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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


That's alot of grinding

They were really right when they said bump is... I forget.😅 Swift? Efficient? Effortless? 3.7 billion times better than ye olde originale Dragone Queste ande turne-basede randome encounterse. After the first level-up, I didn't feel the grind at all, it just happened naturally.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

well, in Ys 1 the max level is 10 btw

I thought it was 20!😦

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Ys 1 does not have good boss design. I almost rage quit at one there myself

Ys 2 is much better in that regard

Thank you for the heads up!😀

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do love how Conservaman just sort of dances further right. There's something really entertaining about that.


Honestly my first thought when i saw this was

"Why are we letting them do this?"

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They were really right when they said bump is... I forget.😅 Swift? Efficient? Effortless?

Metal is the word i would use!

Glad to hear you are atleast (kinda) enjoying the bump!

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

thought it was 20!

10 in 1 and iirc 60 in (or 55)

Yeah, Ys 2 is quite a bit bigger. And much more fun

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And of course, there's this nonsense you bring up. Imagine thinking armor knights are so good that you need to specifically target them with nerfs. Goodness, IntSys

Why exactly is that nonsense? 

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5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Glad to hear you are atleast (kinda) enjoying the bump!

At first, yeah it's kinda awkward. But then it's an old game, and hey, Link didn't have it much better on his first adventure with his tiny little stabs (rooms of Darknuts suuuuuuuck!). And it's got fluidity/speed to it at least.

Although it leaves me wondering, why is Adol an infantry sword and not a cav man with a jousting lance?🤔🐎

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although it leaves me wondering, why is Adol an infantry sword and not a cav man with a jousting lance?🤔🐎

You played Celceta, you should know the answer 😛

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20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eh... Knowing all we know about Kaga, the pose does look rather pin-upish to me. Heck even later, in her second CG where she's actually dressed, she's making a really weird pain face that just... I don't know, Kaga man, you have issues.

I suppose I wouldn't look very comfortable either if I descend onto a raging battlefield wearing nothing but some drapes I pulled for some nearby window in a hurry. Or is it a tablecloth? Idk.

Jokes aside, I would imagine they were going for some "God descends in the final hour" thing, like it was described in the backstory for both FE4 and Tear Ring Saga. While at the same time being this moment of awakening for Athol.

Personally I would have preferred her being drawn with an expression that makes it look like she is about to pummel the dragon back under the earth with her bare fists, but nobody asks me.

In any case, Kaga seems to prefer to actually write scenarios that lead to the desired fetishy scenarios, slave Leia flavored or otherwise.
Like, sure, it's possible to turn a good chunk of the female cast into maids. But that's explicitly the result of hypnosis. Because none of those hardened knight ladies would wear something like this into battle if they were of sound mind, that would be absurd.

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3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

especially Cold steel (but not just) is really really dry

So whats changed in EN? CS I/II were fine, sure, but III and beyond are worse than dry. Xd

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19 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Xseed to Nisa

This is probably the worst decision they made. 

Now their characters are literally IRL memes. Their way of speech, I mean.

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3 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

This is probably the worst decision they made. 

Now their characters are literally IRL memes. Their way of speech, I mean.

what if they are like that in jp?

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I honestly like that art alot

I do quite dig Kirin's design tbh


Is there something else i can target beside him to arc slash out side of his AoE and stuff? I could arc slash into him repeatedly to evade his Ult, but i wasn't fast enough to evade most of his attacks hmmm


Encore time!

Now to not lose the 3.8k kudos i have when i lost 60% of my HP already


Gacha luck good?


Battle Priestess for FE lord when

OR too anime?




Poor DV


I do like GV3 quite a bit more than the others from first impression atleast

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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40 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I honestly like that art alot

I do quite dig Kirin's design tbh

I'm sorry if I'm slow to realize this/it was stated ingame, but look up the mythical beast ("kirin" is transliterating the Japanese name which is Nippon's adaption of the Chinese transliterated into English as "qilin").

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Smh defending Mega corpo




If only flexibility didn't meant "Work overtime for nothing" 😛


Ah she's one of those Xd

29 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm sorry if I'm slow to realize this/it was stated ingame, but look up the mythical beas

*looks up*


Makes sense

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The first gal to fall in love with Adol until Pre-Ys: Adol's Little Adventure (forgotten via magic ofc, just a 7-year-old-on-5 crush). This blue certainly wasn't the last.


Something to do with The Titular Thing The Franchise Outgrew As Little As I Know.

Boss beforehand was giving my control stick a workout, continually running in circles and circles and circles. Couldn't stop, because I tried going head-on in my second attempt, HP went from full-to-zero in under three seconds. Added an element of continual panic as I slowly chipped at its harmless segments.

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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Boss beforehand was giving my control stick a workout, continually running in circles and circles and circles

Ah wormy

You fought him before

In Ys 9 😉

This guy


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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Interesting things are happening in the Engage manga. The assault on Brodia ends differently, it ends with Ivy getting captured. We also get a flashback scene, including a (faceless) look at Ivy's mother, young Ivy and Hortensia and a young Hyacinth before he turned evil. The chapter itself end with Ivy being put on trial, seemingly at Alear's request (because the translations aren't out yet so i'm just going off visuals). Seems Morion just wanted to end her then and there but Alear and Diamant convince him not to. Morion says "alright but you gotta convince the senate too" according to people who read Japanese.


Ace Attorney. Also Lumera is there so things are really interesting (she didn't outright die in the start like in the game rememeber). It's a shame this thing is monthly cause i'd be keeping up with it otherwise.

Really makes me wonder how they'll handle the Elusia stuff now. Does Hyacinth still lead an attack to kidnap Morion. Does Ivy spill the beans and this is what causes a Boridan assault on Elusia but one that still ends with Morion and Hyacinth getting eaten?

All of this was Kaga's secret ploy to have Ivy get bound in ropes.

It's an interesting turn of events but i do hope Ivy isn't just left to the mercy of the men and actually gets to do something here, even if Alear and Diamant serve as her defense judges. Would actually get a bit disappointed if she actually is damseld in the rewrite that has largely improved things from the base story.

I'll admit, I'm actively avoiding the manga for now, since I don't want to end up taking (too much?) stuff consciously or not from it when I write my fanfic, but I must admit this part is interesting. Still, I do hope it doesn't become too one-sided when it comes to playing the blame game.

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Some additional stuff about the Engage manga, apparently there's a Support Convo that mentions how Morion couldn't do stuff without getting the senate's approval. Or something along those lines. So it's just another thing that the manga picked from the game and expands upon it. Cause like i mentioned earlier, Morion was convinced not to execute Ivy. You convinced the king, what more do you need? Fat noble's snobby opinion looks like.

(Also i suppose Ivy getting captured isn't completely original, you do capture her in the game too. It's just that you release her immediately).

6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Still not not their job tbh

See, i said what if the characterization is better but a lot of that does come down to how the characterization is conveyed through the dialogue. It can be achieved through spicing up the dialogue, that's the easiest example. Fan-translators, the good ones, do this too. The Geofront translation of one of the Crossbell games has Lloyd saying "if fishing at the hospital is wrong, i don't want to be right". Lines like that can endear someone to the character.

Funnily enough that same line was used by someone who was like "stuff like this is why official localizers ruin games" not realizing that the screenshot was from a fan-translation.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As for where this came from, I thiiiiink at one point Kaga went on record expressing concern that the contents of his games might hurt some Western sensibilities, and this good fella extrapolated from that that he let himself be lectured by The Wokes?

Kotaro Uchikoshi wrote the game AI: The Somnium Files. You may have heard of it. It has some lines about LGBT and a non-binary character, which he confirmed.


It's in the original Japanese script. The weebs uh....reacted very normally


If the stuff was added by a localizer, it's "bad localization". If it's stuff that was in there anyways/approved by the original creator, it's "the creator let himself be taken over by the woke" or better yet "the creator isn't even real". Incredible. 

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I do like GV3 quite a bit more than the others from first impression atleast

Those impressions are generally from people not being satisfied by how the story turned out after 6 years of waiting. But at lot of it feels like "but it wasn't what i wanted" tbh.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm sorry if I'm slow to realize this/it was stated ingame, but look up the mythical beast ("kirin" is transliterating the Japanese name which is Nippon's adaption of the Chinese transliterated into English as "qilin").

Certain GV characters are supposed to represent Asian directional gods

  • Gunvolt: Seriyu, the Azure Dragon of the East
  • Copen: Byakko, White Tiger of the West
  • Kirin: Kirin/Koryu, Yellow Dragon of the Center
  • Xiao: Genbu, the Black Tortoise of the North
  • Zed: Suzaku, Vermillion Bird of the South

All of them are playable except Xiao, who was supposed to be playable but that never went past the planning stages. For Gunvolt and Zed, this imagery is outright reflected in the in-game visuals. For the rest, it's more symbolic. Though there is this


the only time Copen's White Tiger imagery is outright shown.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Smh defending Mega corpo


Tbf she did say this side. And like to be fair you are basically assembling the X-Men here.

Some people have read Kirin's character as a corpo-bootlicker but i feel like it's in bad faith, especially since the whole story kicks off with her barging into Sumeragi and being like "look what you all did". She calls them out when needed but does acknowledge the advancements. It's not like this Sumeragi is still commiting war crimes.

8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Still, I do hope it doesn't become too one-sided when it comes to playing the blame game.

Agreed. Although, it's pretty easy to predict she'll be cooperative and divulge details. It'll be a different take on Ivy's "this is what Elusia is up to" moment from the game but generally following the same rules.

I'm just wondering how Morion gets taken in this version. Does Hyacinth attack, take him while leaving Ivy behind and that's when she fully realizes he's no longer the father she once knew?

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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:



That dude is a joke

The "Only those who speak jp can enjoy jp media" type of joke. A complete and utter moron.

Even weebs reject him xD

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

AI: The Somnium Files

I have this game on my wishlist. One day. Backlog too big

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Some people have read Kirin's character as a corpo-bootlicker but i feel like it's in bad faith, especially since the whole story kicks off with her barging into Sumeragi and being like "look what you all did"


she works for a megacorpo, so...

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

t's not like this Sumeragi is still commiting war crimes.

I still don't like how they are getting whitewashed lol

Tbh, my positive comment was more in regards to gameplay

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Lines like that can endear someone to the character.

If they are in character - fine

If not - Iffy on it

The last few years in particular have burned me hard on even slight changes when it comes to localizations, as i find they tend to be for the worse 90% of the time. Wether in games, manga or anime.

Although i tend to be not only more forgiving towards fantl, but also more often than not more trusting of them over official tl tbh - or fan edits of it. Even the text in English tends to flow better there.

There's always, always, a quality drop whenever a manga goes from Fan tl to official tl. And a very noticeable one at that.

But we are going on circles here

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm just wondering how Morion gets taken in this version.

Like Lumera, he will live

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21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Some additional stuff about the Engage manga, apparently there's a Support Convo that mentions how Morion couldn't do stuff without getting the senate's approval. Or something along those lines. So it's just another thing that the manga picked from the game and expands upon it. Cause like i mentioned earlier, Morion was convinced not to execute Ivy. You convinced the king, what more do you need? Fat noble's snobby opinion looks like.

(Also i suppose Ivy getting captured isn't completely original, you do capture her in the game too. It's just that you release her immediately).

Can't say I've found that one, but Diamant and Citrinne do talk about how the nobles also wanted the war, as they've profited greatly from it.

21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Agreed. Although, it's pretty easy to predict she'll be cooperative and divulge details. It'll be a different take on Ivy's "this is what Elusia is up to" moment from the game but generally following the same rules.

I'm just wondering how Morion gets taken in this version. Does Hyacinth attack, take him while leaving Ivy behind and that's when she fully realizes he's no longer the father she once knew?

It might not change too much. Morion gets goaded to the duel, goes without an Emblem, and Hyacinth beats him. I'd be surprised if the manga deviates from this, considering it's already fine as-is.

Now the Ivy part does sound more likely to change. If she's not released, she might instead be used as a political prisoner. Like, give Elusia an ultimatum. Stop the war or Ivy won't be released... but then it turns out Hyacinth don't care, they can keep her. That'd be another way...


Dammit, this is what I was saying I was going to avoid doing!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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