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*many Shining Pom later*

... I don't even know what's a good level for the tournament, but for now I'm just focusing on having the Sepith for Quartz...

Well, enough for today. Will continue next time.

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Ok so, i got Ys Celceta on PC, i will get Ys 8 on PS4 but i'm run into a dilemma. For just $15, i can upgrade to PS Plus Extra, which puts Ys 8 in a massive catalogue of games that includes Ys 9. Among others. The entire Yakuza series is on there, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Bloodborne, some indies such as Sakuna: Rice of Ruin and Hollow Knight. It legit pays itself, because i could even try out games that i don't feel like paying for, like maybe Dragon Quest 11 or the Guardians of the Galaxy game. Why Celceta isn't on there despite 8 and 9 idk but like it's a good deal.........but it costs $100. Not that i have to pay the $100 right now, i only pay the difference (i got my current subscription on the sale they do but the difference assumes i got the standard pricing). And it's only a yearly payment which $100 isn't that much. But that's still $100 less i will have every November.

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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok so, i got Ys Celceta on PC

Ya sure you didn't want to wait for me to finish it first and get my opinion?

17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

For just $15, i can upgrade to PS Plus Extra, which puts Ys 8 in a massive catalogue of games that includes Ys 9. Among others. The entire Yakuza series is on there, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Bloodborne, some indies such as Sakuna: Rice of Ruin and Hollow Knight.

Curious how the 2D Metroid aficionado you are will react to Hollow Knight. It sounds too difficult for me, and might have a "doesn't put a save point directly next to a boss" problem. Also content-creep ...which might be why the sequel HK: Silksong still isn't out yet. Apparently -according interwebz comments- that was originally going to be DLC but... content-creep.

As for Sakuna, I played it to completion. Literally developed by just two people, not bad taking that into consider. Maybe not mega fleshed out as a game made with a full team would be, but I felt it was a genuine good effort. As it somehow sold 1 million when the original sales target was 30k, it must've done something right.


11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd buy a SRW game instead.

He already has 30. I recall him posting Gilliam's recruitment.

This said, I did pick up the Expansion Pack, oh so late. I see it has a "mixed" rating on Steam, but think of it as payment for the good times I've had with J. Since I couldn't actually patronize Banpresto for that.

That, and I wanted to get something on Steam while the summer was underway, but I got cold feet/fear of venturing out of my comfort zone on a lot of stuff (no Crusader Kings III this time). Though I did grab this one oddball game I stumbled on called The Riftbreaker, a game light on the plot where the protagonist is one-way tossed through a warp gate onto an untamed planet, her job being to prepare a two-way rift -which requires a lot of resources and infrastructure- to warp in the rest of humanity so they can colonize the planet. And the player does so... in a mech.😆 It's part base-building game, part tower defense, part twin-stick shooter (the native wildlife can be unwelcoming) as I've heard it described. Saw the game mentioned in a comment responding to someone desiring a farming sim game with mechs (and was dissatisfied with what they saw of yet-to-released FPS farming sim mechs called Lightyear Frontier). The Riftbreaker ain't exactly what I'd envision Story of SEEDsons nor Rune God Factory to be, but the premise sounded interesting to me.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He already has 30. I recall him posting Gilliam's recruitment.

This said, I did pick up the Expansion Pack, oh so late. I see it has a "mixed" rating on Steam, but think of it as payment for the good times I've had with J. Since I couldn't actually patronize Banpresto for that.

That, and I wanted to get something on Steam while the summer was underway, but I got cold feet/fear of venturing out of my comfort zone on a lot of stuff (no Crusader Kings III this time). Though I did grab this one oddball game I stumbled on called The Riftbreaker, a game light on the plot where the protagonist is one-way tossed through a warp gate onto an untamed planet, her job being to prepare a two-way rift -which requires a lot of resources and infrastructure- to warp in the rest of humanity so they can colonize the planet. And the player does so... in a mech.😆 It's part base-building game, part tower defense, part twin-stick shooter (the native wildlife can be unwelcoming) as I've heard it described. Saw the game mentioned in a comment responding to someone desiring a farming sim game with mechs (and was dissatisfied with what they saw of yet-to-released FPS farming sim mechs called Lightyear Frontier). The Riftbreaker ain't exactly what I'd envision Story of SEEDsons nor Rune God Factory to be, but the premise sounded interesting to me.

Oh, did he? Nice.

Hmm, sounds interesting. Though as it were, I'm already done for my shopping this sale, heh.

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8 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Cold Steel IV's bonding events generally feel more interesting than usual. Even Laura shoving Rean against a wall and kissing him made sense in context. Though maybe I'm only okay with it because Rean and Alisa are on a break...

Reject tsundere, embrace hot lady knight


And yes, they're more interesting in general. Machias for example complete his arc in a bonding event

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19 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's literally every possible opinion, Gnip.

Indeed. It is literally impossible to dislike a specific gimmick in general but tolerate it in a specific instance.

13 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

My stance on it is, depends on the game.

If it's like Shadow Dragon where the story is mostly directed at the main cast, then I will gladly take a gimmicky silly character. But if it's like Three Houses where it's a very character centered game, then I wouldn't care as much.

Well, my more general stance is that it gimmick characters are fine as long as they don't interfere with more "serious" parts of a story. PoR would've been a very different game if, after the BK struck down Greil, Ilyana would appear and go, "Ohhhh, I'm so hungry... Do you think Commander Greil would mind if I ate his legs..?", but since that doesn't happen, I can just feel indifferent about Ilyana even though I don't particularly like her gimmick. (although I'll admit that the "revenge" line is kinda funny)


Speaking of hungry, current (well, yesterday evening's) status of my EU4 campain. Rival nations are like cookies, you can't eat just one. Very afraid of the six Ottomans on the map.
(Timurids, Kazakh, Delhi, Yemen, and Ajuuraan are vassals. 10 internet points if you know where Ajuuraan is without having played EU4)

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8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

But can you make toast?

Only if you have a toaster. Cause you know what they say:

8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Wait I'm too lazy to read back, what's going on.

CDI Spiritual successor? Doth mine eyes deceive me?

No, my friend. It is real. The birds are singing. Isn't it beautiful?

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Will the princess be inviting us?

I hope she made lotsa spaghetti!

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe if we were pesky plumbers.

If you need instructions on how to get through the hotels, check out the enclosed instruction book.

7 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Dafuq is a squadallah? 🤔

I dunno, ask the people that made those games.

7 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Anyhoo... in other news, we’ve figured out a easier way to do that godawful ch 21 of FE6. Used to be I was splittin the squad and sendin a few east and the rest south. Goddamn pain in the ass thataway

This time I sent the WHOLE squad south,  baited the yellow zone with Melady when I was ready, wasted the manaketes with Lilina and that boltron spell or whatever its called, took out Murdock with Dieck and a armorslayer... although Rutger probably coulda dunnit quicker... and still whooped it in 3 less turns than it usually took

A cold beer is tastin mighty good right now 😎

Celebrate away, that chapter is always a pesky one.

7 hours ago, BrightBow said:

See how Corrin captures Hoshidians.
Corrin: Worthless Hoshidian. You must be hardened with fire! 🔥
Go and KILL!

Whatever I see, I shall marry! Munching noises

6 hours ago, 144p said:


Hello there. Happy hamburger to you too!

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1 hour ago, gnip said:



Speaking of hungry, current (well, yesterday evening's) status of my EU4 campain. Rival nations are like cookies, you can't eat just one. Very afraid of the six Ottomans on the map.
(Timurids, Kazakh, Delhi, Yemen, and Ajuuraan are vassals. 10 internet points if you know where Ajuuraan is without having played EU4)

Well well, look at you.

And here was I just making vodka breweries.


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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ya sure you didn't want to wait for me to finish it first and get my opinion?

The sale ends today.

That said, I didn't get Oath and Ark because in addition to maybe getting Ys 8 on PS4 (still debating if I should just take the plunge in PS Plus Extra)...... that's a lot of money for a series that so far has just been "ok" to me.

And Atelier Marie Remake comes out today too.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He already has 30. I recall him posting Gilliam's recruitment.


8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, did he? Nice.

Mm. I think I'm still in the tutorial chapters tho. I need to jump back on it on some point.


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I will say this about CS/Reverie: their character artwork is almost always top-notch. They have poses that really suit the characters personality and design 95% of the time.

When having so many characters this isn't easy to accomplish, so i will give them props for that.

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Definitely has that key art vs. portrait art divide of Rune Factory. Looks like another cozy, bonding-included ARPG by Hakama. Not sure what is compelling them to make this, but I wouldn't say no to throwing it in the backlog.

The portrait art does make the characters look a little younger than the RF games. And for a game that releases in exactly three months in Japan, they've barely shown off any gameplay.


...Speaking of Riviera yesterday.:




And before I get back to Celceta myself today...


...Not exactly a great preorder bonus, Falcom. The suit doesn't look good below the head.

Reading some newly revealed details, it sounds like an equivalent to the raid battles of VIII and IX are returning. I didn't love those battles, but it sounds like only the offensive style are coming back, not the "protect the base" half, which was the part I came to dislike. So this shouldn't be too bad.


21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And Atelier Marie Remake comes out today too.

I've seen the reviews, seems to be very consistently a 7. Simple and perhaps too short. But then that'll happen with older games that get remade like this. Reminds me of the recent SoS: A Wonderful Life remake, where the reviewers couldn't help but admit it was dated in ways, though some still loved it.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Whatever I see, I shall marry! Munching noises

Man, this guy is the best boss.

Did the remake by any chance actually incorporate that guy's transformation gimmick? Because no way in heck did the original game have a transforming boss.

Edit: Wait, they actually did? Huh...

Also, this guy's name is Omfak?

Edited by BrightBow
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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Definitely has that key art vs. portrait art divide of Rune Factory. Looks like another cozy, bonding-included ARPG by Hakama. Not sure what is compelling them to make this, but I wouldn't say no to throwing it in the backlog.

Did they......make Not Rune Factory......while also being the developers of Rune Factory??????

20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


...Not exactly a great preorder bonus, Falcom. The suit doesn't look good below the head.

Jokes on you, i'll beat the final boss with this.

21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've seen the reviews, seems to be very consistently a 7. Simple and perhaps too short. But then that'll happen with older games that get remade like this. Reminds me of the recent SoS: A Wonderful Life remake, where the reviewers couldn't help but admit it was dated in ways, though some still loved it.

Makes sense. Even in the trailers, i could tell that the alchemy was a lot simpler.

I mean even budget-wise, there's a continental difference between Ryza 3 and Mariemake. It's clear where priorities lie.


Oh Shantae Advanced is only on the GBA huh. They didn't actually announce it on other platforms, i just thought the GBA cartridge was like a bonus. If it's just on the GBA it is actually cringe.

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40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Did they......make Not Rune Factory......while also being the developers of Rune Factory??????

This isn't being published by Marvelous (Bushiroad instead), while Silent Hope -stated to be in the RF world- is being developed by Marvelous, without explicit mention of Hakama. A peculiar split of publisher and developer, for this brief moment between RF Project Dragon and RF6 when they'll reunite.

The fuller key art as an aside indicates five romanceable NPCs of each gender.:


And judging from this image.:


Looks like glasses dude at the topmost left in the above art. So everyone has parallel-world fantasy-modern versions of themselves? Maybe this is the path a TMS sequel should take.

40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh Shantae Advanced is only on the GBA huh. They didn't actually announce it on other platforms, i just thought the GBA cartridge was like a bonus. If it's just on the GBA it is actually cringe.

It might not be WayForward's choice. This could be the result of Limited Run Games, a purveyor of limited-time physical releases for indie games in this increasingly-digital age, who happen to be publishing Shantae Advance.

Comments have been speculating that LRG is probably doing a timed-exclusive deal for their bottom line. Shantae Advance will come elsewhere later. Limited Run Games, from what I've seen discussed of it, is generally hated, so perhaps it's no surprise if they forced this bonehead move.

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I can't wait to bomb some (legally distinct) dodongos.

Better make sure I have enough rubies by wiping out some more goriyas. Whatever those are.


Edited by BrightBow
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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Did the remake by any chance actually incorporate that guy's transformation gimmick? Because no way in heck did the original game have a transforming boss.

Edit: Wait, they actually did? Huh...

He was always this way, and this is in fact related to how you have to beat him. He is invincible until you survive for roughly five seconds, at which point he enters his mouth form for absolutely no reason. Then you whack him once and proudly declare "I won!"

1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Also, this guy's name is Omfak?

Eyup. Names matching the quality of the rest of the game, these.

49 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh Shantae Advanced is only on the GBA huh. They didn't actually announce it on other platforms, i just thought the GBA cartridge was like a bonus. If it's just on the GBA it is actually cringe.

Isn't it just an unreleased sequel for the GBA game that they're throwing out into the wild now? It's not a new game, but rather a Star Fox 2 situation. That's what I've heard, anyway.

17 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Better make sure I have enough rubies by wiping out some more goriyas. Whatever those are.

Fucking Ushrom. Somehow he manages to be the creepiest character in two games clock full of utterly terrifying monstrosities. Just this insanely unsettling old dude that looks, sounds and behaves like he's about to offer me some sweet pastries in his basement.

17 minutes ago, BrightBow said:



Credit where credit is due, they did get a rather banging musician for those room-unique songs.

Also the artwork near the end with Harkinian, Morshu and Gwonam facing Ganon is way more badass than it has any right to be

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I still haven't finished Ryza 3 yet







I don't recall seeing this narration in the original. I know the premise back then was "an RPG where you don't save the world" and there were probably elements of that in the original but i do like how this narration sets things up.



Why are some events exclusive to Normal mode? It is very important i figure out which events are locked out, and if they are anything of importance.

25 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It might not be WayForward's choice. This could be the result of Limited Run Games, a purveyor of limited-time physical releases for indie games in this increasingly-digital age, who happen to be publishing Shantae Advance.

Comments have been speculating that LRG is probably doing a timed-exclusive deal for their bottom line. Shantae Advance will come elsewhere later. Limited Run Games, from what I've seen discussed of it, is generally hated, so perhaps it's no surprise if they forced this bonehead move.

Thing is, all the other LRG announcements have digital releases. It's like if they made Azaroth a CDI exclusive.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

sn't it just an unreleased sequel for the GBA game that they're throwing out into the wild now? It's not a new game, but rather a Star Fox 2 situation. That's what I've heard, anyway.

It is but like, Star Fox 2 is on NSO. You don't need the SNES Classic if you want to play it.

Shantae Advanced so far looks like you will need a GBA to play it, and it's LRG so the copies will be limited. So much for game preservation. I mean, the roms will be out there but...

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

It is but like, Star Fox 2 is on NSO. You don't need the SNES Classic if you want to play it.

Shantae Advanced so far looks like you will need a GBA to play it, and it's LRG so the copies will be limited. So much for game preservation. I mean, the roms will be out there but...

Well... I guess there's only one question to ask now.

New Shantae? You want it? It's yours, my friend, as long as you have enough GBA.

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