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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Perhaps change the approach a bit. You did say you were scouring every region as you went. Maybe streamline the process a bit. You don't have to do everything right now.

Yeah, also this too. But I’ll see how I feel when I actually want to play again (which shouldn’t be that long).

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:


The beginning to this is… weird.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I got distracted by the sorter thing.

Je voi! (Hey to the french guy here, correct me!)

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:



2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

These are things I hear from people with traditional families and sibling relationships, yes.

I despise the traditional family.

However, he's either a little bit on the spectrum, or just dumb. He likes antagonizing me when he knows my dad is much worse, and sides with my dad on all things. Yet despite how much he pushes me away, and our morals and values are entirely contradictory, he still talks to me. I don't know what goes in his mind. So again, I say, I am the older brother. I am impervious to him, and I do have to try and help him, even if he doesn't care, because I know how it goes if he takes the full brunt of my dad.

Oh it helps to tell you guys I don't live with him, lel.

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

See they both suck because they SA other characters and it gets played for laughs, which is definitely the worst anime trope. Especially in games with writing that’s fairly good like Crossbell and then they just randomly drop that on you and go “haha funny right guys” and it just completely shatters the enjoyment, the believability, takes me out of the story, makes me feel strange for playing a game that thinks this funny, hate the game, etc. It also ruins the other characters present, like it was just Ilya and Rixia in Zero but in Azure Shirley does it in front of the entire party and everyone’s like “lol lmao gottem” and the police detective says “I think this is sexual harassment…” or smth LIKE YES STOP LAUGHING.

Ah, yeah. I usually bring that down to the entire game rather than just the characters. Because see EVERYONE reacts like this is funny. It is a blight upon the entire cutscene's quality, and thus the game's cutscene to cutscene quality as a whole. I think as characters Shirley and Ilya work fine.

Mind you, I fucking detest this trope. KILL IT WITH FIRE.

13 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Amalthea’s decent.

You know what she probably is, I probably disliked her and thought she was annoying because I was being sexist! I mean, god forbid women do anything. (Half-joking, it might have been like a subconscious thing if it did happen, but also probably I just forgot why I disliked her).

14 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You’re not ready for CS4 Ouroboros

Ah........ god. I mean even in Azure... like, LOL ok guys nobody cares about you anymore.

15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Karel and Harken? Impossible, shattering reality

Lel, so true.

15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yeah because he’s cool. Hero is just such a cool class and there’s not that many in FE. There’s Samson, Astram, Echidna, Harken, and… that’s it I think? Even if we throw in character who can only promote to hero (so not branching) that just gets us Ogma, Caesar, Dieck, Ogier (lol), and Raven. Also I think Navarre and Radd would count in the original fe1 (and maybe fe3 idk) but in the remakes they became myrms.

I mean that’s a solid smattering but nothing compared to like, the cavs or pegs or knights of the series.


Harken's character himself is also actually cool. Survivor's guilt. I also like Isadora because 1.- She's underrated. 2.- She's his fiancee (or wife?) and like, fuck if you're married to Harken you are awesome no matter who you are and 3.- Because she's awesome herself too.

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6 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Harken's character himself is also actually cool. Survivor's guilt. I also like Isadora because 1.- She's underrated. 2.- She's his fiancee (or wife?) and like, fuck if you're married to Harken you are awesome no matter who you are and 3.- Because she's awesome herself too.

Only engaged.


I'm reminded of a fanfic idea I have for Isadora. It's actually written to an extent, if only the beginning-ish portion...

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“As for ''Attachement Complex'' (especially when it comes to disscussions concerning Crow) i don't really see it as he keeps running away from his family, the people he should be attached to.
He thinks more about Crow then his kidnapped Sister which makes go ''????''”

Lmao people were bringing out “attachment complex” to justify Rean (as well as depression). The game does a shit job at depicting Rean’s “issues”. But yeah now that I think about it, he barely thought about Elise huh…

“Man, i miss BEstelle.”

Based Shrimpy. And of course not truly neutral faction, shit pacing, no true consequences, bonding events locking character info is bad, gameplay too easy… all the correct CS2 takes

“It's still a damn good rpg, but not a good Trails.” Oh no, it’s Armagon’s least favorite opinion! I’m actually surprised he wrote that CS2 is a good rpg.

Anyway I realized @Shrimpy -Limited Edition- actually linked this before because I read your last post there already. I hope you don’t mind me quoting your posts from 5 years ago.

29 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The game really likes those corrupted lyrics.

Yeesh. Hope I don’t have to hear them that much more.

25 minutes ago, Hanes said:


[s{You sound like Jusis Trails[/s]

25 minutes ago, Hanes said:

However, he's either a little bit on the spectrum, or just dumb. He likes antagonizing me when he knows my dad is much worse, and sides with my dad on all things. Yet despite how much he pushes me away, and our morals and values are entirely contradictory, he still talks to me. I don't know what goes in his mind. So again, I say, I am the older brother. I am impervious to him, and I do have to try and help him, even if he doesn't care, because I know how it goes if he takes the full brunt of my dad.

Oh it helps to tell you guys I don't live with him, lel.

Right, well, I hope everyone is doing well.

25 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Ah, yeah. I usually bring that down to the entire game rather than just the characters. Because see EVERYONE reacts like this is funny. It is a blight upon the entire cutscene's quality, and thus the game's cutscene to cutscene quality as a whole. I think as characters Shirley and Ilya work fine.

For Shirley specifically it’s made to be an actual character trait of hers. She’s my least favorite Trails character, even if her voice acting is 10/10.

25 minutes ago, Hanes said:

You know what she probably is, I probably disliked her and thought she was annoying because I was being sexist! I mean, god forbid women do anything.


I mean in chapter 3 you’re led to believe that she’s organizing a prison break for Richard + a second coup, until it’s revealed that the whole thing was set up… by Renne, who is a girl.

Assuming the complaint here was that Amalthea didn’t do anything.

25 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Ah........ god. I mean even in Azure... like, LOL ok guys nobody cares about you anymore.

It’s not that, it’s that since CS4 is the end of the arc (lol) they thought to actually explain some things about some of the antagonists who before were just “I’m so evil and mysterious”, but it’s clear that they had NO idea where they were going with these characters because no one’s motivation makes any sense if you think about it for more than 2 seconds.

25 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Harken's character himself is also actually cool. Survivor's guilt. I also like Isadora because 1.- She's underrated. 2.- She's his fiancee (or wife?) and like, fuck if you're married to Harken you are awesome no matter who you are and 3.- Because she's awesome herself too.

He does seem like he has a cool character, but lol gba support system.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

[s{You sound like Jusis Trails[/s]


2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I mean in chapter 3 you’re led to believe that she’s organizing a prison break for Richard + a second coup, until it’s revealed that the whole thing was set up… by Renne, who is a girl.

Assuming the complaint here was that Amalthea didn’t do anything.


Nah yeh I agree.


It’s not that, it’s that since CS4 is the end of the arc (lol) they thought to actually explain some things about some of the antagonists who before were just “I’m so evil and mysterious”, but it’s clear that they had NO idea where they were going with these characters because no one’s motivation makes any sense if you think about it for more than 2 seconds.

I will be a broken record, LuciLOLa already doesn't. However Bleublanc also falls weak.

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Hmm, I feel I should be already at a good point to consider the chapter finished. But I wonder if I should do some scene skipping for that. Most of this chapter is just the game's Chapter 2 intro but transplanted into the fanfic. I don't feel like just copying it over, even if I do make tweaks to it aside from the obvious, but at the same time I wonder if skipping certain parts, mainly those that would be barely changed can be for the best. It can already be inferred to anyone who already played the game... perhaps. But then what if someone's reading it that hasn't? Agh, what to do...

If I choose to add everything, it'd certainly make the chapter be quite long, or at least longer than the other chapters, and I also wonder if that is a good idea or not...

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Okay, I think... it's finally done. It's too late, so I'll go over it one last time for any last minute tweaks and upload it tomorrow after work.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But what if the plotbunnies are original smutty fanfics of you pseudo-self-inserting yourself in some way?

Yes, nothing wrong with that.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

h the amount of time I waste on purest garbage like this.


People waste time on stuff that actually hurts people, you're just letting your imagination go wild

Again, nothing wrong with that.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:



Design of girl on the right 2 good

3 hours ago, Sooks said:


Without Rean she would've been good

I still like her more than most of class 7....but that's not really a compliment lol

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

’m actually surprised he wrote that CS2 is a good rpg

Wrote that before i finished the game, and you can see me souring more and more on it as i go on xD

Also had "Trails can do no wrong it will get good eventually with amazing payoff" mindset

You saw where that mindset went over the years 😛

And how one of my last posts was "Don't wanna touch trails for a while"

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

. I hope you don’t mind me quoting your posts from 5 years ago.

Did you read the "what if crow was mc" post by Kurisupfp?

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

lol support system.


Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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2 hours ago, Hanes said:

Je voi! (Hey to the french guy here, correct me!)

C'est 'Je vois!'.

Voir is an irregular verb - the singular forms (je vois, tu vois, il/elle/on voit) are conjugated like regular verbs ending in -ir, but the plural forms (nous voiyons, vous voiyez, ils/elles voient) are more like of an -er verb, although the y/i discrepancy seems a bit odd at first glance. I assume it's because the -ent in ils/elles voient is silent.

Generally speaking, I think you almost always have an ending when conjugating a verb - so not just 'voi' for voir, or 'mang' for manger. There's (almost) always some -s or -e or -ent or whatever at the end.

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9 hours ago, Hanes said:

Nah just sayin, sale numbers come up and we all know they don't *mean* much and you go full rant mode

I mean, they do mean something to me when it points at the next FE being like the FE I hate the most.

9 hours ago, Hanes said:

it's just funny I like the whole calling people "hater" jokes.

I suppose I can understand that.

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

I mean I much prefer realistic outfits to like, Odin Fates, but the ones I love are cool stylish ones. Like Serenoa’s jacket or much of 3H post time skip.

3H post time skip has some pretty great desgins - Ignatz comes to mind - though I feel it does suffer from a bit of excessive bloat at times. Not on Engage's level or anything, but the designs do feel to me like they've a bit too much going on in a few places. Also, the game suffers from the characters spending two thirds of it in those dreadfully yawn-inducing uniforms, and the faces not having as much personality, with very similar poses and expressions across the board.

...Jesus I really can't say anything nice about Three Houses without adding a billion caveats. Let's try it again: Hanneman

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

What? Who? Everyone who comes to mind is at best pretty selfish and only helps like once for their own gain or worst… well you know.



Biggest example would be Dragan. With how they made a poitn of him being super ambitious and the way he looked, I fully expected him to be the kind of character that starts as a decent dude / non-threat and slowly rises up until he becomes the main, or at least a major, villain. Then he just died, jumpstarting the conflict with his death.

There's also Clarus, who looks like the most evil asshole in the world, but then turns out to just be... kinda just a guy? He runs some shady dealings and most notably an underground arena, but he does seem genuinely invested in figuring out Sorsley's corruption if you choose to expose him. Then in Freddie's route he selflessly helps out Wolffort, even though Hyzante being Hyzante it's likely to have caused his head to roll after he's last seen. He does all of this, despite being present when they talk about fleeing Norzelia, so he knows there's zero chance they'll repay him in any way. He just does it because he's a decent guy, despite looking like this.

Kamsell looks like an absolute barbarian but ends up being the more reasonable of Hyzante's Saintly Seven. His main fault is just that he's pretty much the only one of the Seven that actually, genuinely believes in the Teachings, which leads him to do bad things and ends up causing his demise every time. He's basically as much Idore's puppet as the rest of Hyzante's population, unlike someone like Sorsley. On the subject of the Seven, Lyla also looks like a pretty dangerous person but ends up being a conflicted individual who can be reasoned with.

By contrast, Tenebris looks like a pretty big deal and ends up being the world's most pathetic loser who never does anything.

That's not to say every character is subverted, I mean, Thalas and Erika, but the game does play with the first impressions a bit in a few places. It's neat.


9 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

It was more about the confirmation that Echoes sold over a million units which I found interesting. 

Well, to take a page from your book:


9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Unlike the other games you mentioned FE5 actually compensates it's surprise bullshit with cool mechanics. 6, 11, 12 and 13 have no such thing

I hear there's a hack in the works that's removing ambush spawns while adding a ballistician to FE6

9 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

That makes it sound like it's the fuckin' Japanese Quijote, damn. It also says absolutely nothing about the story, the characters, the setting or anything at all that might actually pique my interest, so my questions remain unanswered.

I do know about When They Cry, though. I've been curious about it, it looks like a fever dream, but I have to wonder if I'd be able to endure its animeisms.

9 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

No, but there's old people



Well, already I can tell it's not a game I'd enjoy for its character designs.

9 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

It's a porn game, so yes, but its only like, 1 h-scene per route


Akiha also has nice dialogue

Oh, it's a porn game.

Ahahaha! Of course. Only you'd casually recommend a porn game, anime-man.

9 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

You have to continue playing Dragon Age to reach beard

I see, trying to entice me with beards. A good plan, a good plan indeed...

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You think Ruben would like Tsukihime?

I think Shiki's...everything would turn him off hard XD

A guy with glasses? I fully expected a loli to pop up and I'd go "ah yeah I get it, there's a H-scene with her and that's why Shrimpy said that," but nothing about this guy jumps out to me as "Ruben will hate."

...This Akiha 06 brought up before is his younger sister. Naturally. Should've expected there'd be an incest porn scene in a Japanese game.

9 hours ago, Shaky Jones said:

Hey, if you want fe8 story with gameplay, just play Ruben's hack. 


There's your free damn advertisement you old beardman. I better receive compensation for my kindness to your kind.

I'm not removing Grigas, I think it's really funny. Let me know if there's any other way I can compensate.

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

3 am over here so you would've waited quite a bit for him

I mean, almost caught me up and about. I lost track of time and spent until 2 AM exploring the graphics editor of FE6.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Everything becomes FE if you think about it too hard.

Ah yes, my favorite FE: Team Fortress 2.

7 hours ago, Sooks said:

Jesus Christ, it even has Triangle Strategy lol. And rom hacks.

Oh yeah, I did TS after my second run. Two guesses as to who ended up at the top.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

I mean, I’d include Triangle Strategy, 3H… and what else?

I do find it pretty hilarious that it has TS but not KagaSaga. Now there's some seriously avant-garde FE headcanoning.

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Only engaged.

Hence why the guy who exists for two minutes can steal her from right under Harken's nose lololololol

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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A guy with glasses? I fully expected a loli to pop up and I'd go "ah yeah I get it, there's a H-scene with her and that's why Shrimpy said that," but nothing about this guy jumps out to me as "Ruben will hate."

That...is in the "sequel"/fandisc


Gotta read that sometime tbh

17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

hear there's a hack in the works that's removing ambush spawns while adding a ballistician to FE6

Does it fix FE6's maps? And everything honestly?

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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34 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

That...is in the "sequel"/fandisc


Gotta read that sometime tbh

Ahh, yes. There's the decades-spanning influence at work. It truly does seem like Japan.

31 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Does it fix FE6's maps? And everything honestly?



Don't expect miracles, but the creator's done what he could.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Is that four playable Knights, or a palette swap between red and blue?

e: Also, obligatory rebuke of any instigations by anybody ITT that BinBla's maps are bad.

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6 hours ago, Sooks said:

He thinks more about Crow then his kidnapped Sister which makes go ''????''”

If ive mentioned it once i have plenty of times, Crow was always his true love. 

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20 minutes ago, gnip said:

Is that four playable Knights, or a palette swap between red and blue?

Palette swap, though I intend to include a version with traditional map colors for those that would rather have practicality over flavor.

There are four playable knights though

20 minutes ago, gnip said:

Also, obligatory rebuke of any instigations by anybody ITT that BinBla's maps are bad.

I do like them more than most. Though there's a couple that are undeniable kinda lame. Chapter 8 really is just a spiral lol. I don't know if this will do more harm than good though. I'll have to wait until people play it and yell at me. I mostly just added an extra entryway to a couple maps and enlarged the Ilia fog map's hallway a bit so it's less annoying to move through, nothing too ambitious.

17 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

There it is. The Vanmod.

17 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Will probably still have more changes than eventual FE6 remake with how faithful IS tends to be

I can tell you with absolute confidence my new characters will be better than theirs. Stupid fucking Conrad.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Though there's a couple that are undeniable kinda lame. Chapter 8 really is just a spiral lol.

Fair, 8 is definitely one of the weakest in the game. It's not a good sign when min-maxing your rescue-drops is the defining feature of the gameplay.

Speaking of weakest maps of a game, may I suggest buyable chest keys before chapter 6? Unless you happen to have two thieves available for it, of course.

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3 minutes ago, gnip said:

Fair, 8 is definitely one of the weakest in the game. It's not a good sign when min-maxing your rescue-drops is the defining feature of the gameplay.

I also moved the army ahead a bit in chapter 16 so you don't spend two turns walking forward at the start.

3 minutes ago, gnip said:

Speaking of weakest maps of a game, may I suggest buyable chest keys before chapter 6? Unless you happen to have two thieves available for it, of course.

You do, actually. In lieu of thieves (at the time I hadn't started outrealming other games' bosses for shits and giggles), I grabbed two 21x nomads and turned them into nomadic thieves. It's literally the same unit that joins twice under a different name for a joke, but you do have two thieves by chapter 6. On horses, too.

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28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

two thieves [...] On horses

The LTC crowd's going to love this

Incidently, Project Ember also did the extra doors in ch.8:


A possible downside is that the hallway on the left becomes irrelevant when add a path near Lilina's cell, which PE solved by throwing the Ostians into the fight immediately (and the green units mean that you can't hide in the corner since they will draw in nearby enemies). Without that, the map might lose its only big fight-y spot.

Still a worthwhile trade, if you ask me, though, even if the enemies to the left become less relevant. And come to think of it, even if the new units (assuming somebody turns up in your hack, too) don't spawn immediately, you still have to carve a way for them, or they will be murdered by the enemy reinforcements from their own spawning area.

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7 hours ago, Sooks said:

Yeesh. Hope I don’t have to hear them that much more.

Ah well it's a thematic thing. Only occurs in a couple of specific moments, it's just that those specific moments are very important.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Design of girl on the right 2 good

I like Patty's design in this game than in Ryza 2.


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15 minutes ago, gnip said:

Incidently, Project Ember also did the extra doors in ch.8:


A possible downside is that the hallway on the left becomes irrelevant when add a path near Lilina's cell, which PE solved by throwing the Ostians into the fight immediately (and the green units mean that you can't hide in the corner since they will draw in nearby enemies). Without that, the map might lose its only big fight-y spot.

Still a worthwhile trade, if you ask me, though, even if the enemies to the left become less relevant. And come to think of it, even if the new units (assuming somebody turns up in your hack, too) don't spawn immediately, you still have to carve a way for them, or they will be murdered by the enemy reinforcements from their own spawning area.

I tried to prevent the left side enemies from becoming irrelevant by making them charge when the player enters the Lilina chamber area. I hope the event works properly lol. I've also opened up the treasure room so they don't become easily stuck in a chokepoint. And of course, there's still folks that appear up there, and in my hack the gaiden unit is among them, so you have extra reason to keep them safe.

It's the most heavily edited map in the hack, since it's not a hack where I really strived to edit maps in the first place. I hope it works out okay.

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Ah yes, I also removed that awful, dreadful, deplorable, shitty-ass floor sinking mechanic from 14x. That has never added anything but the fun of waiting for the floor to come back up for 10 turns. Fuck it, it's gone.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah yes, I also removed that awful, dreadful, deplorable, shitty-ass floor sinking mechanic from 14x. That has never added anything but the fun of waiting for the floor to come back up for 10 turns. Fuck it, it's gone.

Hey, at least it's somewhat predictable what tiles disappear, and it's possible to outrun the process if you're careful. I actually like this version better (or dislike it less, maybe) than the BlaBla version.

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