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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Age of Calamity basically ripped the BotW map (though engine downgraded) and divided it into Musou bases.

Given the sheer size of BotW, I can see how they'd be able to do that. Perhaps giving greater meaning to those vast empty spaces in the process.

Musou did attempt open world once before, with Dynasty Warriors 9. Ignoring the part where DW9 turned to be an unmitigated disaster for the franchise.

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My friends, the clinic got back to me and we finally set up an appointment about a month from now

Took more than two months of contacting them, answering questions, and now I finally have an appointment for diagnosis.

...And that's just the first hoop I have to go through to get medicated.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Drink it to get a taste but as someone who tried it on my 21st birthday, i didn't get drunk on account that beer tastes like shit actually.

Like people willingly just drink rat poison i guess.

From what I hear, alcohol is at it's best when it's combined with other things so I'd probably go for something other than just a regular beer.

I almost had my chance in Guatemala but that was a month before I turned 18.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Congratulations, you aren't lazy! Your specific human nature is simply naturally attuned to lacking direction and focused effort!😑

Human nature is that one thing many of us are content to accept as impossible or at least difficult to change, knowing that... 😐. Like our fate has been preordained to difficulty. -Although I'm sure a great many humans would think fate has conspired against them for a whole litany of other reasons.

I honestly think society as a whole would be much better if we all just accepted that everyone is a little weird sometimes.


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6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm looking forward to being able to drink just because I am endlessly curious on what it's like to be drunk.

Being drunk is overrated. Admittedly I have never gotten blackout drunk, just reached the point where you can tell most of your brain is shutting down, and it requires the mental focus of what is still functioning to perform very basic tasks.


36 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

My friends, the clinic got back to me and we finally set up an appointment about a month from now

Took more than two months of contacting them, answering questions, and now I finally have an appointment for diagnosis.

...And that's just the first hoop I have to go through to get medicated.

Congratulations on passing the first hurdle. It may not be the last step, but it is a vital one, and hopefully it instills enough cost sunk fallacy within you that you don't give up before you reach the end.


37 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

From what I hear, alcohol is at it's best when it's combined with other things so I'd probably go for something other than just a regular beer.

Mixed drinks are good, but they are much higher alcohol content than they seem, so be wary. Also as someone who is also not a fan of the piss like taste of beer, I generally prefer things like cider, mead, or desert wines (a Canadian friend would get me to fall in love with one of that country's specialties, of Ice Wine, where they let the grapes freeze on the vine before harvesting and fermenting...)

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9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Do not fall into alcoholism. That's the pathway to a life of misery, hurting your loved ones and an early grave. And no abilities some would consider unnatural, to top it off.

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Yeah i never will.


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7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And when you can get the money, you don't have time, energy or will.

That said, even when i had less money i could cook more fun than i have with money atm

Maybe because i was enjoying life more in general

First world problems lol


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8 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Yeah, they even made a Sonic Sez about it.

Dammit Sonic, you lied to me! Anyway, I’m really saddened from reading the recent posts in this thread, but I’ve got the medicine I need.


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6 hours ago, Armagon said:


"Happiness" XD

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In my case, it doesn't help that I sorta believe "To live is to think", I love thinking, too much so.

i can understand that

At the same time i hate having nothing in my mind. A scary mind/thought drives me insane

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But not having money is a problem.


Ok not "finally" but had to insert an anime pic xD

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10 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Maybe a Koopa will lend us his, if we... persuade him.

That line never had any business being as raw as it is.

10 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I wonder if they'll reference I.M. Meen in some way.

It's quite likely. He is another of the legends of yore.

10 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

@Saint Rubenio

I will say:

Don't think, just do. You have free time, enjoy it.

Go out, travel, play games

Have fun.

Work won't cure your lonliness, it  will just hide/mask it away

Yeah, that I do know. Grass is always greener on the other side - when I was working I definitely was a bit annoyed by the fact that I was always too tired to do anything but lie down in bed or play videogames.

10 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Truth be told I’d rather smoke pot then drink. It takes effect faster, wears off faster, wont leave you sick in the morning, and wont make you choke on your own puke in your sleep if you overdo it. I just cant touch it tho with what I do for a livin

And yet pot is the illegal thing. Not that I'm saying forbidding alcohol is the solution, I mean, prohibition didn't exactly work out stellarly. But it's funny how militant people are in the fight against pot when alcohol is like, a million times worse and gets a ton of people killed every year.

9 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

That would be my guess

The more @Saint Rubeniosays stuff like that the more I think Im lookin in a mirror. Hellos and goodbyes are the worst for me. Got a big problem with “breakin the ice” as it were. I’m content with simple head nods to serve that purpose

Thats one of the things that led to my divorce. The ex could never understand that

That's a shame. Never been in a relationship, but I imagine getting into one with someone who doesn't really understand you would get rough.

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm sure if I ever come across someone I used to go to school with (even as late as College) my reaction would be...

"Who are you?"

So most likely outcome is they approach me. I'd still be confused, but it's much easier to be roped into conversations than start them.

You know, that would make it easier for me. The problem is, nobody ever recognizes me. I've changed dramatically in a few years. I have to take the first step every time because nobody can tell who I am under the beard lol. A couple times it has proven handy, but still.

9 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm looking forward to being able to drink just because I am endlessly curious on what it's like to be drunk.

But that's just for one life experience, on the other hand I am afraid I would become addicted to it because of how my brain will latch onto to anything to increase dopamine.

I'm afraid of the same, so I've always taken care to avoid it. Plus, the one time I drank enough to become slightly tipsy, I became so fucking sad I had to escape the party entirely before I broke down into tears. Never again.

9 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Remember, acknowledging that you have privilege is significantly different from just ignoring your problems all together. You can be an activist for the impoverished of the world while still taking care of yourself.

Well, that makes me feel a bit better. Thanks.

9 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

A Fire Emblem fan out in the wild? I thought we only existed on the internet and nowhere else!

I mean ngl if I met a girl with enough shared interests to describe herself as a Three Houses fan I think I'd fall hopelessly in love.

...then I'd bide my time for the inevitable Berwick Saga shilling.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

None of my irl friends was because i initiated the conversation. Well, there is one. My oldest friend from 5th grade, the mega Touhou fan. We met back when i wasn't introverted. Then years of middle school bullying turned me into the shy introverted guy of today. Awesome.

That's cool. I mean, it's not like I'm entirely alone, myself. I do have a few friends, but...

3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

My friends, the clinic got back to me and we finally set up an appointment about a month from now

Took more than two months of contacting them, answering questions, and now I finally have an appointment for diagnosis.

...And that's just the first hoop I have to go through to get medicated.

Yeesh... Is this going to cost you much?

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So I have been quietly doing an Engage ironman on hard for a little while now, but with no deaths, I just didn't feel quite right to mention it, but finally on chapter 13 we have our first death. Panette tragically died in her join chapter. She was the only one in a position to block the longbow sniper in the center from having its pick of my fliers, after one of my flier's Illume staff uses revealed it, and when it was time to kill it, I needed her power to do so, and I couldn't see the pair of Wolf Knights from the fog that would kill her until she committed to the move.

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7 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

So I have been quietly doing an Engage ironman on hard for a little while now, but with no deaths, I just didn't feel quite right to mention it, but finally on chapter 13 we have our first death. Panette tragically died in her join chapter. She was the only one in a position to block the longbow sniper in the center from having its pick of my fliers, after one of my flier's Illume staff uses revealed it, and when it was time to kill it, I needed her power to do so, and I couldn't see the pair of Wolf Knights from the fog that would kill her until she committed to the move.

Hopefully you won't lose anybody else. Do use Lindon.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

This is like the most non-issue thing ever.

Like literally Zelda does this

Umm... Not really. They have JP voices intentionally, there is a clear difference. 

This is obviously just a severe lack in quality, but how would you know? Have you played the game yet? Xd

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7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

My friends, the clinic got back to me and we finally set up an appointment about a month from now

Took more than two months of contacting them, answering questions, and now I finally have an appointment for diagnosis.

...And that's just the first hoop I have to go through to get medicated.

UK healthcare moment (I know you're in the US).

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

From what I hear, alcohol is at it's best when it's combined with other things so I'd probably go for something other than just a regular beer.

The beer was with a nice pasta dinner, it still tastes like ass.

I'd rather have chicha.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Happiness" XD

She may be a beyond-saving alcoholic but she does put out bangers

Bocchi S2 when?

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Grass is always greener on the other side - when I was working I definitely was a bit annoyed by the fact that I was always too tired to do anything but lie down in bed or play videogames.

Still a better work/life balance than over here.

Conclusion, work sucks.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And yet pot is the illegal thing

*In some places

50 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Umm... Not really. They have JP voices intentionally, there is a clear difference. 

This is obviously just a severe lack in quality, but how would you know? Have you played the game yet? Xd

This is like the least worst thing to complain about.

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Just now, Armagon said:

This is like the least worst thing to complain about.

I mean, lack of quality is a problem no matter it's stature. 

I don't think that it should be excused simply because it's "not as bad".

It's as simple as someone messed up, of course they could fix these issues, but i won't hold my breath. XD

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Ended up deciding to do a bit of Triangling. I considered starting over from my NG+ file, but... Eh. The first bit of the game is the slowest and I just happen to have a really convenient save from the previous run where I left off right after chapter 4, when the war (and the game proper) starts. So I think I'll just keep going on that one. We'll see if I finish the game again or end up moving to something else, though it's sounding pretty nice to get one step closer to getting all the endings.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Bocchi S2 when?

wasn't it super succesful? It will happen eventually.

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Conclusion, work sucks.

I will say less the work itself and more the work system

You waste too much time on something you are forced to do. Sometimes even dead time. Finishing fast let's you get punished by more work instead of going early. There's no flexibility, and if the company is doing better you don't even get rewarded, etc.

It's a fucked up system, that's the problem.

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My dental crown is slightly lose and it's hurting like hell, so I have to get this fixed ASAP. Most dentist offices don't work weekends and my insurance doesn't cover dental.

America moment.

38 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

don't think that it should be excused simply because it's "not as bad".

I mean there are things that don't bother me.

28 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

wasn't it super succesful? It will happen eventually

They already announced a recap movie. They don't do those if it there isn't a second season in the works.


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