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Ah, looks like I'm reaching stuff the anime didn't adapt at all. Hmm, I do wonder why. Was it time/space issues? Or because of what they were. I feel Akio's would definitely be more the latter.

Okay, I think I'll stop here for now. Gonna go back to Xeno. Gonna have stuff to do later in the afternoon, so I want to play some more Xeno before next weekend.

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Ok so, up until now Prey's been perfectly doable without objective markers. I could find my way to places just fine with the map and the ingame indications. I knew what I had to do at every point.

...Up until the game decided I need to look for a server drive in the middle of a massive no grav zone with visibility-impairing web plastered all over. Had to give up and turn them on for this. I was never going to find it by myself.


Seriously, look at this shit.

Incidentally, the drive is in the image. I didn't move it from where I found it. Care to look for it? You have it easy, I had another six images worth of area to scour and had to deal with constant directional shifts because of the lack of gravity.

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Marvelous got tipped off about the next Aty game?😛 I can see it now, the gal uses the "extracts" of all the people she meets in her life for the refining of her craft. Pls give her an incubrother or something. He doesn't have to be an alchemist, he could be... maybe a perfumer, who likewise uses those distilled extracts of people in his work. Or maybe he runs a bathhouse, for along with the filth, people wash away some of their essences, which he is able to filter out of the bathwater and bottle, or perhaps crystalize for bath salts. Obviously older brother in this case, who b/c Anime Dead Parents, takes care of his little sis and his business whatever it is, is what bankrolls her alchemy education.


5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

AHAHAHAHA, *undam. That kind of copyright-skirting is always funny to see...

Wait. They could put in Mobile Suit just fine!?

Now that sounds strange. Banpresto had to go with "Mobile Weapons" in OGs (I don't ever recall seeing the term used in GBA OG1&2). And you know they were sensitive to referencing Gundam too closely.


5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Searching for a lost soul (Lumen? Dunno, not sure exactly who GV is searching for?), listening to the news describing the events of the first 2 games (i think?), where GV is shown in a bad light, arriving at a shrine, asking people there about souls, then a dog stopping GV from getting to the place with the lost soul (well, not really stopping, but GV asking the dog if "she's here" and "if she doesn't think it's time yet", and the dog confirming both), then ending up with an epic Boss fight of epic propotions at the center of the shrine with some dude searching for something and....GV transforming into/switching places with Kirin, and sick combos going on with Talisman throwing and jumping around....until i got hit and lost all Kudos right at the end of the fight LMAO. Then dream ended with cutscene interlude about some mega corpo guy telling an Adept (on i recognize somehow) that there are rumors that GV is alive.

Then i woke up

How vivid, how remembered.😀 I neither recall mine for long, nor have them be particularly vibrant.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Ascetics have to keep each other in the habit of staying away from the appetites.

And by "appetites", I mean food.😋 Monastic communities were regulated by the Rules (the Rule of St. Benedict for Benedictines being the best known) that defined their dietary practices. As the Dark Ages gave way to the Middle Ages though, the portion of aristocratic second sons being (probably involuntarily) tonsured had risen, and these rich kids whined for the rich grub they had been used to for their entire lives. At the same time, loopholes regarding eating habits were found in the Rules, which were fully exploited.  The result was that contemporaries as early as the 1100s could complain that the chunky monks were eating better than kings.🤤

-Thus it is important for clerics to enforce on each other the rules of good priestly behavior!😇



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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Now that sounds strange. Banpresto had to go with "Mobile Weapons" in OGs (I don't ever recall seeing the term used in GBA OG1&2). And you know they were sensitive to referencing Gundam too closely.

Yeah, it's curious. Like, the beam sabers mentioned later on can be generic enough to get away with it, but Mobile Suit is too specific.

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18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I can see it now, the gal uses the "extracts" of all the people she meets in her life for the refining of her craft.

These "extracts" would have magical properties, after all!

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

loopholes regarding eating habits were found in the Rules, which were fully exploited

The religious classico

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@Lightchao42 we are feasting. Godzilla rocking that Millennium look.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

highly, highly doubt it. But we'll see.

Solm in general will probably get good world building. I also expect to see Ivy actually affected by having to fight against Elusia.

24 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

can see it now, the gal uses the "extracts" of all the people she meets in her life for the refining of her craft.

Extracting what 🤨


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23 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, used crystals until I couldn't. For Rare Blades, also got Ursula, Azami, Kora, and Perceval. Perhaps I should stop there... or should I release a few Common ones and see if I can get a few more Rares?

I suggest not trying to get every Rare Blade too early, you'll want to save some for the future Drivers. Also, fighting the baby Ardun in Torigoth is inadvisable.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bold of you to assume we're ever getting a new Mario Kart.

Of course not, it will be Nintendo Kart and there will be 25 Fire Emblem characters.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

from what i saw other peeps saying the Engage manga is actually really really good?

I liked the part where Alcryst called Alear a pervert for apparently putting chains on Veyle's ankles.

33 minutes ago, Armagon said:

we are feasting. Godzilla rocking that Millennium look.

Should Godzilla movies be a somber exploration of the human condition, or should dinosaur fight big ape?


I wasn't expecting Godzilla to get a redesign but I like the magenta-colored and crystalline spines. And I'm curious about Kong's new gauntlet; maybe Skar King will injure his hand at some point and Kong will get an upgrade?

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2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I suggest not trying to get every Rare Blade too early, you'll want to save some for the future Drivers. Also, fighting the baby Ardun in Torigoth is inadvisable.

Yeah, I did stopped. Didn't got that many in the end either.

2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Of course not, it will be Nintendo Kart and there will be 25 Fire Emblem characters.

I would unironically wish for a Nintendo Kart.

2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I liked the part where Alcryst called Alear a pervert for apparently putting chains on Veyle's ankles.

Now I need Alcryst meeting Kaga.

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48 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The religious classico

The Rule of St. Benedict says:

"We think it sufficient for the daily dinner, whether at the sixth or the ninth hour, that every table have two cooked dishes, on account of individual infirmities, so that he who for some reason cannot eat of the one may make his meal of the other. Therefore let two cooked dishes suffice for all the brethren; and if any fruit or fresh vegetables are available, let a third dish be added.

Let a good pound weight of bread suffice for the day, whether there be only one meal or both dinner and supper. If they are to have supper, the cellarer shall reserve a third of that pound, to be given them at supper."

It also says.:

"...let all abstain entirely from eating the flesh of four-footed animals."

The first half of the above sentence HOWEVER...:

"Except the sick who are very weak,"

Sounds fine to you?🤔

Okay, but what if you have the misericord -the room for sick monks- be built just as big as the refectory -the actual dining room?😃 And don't we all often have the sniffles or a cough, and ain't that technically being sick? So why not stop by the misericord and have a 🥩, you'd be allowed it.

The Rule in addition says.:

"it shall lie within the Abbot’s discretion and power, should it be expedient, to add something to the fare."

So if the Abbot, you know, the guy who gets chosen from among his own ranks in the abbey, decides "Hey, everyone gets a fourth dish!" then he can mercifully give it out. Or a fifth dish, or a thirteenth.😜 Nothing puts a hard limit on this clause.

I mean, there is this statement:

"Above all things, however, over-indulgence must be avoided and a monk must never be overtaken by indigestion; for there is nothing so opposed to the Christian character as over-indulgence, according to Our Lord’s words, “See to it that your hearts be not burdened with over-indulgence.”"

Yet, they're good monks, they're holy men. I'm sure they know how not to overeat, or get indigestion. I trust they'll be honest with themselves about this.😏

As for drinking alcohol.:

"Everyone has his own gift from God, one in this way and another in that.” It is therefore with some misgiving that we regulate the measure of other men’s sustenance. Nevertheless, keeping in view the needs of weaker brethren, we believe that a hemina [0.27 liters, about two modern glasses of wine] of wine a day is sufficient for each. But those to whom God gives the strength to abstain should know that they will receive a special reward."


"If the circumstances of the place, or the work, or the heat of summer require a greater measure, the Superior shall use his judgment in the matter, taking care always that there be no occasion for surfeit or drunkenness. We read, it is true, that wine is by no means a drink for monks; but since the monks of our day [Saint Benedict of Nursia: 480-547 AD, wrote his Rule in 512] cannot be persuaded of this, let us at least agree to drink sparingly and not to satiety, because “wine makes even the wise fall away.”"

The Superior knows better than anyone whether his clerics are drunk or not, and I'm certain he himself is capable of staying stone-cold sober too.🥴


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Extracting what 🤨

...I was intending to keep it PG as Atelier should be.😅 Extracting something like friendship. Or the essence of people's lifestyles. How about "Nautical Extract" with flavor text that reads "Derived from sailors, fishermen, and longshoremen [people who work in harbors like shipbuilders and cargo (un)loaders]. Smells strongly of seawater and encrusts the nostrils with salt."? You get it from... doing fetch quests for the people who would provide the appropriate extracts. Their gratitude is such that our little lady alchemist LiLi can take a deep breath and breathe it all in, and then exhale the extract into a magical bottle to store it for later use. 

What, can't make a succubus family-friendly?😝

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4 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Should Godzilla movies be a somber exploration of the human condition, or should dinosaur fight big ape?






The Godzilla rankings after having seen Minus One. Finally, a Godzilla film with an actually good human cast. Even Against MechaGodzilla was mainly carried by how good Akane was.

Also they put the King Kong vs Godzilla theme in the movie, that was a surprise.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

.I was intending to keep it PG as Atelier should be.😅 Extracting something like friendship. Or the essence of people's lifestyles. How about "Nautical Extract" with flavor text that reads "Derived from sailors, fishermen, and longshoremen [people who work in harbors like shipbuilders and cargo (un)loaders]. Smells strongly of seawater and encrusts the nostrils with salt."? You get it from... doing fetch quests for the people who would provide the appropriate extracts. Their gratitude is such that our little lady alchemist LiLi can take a deep breath and breathe it all in, and then exhale the extract into a magical bottle to store it for later use. 

What, can't make a succubus family-friendly?😝

Haha. That's more fitting for Rune Factory too.

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11 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Of course not, it will be Nintendo Kart and there will be 25 Fire Emblem characters.

Awesome. Garon for Nintendo Kart.

11 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I liked the part where Alcryst called Alear a pervert for apparently putting chains on Veyle's ankles.

Oh yeah, that was shared elsewhere and I saw it! Let me see if I can find my first reaction... Ah, here it is.

"Wow funny joke, I've never seen that in anime before"

Good to know that the Engage manga resorts to the lowest common denominator of anime humor. I was almost afraid it'd be too good.

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12 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I liked the part where Alcryst called Alear a pervert for apparently putting chains on Veyle's ankles.

Meanwhile in Vestaria Saga, after the final victory celebration ended up with Cyltan getting wasted during the night, Hoelun tried to drag his hungover ass out of bed in the morning, just for him to fall onto her while suffering a bad case of morning wood.
When it comes to this kind of cringe comedy, go big or go home.

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56 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Meanwhile in Vestaria Saga, after the final victory celebration ended up with Cyltan getting wasted during the night, Hoelun tried to drag his hungover ass out of bed in the morning, just for him to fall onto her while suffering a bad case of morning wood.
When it comes to this kind of cringe comedy, go big or go home.

I completely forgot the cringe comedic hijinxes. I was too busy flipping out at the fact that he and Zade slept together.

I swear, half of Vestaria is Kaga having gay gold in his hands and completely missing it in favor of shipping everyone with their underaged little sisters. Still crying over Alex and Hesty overhere...

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Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it because Maduro is enough of a dumbass to actually start seriously considering to take the Guyana Esequibo. They're holding referendums for now but I just know he knows his grip on the country is loosening and what better way to get it back than by taking land the government has considered their own for over a century.

This is literally just gonna be the Falklands War again if it escalates. Even though Guyana has nowhere near the military might of the UK, it'll still backfire hard because with what economy are you gonna wage a war with, Maduro? You cannot afford getting hit with Russia-level sanctions.

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

swear, half of Vestaria is Kaga having gay gold in his hands and completely missing it in favor of shipping everyone with their underaged little sisters

Kaga is trying to copy Araki but missed the part where it has to be as gay as possible.

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13 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Sounds ripe for abuse to me xD

There was one other passage on proper eating behavior, albeit not about eating/drinking itself.:

And let absolute silence be kept at table, so that no whispering may be heard nor any voice except the reader’s [of biblical passages]. As to the things they need while they eat and drink, let the brethren pass them to one another so that no one need ask for anything. If anything is needed, however, let it be asked for by means of some audible sign rather than by speech. Nor shall anyone at table presume to ask questions about the reading or anything else, lest that give occasion for talking; except that the Superior may perhaps wish to say something briefly for the purpose of edification.

It's one thing to make gestures strictly for the purpose of passing the food around. Buuuuuut the monks, according to visitors who wrote down their accounts, invented an entire sign language system 👌🤙🤘🖖, one that surely crossed the line into constituting sinful idle conversation.

Reads like St. Benedict was fairly considerate when he wrote his Rule, creating these little exceptions b/c IRL things sometimes demand some wiggle room. But you know what happens to nice guys.

On the positive side, the craftiness of Medieval ascetics led to the invention of almond milk.🥛 -It's not a modern invention after all. Lent and all the other fasting days where you had to go land-vegan meant dairy milk was often off-limits. Monks and the chefs of aristocrats realized almonds blended with water would make a good Lent-friendly substitute. Although, sometimes almond "milk" would be made using beer, or even wine now put that in your morning coffee.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it because Maduro is enough of a dumbass to actually start seriously considering to take the Guyana Esequibo. They're holding referendums for now but I just know he knows his grip on the country is loosening and what better way to get it back than by taking land the government has considered their own for over a century.

This is literally just gonna be the Falklands War again if it escalates. Even though Guyana has nowhere near the military might of the UK, it'll still backfire hard because with what economy are you gonna wage a war with, Maduro? You cannot afford getting hit with Russia-level sanctions.

I mean, it's likely the referendum was just done for theatrics/assurance. Just like how Milei made that statement about the Malvinas upon winning the presidency. No need to actually wage war, just acknowledge they haven't abandoned them.

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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, it's likely the referendum was just done for theatrics/assurance. Just like how Milei made that statement about the Malvinas upon winning the presidency. No need to actually wage war, just acknowledge they haven't abandoned them.

That's true but there's a notable difference. Falklands only happened in the first place because Argentina's military junta was losing support so they wanted to regain it+they didn't want the Brits getting too comfortable in South American waters. The Guyana Esequibo is a territorial dispute that goes as far back as the late 19th Century. And I think this is the first time they've held referendums in a long while. Not saying the war will happen but tensions that were relatively low have gotten higher now.

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