river expedition in the Amazon for several months (guided by Brazil's most famed explorer), ended up getting his leg infected, and went into a state of delirium from a 105F(40.5C) malarial fever for a while.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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I activated the knight triangle attack by accident.

It was both hilarious and annoying, since it made Bors steal a kill from his sister.

...Kinda wanna use all three of them. I've used all the knights separately, but I've never gone full armor army before. Even in the one run where I got Wendy to murder Zeph, I was missing Barth!

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How the hell is my first religious revolt as Russia is from Orthodox Christians?! They trying to smite all the Muslims I decided to keep?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, it's just local elections for mayors. A bad sign, to be sure, but perhaps the wake-up call some people need, rather than a sign of things to come. Perhaps. If we are lucky.

Trump was certainly the wake up call for a lot of folks here in the states which played a crucial part in resisting that "Red Wave" Republicans were talking about. As the extremism of the right is on the rise I like to think more people are realizing politics is not a hobby but a civic duty that everyone must partake in.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Idk how it is elsewhere but the cities flipping conservative is indeed a troubling sign. Cities generally lean progressive. Even in the US' reddest of states, the cities are blue strongholds (which is exactly why Greg Abbot signed a bill allowing him to invalidate votes from Harris County. Democracy is when you invalidate votes).

*Insert we're a republic not a democracy line here*

US cities have the benefit of having lots of different people within them in a melting pot which helps the folks there stay open minded to others struggle. After all it's a lot harder for even a white moderate to vote red when that harms people they probably know personally.

I'm not an expert but I imagine most Spanish cities aren't nearly as diverse making the uphill battle be one we have to do.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Meanwhile i'm in the process of getting my Venezuelan dual citizenship. So i can at least leave the US if things start going really really south.

The fact that republicans are weaponizing their bigotry to force minorities to leave the state not just withing the state government but also within the red populace is terrible since they know it will give them more voting power.

I'm not saying you should stay no matter what even if your life is at risk but it's still really frustrating.

Again, privileged Oregonian, but if things get bad up here I always have the possibility of getting duel citizenship in El Salvador....which I'll admit is not a great upgrade but...but.

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

May the French keep their revolutionary spirit alive, just, not too bloody, please.🇫🇷

Though on the topic of revolutionary spirit among a countries, it's good to recognize that most all countries have devout revolutionary activists within them, even those that are most conservative. It may be easy to look at a place like Saudi Arabia and think being gay there would be an automatic death sentence but in reality the gay death sentence is not always enforced and many families and friends are willing to keep their gay loved ones safe from being outed to authorities

...Which is still extremely fucked up on the same level as Nazi German families hiding Jewish loved ones in their attic but it gives me hope that there is a significant number of the population who resist this.

It's often said that in a fascist society most people would be fascists because it's the path of least resistance, but it is equally as true that in a fascist society there will always be rebels, revolutionaries, and protesters continuing to fight the good fight.

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39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Okay, Noah is getting good levels now.

I cannot lose this run.

True enough. Not quite sure which Armagon was referring to.

My last run through that I wound up liking Noah a lot better that Zelot once I got him promoted. 

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...Bors survived.

Bors ate an armorslayer and lived.

......What the absolute fuck, Bors.


Still an absolute disaster. I was so proud of myself for being able to halt and clear the backline reinforcements with (primarily) the knight trio, until I remembered the hard way that two armorslayer assholes exist. A couple unfortunate moves later, everything went to shit and I was forced to sacrifice Saul to save Barthe's life.

Totally worth it. So long, perv. Legoman deserves the world.

Also Wendy got attacked by an archer but survived due to the couple levels she's gotten. Amazing.

Just now, Capt. Fargus said:

My last run through that I wound up liking Noah a lot better that Zelot once I got him promoted. 

You'd think Noah would obviously have to grow better than Jeigan 2, but his growths are actually like, 5-10% higher across the board. The only growths where Noah has a significant lead are luck and skill, which, I mean... of course, NOah has more room to grow, but he also has to catch up to Zelot's bases.

The world hates Noah. Noah hates the world. But I like him, so I'll try to make something out of him. He's actually grown quite well in this chapter, but I must get to the end alive in order to capitalize on it.

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My Condolences @Eltosian Kadath

23 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

So things like Tiger Tiger! Grant you 50,000 ether crystals per decent run for example. 


7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Turns out the right has swept the country.

Everywhere in the world going to the right and/or becoming more authoritarian ffs

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

what happens if you just don't. Like you move to like idk Greece or something. Just don't pay the US it's taxes there, the fuck they gonna do? Countries don't like extraditing people unless it's like CP charges or something. 

Every bank in the world works with US Authorities

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Look, you can hate on FE6 for a variety of reasons, but even you - yes, you, the biggest FE6 hater - have to admit that taking the memiest units in the game and giving them a triangle attack was the funniest idea.

Like, Bors and Barthe I get, they are both decently experienced and fought together for some time. But Gwen was canonically knighted a single day before chapter 8! How the fuck does she know how to do this? She's never even fought with Bors! I love it, it's great.

That settles it, I'm using all three of these stooges. This will be the first time I ever exploit a triangle attack to its fullest potential.

19 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Everywhere in the world going to the right and/or becoming more authoritarian ffs

Let's throw Bors at them

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Look, you can hate on FE6 for a variety of reasons, but even you - yes, you, the biggest FE6 hater - have to admit that taking the memiest units in the game and giving them a triangle attack was the funniest idea.

Like, Bors and Barthe I get, they are both decently experienced and fought together for some time. But Gwen was canonically knighted a single day before chapter 8! How the fuck does she know how to do this? She's never even fought with Bors! I love it, it's great.

That settles it, I'm using all three of these stooges. This will be the first time I ever exploit a triangle attack to its fullest potential.

This oughta be interesting to read about as you get into it 😁

I used it with the pegasus kinghts. Made pretty quick work of one boss fight that way

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