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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

However, living in the desert in skimpy clothing is a terrible idea. The sand is gonna blast ya hard, bleedin' bad, with resulting infections. Not to mention sunburns, and you'll  dehydrate faster. Thick clothing that covers the entire body is better in the desert. No sand lacerations, no burns, and your precious sweat won't evaporate in an instant.

Media has convinced people that living in the desert means skimpy clothing.

Skimpy clothing makes sense in humid areas or places that's just simply dry. Desert? Nah.

5 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

In a sense you have the Roosevelts to thank for a lot of that. One of the things Theodore Roosevelt was most proud from his presidency was the founding of the National Park system, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt would use the Civilian Conservation Corp as a means of both having the government supply work during the great depression, and greatly expand and improve the national park system.

Mmm. But still, the American wilderness was well preserved compared to Europe. The Roosevelts saw the chance and took it.

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I think I'm just about done with Agniratha.

I'm already starting to see all those Red-labeled monsters in the early areas starting to be Yellow-labeled now, hmm...

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Just now, Armagon said:

Skimpy clothing makes sense in humid areas or places that's just simply dry. Desert? Nah.

Live in desert, can confirm it's not skimpy clothing here, hahahahah.

Right now we reach the high 40's C, already broke the 50C mark about two weeks ago.

Just now, Armagon said:

Mmm. But still, the American wilderness was well preserved compared to Europe. The Roosevelts saw the chance and took it.

That said, Teddy did it also for pragmatic reasons.

He was an avid hunter, so his rationale was "best preserve nature so there will always be something to shoot at". Not that there wasn't a genuine sense to preserve nature, but it was nuanced, as it were.

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Interesting things about Atelier's origin: in Salburg continuity, alchemy is just an aspect of magic. It's not a wholly separate thing like later in the series. Marie attends the Royal Academy of Magic, not alchemy. Even in battle, she functions pretty much like a mage. Her staff shoots lightning.

11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That said, Teddy did it also for pragmatic reasons.

He was an avid hunter, so his rationale was "best preserve nature so there will always be something to shoot at". Not that there wasn't a genuine sense to preserve nature, but it was nuanced, as it were.

Thankfully, Teddy wasn't one to hunt for the simple sake of it. When he failed to hunt a bear, his assistants eventually tied one to a tree so that Teddy could shoot it. He refused


and this is why we now have teddy bears.

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58 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

No Armagon, bad. Shrimpy needs to burn, otherwise it is the world that shall. More AC = more energy demand = increased fossil fuel consumption = 🌎🔥. "But what about ☀️🌬️ power?" please, while that would be the ideal solution, you just know the easier short-term answer is going to be more 🛢️.

Although, who am I kidding? Let the Shrimp live in a fridge, the world is already abla- ...ACtually I don't want to be a total doomer right now. That not fun.

My AC gets the shit run out if it when its hot, but we make up for it when we sleep with the windows open all winter

I cant remember the last time I turned the heat on

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52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Media has convinced people that living in the desert means skimpy clothing.

TBF, the Ancient Egyptians were skimpy according to all their art. And they're the most well-known desert civilization.-But that was a loooooong time ago, people have gotten smarter about desert attire since then. And perhaps the Egyptians just didn't spend that much time in the sand, clinging to the lifeblood that is the Nile, where moisture existed and plants could grow that'd keep the soil on the ground where it belongs, not in the air.

52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Skimpy clothing makes sense in humid areas

Considering bug bites and stings, I ponder if more clothing would be useful in the jungle. Or would the bugs inevitably find a way under it all?

There are certain kinds of bees out there that are attracted to/drink human sweat, thick absorptive clothing would hopefully keep them at bay.

-If you ever visit Venezuela again, don't be stupid, don't ever try doing a jungle expedition. Because I read these exist in the rainforests.:


Bullet ants. Named b/c their bites feel like getting shot.

34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Interesting things about Atelier's origin: in Salburg continuity, alchemy is just an aspect of magic. It's not a wholly separate thing like later in the series. Marie attends the Royal Academy of Magic, not alchemy. Even in battle, she functions pretty much like a mage. Her staff shoots lightning.

*Thinks on how this compares with the black sheep A6-10 quintet*

Well... You do have one playable mage who isn't an alchemist in Iris 1 -but then they're the underling of an alchemist who learned their magic from said alchemist. So magic is at least lumped together with alchemy and both can be practiced together.

The whole "alchemy requires Mana-beings to happen" aspect of Irises 1 & 2 does shout "summoner", which is more magical than alchemical. As does the reliance on Mana energy to make alchemy happen too. Iris 2's heroes don't include a designated mage, and I don't recall seeing one among the enemies either (but I could simply be forgetful of unimportant grunts).

Iris 3, Iris could've been rewritten to be a pure summoner, and the story would hardly change. The game really downplays alchemy/alchemists. And with a playable cast of only three... maybe some grunt random enemies are non-human mages, but that'd be it for mages-without-alchemy shown.

The issue with Mana Khemia (1 at least) is that it exists entirely at Notwarts, er Al-Revis, and the surrounding environment atop a giant tree, it is hermetically sealed off from the rest of the world. Outside of some faculty, everyone is an alchemist/studying to be one, it's therefore impossible to say if mages exist independently of alchemy. (Not to say the entire cast consists of mages, you have big muscles-giant sword somehow-an-alchemist dude, a smaller SamurAlchemist girl, and a giant hammer beastgirl alch.)


50 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

He was an avid hunter, so his rationale was "best preserve nature so there will always be something to shoot at". Not that there wasn't a genuine sense to preserve nature, but it was nuanced, as it were.

There is a difference between conservationism and preservationism.

  • Conservationism- Some -regulated, limited, won't long-term ruin the environment- human activity is allowed in designated lands.
  • Preservationism- No human activity is allowed in the designated lands.

Theodore Roosevelt was a conservationist.

Presently, 29.8% of United States lands are now protected to some extent. The US Geological Survey divides protected lands into three ranks.:

  • Status 1- Includes wilderness areas and many national parks, natural disturbances such as wildfires are allowed to occur. Comprise 7.9% of all US lands.
  • Status 2- Includes national wildlife refuges and conservation areas, natural disturbances are suppressed by humans in such places. Comprise 4.7% of all US lands.
  • Status 3- Includes national forests. Have mixed uses and can permit activities such as logging, mining, or grazing. Comprise 17.1% of all US lands.

...I would've simply posted the map, but my National Geographic subscription is print-only, no digital.😐

Most of this is in Alaska and further out west in the lower 48, no surprise it's veeeeery limited everywhere else.


3 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

My AC gets the shit run out if it when its hot, but we make up for it when we sleep with the windows open all winter

I cant remember the last time I turned the heat on

And I'm the kind of person who tries to sweat it out/shiver it out for as long as possible to be economical about it. -But if someone else wants to run the central cooling/heating, well I won't stop them from turning it and incidentally reap the benefits.😏

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I will say, they definitely should've not kept the randomness of some events in Atelier Marie. Like there's this one where you gotta talk to a girl named Flair. She shows up in the tavern but if she's working, then interaction doesn't work. She just needs to be there as a guest for the event to activate.

.....so when the fuck does she come to visit? Like some events will say "_%" so you can at least know. But damn bro, i need dates.

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21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-If you ever visit Venezuela again, don't be stupid, don't ever try doing a jungle expedition. Because I read these exist in the rainforests.:


I went hiking up the mountains once. Never saw these.

I know there's a tribe somewhere where they willingly put their arms in gauntlets full of these fuckers as a rite of passage. It seems after some point they kinda developed a resistance to their bites.

22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As does the reliance on Mana energy to make alchemy happen too

Yeah alchemy in Marie requires MP too.

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Forget choosing Nohr or Hoshido. The real quandaries are choosing who gets invited to Colony 6...

But sheesh, what a difference trying to beat a red-label enemy to a yellow-label one. I suppose it was still a five level difference, so... it was alright. Still waiting the day I can go back and fight Territorial Rotbart.

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8 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Yeah and snipers can cross rivers too like I just saw in ch 4

Nice one, skippy 🙄

And with that fine example of bullshittery, I had enough

Understandable. Perhaps try Sun God's Wrath next and see how far Blademaster came with the years!

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

@Shrimpy -Limited Edition- @Saint Rubenio the fuck you mean you gotta pay to use the public restroom? It's called public for a reason.

Like not even a "customers only" rule, nah, just public restrooms charge you 50 cents

This is basically just the ones you find on the streets. You go into a mall or something like that and you're good. Depends on the country too, pretty sure overhere it isn't a thing.

6 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Thought Id give Requiem a try and holy shit 😳

How you do you not get absolutely raped in the very first chapter?? 

Requiem is another classic. First chapter being tough was a common complaint back kn the day. It has a very good story, but the gameplay hasn't aged as well.

6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

yeah it's fucking annoying

On the bright side: The toilets aren't made for foot fetishists 

...say what?

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

The US (and the Americas as a whole) actually have national parks. You're not really gonna find shit like the Grand Canyon, the Everglades, Yellowstone, etc over there. A lot of untouched wilderness over here, i think we owe it to the indigenous lifestyles of the past for that.

There's nature here too. Not the same style, obviously we don't got mesas here, but there's plenty to see if you look for it. Besides I'd be too afraid of being gunned down by some lunatic with an assault rifle who thinks I look like a muslim on my way to nature to visit the US wilderness

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Restaurants charge for tap water apparently. Any restaurant that does that here would get beaten up.

Pretty sure at least in Spain this is not true. And on the other hand, we don't have to pay the waiters' salaries via tips. They just have... Well, regular salaries.

They made an attempt to introduce that wonderful system in Madrid, but as far as I know it failed miserably, as well it should.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Y'all don't have ACs, i feel so bad. I remember you complaining about heat multiple times, turns out i somehow have it better. What the fuck.

I won't lie, I've always found ceiling fans to be enough. My parents often don't wanna use them to conserve power, but when we do it's all we need. And public places are always cool and nice. I dunno how they manage, so... maybe we do have AC in Spain. Never stopped to consider it.

...honestly, even by Europe standards Spain is a fucking awesome place to live. Work, not so much, but you live quite comfortably here. Also a very tourism-oriented country, too.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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It's way too fucking hot

So fucking hot i awoke at 8 am on a sunday where i slept at like 4 am. Yamete

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

The US (and the Americas as a whole) actually have national parks.

We have some cool parks over here and alot of greenery as well.

They also don't close during budgeting fights

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

On that note the US specifically just has a lot of geographical variations. Perfect country for the adventurous types that are mostly Europeans cause lol PTO for Americans.

Still a european colony after all these years


6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Read the main problem with Europeans is that they're just too old


6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Restaurants charge for tap water apparently.

...no? I don't think so atleast?

Whe you are in a restaurant you usually get mineral water tho


6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Y'all don't have ACs, i feel so bad. I remember you complaining about heat multiple times, turns out i somehow have it better. What the fuck.

A continent not used to head do be like that

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Shrimpy needs to burn


i am more like melting in this heat

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

the world is already abla- ...ACtually I don't want to be a total doomer right now. That not fun.

that's not dooming, that's facts

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...say what?

To call their doors doors would be an overstatement

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...honestly, even by Europe standards Spain is a fucking awesome place to live. Work, not so much, but you live quite comfortably here.

mediterranean moment

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28 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

i am more like melting in this heat


Meanwhile I went to the river with a friend two day ago and it started raining.

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21 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I think the problem's just the @ lol

21 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

double the water, double the fun?

I did not leave the water, that's for sure.

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4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

But sheesh, what a difference trying to beat a red-label enemy to a yellow-label one

Stacking plenty of agility allows you to hit them with much better luck. Missing alot is a great way to abuse affinity with everyone, though!

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I wonder how they thought STR/ATS/SPD up (S) was balanced compared to 

STR/DEF/SPD up (M) heals all ailments/statdown, HP Regen, and finally to top it off, 0 Delay all for only 40 cost vs 30. Oh and 1 free BP. forgot that.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You go into a mall or something like that and you're good.

But then it's the weekends and everything is closed.

That's one of the things that's like 50/50 in terms of how good it is. In the US, people work on weekends. That sucks for the work/life balance but it is admittedly good for the consumer. In Europe, people don't work on weekends but then that means if you forgot some groceries and it's Saturday, you gotta wait.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's nature here too. Not the same style, obviously we don't got mesas here, but there's plenty to see if you look for it.

Well there's nature everywhere obviously but the national park system is not as robust.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

honestly, even by Europe standards Spain is a fucking awesome place to live. Work, not so much, but you live quite comfortably here

Still a better work/life balance than US.

It's funny, US does have generally higher wages but the higher wages don't pay for shit. George Bush once told a single mother of three "wow you're working three jobs. That's uniquely American isn't it" like yes Bush, that is uniquely American, because that's basically unheard of in other first world countries. Hell I bet third world countries it's unheard of too. 

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

They also don't close during budgeting fights

I don't think this stops people.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Whe you are in a restaurant you usually get mineral water tho

Thinking about how Dasani is banned in UK.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

continent not used to head do be like that

Like surely at least Spain and Portugal, given it's proximity to Africa. Ruben does say he didn't seem to have an issue with it.

20 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Mommy's boy


Opedius complex.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

George Bush once told a single mother of three "wow you're working three jobs. That's uniquely American isn't it"


3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Opedius complex.


it all comes back to Sarina

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